Press Plays The Victim Card After Body-Slamming Republican Wins

It says they're happy to see annoying people get slapped around. You will see more such incidents until such behavior stops.

Do you really believe beating someone up because they are annoying is justified? I don't believe you really believe that. You're just being a partisan hack. You'll defend anything the Republicans do.

I see that when Republicans are in charge humanity takes a step backward.

You know, I was bashing black people who hit white people when they use the N word. I told black people they aren't civilized if they can't use their words and have to resort to violence. No matter what someone else says, that is no justification to put your hands on another person. I wish this reporter had a gun. He would have been justified to shoot the Congressman under stand your ground laws.

It doesn't surprise me that a Republican/Conservative is defending bad behavior. It's what you guys do.
Well, another eyewitness.

From now on Reporters should carry guns and if any politicians or bodyguards touch them they should blow them away. Stand your ground. They feared for their lives.

Or does stand your ground only work if you shoot a black man?

No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?

You would have to prove that to a judge.......good luck with that...
Time for tar and feathers of the elite establishment MSM.

It's funny you guys don't like the media, who are the only ones who will expose how criminal you are. You are being too obvious with your constant bashing of the MSM.
Desperation is pretty sad isn't it? You post ridiculous nonsense all day long and wonder why no one takes you seriously.
Do you really believe beating someone up because they are annoying is justified? I don't believe you really believe that. You're just being a partisan hack. You'll defend anything the Republicans do.

I see that when Republicans are in charge humanity takes a step backward.

You know, I was bashing black people who hit white people when they use the N word. I told black people they aren't civilized if they can't use their words and have to resort to violence. No matter what someone else says, that is no justification to put your hands on another person. I wish this reporter had a gun. He would have been justified to shoot the Congressman under stand your ground laws.

It doesn't surprise me that a Republican/Conservative is defending bad behavior. It's what you guys do.
Well, another eyewitness.

From now on Reporters should carry guns and if any politicians or bodyguards touch them they should blow them away. Stand your ground. They feared for their lives.

Or does stand your ground only work if you shoot a black man?

No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?

You would have to prove that to a judge.......good luck with that...
Especially since one of the "eyewitnesses" already recanted.
Guess Montana GOP gave the out of touch Democrats an ass whipping.
In case you missed it, Greg Gianforte won the GOP/WWE World Heavyweight Championship last night.
It says they're happy to see annoying people get slapped around. You will see more such incidents until such behavior stops.

Do you really believe beating someone up because they are annoying is justified? I don't believe you really believe that. You're just being a partisan hack. You'll defend anything the Republicans do.

I see that when Republicans are in charge humanity takes a step backward.

You know, I was bashing black people who hit white people when they use the N word. I told black people they aren't civilized if they can't use their words and have to resort to violence. No matter what someone else says, that is no justification to put your hands on another person. I wish this reporter had a gun. He would have been justified to shoot the Congressman under stand your ground laws.

It doesn't surprise me that a Republican/Conservative is defending bad behavior. It's what you guys do.
Well, another eyewitness.

From now on Reporters should carry guns and if any politicians or bodyguards touch them they should blow them away. Stand your ground. They feared for their lives.

Or does stand your ground only work if you shoot a black man?

No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
Observe the absolute desperation of this leftist here. He is stuck grasping for straws, trying desperately to gain the moral high ground. As you'll note, leftists cannot stick to the topic because they will lose. So here this guy is, blabbering on about what if it was a fucking black guy who bodyslammed him. Because that is their go to, when their amygdala is rubbed raw..bring out the race or sex or tranny or faggot or class card.

This is when you know they've got nothing and the best thing you could do is dismiss his stupid pleas and not even address it.

There was no black guy, this involved white men in arguably the whitest state in the Union.
ben jacobs searches for his glasses after being body-slammed by greg gianforte

Do you really believe beating someone up because they are annoying is justified? I don't believe you really believe that. You're just being a partisan hack. You'll defend anything the Republicans do.

I see that when Republicans are in charge humanity takes a step backward.

You know, I was bashing black people who hit white people when they use the N word. I told black people they aren't civilized if they can't use their words and have to resort to violence. No matter what someone else says, that is no justification to put your hands on another person. I wish this reporter had a gun. He would have been justified to shoot the Congressman under stand your ground laws.

It doesn't surprise me that a Republican/Conservative is defending bad behavior. It's what you guys do.
Well, another eyewitness.

From now on Reporters should carry guns and if any politicians or bodyguards touch them they should blow them away. Stand your ground. They feared for their lives.

Or does stand your ground only work if you shoot a black man?

No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
were you there? lets see the video. n you are defending someone who th9nks punching 16 year olds is ok.

no pity.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Who punched a 16 year old?

And I love it how you scumbag Republicans who know what the scumbag did are now asking if we have video evidence, as if the audio and his apology aren't enough evidence for you.

