President Trump's racist neglect of Puerto Rico is threatening lives

President Trump, General Mad Dog Mattis, and DOD should send the Navy, including the USNS Comfort, to Puerto Rico now. These are American citizens.

He did fool, your just a race baiter, quit watching cnn, it is lowering your IQ to that of a chicken.


American citizens? Wth? Obamas' 8 yrs wasted $10T and counting I don't have any money left after this disasterous period.

Close the island. Let them all go Canada, make a deal? Their crappy island should have been built to withstand known events. Too bad, stuff happens. We are broke. They are non-productive. Why build them up again?
Representative of the typical Trump voter.

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Still running from your claim about how trump is 10 points higher than a moth ago, are ya?

Here, watch as I demonstrate again what a raving lunatic you are....
I'm waiting dipshit...I guess you can't read. Buuuuuaaaahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
When a hurricane hits, there are no Democrats or Republicans--only Americans, families struggling to survive. Shameful that President Trump can't see that.
"First ones to arrive New York's finest to set up the logistics for distribution of our donations and aid. Thanks" - San Juan Mayor


Tales of the Presidency

But what we’ve learned from the tick-tock of the first days of the crisis, is that there were a critical three to five days post-landfall when the President and the White House simply weren’t engaged. The President was in the midst of a self-created blow up over the NFL. He wasn’t physically at the White House, which was highly significant when combined with his inattention. I’m confident that people at FEMA were kicking into gear regardless. But the nature of the crisis was simply beyond FEMA’s capacity to handle alone and FEMA itself was stretched thin by two other crises in Texas and Florida.

After that 3-5 day period of inattention, the administration did begin to kick into gear. I’m sure the response remains inadequate. But it also seems clear that the response did shift substantially after day 5 or so. By then critical time had been lost. Things that could have been done on day one could no longer be done or, more specifically, they could no longer have as great an effect. They lost critical time.

It’s in a very different category. But Trump’s personal focus has clearly been mostly on defending himself and attacking his critics. In itself that’s only optics. It’s unclear how much that continues to hobble the management of recovery efforts or whether that is all underway regardless. But any sensible person would understand that you can’t ever say ‘We’re doing great‘ or “It’s going great” in this kind of situation even if you’re doing everything possible and as best as you possibly can. But that sort of human, commonsense understanding is completely beyond this President. Some things can never be fixed.

Tales of the Presidency
On Fox FEMA Administrator Brock Long says hurricane relief for Puerto Rico is “the most logistically challenging event the US has ever seen”
"Puerto Rico

- received $21 billion a year from U.S
. - does not pay federal income taxes

What has PR government been doing?" - Trump
President Trump, General Mad Dog Mattis, and DOD should send the Navy, including the USNS Comfort, to Puerto Rico now. These are American citizens.



You are an idiot who listens to fake news. A lot has been done for PR. Of course, the people there have no clue what it means to help each other, the way Texans did. When trucks couldn't get through, helicopters were sent.

Trump has received praise from PR officials since he has been in contact with them since before the storm.

Shame that fake news' only goal is to make Trump look bad instead of informing people about what is actually happening.
Still running from your claim about how trump is 10 points higher than a moth ago, are ya?

Here, watch as I demonstrate again what a raving lunatic you are....
I'm waiting dipshit...I guess you can't read. Buuuuuaaaahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Aww, you poor thing. Bless your heart, I still pity you. :it’s ok:

I already proved no poll showed trump gaining anywhere near 10 points since last month.
Puerto Rico cries for help, 9 million children lose health care, administration riddled with corruption. Trump golfs while America burns.
Poor, crazy dale -- still has nothing to do with your fellow nutter claiming trump is 10 points higher in the polls than a month ago. :cuckoo:

So, how did that election work out for leftards such as yourself? I mean you were (snicker) "bookmarking posts" so you might use it to gloat........but my oh my how you are having to "toady". Sucks to be a leftard these days......

