Presidents speech tonight

In his speech, Obama once again asked the Republican Congress to approve an AUMF against ISIS. The ostriches have refused to do so for over a year.

Finally, if Congress believes, as I do, that we are at war with ISIL, it should go ahead and vote to authorize the continued use of military force against these terrorists. For over a year, I have ordered our military to take thousands of airstrikes against ISIL targets. I think it's time for Congress to vote to demonstrate that the American people are united, and committed, to this fight.
Amazing how overnight so many of you libs have become hawkish.
I wonder if the media will bother fact checking his speech last night, like they do Trump.

Obama said thousands of airstrikes.

I've heard it's not even hundreds.

Can anyone find out if he being honest?
I've posted the figures here several times. It's been thousands.

Why aren't you bent over double with orgasms? After all, when Putin sends half a dozen tanks to Syria, you rubes sploog all over the forum about what a manly man he is and how he is "going it alone".

You can only say that kind of shit because you are fucking retarded and have willfully blinded yourself to the efforts your own country has been making in the fight.

Putin's a bit player. Small time.
Spoken like a true propagandist, bought and paid for by the Muslim Brotherhood and our White House.

It really doesn't matter what efforts they have made if they're not bearing any results.
So when you heard the "thousands" claim was probably a lie, and then was shown it was true, you decided the truth is propaganda!

This is truly fascinating. You are one of the more interesting willfully blind retards on this forum.
lol. The hysteria finds a new level.

I know that its difficult for you to comprehend. No worries, its very doubtful that we'll even be participating when this one blows up. We're too weak.

I know you're an idiot. What will your contribution to this imaginary WW3 be?


Are you that stupid and arrogant that you actually think ww3 is not about to happen? Really....are you this stupid? Your ignorance is astounding.

It is if we elect a Republican. They want war with Russia.

O and Putin are the ones fighting the proxy war right now.

Well Putin is doing very little to combat ISIS, Putin is holding up the Assad regime..
So if they aren't arrested they aren't proven terrorists, now are they?
The only thing I rejected from President Obama speech was his request to Congress to pass a law to prevent people on a No-Fly list not to be able to obtain a firearm because their name is on a government list that is faulty.

A list created by the government that does not prove that the person is a convicted criminal should not be used to deny someone Constitutional Right, and again the list is faulty and has been shown to be incorrect in the past.
That is a very weak argument because there is a simple mechanism already in place to get your name removed from the list if you are on it in error.

It is a weak argument to use a list like that to deny someone their Constitutional Right. I should not have to worry some Government Bureaucrat put my name on a list mistakenly which lead to the government denying me my constitutional right.

Also it is not a easy task to remove your name from the list, and the list is flawed as can be.

So as you write it is a weak argument not to support such laws the fact remains a list like that can become a political tool to prevent individuals from their Constitutional Rights, and I am not signing on such nonsense.

Also most mass shooters if not all of them were not on the No-Fly list, so how would have a law prevent them from obtaining a firearm?
I'm glad you defend Constitutional rights for terrorists, but what about undocumented immigrants?

What rights do undocumented immigrants have under the Constitution?
What rights do terrorists have under the Constitution? Why does the Right, the NRA and the GOP want to bestow 2nd amendment rights on terrorists?
I wonder if the media will bother fact checking his speech last night, like they do Trump.

Obama said thousands of airstrikes.

I've heard it's not even hundreds.

Can anyone find out if he being honest?
Well we know YOU are NEVER honest!

As of 3:59 p.m. EST Dec. 1, the U.S. and coalition have conducted a total of 8,573 strikes (5,639 Iraq / 2,934 Syria).

  • U.S. has conducted 6,692 strikes in Iraq and Syria (3,916 Iraq / 2,776 Syria)
  • Rest of Coalition has conducted 1,881 strikes in Iraq and Syria (1,723 Iraq /158 Syria)

No link to this?
Are these missions or actual bombs dropped. Word has it, 70% of the time aircraft have had to return without delivering their payloads because of extremely strict ROEs.
I posted the figures again, dipshit, just for you. It says quite plainly targets damaged/destroyed.
What are the figures for Putin's missions against ISIL? Huh? Huh?

Four-fifths of Russia's Syria strikes don't target Islamic State: Reuters analysis

Of those targets, a maximum of 15 were in areas held by Islamic State, according to a survey of locations of the rival forces in Syria compiled by the Institute for the Study of War.

15! Woo hoo! What a tough guy!

80 percent of his bombing is on non-ISIS targets. I've told you idiots Putin is not there to fight ISIS but to preserve Assad, and he will slaughter as many civilians as it takes to achieve that.
I wonder if the media will bother fact checking his speech last night, like they do Trump.