Typical RWNJ. Remember when you guys were sure Bill Clinton and Lynch were on that airplane talking about inappropriate stuff? Where was your tape? Did you have any evidence? You had none. But here we have audio and an admittance and still you guys deny. That's because you are liars. I understand why. You think the GOP are better for your middle class asses. Just wait. You'll see you are wrong. But you were proven wrong before. 2000-2008 Bush sucked and you still voted McCain, then Romney and now Trump. America gets what it deserves. No social services, no social secuity, medicare, nothing. You will all die broke.

I luckily have saved, make a lot, don't have kids and I'm getting an inheritance. God are the rest of you screwed.
Do you really believe beating someone up because they are annoying is justified? I don't believe you really believe that. You're just being a partisan hack. You'll defend anything the Republicans do.

I see that when Republicans are in charge humanity takes a step backward.

You know, I was bashing black people who hit white people when they use the N word. I told black people they aren't civilized if they can't use their words and have to resort to violence. No matter what someone else says, that is no justification to put your hands on another person. I wish this reporter had a gun. He would have been justified to shoot the Congressman under stand your ground laws.

It doesn't surprise me that a Republican/Conservative is defending bad behavior. It's what you guys do.
Well, another eyewitness.

From now on Reporters should carry guns and if any politicians or bodyguards touch them they should blow them away. Stand your ground. They feared for their lives.

Or does stand your ground only work if you shoot a black man?

No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
Observe the absolute desperation of this leftist here. He is stuck grasping for straws, trying desperately to gain the moral high ground. As you'll note, leftists cannot stick to the topic because they will lose. So here this guy is, blabbering on about what if it was a fucking black guy who bodyslammed him. Because that is there go to, when their amygdala is rubbed raw..bring out the race or sex or tranny or faggot or class card.

This is when you know they've got nothing and the best thing you could do is dismiss his stupid pleas and not even address it.

There was no black guy, this involved white men in arguably the whitest state in the Union.

I'm trying to help you realize a politician assaulting someone is not right, cool or justified. If I give you an example of how black men get shot for attacking people, maybe that will help you realize what idiots you are being. The reporter should have shot the politician. If I were a reporter I'd get my concealed weapons permit and shoot a fucker if he touched me.
Well, another eyewitness.

From now on Reporters should carry guns and if any politicians or bodyguards touch them they should blow them away. Stand your ground. They feared for their lives.

Or does stand your ground only work if you shoot a black man?

No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
were you there? lets see the video. n you are defending someone who th9nks punching 16 year olds is ok.

no pity.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Who punched a 16 year old?

And I love it how you scumbag Republicans who know what the scumbag did are now asking if we have video evidence, as if the audio and his apology aren't enough evidence for you.

Typical RWNJ. Remember when you guys were sure Bill Clinton and Lynch were on that airplane talking about inappropriate stuff? Where was your tape? Did you have any evidence? You had none. But here we have audio and an admittance and still you guys deny. That's because you are liars. I understand why. You think the GOP are better for your middle class asses. Just wait. You'll see you are wrong. But you were proven wrong before. 2000-2008 Bush sucked and you still voted McCain, then Romney and now Trump. America gets what it deserves. No social services, no social secuity, medicare, nothing. You will all die broke.

I luckily have saved, make a lot, don't have kids and I'm getting an inheritance. God are the rest of you screwed.
At least we won't have to deal with your retarded offspring in the future. Thank you for not breeding.
Well, another eyewitness.

From now on Reporters should carry guns and if any politicians or bodyguards touch them they should blow them away. Stand your ground. They feared for their lives.

Or does stand your ground only work if you shoot a black man?

No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
were you there? lets see the video. n you are defending someone who th9nks punching 16 year olds is ok.

no pity.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Who punched a 16 year old?

And I love it how you scumbag Republicans who know what the scumbag did are now asking if we have video evidence, as if the audio and his apology aren't enough evidence for you.

Typical RWNJ. Remember when you guys were sure Bill Clinton and Lynch were on that airplane talking about inappropriate stuff? Where was your tape? Did you have any evidence? You had none. But here we have audio and an admittance and still you guys deny. That's because you are liars. I understand why. You think the GOP are better for your middle class asses. Just wait. You'll see you are wrong. But you were proven wrong before. 2000-2008 Bush sucked and you still voted McCain, then Romney and now Trump. America gets what it deserves. No social services, no social secuity, medicare, nothing. You will all die broke.

I luckily have saved, make a lot, don't have kids and I'm getting an inheritance. God are the rest of you screwed.
i posted the tweet from your hapless victim who is advocating all media punch a,16 year old.

and prove what you say is true, if it really is. shouldnt be hard. your emo rants really jacks up any cred you are going for.
So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

You have to marvel at how far the Republican party has fallen. There is no bottom either, they crawl under the barrel and then start digging to reach the sewer. This is a party and cohort of people that have no compass at all anymore. They have given up on morals and truth and instead cling to lies and situational morality. Where they decide what is moral based on a situation. If you are old enough to have watched this evolution of conservatives it is stunning. They are hollow people now. There is no foundation.
How far they've fallen? The run most of the government in most of the country.
Well, another eyewitness.

