President Trump’s Hot Attorney Addresses Media Outside DC Courthouse – PROMISES DISCOVERY in the Case (VIDEO)

More Gateway Pundit $$$, eh? :heehee:
Genetic or original fallacy, Bodey-Os.

The genetic fallacy reasons that one can accurately judge or assess something as good or bad based on where it originates from.

This woman is very astute and will represent Trump well. She laid out the facts outside the courthouse moments ago. Jack Smith has made a critical error in his indictment.

Video in the link.
It was hot today.
A Trump hater at the NY Times admitted their mistake today, working class Americans are fed up with the prissy elitist ivy league snobs who shit on the working class and are flocking to Trump.
What schools did Trump attend?
Wharton School of Business.
Which is an IVY League School--Derpa...
You mean when she demanded Discovery?

Even My Cousin Vinny got Discovery
Nah. Discovery in this case could easily take years. Mr. Smith put at issue the entire 2020 election, which means the elections in at least the states he mentions, if not all 50 states.

What I was referring to was her listing the "coincidences" of the actions by the DOJ and Mr. Smith within hours/days of some incriminating facts about the Bidens becoming public.
To get off, Trump will have to provide his evidence that the election was stolen

So sorry genius...ever hear of "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY"?

That means the nazis have to prove in court...what trump was THUNKING!

Rotsa Ruck :D
So sorry genius...ever hear of "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY"?

That means the nazis have to prove in court...what trump was THUNKING!

Rotsa Ruck :D
Very true

And when the Prosecution provides evidence of the verification of the votes, state certification and testimony of Trump being given evidence he lost and admitting he lost in private…

He got some Splain’n to do
This woman is very astute and will represent Trump well. She laid out the facts outside the courthouse moments ago. Jack Smith has made a critical error in his indictment.

Video in the link.


You're welcome.

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