Pretty much!

So FOX sent an intrepid conservative to an Alexandria Ocasio Cortez rally and the conservative ended up getting kind of excited:

‘Fox & Friends’ Falls Face-First Into Ocasio-Cortez ‘Trap’

Kruta told the Fox & Friends hosts that she went to the rally to “see what the fuss was about” and “why the message was resonating.” Asked why voters might be drawn to a Democratic Socialist message, she added, “They talk about things that everybody wants, especially if you’re a parent. They talk about education for your kids, health care for your kids, the things that you want.”

Then Hannity tried to scare his audience and Ocasio Cortez thanked him:


The GOP can keep laughing, or it can start paying attention. Which would be smarter?
Ocasio is completely ignorant of any issues.
It’s sad, but at least she’s starting to admit it.
We'll see but anyone running on her platform and can't explain how it's funded will struggle.
Then again leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp it
The wealthy can pay for it. Higher income taxes. Much higher. And less military spending.

Bing, there it is.

Now, at some point, the GOP will have to do more than just scream SOCIALISM. That doesn't work any more. This is going to take actual effort.

The wealthy can pay for it bc they all obviously are heirs who never worked for their success.

This kind of mindset disgusts me. How about you give fifty+ years of your life traveling and being away from your family, working long hours and climbing the ladder of success to give your kids the kind of life you never had only to have a bunch of morons who don’t want to work for a buck rip it away from you. Sounds fair, doesn’t it?

Socialists want to prosper from the efforts of others—and that’s the ugly truth.

Meanwhile we are bailing out the farmers once again due to the trade war. Trump threatens any country that wants to move , like HD, that is what communist countries do, they also take away security clearances from those who disagree with them (the admin) and threaten to lock them up. We are a plutocracy, run by the wealthy for the wealthy and now run by a dictator.
Funny how some forget that those with the security clearances that they hold for no reason other then just because they once held them are responsible for certain things.

One of them once spied on congress then lied to congress about doing it.
One of them has been called out for giving out names and locations of those trying to embed themselves in terror cells. Thereby putting that person in jeopardy and the lives of those sent in to get them out.

If they no longer need them why should they still have them. Does a company allow you to keep the company car when you are no longer employed by them? Do companies that require ID allow you to keep it if you are no longer employed? If they get to keep their security clearance why not let even the lowliest government worker also have one. Chances are they would have better use for it. IF those that are not using it were to suddenly need that clearance again it should be a very simple matter to reinstate it.
Never in history has it worked....and never will
Let's see, dumbass, it works in England, France, Holland, Sweden, Norway,.....
You do realize that the income tax rate for Sweden is 61.85%? Others fall slightly below that. Do you think that you are going to convince the U.S. Citizen which is on average 36% that they need to almost double their taxes?

They are already complaining that they did not get enough of a tax break.
Those countries unemployment is higher, the GDP growth is lower, the combined sovereign rating by Moodys, S&P and fitch of those countries are lower.
" an economy hampered by regressive tax rates will never produce enough jobs or enough profits"
John F. Kennedy
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You liars can’t have it both ways. According to you idiots, Trump bankrupted multiple times. But each time he rebuilt himself. Either he is rich because of his inheritance or he lost it and rebuilt it. You can’t have it both ways liar.

bankruptcy in business-------seems to be part and parcel of "business"

Irrelevant really. Because the left uses that to call his business acumen into question. If it’s part of business then their argument is invalid. If you are one of the rare lefties here who is not arguing that then fine. He may have inhereted his family money, and there is nothing wrong with that, but he also earned quite a lot.

Anyone who has gone bankrupt that many times doesn't have much business acumen. Probably a pretty good scam artist though.

You say that because you don’t know jack shit about it.

You're right. I never went bankrupt.

See? I am right. You don’t know jack shit about it.
In the on-going fantasy world that the left is entrenched in, this socialist politician from NY is the indicator and preview of all that is to come in America. This know-nothing moron from a heavy liberal city and state is the surprise leader of a inevitably successful movement.

