President Trump's racist neglect of Puerto Rico is threatening lives

^^^ See that...?


That’s the reason most folks here pity you.
You are such a fool....a month ago his numbers were 10 points lower than today...thank you for proving it with your post dupe...Trump is winning people over...the media is lying and dupes like you will learn the hard way just like in November....
You remain an imbecile. 10 points, huh?


Gallup ......................... 34%
Rasmussen Reports ... 42%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 37%
FOX News ................... 41%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 35%


Gallup .......................... 37%
Rasmussen Reports ... 45%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 39%
FOX News ................... 42%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 36%

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Like I said, this is why folks pity you ... because you're such a trump fluffer and you're so retarded. :badgrin:

The same polls that claimed the Hildebeast was going to be a "run-away" winner in the 2016 presidential election.......yawn.
Poor, demented Dale -- that has nothing to do with your fellow moron claiming trump has gained 10 points in the polls since a month ago when it's actually less than 2 on average. :cuckoo:

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

that's why the dem/libs are so scared. they know that the bitch will lose and there is nothing they can do about it. Hillary Clinton is a terrible person and a terrible candidate

"Bookmarked for future nose rubbing" So said Fawn.........whom is getting HIS nose rubbed in the asskickicking of the Hildeklunt........
Poor, crazy dale -- still has nothing to do with your fellow nutter claiming trump is 10 points higher in the polls than a month ago. :cuckoo:
You are such a fool....a month ago his numbers were 10 points lower than today...thank you for proving it with your post dupe...Trump is winning people over...the media is lying and dupes like you will learn the hard way just like in November....
You remain an imbecile. 10 points, huh?


Gallup ......................... 34%
Rasmussen Reports ... 42%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 37%
FOX News ................... 41%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 35%


Gallup .......................... 37%
Rasmussen Reports ... 45%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 39%
FOX News ................... 42%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 36%

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Like I said, this is why folks pity you ... because you're such a trump fluffer and you're so retarded. :badgrin:

The same polls that claimed the Hildebeast was going to be a "run-away" winner in the 2016 presidential election.......yawn.
Poor, demented Dale -- that has nothing to do with your fellow moron claiming trump has gained 10 points in the polls since a month ago when it's actually less than 2 on average. :cuckoo:

Yeah, it was this time a year ago that leftards were opening bottles of champagne because due to the polls? A Hildeklunt win was a "done deal"......shall I take a trip through memory lane and posts some of these entries, fawn????
You're crazy, dale. Still has nothing to do with with your fellow nut claiming a 1.7 drop was a 10 point drop. :cuckoo:

What it means is that you can't put any faith in polls, dipshit.
His job Approval numbers are 45% and incing up. By the way...
^^^ See that...?


That’s the reason most folks here pity you.
You are such a fool....a month ago his numbers were 10 points lower than today...thank you for proving it with your post dupe...Trump is winning people over...the media is lying and dupes like you will learn the hard way just like in November....
You remain an imbecile. 10 points, huh?


Gallup ......................... 34%
Rasmussen Reports ... 42%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 37%
FOX News ................... 41%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 35%


Gallup .......................... 37%
Rasmussen Reports ... 45%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 39%
FOX News ................... 42%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 36%

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Like I said, this is why folks pity you ... because you're such a trump fluffer and you're so retarded. :badgrin:

Aren't you supposed to be showing how trump is points higher in the polls than he was a month ago? That was your claim ya know.... :badgrin:
You are such a fool....a month ago his numbers were 10 points lower than today...thank you for proving it with your post dupe...Trump is winning people over...the media is lying and dupes like you will learn the hard way just like in November....
You remain an imbecile. 10 points, huh?


