Presidential election was honest, report international observers invited by the Trump administration

Interesting, their report DID find something:

"The report did find “clear examples of intimidation of electoral officials” — by Trump supporters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona who unsuccessfully sought to halt the counting of votes.

The report also took aim at Trump himself for statements questioning the legitimacy of the vote, claiming that Democrats were trying to “steal” the election"

Poor Trump, he's losing this battle
LOL Biden supporters are better for America

They'll be making Biden blinders as soon as China gets the orders.
Your friends are rejoicing

What’s that you say?
The observers were DEEP STATE collaborators and in no way as they were invited in by TRUMP, but were invited in by the STATE DEPARTMENT.

This would be like NAZIs reporting on their own prison camps saying their prisoners are well taken care of.

And yahoo used to have a comment section for articles they wrote BUT when US citizens called them out for their BS, Yahoo closed down that section, denying people a chance to express themselves.
AND the NYT contacted Republican election officials in every state. Not even ONE of them reported observing, suspecting, or hearing about any election fraud.

Btw - Here's the latest vote count in states where pResident Rump has filed his bogus lawsuits:

Michigan - Biden leads by 149,000 (Donald won there in '16 by 10,000)
Pennsylvania - Biden leads by 45,616
Arizona - Biden leads by 12,813 (recount threshold in AZ is less than 200 votes)
Georgia - Biden leads by 14,149

You get the picture - If the insufferable Blob wants recounts or audits in any of these states, either HE or the RNC will pay for them. :)

Interesting, their report DID find something:

"The report did find “clear examples of intimidation of electoral officials” — by Trump supporters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona who unsuccessfully sought to halt the counting of votes.

The report also took aim at Trump himself for statements questioning the legitimacy of the vote, claiming that Democrats were trying to “steal” the election"

Poor Trump, he's losing this battle

Yahoo is propaganda.

Uh huh, total hard lefty propaganda! :D

  • Overall, we rate Yahoo News! Left-Center biased based on aggregation from more left-leaning sources as well as editorial content that slightly favors the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting (original content) due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.
The Organization of American States election observers were brought in and praised by Pompeo and Pompeo’s State Department because they are at present thoroughly rightwing, work with the CIA, and helped launch the Bolivian coup by challenging the election results in Bolivia last year. Obviously Pompeo miscalculated in relying on them to repeat their dreadful performance in the U.S.A.

By the way, the coup makers in Bolivia were forced finally to hold a new election and the MAS left coalition in Bolivia won a tremendous victory, repudiating the coup plotters and exposing the original OAS report in Bolivia for the conspiracy it was. See below:


Interesting, their report DID find something:

"The report did find “clear examples of intimidation of electoral officials” — by Trump supporters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona who unsuccessfully sought to halt the counting of votes.

The report also took aim at Trump himself for statements questioning the legitimacy of the vote, claiming that Democrats were trying to “steal” the election"

Poor Trump, he's losing this battle

Yahoo is propaganda.

That's your best come back at the truth? Yahoo isn't censored on facebook and twitter like Trump

Interesting, their report DID find something:

"The report did find “clear examples of intimidation of electoral officials” — by Trump supporters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona who unsuccessfully sought to halt the counting of votes.

The report also took aim at Trump himself for statements questioning the legitimacy of the vote, claiming that Democrats were trying to “steal” the election"

Poor Trump, he's losing this battle

Yahoo is propaganda.

That's your best come back at the truth? Yahoo isn't censored on facebook and twitter like Trump

Yahoo is nothing but feelings and emotional blather. There is nothing on yahoo of substance. Nothing worth reading. Twitter and fb are liberal rag sites.
Last edited:

Government subsidized alternatives, with interchangeable candidate flaps, now available at most polling locations.

Manufactures work diligently to ensure everyone can enjoy their highly effective product.
Get your very own with newly tested mandatory mask accessories.

Act now, before you die ... :thup:

The kind of shenanigans that corrupted this election (the extent of which is yet to be seen) is not the sort of shenanigans that is observable by outsiders (other than in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh). It was the filling out and mailing of ballots from dead people, people who had moved out of the area, and people who simply don't vote.

Although outsiders might have observed that in Pennsylvania, the people counting the ballots were told not to even compare the signatures on the ballots with those on file. Does that count as an "irregularity"? One wonders why they keep a copy of the voter's signature on file, if not for THIS VERY PURPOSE. And of course, when you vote IN PERSON, they check the signature.

Shouldn't the precautions for mail-in votes be GREATER than those for in person voting, since you don't know who [the fuck] mailed that envelope? But I digress...
LOL Biden supporters are better for America

They'll be making Biden blinders as soon as China gets the orders.
Your friends are rejoicing

God didn't want Trump to win.
Actually the devil cheated like always.

At any rate you can afford to pay higher taxes.
You mean as always, like last time when Trumpleshitskin won? The Devil put him in power?
LOL Biden supporters are better for America

They'll be making Biden blinders as soon as China gets the orders.
Your friends are rejoicing

God didn't want Trump to win.
Actually the devil cheated like always.

At any rate you can afford to pay higher taxes.
You mean as always, like last time when Trumpleshitskin won? The Devil put him in power?
Are you really so retarded that you want to pay more taxes?

I suppose a pond scum like you might be

Interesting, their report DID find something:

"The report did find “clear examples of intimidation of electoral officials” — by Trump supporters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona who unsuccessfully sought to halt the counting of votes.

The report also took aim at Trump himself for statements questioning the legitimacy of the vote, claiming that Democrats were trying to “steal” the election"

Poor Trump, he's losing this battle

His own hand picked and invited international observers didn't find any fraud but found that trump supporters were trying to interfere in the count. We already knew that from the news reports of it.

I'm not surprised they mentioned trump's lies about fraud.

All republicans are doing is harming our democracy and nation even more.
Riiiiiight too bad science and math prove massive election fraud. Dem cheaters have been exposed and we refuse to concede until we have rooted out all the Dem fraud.


Then why has none of it been taken to the many court cases thus far?

So far trump has lost all his challenges. With the judges not happy that trump didn't present any, that is ZERO, proof of their fraud claims.

If all you claim is true, why isn't it being taken to a court of law?

You are being lied to. Again.

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