Presidential Scholars rank the greatest Presidents of all time

Found a reference to the study in a Time Mag article:

>> President Abraham Lincoln topped the list once again with George Washington, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson rounding out the top five, similar to the 2014 survey. The findings were relatively consistent across political party affiliation and ideology, as well.

Trump, Buchanan and William Henry Harrison ranked the lowest.

The survey also found that Trump was considered the “most polarizing” president. He also he ranked in the bottom five among all categories of respondents including Republican, Democrats, independents, liberals, conservatives and moderates. <<​

And they don't mention Whigs --- they ranked William Henry Harrison third-worst, presumably on the basis that in his one month in office he got a minimal amount "done". Which makes me wonder where Gerald Ford came out. Of course we've seen some sources rank Harrison as "best" on the basis that his limited time meant he did the least amount of harm. :lol:

Also no mention of Harding within the bottom five, who usually shows up down there somewhere. It's possible Rump knocked him up to bottom six?

They rated Ron Reagan number 10

Were they experts then?
Couldn't care less where they ranked uncle Ronny...That despotic warmongering tyrants like Wilson, FDR, LBJ, & Truman end up in the upper ranks of these lists -which they always do- disqualifies these "experts" as a matter of course.
With the exception of his blind partisan sycophants, everyone knows Trump is a failed and dreadful ‘president.’
History will look back at us and ask.....WTF?
Experts at WHAT? I usually don't fall for appeals to authority, myself.

From the Time Mag article:

>> Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness survey, conducted by University of Houston professor Brandon Rottinghaus and Boise State University professor Justin S. Vaughn, polled current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association and asked them to grade each president. <<​
Experts at WHAT? I usually don't fall for appeals to authority, myself.

From the Time Mag article:

>> Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness survey, conducted by University of Houston professor Brandon Rottinghaus and Boise State University professor Justin S. Vaughn, polled current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association and asked them to grade each president. <<​
Ah, so they polled the very subjective opinions of people and then ranked them according to popularity.

Have I ever mentioned that I reject appeals to popularity too?
The link seems to mention only James Buchanan. (?) Wonder where the rest of the list is.

It has him an #43 which, if they use the usual erroneous method of counting Grover Cleveland as two different people, would put him second from last.

So the Time link lists Rump at #44 (last), not 43. That also means they are correctly counting a total of 44 POTUSes, since Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland are in fact the same person.
Obama ranked the greatest even with his drone attacks, failure in Libya and splitting the nation...

Just ask any Obama voter and they will tell you he saved the nation, so he must be the greatest!!!

Next is Hillary and Al...

I never could understand his sermons on the mount.
Experts at WHAT? I usually don't fall for appeals to authority, myself.

From the Time Mag article:

>> Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness survey, conducted by University of Houston professor Brandon Rottinghaus and Boise State University professor Justin S. Vaughn, polled current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association and asked them to grade each president. <<​
Ah, so they polled the very subjective opinions of people and then ranked them according to popularity.

Have I ever mentioned that I reject appeals to popularity too?

Ummm nnnnnnno I don't think they mentioned "popularity" at all. If they had, Lincoln would have been nowhere near #1.

They rated Ron Reagan number 10

Were they experts then?
Couldn't care less where they ranked uncle Ronny...That despotic warmongering tyrants like Wilson, FDR, LBJ, & Truman end up in the upper ranks of these lists -which they always do- disqualifies these "experts" as a matter of course.

You can see parts of the list the rest of us can't?

Why don't you post them then?

Fascinating how you can "dismiss experts" based on info you don't even have, innit?
These kind of subjective ratings are pretty worthless.

They tend to be consistent over time. No president moves from worst to first. They may move up or down five slots as History re-examinines their presidency
Experts at WHAT? I usually don't fall for appeals to authority, myself.

From the Time Mag article:

>> Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness survey, conducted by University of Houston professor Brandon Rottinghaus and Boise State University professor Justin S. Vaughn, polled current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association and asked them to grade each president. <<​
Ah, so they polled the very subjective opinions of people and then ranked them according to popularity.

Have I ever mentioned that I reject appeals to popularity too?

No I don't think they mentioned "popularity" at all. If they had, Lincoln would have been nowhere near #1.

Pogo, honey, I realize you lack the intelligence necessary to understand the difference between objectivity and subjectivity, but asking people their very subjective opinions and then ranking the results is an expression of popularity by very design.

If I asked you members of the hive mind to rank the U.S. senators and then published the results based upon how you all ranked them, the results would not validate your collective opinion as FACT. It is simply reflective of your opinion.

Damn, the many things you members of the hive are incapable of understanding. I guess that's why your are members of the hive.
I am sure that the whole list is a Left wing OP, which is why Reagan is listed as the 10th highest~~~ just to throw the Right wing off the scent!
Not surprisingly, Trump came in dead last with a score of 12

Experts rank the best U.S. presidents of all time

They based his rank at 12, after only 2 years in office?

Why do you waste time posting this bullshit?

Is this or is this not a political message board?

His rank was 44, not "12" . Way to read threads you trash without reading them.

Did you not read the OP?

Not surprisingly, Trump came in dead last with a score of 12 out of 100
History will look at Trump as a grand experiment that failed

Politicians obviously don’t know what they are doing. What if we elected a businessman who will bring unique skills to the presidency?

What we ended up with is a man who was il-prepared for the office and personally unsuited

A disaster

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