Presidents Immigration plan anything but radical and its legal

I'm still waiting for someone Obama in particular to explain why this wasn't legal a year ago and today it is.
Let's start right there.

Horseshit. Let start with the immigration bill that passed the Senate and is sitting in the House. Lets start there and see what happens when this proposed legislation is brought to a vote.

You explain why it isn't being brought to a vote.

There's a lot of bills I would like to be put to a vote that Harry Reid is not allowing, but we're not talking about that right now. Why did Obama explain this wasnt legal and now all of a sudden it is?
Bullshit. I enjoy holding the feet to fire of the far left and the far right. Then again you think anyone that doesn't think exactly like you to be far left.

Then you would be holding the OP's feet to fire..

Why are you not doing that?

Time come out of the closet!

The OP and I have disagreed quite often in other threads. I haven't had the opportunity to go through the whole of Obama's speech yet. Until that time I'll reserve my judgement until I can make an informed decesion. See how that works?

At a cursory glance I don't belive his executives orders will stand up to a legal challenge because in this case he lacks the statutory authority to do so. I have a feeling the court outcome will be similar to that of Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer.

Btw...I don't think I've ever seen you chide the far right here. Then again, I don't expect blind partisans from either side to dare challenge their biases.

And see to the far left anyone that is not far left is automatically far right!

I am not the one claiming neutrality, you are.

And thus you need to come out of the closet.

And if you have not made an "informed" decision on this by now, then you are far left partisan hiding behind words.

Obama 8217 s Immigration Amnesia

Only been going on a year now..

How nice of you to put words in my mouth. I am a left-leaning libertarian with a fierce independent streak. You can claim I am "far left" until the cows home but you would be incorrect. You'll continue to post the same drivel containing your favorite buzz words and call anyone that dares challenge you on it far left. You're nothing more then broken record.

Wrong! You are far left!

You can claim whatever you want and be in the closet.

Otherwise you would have come down on the OP. And not voted twice for Obama!

Whatever you say pal. I didn't even vote for Obama last election. I proudly voted for Gary Johnson. I've already stated that I believe these executive orders to be unconstitutional using the precedent set in Youngstown Tube and Sheet v. Sawyer.

Sorry if that doesn't confirm to your narrative.
Then you would be holding the OP's feet to fire..

Why are you not doing that?

Time come out of the closet!

The OP and I have disagreed quite often in other threads. I haven't had the opportunity to go through the whole of Obama's speech yet. Until that time I'll reserve my judgement until I can make an informed decesion. See how that works?

At a cursory glance I don't belive his executives orders will stand up to a legal challenge because in this case he lacks the statutory authority to do so. I have a feeling the court outcome will be similar to that of Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer.

Btw...I don't think I've ever seen you chide the far right here. Then again, I don't expect blind partisans from either side to dare challenge their biases.

And see to the far left anyone that is not far left is automatically far right!

I am not the one claiming neutrality, you are.

And thus you need to come out of the closet.

And if you have not made an "informed" decision on this by now, then you are far left partisan hiding behind words.

Obama 8217 s Immigration Amnesia

Only been going on a year now..

How nice of you to put words in my mouth. I am a left-leaning libertarian with a fierce independent streak. You can claim I am "far left" until the cows home but you would be incorrect. You'll continue to post the same drivel containing your favorite buzz words and call anyone that dares challenge you on it far left. You're nothing more then broken record.

Wrong! You are far left!

You can claim whatever you want and be in the closet.

Otherwise you would have come down on the OP. And not voted twice for Obama!

Whatever you say pal. I didn't even vote for Obama last election. I proudly voted for Gary Johnson. I've already stated that I believe these executive orders to be unconstitutional using the precedent set in Youngstown Tube and Sheet v. Sawyer.

Sorry if that doesn't confirm to your narrative.

Yep! the far left states many things, yet they follow the religion without question..

Just like you did!

Also now you claimed that you had not time to make an "informed" decision now you claiming something else..

Typical far left..
It is an absurd power grab without justification. Prosecutorial discretion works for individual cases or where resources need to be allocated. It is not carte blanche to pick and choose which laws the president wants to enforce.
The OP and I have disagreed quite often in other threads. I haven't had the opportunity to go through the whole of Obama's speech yet. Until that time I'll reserve my judgement until I can make an informed decesion. See how that works?

