Presidential historian Allan Lichtman: Dont expect DeSantis to save the GOP. It's Easy to Point the Finger at Trump. the problem is with the whole GOP

I know, make getting rid of social security and Medicare by holding the budget hostage a major priority. That will help the average working class voter. Also more tax breaks for the top .1%. when are the hyper Rich finally going to get a break?
1. I would throw the GOP under the bus in a heart beat if they obstruct fixing SS and Medicare.
2. I would throw the democrats under the bus in a heart beat if they try to convert SS & Medicare into socialist "Medicare for all" or giving benefits to those who didn't pay in.
Dude (and I fucking HATE to defend that Kentucky rattlesnake)...

McConnell was the minority leader when he delivered a landslide victory against Obama. You guys gained 63 fucking seats when he was the minority leader. GDP grew under Obama. Jobs grew under Obama. The stock market grew under Obama. He passed a healthcare law that is so popular now that Republicans can't take it away. Obama did all that in his first 2 years and McConnell managed to beat him over the head with Obamacare like it was a hammer.

And he kept winning. The GOP held Congress in 2012, 2014, and 2016. He blocked Merrick Garland from getting a seat on the Supreme Court. He eliminated the filibuster to pass 3 hard right Federalist-backed judges to give you a majority on the Court that will likely last for decades.

You wanna know when you guys lost the House? 2018. Guess which dipshit was president then.

But wait, it gets better. You all lost the Senate and the House and the Presidency in 2020. Guess why.

But wait, apparently, even that wasn't enough because Joe Biden had really bad approval ratings - some of the worst ever. Inflation was at a 40-year high. Crime is on the rise. In any other era, any president in this situation might have lost 40 seats, 50 seats, 60 seats - maybe 70 seats.

And yet, not only could you not retake the Senate, you might actually lose a seat, and believe it or not, you all might not even retake the House. And it's 100% because of MAGA candidates. MAGA is the common denominator.

McConnell is the evil genius of the party. It's Trump who's losing it for the GOP. He's a loser. Maybe ditch him and stop losing. Or keep him and keep losing, I don't care.
Too much damage done... Trump's presidency I will remind you gave McConnell those supreme court appointments... and McConnell was always less than supportive of Trump and his supporters.... and still is...
Mitch is the toxic one... since he has been in office the republicans have lost ground....

When the democrat base went hard left their representatives went with them they didn't stand against them... in other words they honored their commitment... Now that the republican base has gone America first the Republican Party stands against them at every turn.
In other words they failed at honoring their commitment....

Answer me this… Is there one state that kept counting after election day that went red? no they all went blue... what a sad state our nation is in....

This is why the GOP is losing not Trump if you don’t go the way of the base and if they don’t fight election fraud they will continue to lose...

McConnell and McCarthy need to be replaced they failed us....
That will not happen. The globalists are in control. The pressures on the people we elect will put them in power. If I was betting in Vegas, the sure bet would be Prog candidates. We are a Banana Republic and it forced on us to our faces daring us to do something. We do not because we are fat and spoiled.
Too much damage done... Trump's presidency I will remind you gave McConnell those supreme court appointments...

Appointments are the easy part. It's getting them through the Senate that's harder. McConnell took care of that part for you. McConnell controlled the floor business of the Senate. He did his job. McConnell doesn't have a problem getting re-elected. Trump does. But you do you and keep insisting that Trump should lead the party. Independents don't agree with you. Sorry, but that's the truth.

and McConnell was always less than supportive of Trump and his supporters.... and still is...

Trump is a deranged dipshit. And he's about to spend some quality time in federal prison. Maybe get over him?
Funny how an alleged "historian" is unable to deal with current events. Why would the republican party need to redeem itself when it won the majority in congress in the mid terms? Maybe the media needs to redeem itself and Lichtman needs to stop depending on the NYT for information.
Appointments are the easy part. It's getting them through the Senate that's harder. McConnell took care of that part for you. McConnell controlled the floor business of the Senate. He did his job. McConnell doesn't have a problem getting re-elected. Trump does. But you do you and keep insisting that Trump should lead the party. Independents don't agree with you. Sorry, but that's the truth.

