Pretty sure that the vaccines don't work.........Covid is here to stay

I hope all the people who are actively trying to hurt America’s ability to get over Covid get it and die. America doesn’t need any more people working against her. We already have Trump’s Russian infiltration and his surrender to the Chinese.
So you "hope people die" because they don't buy your line of clothing Very Unifying, very communistic of you!
No, because they will kill innocent people due to their ignorance and/or malevolence.
Do you have anything to show that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission?
No. Because I'm not a virologist. I'll trust the experts, thanks.
I've heard a couple of experts say that they don't know whether or not the "vaccine" will prevent infection or transmission. That's why I'd like to know if you are aware of anything to support your claim other than the mentioning of experts.

Your idea of an "expert" is Stella Immanuel, Dr Phil, Dr Oz, Scott Atlas or the MyPillow Guy. :laugh:
Let me tell you what you're doing here. You are here to act as a rodeo clown, using your pointless insults to steer me away from the question of how the FDA resolved the issue of the "vaccine" not preventing infection or transmission, and the unknown long term side effects.

The numbers are available if you're into reading hundreds of pages detailing the manufacturer studies as well as the conclusions of the FDA and our top doctors and scientists in appropriate disciplines. I don't need to trouble myself with that. You may if it blows your skirt up, but don't expect anyone with half a brain to believe your conclusions.
Yes, and I'm asking you--or anyone--to explain how the FDA resolved the issue of the "vaccine" not preventing infection or transmission, and the unknown long term side effects.

Obviously in an "emergency use" approval situation, long-term side affects have not been measured. But with millions having taken the vaccine, we know that about half experience mild flu like symptoms and injection point soreness for a day or so and that's been it.

However the infection prevention has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Start reading .. It'll take you a day or two to get through.

That is a lie.
There have been over 100 deaths from the vaccine so far.
Maybe many more unrecorded.

And no, the vaccine has NEVER prevented a single infection.
No vaccine can EVER do that.
What a vaccine can and does do is reduce the symptoms ONLY.

You either are lying or extremely ignorant.
400,000 have died of Covid- 19.
View attachment 448862

With over 20,000 of those happening on Sleepy Joe's watch.

Where's his COVID miracle???

There'll be more dead from this in his first two months than the whole of last year.

Oh that's right he didn't have a plan.



I can no speak for other states but in mine cases have dropped drastically. Of course many of us are getting our vaccines, too. I am waiting on my second. Appointment made whenI received my first one.

We also have a working President and staff now.


I'm sure he's working hard on his afternoon nap.


Polio? Your ignorance of vaccines and epidemics is nil!

So then tell me an established epidemic ever ended by anything other than herd immunity?
You can't, because there isn't one.

Sure there are ---- polio is one. It terrorized America in the 1940s and 50s.
Measles, mumps, diphtheria, scarlet fever, yellow fever, whooping cough, smallpox, etc., etc. all ended with vaccinations.

Clean ups ended cholera, yellow fever again (it's hard to fight), malaria at least in America, bubonic plague, food poisonings, Legionnaire's Disease, etc.

Quarantines ended SARS, MERS, typhoid (remember Typhoid Mary? She killed a LOT of people), leprosy, etc.

The last Polio epidemic was in 1948, and the Salk vaccine was not available until 1957, AFTER the epidemic was essentially over.
Vaccines never ended an existing epidemic, but only prevents new ones.
Again, with Cholera, yellow fever, malaria, etc., it was ONLY herd immunity that ended any particular epidemic once started.
Clean ups prevented future repetitions of epidemics starting.
Bubonic plague is still sort of common in New Mexico, it is only herd immunity that ends it, not any lock down or flattening the curve.
Quarantines did NOT end SARS, MERS, or anything else.
I like quarantines because unlike "flattening the curve", they are fast.
But they only work before an epidemic is entrenched, meaning wide spread.
So again, they prevent and do not end epidemics.

By the way, Typhoid Mary was not relevant to an epidemic discussion.
She was not infected actually, but was carrying a culture in her gall bladder.
So she was not really sick.
The proper treatment would have been to have her gall bladder removed, but she refused.

With leprosy, it is not very contageious, and it easily treated with antibiotics.
There are no leprosy epidemics.
About 100 people are diagnosed with leprosy in the U.S. every year, mostly in the South, California, Hawaii, and some U.S. territories.
I don't think people realize today how many people epidemic and endemic disease used to kill: MOST people. Especially infants and children under five. But people of all ages died at a high rate of disease so that even in relatively modern times (by 1900) life spans were normally 40 years.

Well, Rigby knows nothing about anything medical: I don't actually know what his stance is on COVID or other diseases. At this point nobody in the developed world has immunity to --------- well, anything. Except me, I'm immune to so many things, some that don't exist any longer, if the immunities hold so long, but that's questionable. If we go back to "herd immunity" on any of the diseases we've all be vaccinated for, the human race will die out.

Huh. I just realized that while typing. It's not just smallpox that the world stands in danger from, if someone lets it loose. No one has ever had any of the diseases that used to be common. Polio, measles (worse than you think), mumps (also worse than you think), diphtheria (quite bad), lots of stuff that no one is immune to because now we have shots. If that failed, these diseases would burn through the population like a forest fire. If vaccinations failed, the clean ups and quarantines against the other types -- tuberculosis, cholera, all the many mosquito-borne diseases that killed so many in America's early days, food-borne diseases, all our defenses would go. Hmmm. We should try to avoid world war, just saying. The survivors wouldn't survive the diseases.