At a cursory glance I don't belive his executives orders will stand up to a legal challenge because in this case he lacks the statutory authority to do so. I have a feeling the court outcome will be similar to that of Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer.

Btw...I don't think I've ever seen you chide the far right here. Then again, I don't expect blind partisans from either side to dare challenge their biases.

And see to the far left anyone that is not far left is automatically far right!

I am not the one claiming neutrality, you are.

And thus you need to come out of the closet.

And if you have not made an "informed" decision on this by now, then you are far left partisan hiding behind words.

Obama 8217 s Immigration Amnesia

Only been going on a year now..

How nice of you to put words in my mouth. I am a left-leaning libertarian with a fierce independent streak. You can claim I am "far left" until the cows home but you would be incorrect. You'll continue to post the same drivel containing your favorite buzz words and call anyone that dares challenge you on it far left. You're nothing more then broken record.

Wrong! You are far left!

You can claim whatever you want and be in the closet.

Otherwise you would have come down on the OP. And not voted twice for Obama!

Whatever you say pal. I didn't even vote for Obama last election. I proudly voted for Gary Johnson. I've already stated that I believe these executive orders to be unconstitutional using the precedent set in Youngstown Tube and Sheet v. Sawyer.

Sorry if that doesn't confirm to your narrative.

Yep! the far left states many things, yet they follow the religion without question..

Just like you did!

Also now you claimed that you had not time to make an "informed" decision now you claiming something else..

Typical far left..

While I was responding to your inane prattling I read up on more the speech and his proposed executive orders. It doesn't take me very long to form an reasonable position.

I am sure your next response will filled with more mischaracterizations of my views and ramblings about the far left. You can have the last word, its clear you so desperately need it. Bye Felecia!
And see to the far left anyone that is not far left is automatically far right!

I am not the one claiming neutrality, you are.

And thus you need to come out of the closet.

And if you have not made an "informed" decision on this by now, then you are far left partisan hiding behind words.

Obama 8217 s Immigration Amnesia

Only been going on a year now..

How nice of you to put words in my mouth. I am a left-leaning libertarian with a fierce independent streak. You can claim I am "far left" until the cows home but you would be incorrect. You'll continue to post the same drivel containing your favorite buzz words and call anyone that dares challenge you on it far left. You're nothing more then broken record.

Wrong! You are far left!

You can claim whatever you want and be in the closet.

Otherwise you would have come down on the OP. And not voted twice for Obama!

Whatever you say pal. I didn't even vote for Obama last election. I proudly voted for Gary Johnson. I've already stated that I believe these executive orders to be unconstitutional using the precedent set in Youngstown Tube and Sheet v. Sawyer.

Sorry if that doesn't confirm to your narrative.

Yep! the far left states many things, yet they follow the religion without question..

Just like you did!

Also now you claimed that you had not time to make an "informed" decision now you claiming something else..

Typical far left..

While I was responding to your inane prattling I read up on more the speech and his proposed executive orders. It doesn't take me very long to form an reasonable position.

I am sure your next response will filled with more mischaracterizations of my views and ramblings about the far left. You can have the last word, its clear you so desperately need it. Bye Felecia!

So in other words I was spot on about the OP and you!

Now you change it from you claiming that you posted this was illegal to now you need to read up on it to make an "informed" decision..

Yes that is par for the course of being a far left poster.

It’s Legal

The underpinnings of the president’s immigration plan are anything but radical.

By Walter Dellinger

President Obama announces executive actions on U.S. immigration policy at the White House on Nov. 20, 2014. Despite howls of protest, Obama’s actions are, if anything, legally conservative.
Photo by Jim Bourg-Pool/Getty Images

The idea that the immigration plan just announced by President Obama is a lawless power grab is absurd. As the Justice Department legal analysis that was just released amply demonstrates, much of the advance criticism of the president’s action has been uninformed and unwarranted. The opinion is well-reasoned and at times even conservative. The president is not acting unilaterally, but pursuant to his statutory authority. Wide discretion over deportation priorities has long been conferred on the executive branch by Congress, and it is being exercised in this case consistent with policies such as family unification that have been endorsed by Congress.