Trump is a deranged dipshit. And he's about to spend some quality time in federal prison. Maybe get over him?
Trump polled over 90% when republican voters were polled... so is this about Mitch or the republican voters?.... or your TDS?....
Washington Republicanism lost big Tuesday night. When your “agenda” is cave to Big Pharma on insulin, cave to Schumer on gun control & Green New Deal (“infrastructure”), and tease changes to Social Security and Medicare, you lose

What are Republicans actually going to do for working people? How about, to start: tougher tariffs on China, reshore American jobs, open up American energy full throttle, 100k new cops on the street. Unrig the system

IMHO, the GOP prior to the 1960's was the party fiscal conservatism, lower taxes, less government spending, and opposition to labor movements which is still part of the republicans ideology. However, in the 1960s the democratic policy of cramming integration down the throats of southerners drove a wedge between segregationist in southern states and the democratic party thus making the party vulnerable. Republicans welcomed these people into the party, with condemnation of integration policies in schools and housing. The Reagan years brought more condemnation of the big bad federal government and redefined social conservatism to include putting God into the classroom, outlawing abortion, attacking welfare programs, and a new nationalism which implied that anything that was not American was anti-American.

The problem with this new conservatism is it ignores the main problems that people face, getting good healthcare, affordable drugs, proving for the mentally ill, the homeless, education, and jobs that pay a living wage.
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Dude (and I fucking HATE to defend that Kentucky rattlesnake)...

McConnell was the minority leader when he delivered a landslide victory against Obama. You guys gained 63 fucking seats when he was the minority leader. GDP grew under Obama. Jobs grew under Obama. The stock market grew under Obama. He passed a healthcare law that is so popular now that Republicans can't take it away. Obama did all that in his first 2 years and McConnell managed to beat him over the head with Obamacare like it was a hammer.

And he kept winning. The GOP held Congress in 2012, 2014, and 2016. He blocked Merrick Garland from getting a seat on the Supreme Court. He eliminated the filibuster to pass 3 hard right Federalist-backed judges to give you a majority on the Court that will likely last for decades.

You wanna know when you guys lost the House? 2018. Guess which dipshit was president then.

But wait, it gets better. You all lost the Senate and the House and the Presidency in 2020. Guess why.

But wait, apparently, even that wasn't enough because Joe Biden had really bad approval ratings - some of the worst ever. Inflation was at a 40-year high. Crime is on the rise. In any other era, any president in this situation might have lost 40 seats, 50 seats, 60 seats - maybe 70 seats.

And yet, not only could you not retake the Senate, you might actually lose a seat, and believe it or not, you all might not even retake the House. And it's 100% because of MAGA candidates. MAGA is the common denominator.

McConnell is the evil genius of the party. It's Trump who's losing it for the GOP. He's a loser. Maybe ditch him and stop losing. Or keep him and keep losing, I don't care.
In 2018 this was caught by a Republican Governor, it was the prelude to the 2020 and 2022 elections... Marxists/Democrats have nothing good to run on, so they lie, steal and cheat to win. It is the Marxists way.

bbiggeam1bx11.jpg liberals-head-up-his-ass.jpg
IMHO, the GOP prior to the 1960's was the party fiscal conservatism, lower taxes, less government spending, and opposition to labor movements which is still part of the republicans ideology. However, in the 1960s the democratic policy of cramming integration down the throats of southerners drove a wedge between segregationist in southern states and the democratic party thus making the party vulnerable. Republicans welcomed these people into the party, with condemnation of integration policies in schools and housing. The Reagan years brought more condemnation of the big bad federal government and redefined social conservatism to include putting God into the classroom, outlawing abortion, attacking welfare programs, and a new nationalism which implied that anything that was not American was anti-American.

The problem with this new conservatism is it ignores the main problems that people face, getting good healthcare, affordable drugs, proving for the mentally ill, the homeless, education, and jobs that pay a living wage.
For two years the Marxists could of taken care of all that, but no, they had to go green, thus making dumbasses like you pay more for everything. Just shove that pea brain farther up Uranus, as it suits you to a tee...

63 judges - including MAGA appointed ones - disagreed.

Stop reading fiction.
Many of those were appointed by the brown turd Obammy. I have just as much confidence in the Marxists of Congress and Senate as the Marxists who wear black robes. But hey, gasoline and food prices are going up again, because in the next two weeks, diesel is supposed to run out, because Joe Biden is a stupid son of a bitch who couldnt care less if you starve or freeze to death...As a matter of fact i could care less also. May you rot in hell...or is it freeze in hell.

You could start by realizing that this country is done with Trump. They're moving on. A majority of this country never wanted him to be president to begin with.
Which was why 75 million people voted for him so the Marxists had to pull out illegal ballots to push Joe over the top. Sorry fucker, i saw that with my eyes. I understand why you couldnt of seen it...


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