Reality, as always, disagrees.
In the on-going fantasy world that the left is entrenched in, this socialist politician from NY is the indicator and preview of all that is to come in America. This know-nothing moron from a heavy liberal city and state is the surprise leader of a inevitably successful movement.

Reality, as always, disagrees.

all true-----but the donkey is only TEMPORARILY
Not everyone who is rich got their wealth served to them on a silver platter. Some worked very very hard for their money and made a lot of sacrifices to give their children the kind of life their parents couldn’t afford to give them. All I’ve got to say to the lefties who lament “Pay your fair share!” Is FUCK YOU. There are ways to fight poverty without resorting to extremes. You want to be lazy and get paid for it then get the hell out of the US.

Why does the idea of everyone being poor and lack of motive to strive for success (bc why aspire to thrive when there’s nothing to thrive for, when you have to hand over all your hard-earned money to those who didn’t even come close to working as hard as you) sound like a utopia to some?

Our president got his money the old fashioned way. He inherited it.

You liars can’t have it both ways. According to you idiots, Trump bankrupted multiple times. But each time he rebuilt himself. Either he is rich because of his inheritance or he lost it and rebuilt it. You can’t have it both ways liar.

bankruptcy in business-------seems to be part and parcel of "business"

Irrelevant really. Because the left uses that to call his business acumen into question. If it’s part of business then their argument is invalid. If you are one of the rare lefties here who is not arguing that then fine. He may have inhereted his family money, and there is nothing wrong with that, but he also earned quite a lot.

what is "THE LEFT" ?? a giant fungus from outerspace?

More like a plague.
So FOX sent an intrepid conservative to an Alexandria Ocasio Cortez rally and the conservative ended up getting kind of excited:

‘Fox & Friends’ Falls Face-First Into Ocasio-Cortez ‘Trap’

Kruta told the Fox & Friends hosts that she went to the rally to “see what the fuss was about” and “why the message was resonating.” Asked why voters might be drawn to a Democratic Socialist message, she added, “They talk about things that everybody wants, especially if you’re a parent. They talk about education for your kids, health care for your kids, the things that you want.”

Then Hannity tried to scare his audience and Ocasio Cortez thanked him:


The GOP can keep laughing, or it can start paying attention. Which would be smarter?
Ocasio is completely ignorant of any issues.
It’s sad, but at least she’s starting to admit it.

Can’t wait to see her have a debate with anyone.
We'll see but anyone running on her platform and can't explain how it's funded will struggle.
Then again leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp it
The wealthy can pay for it. Higher income taxes. Much higher. And less military spending.

Bing, there it is.

Now, at some point, the GOP will have to do more than just scream SOCIALISM. That doesn't work any more. This is going to take actual effort.

The wealthy can pay for it bc they all obviously are heirs who never worked for their success.

This kind of mindset disgusts me. How about you give fifty+ years of your life traveling and being away from your family, working long hours and climbing the ladder of success to give your kids the kind of life you never had only to have a bunch of morons who don’t want to work for a buck rip it away from you. Sounds fair, doesn’t it?

Socialists want to prosper from the efforts of others—and that’s the ugly truth.

There are plenty of working poor who aren’t worried about prospering; surviving would be nice.

The “welfare queen” theme of the 80s is no more. The working poor use government assistance while having a full-time, or several part-time, jobs, and then are demonized for still needing assistance like food stamps or medicaid or housing subsidies.
The welfare queen is alive and well.
So FOX sent an intrepid conservative to an Alexandria Ocasio Cortez rally and the conservative ended up getting kind of excited:

‘Fox & Friends’ Falls Face-First Into Ocasio-Cortez ‘Trap’

Kruta told the Fox & Friends hosts that she went to the rally to “see what the fuss was about” and “why the message was resonating.” Asked why voters might be drawn to a Democratic Socialist message, she added, “They talk about things that everybody wants, especially if you’re a parent. They talk about education for your kids, health care for your kids, the things that you want.”