Gallup ......................... 34%
Rasmussen Reports ... 42%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 37%
FOX News ................... 41%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 35%


Gallup .......................... 37%
Rasmussen Reports ... 45%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 39%
FOX News ................... 42%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 36%

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Like I said, this is why folks pity you ... because you're such a trump fluffer and you're so retarded. :badgrin:

The same polls that claimed the Hildebeast was going to be a "run-away" winner in the 2016 presidential election.......yawn.
Poor, demented Dale -- that has nothing to do with your fellow moron claiming trump has gained 10 points in the polls since a month ago when it's actually less than 2 on average. :cuckoo:

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

that's why the dem/libs are so scared. they know that the bitch will lose and there is nothing they can do about it. Hillary Clinton is a terrible person and a terrible candidate

"Bookmarked for future nose rubbing" So said Fawn.........whom is getting HIS nose rubbed in the asskickicking of the Hildeklunt........
Poor, crazy dale -- still has nothing to do with your fellow nutter claiming trump is 10 points higher in the polls than a month ago. :cuckoo:

So, how did that election work out for leftards such as yourself? I mean you were (snicker) "bookmarking posts" so you might use it to gloat........but my oh my how you are having to "toady". Sucks to be a leftard these days......

You remain an imbecile. 10 points, huh?


Gallup ......................... 34%
Rasmussen Reports ... 42%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 37%
FOX News ................... 41%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 35%


Gallup .......................... 37%
Rasmussen Reports ... 45%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 39%
FOX News ................... 42%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 36%

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Like I said, this is why folks pity you ... because you're such a trump fluffer and you're so retarded. :badgrin:

The same polls that claimed the Hildebeast was going to be a "run-away" winner in the 2016 presidential election.......yawn.
Poor, demented Dale -- that has nothing to do with your fellow moron claiming trump has gained 10 points in the polls since a month ago when it's actually less than 2 on average. :cuckoo:

Yeah, it was this time a year ago that leftards were opening bottles of champagne because due to the polls? A Hildeklunt win was a "done deal"......shall I take a trip through memory lane and posts some of these entries, fawn????
You're crazy, dale. Still has nothing to do with with your fellow nut claiming a 1.7 drop was a 10 point drop. :cuckoo:

What it means is that you can't put any faith in polls, dipshit.
You demented imbecile.... this has nothing to do with faith in polls. That's the part you're too crazy to understand.

A moron made the claim that trump is 10 points higher than he was a month ago. That has absolutely nothing to do with faith in polls and everything to with with lucidity -- which Rambunctious proves he lacks since I was able to show trump is up nowhere near 10 points from a month ago.

Now I get he's on your side so you feel compelled to suck him off -- but you're making as big an ass of yourself as he is when he makes such easily debunked claims as -- trump is 10 points higher than a month ago.
Now Faun will run away and hide she really hates it when she is shown to be wrong...
You remain an imbecile. 10 points, huh?


Gallup ......................... 34%
Rasmussen Reports ... 42%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 37%
FOX News ................... 41%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 35%


Gallup .......................... 37%
Rasmussen Reports ... 45%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 39%
FOX News ................... 42%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 36%

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Like I said, this is why folks pity you ... because you're such a trump fluffer and you're so retarded. :badgrin:

The same polls that claimed the Hildebeast was going to be a "run-away" winner in the 2016 presidential election.......yawn.
Poor, demented Dale -- that has nothing to do with your fellow moron claiming trump has gained 10 points in the polls since a month ago when it's actually less than 2 on average. :cuckoo:

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

that's why the dem/libs are so scared. they know that the bitch will lose and there is nothing they can do about it. Hillary Clinton is a terrible person and a terrible candidate

"Bookmarked for future nose rubbing" So said Fawn.........whom is getting HIS nose rubbed in the asskickicking of the Hildeklunt........
Poor, crazy dale -- still has nothing to do with your fellow nutter claiming trump is 10 points higher in the polls than a month ago. :cuckoo:

So, how did that election work out for leftards such as yourself? I mean you were (snicker) "bookmarking posts" so you might use it to gloat........but my oh my how you are having to "toady". Sucks to be a leftard these days......

