President Trump's tax cuts when he gets into office, will cost more than all federal agencies. So cut the federal agencies, which are bloated enough.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
(Bloomberg) -- Republican nominee Donald Trump and running mate JD Vance are campaigning on a grab bag of tax cut proposals that could collectively cost as much as $10.5 trillion over a decade, a massive sum that would exceed the combined budgets of every domestic federal agency.
Even if Congress were to eliminate every dollar of non-defense discretionary spending — projected to be $9.8 trillion over the next 10 years — it still wouldn’t offset the estimated expense of the wide-ranging tax cuts Trump and Vance have floated in recent weeks.
President Trump knows that more people would want to keep more of their own money than allow this way over bloated federal government to continue, even with all the failures of the FBI, CIA, USSS, DOH, and yes, the military in the Pentagon. So when he gets in, he should, cut each organizations budget by 50 percent, the first year, thus eliminating the non-essential personnel, and bridges to nowhere, and rockets that cant do the job but half ass, while the private sector X can do it much cheaper. Do you agree, that you the tax payer would do a better job with your own money?

MSN President Trump knows that more people would want to keep more of their own money than allow this way over bloated federal government to continue, even with all the failures of the FBI, CIA, USSS, DOH, and yes, the military in the Pentagon. So when he gets in, he should, cut each organizations budget by 50 percent, the first year, thus eliminating the non-essential personnel, and bridges to nowhere, and rockets that cant do the job but half ass, while the private sector X can do it much cheaper. Do you agree, that you the tax payer would do a better job with your own money?

If they used the money they spent on lawfare against Republicans on anything else.....that would have solved some massive issue somewhere.
So cripple the USPS, privatize that more, let the public pay prices dictated by equity markets and profit seeking rather than regulated to maintain affordability for all people in the country. Shut down post offices so that elderly people must travel far to get to one and rip out the blue mail boxes from the high streets to make it more difficult to mail a letter. Hand all the public financed infrastructure to private companies.

Tell me, how is that kind of thing meant to help ME again? I'm just not getting it.
Tax cuts spur on economic growth and investment which chews down the national debt.... people have more to spend so it also helps the states deficit... tax hikes do the opposite... and Kamala is itching to raise your taxes and regulations...
Up to a point....
There's a balance required that moves as time goes forward.

We want to see growth in GDP. Taxes, lotteries, and etc flatten the economic growth. But there also exists a point where tax cuts are no longer effective too.
So cripple the USPS, privatize that more, let the public pay prices dictated by equity markets and profit seeking rather than regulated to maintain affordability for all people in the country. Shut down post offices so that elderly people must travel far to get to one and rip out the blue mail boxes from the high streets to make it more difficult to mail a letter. Hand all the public financed infrastructure to private companies.

Tell me, how is that kind of thing meant to help ME again? I'm just not getting it.
Uhm, have you seen this economy of late with all the "regulations" that Camel Toe Harris and Joe Bribem put on the US businesses? I bet you were doing a whole hell of a lot better 5 years ago.
Up to a point....
There's a balance required that moves as time goes forward.

We want to see growth in GDP. Taxes, lotteries, and etc flatten the economic growth. But there also exists a point where tax cuts are no longer effective too.
Government cuts.....Never has happened, just keep on getting bigger and bigger.
Look at the Federal Budget when Bush first got in, then look at it today?
Look at the income revenue back in 2000 vs today.

When George Bush 1st took office.

Today's debt clock

Up to a point....
There's a balance required that moves as time goes forward.

We want to see growth in GDP. Taxes, lotteries, and etc flatten the economic growth. But there also exists a point where tax cuts are no longer effective too.
That has never been the case... at least not in my lifetime... every time tax and regulations are cut the economy grows stronger... people have more money to spend and jobs are created by new 2017 we watched it happen less than a year after Trump cut taxes and regulations... Regan had the same success...
And as a bonus more people get jobs with Health insurance which takes them off the governments insurance system...
There is nothing bad about tax cuts except the dems lose their grasp and control on poor folks because there is fewer of them....
I am not familiar with the tax cuts they refer to, nor am I gullible enough to believe anything that network would publish, but a little reality check might be in order...

The "Trump" tax cuts of 2017 were passed during his first year in office, and became effective the following year. Ignoring the Pandemic impacts, annual Federal tax REVENUES (that is money coming in) increased by $1,600,000,000 dollars by 2022. That is ANNUAL revenue, not CUMULATIVE. Of course the Democrats in Congress managed to spend all that money, and more, but...