Then Hannity tried to scare his audience and Ocasio Cortez thanked him:


The GOP can keep laughing, or it can start paying attention. Which would be smarter?
Ocasio is completely ignorant of any issues.
It’s sad, but at least she’s starting to admit it.

Can’t wait to see her have a debate with anyone.
Ds will love her because she knows nothing.
So FOX sent an intrepid conservative to an Alexandria Ocasio Cortez rally and the conservative ended up getting kind of excited:

‘Fox & Friends’ Falls Face-First Into Ocasio-Cortez ‘Trap’

Kruta told the Fox & Friends hosts that she went to the rally to “see what the fuss was about” and “why the message was resonating.” Asked why voters might be drawn to a Democratic Socialist message, she added, “They talk about things that everybody wants, especially if you’re a parent. They talk about education for your kids, health care for your kids, the things that you want.”

Then Hannity tried to scare his audience and Ocasio Cortez thanked him:


The GOP can keep laughing, or it can start paying attention. Which would be smarter?
Ocasio is completely ignorant of any issues.
It’s sad, but at least she’s starting to admit it.

Can’t wait to see her have a debate with anyone.
Ds will love her because she knows nothing.

she is a wind-up doll for her GROOMERS.
We'll see but anyone running on her platform and can't explain how it's funded will struggle.
Then again leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp it
The wealthy can pay for it. Higher income taxes. Much higher. And less military spending.

Bing, there it is.

Now, at some point, the GOP will have to do more than just scream SOCIALISM. That doesn't work any more. This is going to take actual effort.

The wealthy can pay for it bc they all obviously are heirs who never worked for their success.

This kind of mindset disgusts me. How about you give fifty+ years of your life traveling and being away from your family, working long hours and climbing the ladder of success to give your kids the kind of life you never had only to have a bunch of morons who don’t want to work for a buck rip it away from you. Sounds fair, doesn’t it?

Socialists want to prosper from the efforts of others—and that’s the ugly truth.

There are plenty of working poor who aren’t worried about prospering; surviving would be nice.

The “welfare queen” theme of the 80s is no more. The working poor use government assistance while having a full-time, or several part-time, jobs, and then are demonized for still needing assistance like food stamps or medicaid or housing subsidies.

I don’t demonize those who work for their money and I agree the system had its flaws but any system has flaws. Call me crazy but I don’t like the idea of others benefitting from my hard work unless I choose to help them benefit from it. Most wealthy people DO give back in their own ways. I am not wealthy but my parents are, though their income doesn’t even come close to that of people like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, etc.

Why is the idea of “just getting by” whilst being dependent on the government to take care of you appealing? Serious question.

It’s not appealing. As a person with a work ethic, I’d like to see people who work get paid a living wage. I wish there was no need for people who work to need food stamps, housing subsidies, or medicaid.
We'll see but anyone running on her platform and can't explain how it's funded will struggle.
Then again leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp it
The wealthy can pay for it. Higher income taxes. Much higher. And less military spending.

Bing, there it is.

Now, at some point, the GOP will have to do more than just scream SOCIALISM. That doesn't work any more. This is going to take actual effort.

The wealthy can pay for it bc they all obviously are heirs who never worked for their success.

This kind of mindset disgusts me. How about you give fifty+ years of your life traveling and being away from your family, working long hours and climbing the ladder of success to give your kids the kind of life you never had only to have a bunch of morons who don’t want to work for a buck rip it away from you. Sounds fair, doesn’t it?

Socialists want to prosper from the efforts of others—and that’s the ugly truth.

There are plenty of working poor who aren’t worried about prospering; surviving would be nice.