Poor, demented dale -- still trying so hard to divert the conversation away from his fellow cult member making the ludicrous claim....
a month ago his numbers were 10 points lower than today...
The same polls that claimed the Hildebeast was going to be a "run-away" winner in the 2016 presidential election.......yawn.
Poor, demented Dale -- that has nothing to do with your fellow moron claiming trump has gained 10 points in the polls since a month ago when it's actually less than 2 on average. :cuckoo:

Yeah, it was this time a year ago that leftards were opening bottles of champagne because due to the polls? A Hildeklunt win was a "done deal"......shall I take a trip through memory lane and posts some of these entries, fawn????
You're crazy, dale. Still has nothing to do with with your fellow nut claiming a 1.7 drop was a 10 point drop. :cuckoo:

What it means is that you can't put any faith in polls, dipshit.
You demented imbecile.... this has nothing to do with faith in polls. That's the part you're too crazy to understand.

A moron made the claim that trump is 10 points higher than he was a month ago. That has absolutely nothing to do with faith in polls and everything to with with lucidity -- which Rambunctious proves he lacks since I was able to show trump is up nowhere near 10 points from a month ago.

Now I get he's on your side so you feel compelled to suck him off -- but you're making as big an ass of yourself as he is when he makes such easily debunked claims as -- trump is 10 points higher than a month ago.

Given the reaction to the low TV numbers of the NFL and lousy attendance of said games? I would say that the majority of Americans are firmly behind Donald Trump. You cling to the polls much like you did during the election and you were hoping to gloat.......didn't work out too well for you at all.

Now I get he's on your side so you feel compelled to suck him off -- but you're making as big an ass of yourself as he is when he makes such easily debunked claims as -- trump is 10 points higher than a month ago.
Tomorrow when the crack wears off you will realize how stupid you looked in this thread...
Aren't you supposed to be showing how trump is points higher in the polls than he was a month ago? That was your claim ya know
I already did stupid.

Sorry but no one else can see your delusions. Trump, as I proved, has not gained 10 points in any poll...


Gallup .......................... 34%
Rasmussen Reports ... 42%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 37%
FOX News .................... 41%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 35%


Gallup .......................... 37%
Rasmussen Reports ... 45%
Reuters/Ipsos .............. 39%
FOX News .................... 42%
Economist/YouGov ...... 40%
Quinnipiac .................... 36%

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

I still feel pity for you. :itsok:
The same polls that claimed the Hildebeast was going to be a "run-away" winner in the 2016 presidential election.......yawn.
Poor, demented Dale -- that has nothing to do with your fellow moron claiming trump has gained 10 points in the polls since a month ago when it's actually less than 2 on average. :cuckoo:

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

that's why the dem/libs are so scared. they know that the bitch will lose and there is nothing they can do about it. Hillary Clinton is a terrible person and a terrible candidate

"Bookmarked for future nose rubbing" So said Fawn.........whom is getting HIS nose rubbed in the asskickicking of the Hildeklunt........
Poor, crazy dale -- still has nothing to do with your fellow nutter claiming trump is 10 points higher in the polls than a month ago. :cuckoo:

So, how did that election work out for leftards such as yourself? I mean you were (snicker) "bookmarking posts" so you might use it to gloat........but my oh my how you are having to "toady". Sucks to be a leftard these days......

Poor, demented dale -- still trying so hard to divert the conversation away from his fellow cult member making the ludicrous claim....
a month ago his numbers were 10 points lower than today...

I do not participate in the elections of this banana republic that is owned by central bankers, punkinpuss. I am simply reminding you of your faith in the polling system and how you were prepared to to be you.

Now I get he's on your side so you feel compelled to suck him off -- but you're making as big an ass of yourself as he is when he makes such easily debunked claims as -- trump is 10 points higher than a month ago.
Tomorrow when the crack wears off you will realize how stupid you looked in this thread...

