President Trumps CPAC speech..... *vid*

He spoke eloquently today. When he talked about his repealing of resulations forced upon farmer and ranchers who are losing their ranches because the government sees a puddle anf calls it a lake, it brought tears to my eyes. How quickly we had lost freedoms during the horrible Obama Regime and how quickly Trump is restoring them.

God bless and watch over this humble servant of the People.
He spoke eloquently today. When he talked about his repealing of resulations forced upon farmer and ranchers who are losing their ranches because the government sees a puddle anf calls it a lake, it brought tears to my eyes. How quickly we had lost freedoms during the horrible Obama Regime and how quickly Trump is restoring them.

God bless and watch over this humble servant of the People.
He gave an awesome speech. I loved every bit of it.
While some continue whining and crying, the Trump supporters will be basking on the winning side. :)

So what you're saying is you're a proud puzzy grabbee! :102:
I can respect a man who was offered more pussy than me. :)

The only pussy Trump gets, he has to pay for. Hookers and porn stars. Real quality women. And they didn’t offer to have sex with him. He agreed to pay, and that’s what they do for a living.

This was a business deal for the women. And like everyone Trump does business with, they got the better of him.
While some continue whining and crying, the Trump supporters will be basking on the winning side. :)

So what you're saying is you're a proud puzzy grabbee! :102:
I can respect a man who was offered more pussy than me. :)

The only pussy Trump gets, he has to pay for. Hookers and porn stars. Real quality women. And they didn’t offer to have sex with him. He agreed to pay, and that’s what they do for a living.

This was a business deal for the women. And like everyone Trump does business with, they got the better of him.
FYI; in one form or another you always pay for pussy.
A lot more than have been built or repaired under Trump. Or are you forgetting the stimulus?

The ONLY accomplishment of Trumps first year is tax cuts for himself and his buddies.
Does that make you feel better lying to us? Shovel ready jobs really happened under the Brown Turd? Maybe you're too stupid to know you've been duped by the media.

Have some respect for yourself and start debating cleanly here. This isn't the Democratic Underground where you can add to the echo.

It feels good to finally have a president working harder to fix the problems we have than creating an image for himself.


Rasmussen Poll: Trump at 50% Approval
Rasmussen Poll: Trump at 50% Approval
This is five points higher than where Barack Obama was on the same day or during the same week in his presidency. And you’re not going to hear that reported, either. As far as Obama’s concerned the American people wish he could come back! (sobbing) “The American people miss Obama so much, and they miss Michelle (My Belle) Obama so much, and they really wish Obama could come back so we’d have some sophistication and adults in the White House.” - Rush

All this is gonna be part of the never-ending onslaught to your sensibilities for the balance of this year.
Libs, this is your trigger to attack Rush and Rasmussen.



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Liar in Chief can make an hour-long speech with a dozen major confirmable, indisputable lies and a long list of every day falsehoods and his supporters will claim he made a wonderful speech.
Dotard should seriously consider sticking to the prompter.
I feel bad for those poor loonies who had to sit there and listen to that crap for over an hour.

And today they get further meandering from Little Devin Nunes - Who will tell them all about the horrible and corrupt FBI.
Punk may get slapped with an obstruction of justice. :)

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