The “welfare queen” theme of the 80s is no more. The working poor use government assistance while having a full-time, or several part-time, jobs, and then are demonized for still needing assistance like food stamps or medicaid or housing subsidies.
The welfare queen is alive and well.

Nope. There are restrictions on how much assistance one can get and for how long.
We'll see but anyone running on her platform and can't explain how it's funded will struggle.
Then again leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp it
The wealthy can pay for it. Higher income taxes. Much higher. And less military spending.

Bing, there it is.

Now, at some point, the GOP will have to do more than just scream SOCIALISM. That doesn't work any more. This is going to take actual effort.

The wealthy can pay for it bc they all obviously are heirs who never worked for their success.

This kind of mindset disgusts me. How about you give fifty+ years of your life traveling and being away from your family, working long hours and climbing the ladder of success to give your kids the kind of life you never had only to have a bunch of morons who don’t want to work for a buck rip it away from you. Sounds fair, doesn’t it?

Socialists want to prosper from the efforts of others—and that’s the ugly truth.

There are plenty of working poor who aren’t worried about prospering; surviving would be nice.

The “welfare queen” theme of the 80s is no more. The working poor use government assistance while having a full-time, or several part-time, jobs, and then are demonized for still needing assistance like food stamps or medicaid or housing subsidies.
The welfare queen is alive and well.

Nope. There are restrictions on how much assistance one can get and for how long.

. The length of time depends on the state. They live it until the end the queens are alive and still scamming the system. Do you think Rachel Dolezal is the only one? Why do you want to defend those that take advantage of everyone else that works?
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The wealthy can pay for it. Higher income taxes. Much higher. And less military spending.

Bing, there it is.

Now, at some point, the GOP will have to do more than just scream SOCIALISM. That doesn't work any more. This is going to take actual effort.

The wealthy can pay for it bc they all obviously are heirs who never worked for their success.

This kind of mindset disgusts me. How about you give fifty+ years of your life traveling and being away from your family, working long hours and climbing the ladder of success to give your kids the kind of life you never had only to have a bunch of morons who don’t want to work for a buck rip it away from you. Sounds fair, doesn’t it?

Socialists want to prosper from the efforts of others—and that’s the ugly truth.

There are plenty of working poor who aren’t worried about prospering; surviving would be nice.

The “welfare queen” theme of the 80s is no more. The working poor use government assistance while having a full-time, or several part-time, jobs, and then are demonized for still needing assistance like food stamps or medicaid or housing subsidies.
The welfare queen is alive and well.

Nope. There are restrictions on how much assistance one can get and for how long.

Yep. They live it until the end so there are still the queens. They still scam the system and we all pay for it.

If they’re “scamming”, that implies criminal fraud.

If they’re using it within legal parameters, there are limits to how long a person can get assistance. The “welfare queen” stereotype is why those limits were put in place.
The wealthy can pay for it bc they all obviously are heirs who never worked for their success.

This kind of mindset disgusts me. How about you give fifty+ years of your life traveling and being away from your family, working long hours and climbing the ladder of success to give your kids the kind of life you never had only to have a bunch of morons who don’t want to work for a buck rip it away from you. Sounds fair, doesn’t it?

Socialists want to prosper from the efforts of others—and that’s the ugly truth.

There are plenty of working poor who aren’t worried about prospering; surviving would be nice.

The “welfare queen” theme of the 80s is no more. The working poor use government assistance while having a full-time, or several part-time, jobs, and then are demonized for still needing assistance like food stamps or medicaid or housing subsidies.
The welfare queen is alive and well.

Nope. There are restrictions on how much assistance one can get and for how long.

Yep. They live it until the end so there are still the queens. They still scam the system and we all pay for it.

If they’re “scamming”, that implies criminal fraud.

If they’re using it within legal parameters, there are limits to how long a person can get assistance. The “welfare queen” stereotype is why those limits were put in place.
They still exist. They know how to scam the system. It is criminal fraud and that's how the keep their queen status.

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