By proving what a moron you are??
Poor, demented Dale -- that has nothing to do with your fellow moron claiming trump has gained 10 points in the polls since a month ago when it's actually less than 2 on average. :cuckoo:

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

that's why the dem/libs are so scared. they know that the bitch will lose and there is nothing they can do about it. Hillary Clinton is a terrible person and a terrible candidate

"Bookmarked for future nose rubbing" So said Fawn.........whom is getting HIS nose rubbed in the asskickicking of the Hildeklunt........
Poor, crazy dale -- still has nothing to do with your fellow nutter claiming trump is 10 points higher in the polls than a month ago. :cuckoo:

So, how did that election work out for leftards such as yourself? I mean you were (snicker) "bookmarking posts" so you might use it to gloat........but my oh my how you are having to "toady". Sucks to be a leftard these days......

Poor, demented dale -- still trying so hard to divert the conversation away from his fellow cult member making the ludicrous claim....
a month ago his numbers were 10 points lower than today...

I do not participate in the elections of this banana republic that is owned by central bankers, punkinpuss. I am simply reminding you of your faith in the polling system and how you were prepared to to be you.

Who cares what you do? Most here know you're crazy anyway.

Right now, we're not discussing either the validity of polls or the faith in them, despite your wasted efforts to divert the topic in a vain attempt to save your fellow nut job.

He made the claim that trump is ten points higher than he was a month ago. That's either true or false.

I proved it's flat out false.
Now I get he's on your side so you feel compelled to suck him off -- but you're making as big an ass of yourself as he is when he makes such easily debunked claims as -- trump is 10 points higher than a month ago.
Tomorrow when the crack wears off you will realize how stupid you looked in this thread...

By proving what a moron you are??


Still running from your claim about how trump is 10 points higher than a moth ago, are ya?

Here, watch as I demonstrate again what a raving lunatic you are....
a month ago his numbers were 10 points lower than today...
aug/30: 38.5
sep/30: 40.0


^^^ That's ^^^ a 10 point jump, right?

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

that's why the dem/libs are so scared. they know that the bitch will lose and there is nothing they can do about it. Hillary Clinton is a terrible person and a terrible candidate

"Bookmarked for future nose rubbing" So said Fawn.........whom is getting HIS nose rubbed in the asskickicking of the Hildeklunt........
Poor, crazy dale -- still has nothing to do with your fellow nutter claiming trump is 10 points higher in the polls than a month ago. :cuckoo:

So, how did that election work out for leftards such as yourself? I mean you were (snicker) "bookmarking posts" so you might use it to gloat........but my oh my how you are having to "toady". Sucks to be a leftard these days......

Poor, demented dale -- still trying so hard to divert the conversation away from his fellow cult member making the ludicrous claim....
a month ago his numbers were 10 points lower than today...

I do not participate in the elections of this banana republic that is owned by central bankers, punkinpuss. I am simply reminding you of your faith in the polling system and how you were prepared to to be you.

Who cares what you do? Most here know you're crazy anyway.

Right now, we're not discussing either the validity of polls or the faith in them, despite your wasted efforts to divert the topic in a vain attempt to save your fellow nut job.

He made the claim that trump is ten points higher than he was a month ago. That's either true or false.

I proved it's flat out false.

Trump is more popular than any polling site would ever admit......that much I can guaran-fucking-tee you and I don't give a shit what the small polling samples claim that they can spin. Whatever poll the one you are having a pissing contest with is going by? Is more than likely 100 times more reliable than what the lamestream media uses for it's propaganda purposes. You declared last year that the polls had already declared the Hildeklunt as a definite winner of the 2016 election and no amount of spin can change that.....your leftard pals are already started gloating and acting like the typical leftard sacks of commie shit that those of your ilk most certainly are....THAT is MY point, dipshit.

P.S Do you EVER get tired of getting your cyber ass kicked from one side of this forum to the other? I mean, you are showing these sado-masochistic tendencies where you seem to enjoy getting bitch-slapped.

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