Poor, demented dale -- still trying so hard to divert the conversation away from his fellow cult member making the ludicrous claim....
a month ago his numbers were 10 points lower than today...

I do not participate in the elections of this banana republic that is owned by central bankers, punkinpuss. I am simply reminding you of your faith in the polling system and how you were prepared to to be you.

Who cares what you do? Most here know you're crazy anyway.

Right now, we're not discussing either the validity of polls or the faith in them, despite your wasted efforts to divert the topic in a vain attempt to save your fellow nut job.

He made the claim that trump is ten points higher than he was a month ago. That's either true or false.

I proved it's flat out false.

Trump is more popular than any polling site would ever admit......that much I can guaran-fucking-tee you and I don't give a shit what the small polling samples claim that they can spin. Whatever poll the one you are having a pissing contest with is going by? Is more than likely 100 times more reliable than what the lamestream media uses for it's propaganda purposes. You declared last year that the polls had already declared the Hildeklunt as a definite winner of the 2016 election and no amount of spin can change that.....your leftard pals are already started gloating and acting like the typical leftard sacks of commie shit that those of your ilk most certainly are....THAT is MY point, dipshit.

P.S Do you EVER get tired of getting your cyber ass kicked from one side of this forum to the other? I mean, you are showing these sado-masochistic tendencies where you seem to enjoy getting bitch-slapped.

And by “bitch-slap,” you mean vomit crazy stories like how Sandy Hook was a hoax and then stab your cane at others names because you’re certifiably insane.
Programs GOP Congress let expire last night
-healthcare for low-income kids
-Community health centers
-Loans for low-income college students

we have a HEARTLESS president!
TRUMP JUST TWEETED ABOUT PUERTO RICO! clearly he felt the pressure from my thread!

"Texas & Florida are doing great but Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in deep trouble......It's old electrical grid, which was in terrible shape, was devastated. Much of the Island was destroyed, with billions of dollars owed to Wall Street and the banks which, sadly, must be dealt with. Food, water and medical are top priorities - and doing well."

God hates Puerto Rico, so SHE sent two hurricanes to fuck up Puerto Rico.

Trump caused the Hurricanes.

Because he's... Racist!

Exactly. There were no severe Hurricanes before Trump took office.

That Cat 5 Hurricane in the 1930s that hit the keys and killed 400 people was because of my Suburban.

It tough to follow Prog logic
"First ones to arrive New York's finest to set up the logistics for distribution of our donations and aid. Thanks" - San Juan Mayor


This was the worst possible situation and anyone who isn't listening to what Brock said, you need to. This is the most logistically challenging mess they've ever dealt with. It is no one's fault except Mother Nature's. It is going to take some time to make progress. That seems to have been made, bit by bit. Each morning I listen for the new numbers, the new stats on how many hospitals, grocery stores, gas stations are open. How many areas have coms back. Have the military units arrived yet? That will help.

Okay, my two cents worth:
I wish, wish, wish that the media would not present us with just the negative here. As you all know, I don't care for Trump, but this to me is not about Trump, should not be about Trump. It is about the people of Puerto Rico. I'm sure the reason I hear nothing but bad news about the recovery efforts is because they are doing their best to slam Trump. For those of us who just want to know how the folks of PR are doing, all this political bullshit is HIGHLY ANNOYING.

The coverage of the hurricanes in Houston and Florida included some highlights on the people helping people, stories of folks in the shelters getting help; it wasn't all negative. I keep comparing the numbers each day, and things have slowly improved somewhat. But all I hear is that days-old clip of the Mayor of San Juan saying people are dying and etc. and then pundits talking about "Trump's Katrina." Hells bells, this coverage sucks. The media is definitely making things look more awful than it is in order to blame Trump, and they are also disheartening those of us who are just wishing for improvement for the sake of the people of P.R. Keep the politics out of it, please. Just for once, try to recall that there are some things more important than politics and winning for your side. I'm on no one's side but the people of P.R. and it would be nice to have some balanced coverage on that.

Someone send that on to our MSM, please.

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