From now on Reporters should carry guns and if any politicians or bodyguards touch them they should blow them away. Stand your ground. They feared for their lives.

Or does stand your ground only work if you shoot a black man?

No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
Observe the absolute desperation of this leftist here. He is stuck grasping for straws, trying desperately to gain the moral high ground. As you'll note, leftists cannot stick to the topic because they will lose. So here this guy is, blabbering on about what if it was a fucking black guy who bodyslammed him. Because that is there go to, when their amygdala is rubbed raw..bring out the race or sex or tranny or faggot or class card.

This is when you know they've got nothing and the best thing you could do is dismiss his stupid pleas and not even address it.

There was no black guy, this involved white men in arguably the whitest state in the Union.

I'm trying to help you realize a politician assaulting someone is not right, cool or justified. If I give you an example of how black men get shot for attacking people, maybe that will help you realize what idiots you are being. The reporter should have shot the politician. If I were a reporter I'd get my concealed weapons permit and shoot a fucker if he touched me.
Body slamming an asshole invading your space is justified for anyone, politicians included.
Here's what I'm taking from this latest dimocrat outrage.

Parties/candidates have platforms, so this voter has decided to approach elections with a platform too. Mine is very simple, just one plank. Any candidate who body slams or otherwise takes on a media puke or group of pukes gets my vote. Period.
Lot of people have that platform now. He raised a $100K immediately after the incident.

You guys know he's going to have to pay that reporter for assaulting him. So don't try to pretend what he did was right or justified. He may have still won the election but he's going to pay in court.

And it's probably going to be the taxpayers who pay.
So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

You have to marvel at how far the Republican party has fallen. There is no bottom either, they crawl under the barrel and then start digging to reach the sewer. This is a party and cohort of people that have no compass at all anymore. They have given up on morals and truth and instead cling to lies and situational morality. Where they decide what is moral based on a situation. If you are old enough to have watched this evolution of conservatives it is stunning. They are hollow people now. There is no foundation.
How far they've fallen? The run most of the government in most of the country.
These fuckers are delusional.
That you have to lie about what happened reveals the reporter did nothing at all to instigate violence against him.

People on site confirmed the behavior.
Link to the quote you gave?

Review and recall that I was indicating what my reaction might have been. The quote was speculative as to the reasoning of my statement about breaking his arm.
Who the fuck cares what you would do? The question wasn't what would you do, it was what did Jacobs do to warrant being assaulted. That you switched it to you shows the answer is "nothing." And no one outside of Gianforte's campaign confirmed what you claimed. Even better, Gianforte was charged with assault and he apologized.

You seem very confused.
Says the guy who admitted he would lie to justify assault. ::rolleyes:
From now on Reporters should carry guns and if any politicians or bodyguards touch them they should blow them away. Stand your ground. They feared for their lives.

Or does stand your ground only work if you shoot a black man?

No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
Observe the absolute desperation of this leftist here. He is stuck grasping for straws, trying desperately to gain the moral high ground. As you'll note, leftists cannot stick to the topic because they will lose. So here this guy is, blabbering on about what if it was a fucking black guy who bodyslammed him. Because that is there go to, when their amygdala is rubbed raw..bring out the race or sex or tranny or faggot or class card.

This is when you know they've got nothing and the best thing you could do is dismiss his stupid pleas and not even address it.

There was no black guy, this involved white men in arguably the whitest state in the Union.

I'm trying to help you realize a politician assaulting someone is not right, cool or justified. If I give you an example of how black men get shot for attacking people, maybe that will help you realize what idiots you are being. The reporter should have shot the politician. If I were a reporter I'd get my concealed weapons permit and shoot a fucker if he touched me.
Body slamming an asshole invading your space is justified for anyone, politicians included.
No it is not. And do you have evidence he invaded his space? Funny you rwnj's keep asking for evidence but you don't need any to believe the reporter was invading his space.

Republicans being hypocrites is nothing new.
This is the kind of despicable attacks we have gotten from Democrat plants at townhalls:

He did a wonderful job explaining himself. What's wrong with what I just watched? Maybe you should only have Republicans attend your town halls and only tell the politician how wonderful he is.

Just because it sounded wonderful to you doesn't mean any of it is accurate.

He was just spouting Democrat propaganda.
It's really just grade "A" horse manure.
Here's what I'm taking from this latest dimocrat outrage.

Parties/candidates have platforms, so this voter has decided to approach elections with a platform too. Mine is very simple, just one plank. Any candidate who body slams or otherwise takes on a media puke or group of pukes gets my vote. Period.
Lot of people have that platform now. He raised a $100K immediately after the incident.

You guys know he's going to have to pay that reporter for assaulting him. So don't try to pretend what he did was right or justified. He may have still won the election but he's going to pay in court.

And it's probably going to be the taxpayers who pay.
He shouldn't have to pay him a dime. Maybe journalists should get insurance for when they hassle people and get in their space and get what is coming to them?

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