Obama said thousands of airstrikes.

I've heard it's not even hundreds.

Can anyone find out if he being honest?
Well we know YOU are NEVER honest!

As of 3:59 p.m. EST Dec. 1, the U.S. and coalition have conducted a total of 8,573 strikes (5,639 Iraq / 2,934 Syria).

  • U.S. has conducted 6,692 strikes in Iraq and Syria (3,916 Iraq / 2,776 Syria)
  • Rest of Coalition has conducted 1,881 strikes in Iraq and Syria (1,723 Iraq /158 Syria)

No link to this?
Are these missions or actual bombs dropped. Word has it, 70% of the time aircraft have had to return without delivering their payloads because of extremely strict ROEs.
I posted the figures again, dipshit, just for you. It says quite plainly targets damaged/destroyed.

Yet ISIS spreads like wild fire!

Silly far left done!
"Is that it?"

- The official response of the Republican Party to complicated issues

They want another large scale war in the ME. That is indisputable. They are addicted to repeating history.
OP is too dumb to realize that getting mired in another ME conflict only profits the arms manufacturers off the backs of the taxpayers AKA- crony capitalism. Any surprise OP would be for it?
In his speech, Obama once again asked the Republican Congress to approve an AUMF against ISIS. The ostriches have refused to do so for over a year.
Amazing how overnight so many of you libs have become hawkish.
I wonder if the media will bother fact checking his speech last night, like they do Trump.

Obama said thousands of airstrikes.

I've heard it's not even hundreds.

Can anyone find out if he being honest?
I've posted the figures here several times. It's been thousands.

Why aren't you bent over double with orgasms? After all, when Putin sends half a dozen tanks to Syria, you rubes sploog all over the forum about what a manly man he is and how he is "going it alone".

You can only say that kind of shit because you are fucking retarded and have willfully blinded yourself to the efforts your own country has been making in the fight.

Putin's a bit player. Small time.
Spoken like a true propagandist, bought and paid for by the Muslim Brotherhood and our White House.

It really doesn't matter what efforts they have made if they're not bearing any results.
So when you heard the "thousands" claim was probably a lie, and then was shown it was true, you decided the truth is propaganda!

This is truly fascinating. You are one of the more interesting willfully blind retards on this forum.
I see no proof.

Just some jackass posting unsubstantiated claims online.
As of October...

Putin: 15

United States: 13,781.

Putin's such a bad-ass, huh?

So...cowards, yes or no?

A minimum ten year boots-on-the-ground occupation of Syria.

Yes...or no?
Come on, rubes. Let's hear some orgiastic orgasming over the United States effort in Syria. You all fucking writhed in ecstasy over Putin's 15 missions.
I know that its difficult for you to comprehend. No worries, its very doubtful that we'll even be participating when this one blows up. We're too weak.

I know you're an idiot. What will your contribution to this imaginary WW3 be?


Are you that stupid and arrogant that you actually think ww3 is not about to happen? Really....are you this stupid? Your ignorance is astounding.

It is if we elect a Republican. They want war with Russia.

O and Putin are the ones fighting the proxy war right now.

Well Putin is doing very little to combat ISIS, Putin is holding up the Assad regime..

We're helping the rebels against assad. Putin is helping assad against the rebels. Meanwhile, turkey is shooting down russian planes on purpose and buying oil from isis while we look the other way and russia sets up a beachhead in the ME to pillage and plunder.
I wonder if the media will bother fact checking his speech last night, like they do Trump.

Obama said thousands of airstrikes.

I've heard it's not even hundreds.

Can anyone find out if he being honest?
Well we know YOU are NEVER honest!

As of 3:59 p.m. EST Dec. 1, the U.S. and coalition have conducted a total of 8,573 strikes (5,639 Iraq / 2,934 Syria).

  • U.S. has conducted 6,692 strikes in Iraq and Syria (3,916 Iraq / 2,776 Syria)
  • Rest of Coalition has conducted 1,881 strikes in Iraq and Syria (1,723 Iraq /158 Syria)

No link to this?
Are these missions or actual bombs dropped. Word has it, 70% of the time aircraft have had to return without delivering their payloads because of extremely strict ROEs.
I posted the figures again, dipshit, just for you. It says quite plainly targets damaged/destroyed.
They don't match his figures.

And anyone who has attended a White House briefing knows that this administration lies every day. Nothing they publish is trustworthy either. I'll wait for independent confirmation on everything, especially after seeing that amateurish bullshit you posted.

It's a terrible thing when a leader breeds this much distrust in the public.

I guess that's what happens when you lie and are caught lying so much.

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