Even though the action is breathtaking in scope, there is nothing legally remarkable about what the administration is doing, or the legal analysis supporting it. The announced “deferred action” provides temporary administrative relief from deportation for aliens who are the parents of citizens, or the parents of lawful permanent residents. “Deferred action” is an exercise of discretion in which officials may temporarily defer the removal of an alien. The grant of deferred action in this case will remain in place for three years, is subject to renewal, and can be terminated at any time at the discretion of the Department of Homeland Security. As Eric Posner, who served in the Office of Legal Counsel under the first President Bush, notes, the president “is just doing what countless Congresses have wanted him to do”—setting priorities for deportation enforcement.

Read the rest at the link.

An OPINION PIECE from a liberal rag proves what Obama is doing is legal?????????


There is nothing legal about this.

I could provide plenty of opinion pieces that say the exact opposite.

Keep trying liberal liars! really?

A known far left blog site preaching the far left propaganda that will be believed without question or hesitation from the far left drones.

Another rabid RW who can't address the content of the OP and so, attacks the source.


I addressed it! It's an opinion piece from a liberal rag that has NO CREDIBILITY.

If Obama gave an executive order putting all Christians in concentration camps Slate would say it's legal. They are Obama water carriers.
How nice of you to put words in my mouth. I am a left-leaning libertarian with a fierce independent streak. You can claim I am "far left" until the cows home but you would be incorrect. You'll continue to post the same drivel containing your favorite buzz words and call anyone that dares challenge you on it far left. You're nothing more then broken record.

Wrong! You are far left!

You can claim whatever you want and be in the closet.

Otherwise you would have come down on the OP. And not voted twice for Obama!

Whatever you say pal. I didn't even vote for Obama last election. I proudly voted for Gary Johnson. I've already stated that I believe these executive orders to be unconstitutional using the precedent set in Youngstown Tube and Sheet v. Sawyer.

Sorry if that doesn't confirm to your narrative.

Yep! the far left states many things, yet they follow the religion without question..

Just like you did!

Also now you claimed that you had not time to make an "informed" decision now you claiming something else..

Typical far left..

While I was responding to your inane prattling I read up on more the speech and his proposed executive orders. It doesn't take me very long to form an reasonable position.

I am sure your next response will filled with more mischaracterizations of my views and ramblings about the far left. You can have the last word, its clear you so desperately need it. Bye Felecia!

So in other words I was spot on about the OP and you!

Now you change it from you claiming that you posted this was illegal to now you need to read up on it to make an "informed" decision..

Yes that is par for the course of being a far left poster.

Thanks for proving my last post to be amazingly accurate. Mischaracterizations of my position and ramblings about the far left. Predicable as the rising sun you are.

After I read up more about the EO and his speech I have come to decision that the EO should and will be challenged.

You're not very good at trolling by the way. Perhaps you should find a different schtick and maybe you would have a bit more creditability around here.
Wrong! You are far left!

You can claim whatever you want and be in the closet.

Otherwise you would have come down on the OP. And not voted twice for Obama!

Whatever you say pal. I didn't even vote for Obama last election. I proudly voted for Gary Johnson. I've already stated that I believe these executive orders to be unconstitutional using the precedent set in Youngstown Tube and Sheet v. Sawyer.

Sorry if that doesn't confirm to your narrative.

Yep! the far left states many things, yet they follow the religion without question..

Just like you did!

Also now you claimed that you had not time to make an "informed" decision now you claiming something else..

Typical far left..

While I was responding to your inane prattling I read up on more the speech and his proposed executive orders. It doesn't take me very long to form an reasonable position.

I am sure your next response will filled with more mischaracterizations of my views and ramblings about the far left. You can have the last word, its clear you so desperately need it. Bye Felecia!

So in other words I was spot on about the OP and you!

Now you change it from you claiming that you posted this was illegal to now you need to read up on it to make an "informed" decision..

Yes that is par for the course of being a far left poster.

Thanks for proving my last post to be amazingly accurate. Mischaracterizations of my position and ramblings about the far left. Predicable as the rising sun you are.

After I read up more about the EO and his speech I have come to decision that the EO should and will be challenged.

You're not very good at trolling by the way. Perhaps you should find a different schtick and maybe you would have a bit more creditability around here.

Yes so I spot on about the OP..

Yes you were "informed" before you were uninformed, then saddened uniformed again..

