Pressure Grows for Resignation

Yeah, when two irresponsible people engage in unprotected sex, that is a recipe for the guaranteed human incubator. As I recall murder is prohibited by law--I guess you forgot that too. Aren't you an advocate for "Actions have consequences?"
That is basically only murder in just 14 out of the 50 states. After this last fiasco, of the tyranny of the elected over anyone in the state with common sense, it probably won't be in Texas after the next election. Of course, Texas will be another huge blue state. Florida could also turn from red to blue.
That is basically only murder in just 14 out of the 50 states. After this last fiasco, of the tyranny of the elected over anyone in the state with common sense, it probably won't be in Texas after the next election. Of course, Texas will be another huge blue state. Florida could also turn from red to blue
At the risk of having another half dozen or so posts removed by you, I might point out that abortion and the political bent of a particular state are not on topic, White.
At the risk of having another half dozen or so posts removed by you, I might point out that abortion and the political bent of a particular state are not on topic, White.
You are absolutely correct. I strayed this thread that direction answering Old Flame, and then continued to answer the anti-abortion crowd, unhappy with my view, forgetting entirely the topic of this thread is supposed to be in reference to pressure on Harvard's president to step down after her answering the same questions in the same way, that saw U Penn's President forced to step down.
Thread Topic Title:

Pressure Grows for Resignation​

Yup, and the consequences that go with it.

For example, you're an anti-Semitic supporter of Hamas, and as a result, you have no real power or authority over anything, and in general, most people dislike you. Words have consequences.
I bet you ask fat girls if they are pregnant
Nope. You guys hold the women responsible, as they are assigned to carry the burden while most men go on their merry ways from vagina to vagina, sewing their seed with little long term consequence and definitely not generally held responsible as they will not be in the picture for long, yet the women are characterized as loose and not wanting to take responsibility and many (if not most) simply are not and will not be up to the responsibility that comes with bearing and rearing a child.

You didn't answer my first question, no examples to share I guess? Shocking...

The women are equally as responsible as the men, and should be even more so since they are the ones that 'carry the burden' as you describe it. I've never looked at a baby, a human life, as a 'burden', so would have no way to relate to that notion. It takes two to consensually have sex, the female can just as easily say 'no' or be sure there are preventative precautions being used, it's more her responsibility since it's 'her body' that will be impacted. If the male is just as responsible, then he should also have a say in the abortion, and we both know what your pathetic response to that will be.
You are absolutely correct. I strayed this thread that direction answering Old Flame, and then continued to answer the anti-abortion crowd, unhappy with my view, forgetting entirely the topic of this thread is supposed to be in reference to pressure on Harvard's president to step down after her answering the same questions in the same way, that saw U Penn's President forced to step down.
Thread Topic Title:

Pressure Grows for Resignation​

You made this comment, 'Women in general are a target of the far right, historically.', and then you were unable to back it up, as usual.
I hear you. If they are dumb enough to get knocked up by a guy unfit to live with, they deserve to suffer the consequences for 18 years, while the guy goes on his way. That is republican ethic. Hold the woman responsible for carrying the fetus, and after that, here is some welfare money, though not enough for a middle class life, and quite often a welcome to the permanent underclass (ne mother and child) to perpetuate the cycle, as she struggle to support them both.

Don't blame me for boys in the girls room, or long dick dong showering with your daughter in the locker room. I don't approve of it either. In my opinion if a guy wants to be a girl, they should lose the dick the day the start the hormone treatments and not ever be considered a full fledged girl, as they ain't.

Only a Godless moron, and mostly males, would consider a human life, and innocent child, as 'suffering the consequences'. If you can't be responsible for the consequences of certain actions, then you shouldn't be doing said actions, let's just give everyone a 'free pass' to commit murder so we can avoid 'consequences'. What kind of fucking moral compass is that, one of a selfish prick that doesn't give a damn about anyone or anything else but himself.
Oh yes, the guaranteed human incubator theory, under penalty of law. I forgot.

How many abortions should a woman be able to have? So in your world it's ago for a female to go out and have sex repeatedly time after time and go get an abortion time after time in order to get 'rid of the consequences' as you so eloquently put it? She has no moral duty to have sex responsibly to be sure an innocent human life doesn't have to be killed? Why can't someone just go out and steal time after time without consequences? Tell me the difference? Or are you just a person that believes anyone should be able to do whatever they want without having to 'suffer consequences' for their chosen actions?
Public shaming works with a lot of people but remember, it's a leftist dem black woman who has a inflated opinion of herself we are talking about here.....Think Stacy Abrams, or The Squad, Jackson-Lee, they have no shame.

civil war harvard.jpg
You are absolutely correct. I strayed this thread that direction answering Old Flame, and then continued to answer the anti-abortion crowd, unhappy with my view, forgetting entirely the topic of this thread is supposed to be in reference to pressure on Harvard's president to step down after her answering the same questions in the same way, that saw U Penn's President forced to step down.
Thread Topic Title:

Pressure Grows for Resignation​

And she resigned, why don't you send the poor thing flowers or something since she had to 'suffer the consequences' of her bigotry and political 'wokeness', and no one should have to suffer that. :rolleyes:
We are not children.

We all know why the president of Harvard will not be forced to resign.

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