When Trump first broached the subject of these tax cuts, the very same Leftists predicted that Federal tax revenues would decrease. Yet they increased enormously. And rather than learn from their own stupid mistakes of a few years ago, they continue to claim that these tax cuts will reduce Federal revenues.

Seriously, how stupid do you have to be...? Apparently, you can get a J-school degree without having studied Econ. Indeed, without having any understanding whatsoever of economics.
Uhm, have you seen this economy of late with all the "regulations" that Camel Toe Harris and Joe Bribem put on the US businesses? I bet you were doing a whole hell of a lot better 5 years ago.
Regulations like mandatory sick leave, paid overtime, preventing children being employed, mandatory lunch breaks, providing a safe work environment, criminalizing sexual and racial discrimination at work, facilitating the employment of disabled people and providing wheelchair access and so on, those kinds of regulations you mean?
Regulations like mandatory sick leave, paid overtime, preventing children being employed, mandatory lunch breaks, providing a safe work environment, criminalizing sexual and racial discrimination at work, facilitating the employment of disabled people and providing wheelchair access and so on, those kinds of regulations you mean?
Does preventing children being employed, also work for Hollyweird? They use child labor all the time? Or is it okay because they get paid more, even though they get sexually molested all the time there? I have a friend who is asking?
Does preventing children being employed, also work for Hollyweird? They use child labor all the time? Or is it okay because they get paid more, even though they get sexually molested all the time there? I have a friend who is asking?

Here's the law: Workers Under 18 such laws did not use to exist and those who fought for them and pioneered them were called "communists" at the time.

Here's the law: Workers Under 18 such laws did not use to exist and those who fought for them and pioneered them were called "communists" at the time.

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Deflection, Hollyweird uses child labor all the time, and molests those children a lot, why are you not regulating that place?

Children who are a part of the entertainment industry, acting in movies or television shows, have been exempt from federal child labor laws since the creation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

A new docuseries argues that at least some of this success came at a great cost. Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV explores troubling allegations of child abuse and other inappropriate on-set behavior during this run at Nickelodeon.
MSN President Trump knows that more people would want to keep more of their own money than allow this way over bloated federal government to continue, even with all the failures of the FBI, CIA, USSS, DOH, and yes, the military in the Pentagon. So when he gets in, he should, cut each organizations budget by 50 percent, the first year, thus eliminating the non-essential personnel, and bridges to nowhere, and rockets that cant do the job but half ass, while the private sector X can do it much cheaper. Do you agree, that you the tax payer would do a better job with your own money?

Because of adversaries like China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and its proxies, there should never be cut in our military defense budget. Hell, our adversary China told our government that the United States needs to disarm all of its citizens. When a nefarious adversary advises your government that it should disarm its people, you should have the intelligence to ensure that your law-abiding populace should stay armed.
We do have a problem with a bloated government. There are 17 governmental agencies just for our national security alone. End most of them. Next, look at all of the other "lettered" agencies in our federal government. Leave education to the states and you can end the DOE. On and on it can go until the government is reduced to what is actually necessary and not over-regulatory.
As I understand it, the 2017 Trump tax cuts are set to expire Dec 31, 2025. While there might be some changes, I would like to see an extension of those tax cuts but not an increase unless economic circumstances warrant it. What I really want is cuts in gov't spending; at least I hope the spending increase is capped at whatever the inflation rate is or less. It is about GD time we started caring about the debt and deficits, and toward that effort I think the 1st step has to be to get gov't spending under control.
Because of adversaries like China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and its proxies, there should never be cut in our military defense budget. Hell, our adversary China told our government that the United States needs to disarm all of its citizens. When a nefarious adversary advises your government that it should disarm its people, you should have the intelligence to ensure that your law-abiding populace should stay armed.
We do have a problem with a bloated government. There are 17 governmental agencies just for our national security alone. End most of them. Next, look at all of the other "lettered" agencies in our federal government. Leave education to the states and you can end the DOE. On and on it can go until the government is reduced to what is actually necessary and not over-regulatory.
Do you think that the DEI unit of the military could get a good slashing? A friend wants to know.
Do you think that the DEI unit of the military could get a good slashing? A friend wants to know.
There is absolutely NO need for a DEI unit. I served 23 years in the military and in that entire time, there were no restrictions on anyone entering the military, except for physical or mental insufficiencies. I worked alongside all minorities with no problems from them. My commanding officer at one station was black and was better his predecessor who was white. So, there's no need for DEI. Just the physical ability and desire to serve your nation and its Constitution.
Restore the Enumerated powers and RESTORE THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION.

States would then govern their own and find ways to pay for it locally.

This would take away the money pit of career politicians for paying for anything they please.

Why? Its not theirs to give.


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