Once again the far left proves my original comments!
President Obama's Presidency is over. The ACA is massively unpopular and failing and now Obama will force a unpopular commandment on the masses. Worst president in US history might just be Obama.
Whatever you say pal. I didn't even vote for Obama last election. I proudly voted for Gary Johnson. I've already stated that I believe these executive orders to be unconstitutional using the precedent set in Youngstown Tube and Sheet v. Sawyer.

Sorry if that doesn't confirm to your narrative.

Yep! the far left states many things, yet they follow the religion without question..

Just like you did!

Also now you claimed that you had not time to make an "informed" decision now you claiming something else..

Typical far left..

While I was responding to your inane prattling I read up on more the speech and his proposed executive orders. It doesn't take me very long to form an reasonable position.

I am sure your next response will filled with more mischaracterizations of my views and ramblings about the far left. You can have the last word, its clear you so desperately need it. Bye Felecia!

So in other words I was spot on about the OP and you!

Now you change it from you claiming that you posted this was illegal to now you need to read up on it to make an "informed" decision..

Yes that is par for the course of being a far left poster.

Thanks for proving my last post to be amazingly accurate. Mischaracterizations of my position and ramblings about the far left. Predicable as the rising sun you are.

After I read up more about the EO and his speech I have come to decision that the EO should and will be challenged.

You're not very good at trolling by the way. Perhaps you should find a different schtick and maybe you would have a bit more creditability around here.

Yes so I spot on about the OP..

Yes you were "informed" before you were uninformed, then saddened uniformed again..

Once again the far left proves my original comments!

Wow, more mischaracterizations of my position and ramblings about the far left. I am gobsmacked.

I am done with you goblin. Have a great day. Or don't. It really doesn't matter to me one way or the other.
Yep! the far left states many things, yet they follow the religion without question..

Just like you did!

Also now you claimed that you had not time to make an "informed" decision now you claiming something else..

Typical far left..

While I was responding to your inane prattling I read up on more the speech and his proposed executive orders. It doesn't take me very long to form an reasonable position.

I am sure your next response will filled with more mischaracterizations of my views and ramblings about the far left. You can have the last word, its clear you so desperately need it. Bye Felecia!

So in other words I was spot on about the OP and you!

Now you change it from you claiming that you posted this was illegal to now you need to read up on it to make an "informed" decision..

Yes that is par for the course of being a far left poster.

Thanks for proving my last post to be amazingly accurate. Mischaracterizations of my position and ramblings about the far left. Predicable as the rising sun you are.

After I read up more about the EO and his speech I have come to decision that the EO should and will be challenged.

You're not very good at trolling by the way. Perhaps you should find a different schtick and maybe you would have a bit more creditability around here.

Yes so I spot on about the OP..

Yes you were "informed" before you were uninformed, then saddened uniformed again..

Once again the far left proves my original comments!

Wow, more mischaracterizations of my position and ramblings about the far left. I am gobsmacked.

I am done with you goblin. Have a great day. Or don't. It really doesn't matter to me one way or the other.

Yes I know you got caught and had to go out and make quick posts to try and show that you do not side with the far left, yet here you prove that you do.

So yes my comment are spot on!

A far left blog site that repeats the far left mantra that the far left drones will believe.

If you can not handle the truth, then that is your problem not mine..
And see to the far left anyone that is not far left is automatically far right!

I am not the one claiming neutrality, you are.

And thus you need to come out of the closet.

And if you have not made an "informed" decision on this by now, then you are far left partisan hiding behind words.

Obama 8217 s Immigration Amnesia

Only been going on a year now..

How nice of you to put words in my mouth. I am a left-leaning libertarian with a fierce independent streak. You can claim I am "far left" until the cows home but you would be incorrect. You'll continue to post the same drivel containing your favorite buzz words and call anyone that dares challenge you on it far left. You're nothing more then broken record.

Wrong! You are far left!

You can claim whatever you want and be in the closet.

Otherwise you would have come down on the OP. And not voted twice for Obama!

Whatever you say pal. I didn't even vote for Obama last election. I proudly voted for Gary Johnson. I've already stated that I believe these executive orders to be unconstitutional using the precedent set in Youngstown Tube and Sheet v. Sawyer.

Sorry if that doesn't confirm to your narrative.

Yep! the far left states many things, yet they follow the religion without question..

Just like you did!

Also now you claimed that you had not time to make an "informed" decision now you claiming something else..

Typical far left..

