Presidents Immigration plan anything but radical and its legal

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

It’s Legal

The underpinnings of the president’s immigration plan are anything but radical.

By Walter Dellinger

President Obama announces executive actions on U.S. immigration policy at the White House on Nov. 20, 2014. Despite howls of protest, Obama’s actions are, if anything, legally conservative.
Photo by Jim Bourg-Pool/Getty Images

The idea that the immigration plan just announced by President Obama is a lawless power grab is absurd. As the Justice Department legal analysis that was just released amply demonstrates, much of the advance criticism of the president’s action has been uninformed and unwarranted. The opinion is well-reasoned and at times even conservative. The president is not acting unilaterally, but pursuant to his statutory authority. Wide discretion over deportation priorities has long been conferred on the executive branch by Congress, and it is being exercised in this case consistent with policies such as family unification that have been endorsed by Congress.

Even though the action is breathtaking in scope, there is nothing legally remarkable about what the administration is doing, or the legal analysis supporting it. The announced “deferred action” provides temporary administrative relief from deportation for aliens who are the parents of citizens, or the parents of lawful permanent residents. “Deferred action” is an exercise of discretion in which officials may temporarily defer the removal of an alien. The grant of deferred action in this case will remain in place for three years, is subject to renewal, and can be terminated at any time at the discretion of the Department of Homeland Security. As Eric Posner, who served in the Office of Legal Counsel under the first President Bush, notes, the president “is just doing what countless Congresses have wanted him to do”—setting priorities for deportation enforcement.

Read the rest at the link.
Presidents Immigration plan anything but radical and its legal

LEGAL ??????

prove it or shut your fucking lying mouth....,

oooops !

unplug your keyboard :up: really?

A known far left blog site preaching the far left propaganda that will be believed without question or hesitation from the far left drones.
Presidents Immigration plan anything but radical and its legal

LEGAL ??????

prove it or shut your fucking lying mouth....,

oooops !

unplug your keyboard :up:

Its not up to me to prove anything. What a silly thing to say.

Quit being so nasty and just address the content of the OP.
Emperor Obama has given his decree and all American subjects must obey. ... :cool:

imperial-obama-decree.jpeg really?

A known far left blog site preaching the far left propaganda that will be believed without question or hesitation from the far left drones.

Another rabid RW who can't address the content of the OP and so, attacks the source.

SSDD really?

A known far left blog site preaching the far left propaganda that will be believed without question or hesitation from the far left drones.

Another rabid RW who can't address the content of the OP and so, attacks the source.


Yes we know you post known far left propaganda and want others to prove you wrong!! really?

A known far left blog site preaching the far left propaganda that will be believed without question or hesitation from the far left drones.

Congrats, that is three "far lefts" in one sentence. I am slightly disappointed it didn't contain four.
I'm still waiting for someone Obama in particular to explain why this wasn't legal a year ago and today it is.
Let's start right there.
Once again, our glorious leader has "evolved" over the last year. ...... :cool: really?

A known far left blog site preaching the far left propaganda that will be believed without question or hesitation from the far left drones.

Congrats, that is three "far lefts" in one sentence. I am slightly disappointed it didn't contain four.

So yes you approve of the illegal actions of the far left Obama and his illegal wars..

However it is expected from the far left..
The good guys are hosed


Illegals get a pay raise while current American workers’ checks could get squeezed

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Thursday, November 20, 2014
Illegal immigrants stand to make out nicely, seeing a big jump in their wages under President Obama’s policy, announced Thursday, granting millions of them temporary amnesty and the chance to work legally, but analysts say American workers in some jobs are likely to feel a pinch from new competitors.

While most of the illegal immigrants to whom Mr. Obama granted tentative legal status were already under little fear of deportation, they were usually working in the shadows, either off-the-books or using a bogus Social Security number that trapped them in low-skilled jobs and left them vulnerable to abuse by unscrupulous employers.

But Mr. Obama said millions of them will now be granted legal work permits along with their official stays of deportation, giving them a chance to seek better-paying jobs, demand a minimum wage and report workplace safety violations without fear of retribution.

Read more: Obama amnesty to increase illegal immigrants wages pinch Americans paychecks - Washington Times

Presidents Immigration plan anything but radical and its legal

LEGAL ??????

prove it or shut your fucking lying mouth....,

oooops !

unplug your keyboard :up:

Its not up to me to prove anything. What a silly thing to say.

Quit being so nasty and just address the content of the OP.

It’s Legal

The underpinnings of the president’s immigration plan are anything but radical.

By Walter Dellinger

President Obama announces executive actions on U.S. immigration policy at the White House on Nov. 20, 2014. Despite howls of protest, Obama’s actions are, if anything, legally conservative.
Photo by Jim Bourg-Pool/Getty Images

The idea that the immigration plan just announced by President Obama is a lawless power grab is absurd. As the Justice Department legal analysis that was just released amply demonstrates, much of the advance criticism of the president’s action has been uninformed and unwarranted. The opinion is well-reasoned and at times even conservative. The president is not acting unilaterally, but pursuant to his statutory authority. Wide discretion over deportation priorities has long been conferred on the executive branch by Congress, and it is being exercised in this case consistent with policies such as family unification that have been endorsed by Congress.

Even though the action is breathtaking in scope, there is nothing legally remarkable about what the administration is doing, or the legal analysis supporting it. The announced “deferred action” provides temporary administrative relief from deportation for aliens who are the parents of citizens, or the parents of lawful permanent residents. “Deferred action” is an exercise of discretion in which officials may temporarily defer the removal of an alien. The grant of deferred action in this case will remain in place for three years, is subject to renewal, and can be terminated at any time at the discretion of the Department of Homeland Security. As Eric Posner, who served in the Office of Legal Counsel under the first President Bush, notes, the president “is just doing what countless Congresses have wanted him to do”—setting priorities for deportation enforcement.

Read the rest at the link.

It's nonsense. Tortured language intended to deceive.

The slate article uses the Obama Justice Department as a basis for this story, and it is utterly bogus. The problem being there will be a public version of this amnesty, and another secret version to be applied in the halls of justice.

How many times will you stupid liberals fall for Obama's fancy lawyer-speak? This is the very definition of insanity. Doing the same act expecting a different result.
Presidents Immigration plan anything but radical and its legal

LEGAL ??????

prove it or shut your fucking lying mouth....,

oooops !

unplug your keyboard :up:

Its not up to me to prove anything. What a silly thing to say.

Quit being so nasty and just address the content of the OP.

Where in the Constitution is the President's power to set immigration policy enumerated?
Look libs pull your damn heads out of your ass, Obama is previously on video clearing stating doing that what he just did yesterday would not be legal, don't take our word for it.

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