Press Plays The Victim Card After Body-Slamming Republican Wins

You get aggressive and stick anything in someone's face, and they in my book are justified in giving you a linoleum bath. I am not a fan of proportional response.
Then go live in Weimar. Folks there agree with you. This country, in contrast, was founded on the principle of the rule of law. And one of those laws is assault and battery. If you think it is okay to break it, then you obviously do not embrace American values.

You stick something in my face and fail to stop when I say, that's assault, and I will stop you. What is not fair about that?
I'm beginning to think that the difference of opinion here may be due to those brought up in the 50s-60s, when boys were taught and expected to defend themselves, and those brought up later who were taught that violence is a 50-50 deal, with both parties at fault regardless of circumstances.

Another idiot legacy of feminism? I think so.

"Don't tread on me."
The Pinheads in the media claim that Trump caused that Montana candidate to body-slam that journalist.
They had very little to say about the violence at Berkeley and all of the Blacks going around parts of the country beating people up. They feel that when a journalist got aggressive and got assaulted by a guy who lost his cool, this is all Trump's fault.

No, America is pissed off about the despicable comments that leaders like F**k Schumer and Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters, screaming for impeachment before the man even took office.

We're pissed off because of the we can't watch the news without throwing a brick thru our televisions.

Lemon is a DAN.
So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

In both examples given The Left instigated the violence.
Oh? Exactly what did that reporter do to instigate violence against him?

Burst into a private interview, shoved a mic into the candidate's face and began shouting questions. I'd have broken his arm.

"Gosh Officer, I thought his recorder was a knife, so I reacted."

I'd have politely asked him to leave
Polite would have been not entering a room without an invitation.
In Airplane! Stack Decked These Pests

The First Amendment is superseded by the Fourth Amendment.
You stick something in my face and fail to stop when I say, that's assault, and I will stop you. What is not fair about that?
Everything. You know its a reporter. You know its a microphone. You know a reporter with a microphone is not physically threatening you. Therefore, you have no right to a violent response.
You stick something in my face and fail to stop when I say, that's assault, and I will stop you. What is not fair about that?
Everything. You know its a reporter. You know its a microphone. You know a reporter with a microphone is not physically threatening you. Therefore, you have no right to a violent response.

If he gets in my face and does not cease upon request, it's provocation. He will be on the floor.
The point is that you are another lying lib that ignores reality to push whatever America hating agenda you have in your twisted mind. That is the point.
What did I lie about?
Typical liberal tactic. Pretend not to to know what they are lying about. You see this ploy, if fallen for, will provide the liberal with more venues to twist spin and smoke in an attempt to distract from the the main theme that they are not telling the truth and never backup any claims they make.

Now he will claim that is what i am doing.
So you're saying, 'no,' then? That there is no FBI investigation into collusion between Russians and Trump campaign associates?

Then that dumps your brain-dead ass in the 'demented' bucket.

"I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, former FBI Director

Fawn. are you mentally retarded? I mean, are you in a home where nurses put you in diapers and put a helmet on you as you walk? I suspect "yes."

Now you drooling fucking retard, I have given you a DOZEN news reports that state there is zero evidence of any sort collusion. You can obviously provide no evidence of anything, just smears and innuendo. I mean, you're a fucking Nazi so that is expected.
As always, you prove to be too insane to converse with. I point out how there's an ongoing investigation, and you come back with a pathetically weak strawman about how you don't see any evidence of collusion.

So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

You have to marvel at how far the Republican party has fallen. There is no bottom either, they crawl under the barrel and then start digging to reach the sewer. This is a party and cohort of people that have no compass at all anymore. They have given up on morals and truth and instead cling to lies and situational morality. Where they decide what is moral based on a situation. If you are old enough to have watched this evolution of conservatives it is stunning. They are hollow people now. There is no foundation.
I marvel at how you leftists play the victim.....even when you're the aggressor.
I'm 60 years old. I know what the tactic is. It's a bullying tactic. I had it pulled on me at times in school. Some kid screams at me for weeks, spitting on me and calling me every name in the book. Then he makes the mistake of putting his hands on me and I beat him to a pulp. They he runs crying to the principle about how I beat him up.
This is what it's like for us. We're fed up with you lying cocksuckers. We refrain from violence for so long. The moment we react to it you SOBs claim WE'RE the assholes that are prone to violence.
I think what is happening is you bastards have awoken a sleeping giant and don't even know it.
My suggestion is that you STFU and start acting like decent Americans.

I won't hold my breath waiting on you doing this however.
So I guess Republicans are saying that if a reporter asks a question, in a polite manner, that the Republican didn't want asked, it's OK to attack the reporter and physically harm them.

Gee, I remember when Republicans on this board were complaining the left is violent. Well, I guess we know who is really violent.

The race to fill Montana's sole seat in the U.S. House of Representatives took a violent turn Wednesday, and a crew from the Fox News Channel witnessed it firsthand.

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Reporter Alicia Acuna wrote that she watched Republican Greg Gianforte grab a news reporter by the neck with both hands and slammed him into the ground behind him.

Acuna wrote that she “watched in disbelief as Gianforte then began punching the reporter.”


Greg Gianforte, the GOP House candidate in Montana who was neck-and-neck with his Democratic opponent before Thursday's special election, was cited for misdemeanor assault after an incident with a newspaper reporter.

The Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement that there was probable cause to issue a citation, but the nature of the injuries “did not meet the statutory elements of a felony assault.”

MORNING BRIEF: Fox News team witnesses Montana House candidate 'slamming reporter'

So this is what the present GOP considers normal politics. We are looking at the same kind of thing that was happening in Germany in the '30's.
The Pinheads in the media claim that Trump caused that Montana candidate to body-slam that journalist.
They had very little to say about the violence at Berkeley and all of the Blacks going around parts of the country beating people up. They feel that when a journalist got aggressive and got assaulted by a guy who lost his cool, this is all Trump's fault.

No, America is pissed off about the despicable comments that leaders like F**k Schumer and Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters, screaming for impeachment before the man even took office.

We're pissed off because of the we can't watch the news without throwing a brick thru our televisions.

I support more MSM scum being body slammed and also punched. That little slug Ben Jacobs was invading Gianforte's space and deserved everything he got.

I listened to the audio and it was excellent, even better the Bedwetter Ben Jacobs whining "you broke my glasses", he then took to Twitter to whine about his glasses being broken.

I had never heard of this Greg Gianforte before, but the man deserves a medal, he's an Alpha Male unlike Ben Jacobs who is a typical Leftist Beta Cuck faggot.

Fuck the MSM.

Greg Gianforte won, probably his body slamming the slug Ben Jacobs got him more votes.


Typical liberal tactic. Pretend not to to know what they are lying about. You see this ploy, if fallen for, will provide the liberal with more venues to twist spin and smoke in an attempt to distract from the the main theme that they are not telling the truth and never backup any claims they make.

Now he will claim that is what i am doing.
You called me a liar but you can't tell me what I lied about? So you just say things for no particular reason?

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