While I was responding to your inane prattling I read up on more the speech and his proposed executive orders. It doesn't take me very long to form an reasonable position.

I am sure your next response will filled with more mischaracterizations of my views and ramblings about the far left. You can have the last word, its clear you so desperately need it. Bye Felecia!
i dont know why you are arguing....Kosh would say Rabbi is far left if he did not agree with him.........its either Kosh or you are Far Left....what else can you be?..........
How nice of you to put words in my mouth. I am a left-leaning libertarian with a fierce independent streak. You can claim I am "far left" until the cows home but you would be incorrect. You'll continue to post the same drivel containing your favorite buzz words and call anyone that dares challenge you on it far left. You're nothing more then broken record.

Wrong! You are far left!

You can claim whatever you want and be in the closet.

Otherwise you would have come down on the OP. And not voted twice for Obama!

Whatever you say pal. I didn't even vote for Obama last election. I proudly voted for Gary Johnson. I've already stated that I believe these executive orders to be unconstitutional using the precedent set in Youngstown Tube and Sheet v. Sawyer.

Sorry if that doesn't confirm to your narrative.

Yep! the far left states many things, yet they follow the religion without question..

Just like you did!

Also now you claimed that you had not time to make an "informed" decision now you claiming something else..

Typical far left..

While I was responding to your inane prattling I read up on more the speech and his proposed executive orders. It doesn't take me very long to form an reasonable position.

I am sure your next response will filled with more mischaracterizations of my views and ramblings about the far left. You can have the last word, its clear you so desperately need it. Bye Felecia!
i dont know why you are arguing....Kosh would say Rabbi is far left if he did not agree with him.........its either Kosh or you are Far Left....what else can you be?..........

Wrong again!

But that is to be expected from one that thinks Jake is a moderate right winger..
How nice of you to put words in my mouth. I am a left-leaning libertarian with a fierce independent streak. You can claim I am "far left" until the cows home but you would be incorrect. You'll continue to post the same drivel containing your favorite buzz words and call anyone that dares challenge you on it far left. You're nothing more then broken record.

Wrong! You are far left!

You can claim whatever you want and be in the closet.

Otherwise you would have come down on the OP. And not voted twice for Obama!

Whatever you say pal. I didn't even vote for Obama last election. I proudly voted for Gary Johnson. I've already stated that I believe these executive orders to be unconstitutional using the precedent set in Youngstown Tube and Sheet v. Sawyer.

Sorry if that doesn't confirm to your narrative.

Yep! the far left states many things, yet they follow the religion without question..

Just like you did!

Also now you claimed that you had not time to make an "informed" decision now you claiming something else..

Typical far left..

While I was responding to your inane prattling I read up on more the speech and his proposed executive orders. It doesn't take me very long to form an reasonable position.

I am sure your next response will filled with more mischaracterizations of my views and ramblings about the far left. You can have the last word, its clear you so desperately need it. Bye Felecia!
i dont know why you are arguing....Kosh would say Rabbi is far left if he did not agree with him.........its either Kosh or you are Far Left....what else can you be?..........

Sure seems that way. It was foolish of me to even engage him. Waste of time and effort.
Wrong! You are far left!

You can claim whatever you want and be in the closet.

Otherwise you would have come down on the OP. And not voted twice for Obama!

Whatever you say pal. I didn't even vote for Obama last election. I proudly voted for Gary Johnson. I've already stated that I believe these executive orders to be unconstitutional using the precedent set in Youngstown Tube and Sheet v. Sawyer.

Sorry if that doesn't confirm to your narrative.

Yep! the far left states many things, yet they follow the religion without question..

Just like you did!

Also now you claimed that you had not time to make an "informed" decision now you claiming something else..

Typical far left..

While I was responding to your inane prattling I read up on more the speech and his proposed executive orders. It doesn't take me very long to form an reasonable position.

I am sure your next response will filled with more mischaracterizations of my views and ramblings about the far left. You can have the last word, its clear you so desperately need it. Bye Felecia!
i dont know why you are arguing....Kosh would say Rabbi is far left if he did not agree with him.........its either Kosh or you are Far Left....what else can you be?..........

Sure seems that way. It was foolish of me to even engage him. Waste of time and effort.

Yes to try and call out my post about the OP, when it was spot on!

It was a post from a far left blog site repeating the far left mantra that the far left drones will believe without question or hesitation..

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