President's half brother writes contradicting book

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Obama's half-brother Mark writes memoir contradicting 'Dreams from my Father' | Mail Online

Barack Obama's Ivy-League educated half-brother is publishing his autobiography next month, painting a dramatically different picture of their few meetings from the one the president related in his best-selling 'Dreams from My Father' memoir.

Mark Obama Ndesandjo includes an appendix in his book, cataloguing what he says are factual errors in 'Dreams' – including words falsely attributed to his mother, a Jewish woman named Ruth.

'A lot of the stuff that Barack wrote is wrong in that book, and I can understand that,' he told the Associated Press last year when he planned to self-publish his book.

'To me,' Ndesandjo said then, 'for him the book was a tool for fashioning an identity and he was using composites. I wanted the record to be straight. I wanted to tell my own story, not let people tell it for me.'

Read more: Obama's half-brother Mark writes memoir contradicting 'Dreams from my Father' | Mail Online
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No doubt the RWs will get a completely different view of this than those who are open minded and curious. And, the burfurs will hate it.

But, the two brothers didn't know each other. Nor did President Obama know his father. The president rose above a lot of things that many of us would have have been able to.

I say, good on him.
This was a story back in 2013.

It was also a 'story' in 2009 when Obama's half brother wrote a semi-autobiographical book about his abusive, alcoholic father.

Now, apparently, this one is autobiographical. Wonder what he's learned about his long dead father since then.

The father Obama met a grand total of once when he was 10 years old.

No doubt the RWs will get a completely different view of this than those who are open minded and curious.

and I guess you are suppose to be one of those, open minded and curious? that was to me your same narrow minded view you have of RW''s

and notice they have to get that in the article , he was Ivy league edumacated....

you must pretty worried about what he's going to say..

by now everyone knows everything about Obama is manufactured, embellished, or just outright lies.

and shouldn't this be in media? or general
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I hope that the white supremacists behind this libelous nonsense are brought to justice swiftly.
"The president rose above a lot of things that many of us would have have been able to. "

The prosecution rests. Isn't this board over its limits on morons????
"The president rose above a lot of things that many of us would have have been able to. "

The prosecution rests. Isn't this board over its limits on morons????

I was thinking the same thing, he had a wealthy grandmother who he disliked, because she was white. Until he could use her for political gain. Kinda like the liberals used dead soldiers for political gain when Bush was president. Both disgusting.
"The president rose above a lot of things that many of us would have have been able to. "

The prosecution rests. Isn't this board over its limits on morons????

I was thinking the same thing, he had a wealthy grandmother who he disliked, because she was white. Until he could use her for political gain. Kinda like the liberals used dead soldiers for political gain when Bush was president. Both disgusting.


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