You logical errors are obvious.
You say that is we went back to herd immunity that humans would go extinct, that obviously has to be totally false because vaccines did not exist at all until around 1800, and we did not go extinct before then.

You claim these epidemics would burn through the population like a forest fire, and that is easily proven false because they never did.
The worst in all history was Bubonic plague, and that did not kill any more than 30% of the population, and was still ended by herd immunity.
And that was with 100% infection rates, because they did not realize it was hosted by rodents and spread by fleas. which were ubiquitous.

Nor doe going back to herd immunity mean not using vaccines.
It just means that vaccines take too long when an epidemic like covid-19 starts.
If we had ended it with herd immunity in March, then we would have saved over 250,000 lives.

There nothing wrong with quick things that work, like quarantine with contact tracing.
My point is just that "flattening the curve" does not at all work, since all that does is give the epidemic more time to entrench more widely and impossible to end.
So then tell me an established epidemic ever ended by anything other than herd immunity?
You can't, because there isn't one.

What would you like people to do about COVID, Rigby? Individually and/or collectively?

Obviously the way herd immunity ends epidemics is by the early spike using up enough of the local hosts so that it can't propagate and dies out.
We could have accelerated herd immunity in March, by variolation, (deliberate infection), of young and healthy volunteers who would essentially have been at no risk.
This would have ended it in March, with fewer than 40,000 dead, instead of 10 times that number of dead we have now.

It is true Fauci claimed herd immunity would have required 2.4 million dead, but he was dead wrong.
Because we did not know of all the asymptomatic, he used a lethality rate of 10% instead of the real rate of 0,15%.
Then the asymptomatic means over half the population is already inherently immune, so then only about 20 million more would have to acquire immunity through recovery, instead of the 230 million Fauci claimed.
Then we can reduce Fauci's averaged death rate claim by only using volunteers under 40, who have a death rate 40 times lower than the average, since most deaths are those over 70.
If you do the math with what we know now, Fauci was over estimating death rates by about a factor of 4000.
And that should be obvious to anyone, because covid is not particularly lethal or infectious.
Bubonic plague is still sort of common in New Mexico, it is only herd immunity that ends it, not any lock down or flattening the curve.

Not among people, it isn't common. If it were, don't you think we'd have heard? Very dramatic disease, bubonic plague. It's endemic now in ground squirrels since the Chinese brought it in, desert creatures that people don't interact with much. I suspect "herd immunity" doesn't mean what you think it means. Most people think it means that a disease can't spread well because most people have immunity because they already caught it. Trust me, if most people had caught Bubonic Plague, there wouldn't BE "most people." They'd be nearly all dead.
Quarantines did NOT end SARS, MERS, or anything else.

Yeah, it did. MERS was easy. (I mean, camels??) But SARS --- I followed that closely and was amazed they succeeded in quarantining that one out of existence. When it got to Canada into those nursing homes, I thought People 0, Bug 1. But they held the line somehow. SARS: every epidemiologist's favorite disease, I've read.
With leprosy, it is not very contageious, and it easily treated with antibiotics.
There are no leprosy epidemics.

Wow, there sure used to be. "Unclean, Unclean!!" Leprosy took out beaucoup kings in the middle ages, like smallpox took out many kings as well. We know all their names. There used to be a huge problem with leprosy, but the quarantines worked. (That's what the forced segregation was, and the modern leper colonies: quarantine. My sister worked in a leper colony in Africa for a time. She was terrified she would catch it. She'd seen what it did. Can't be described.)
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I hope all the people who are actively trying to hurt America’s ability to get over Covid get it and die. America doesn’t need any more people working against her. We already have Trump’s Russian infiltration and his surrender to the Chinese.
So you "hope people die" because they don't buy your line of clothing Very Unifying, very communistic of you!
No, because they will kill innocent people due to their ignorance and/or malevolence.
Do you have anything to show that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission?
No. Because I'm not a virologist. I'll trust the experts, thanks.
I've heard a couple of experts say that they don't know whether or not the "vaccine" will prevent infection or transmission. That's why I'd like to know if you are aware of anything to support your claim other than the mentioning of experts.

Your idea of an "expert" is Stella Immanuel, Dr Phil, Dr Oz, Scott Atlas or the MyPillow Guy. :laugh:
Let me tell you what you're doing here. You are here to act as a rodeo clown, using your pointless insults to steer me away from the question of how the FDA resolved the issue of the "vaccine" not preventing infection or transmission, and the unknown long term side effects.

The numbers are available if you're into reading hundreds of pages detailing the manufacturer studies as well as the conclusions of the FDA and our top doctors and scientists in appropriate disciplines. I don't need to trouble myself with that. You may if it blows your skirt up, but don't expect anyone with half a brain to believe your conclusions.
Yes, and I'm asking you--or anyone--to explain how the FDA resolved the issue of the "vaccine" not preventing infection or transmission, and the unknown long term side effects.

Obviously in an "emergency use" approval situation, long-term side affects have not been measured. But with millions having taken the vaccine, we know that about half experience mild flu like symptoms and injection point soreness for a day or so and that's been it.

However the infection prevention has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Start reading .. It'll take you a day or two to get through.

That is a lie.
There have been over 100 deaths from the vaccine so far.
Maybe many more unrecorded.

And no, the vaccine has NEVER prevented a single infection.
No vaccine can EVER do that.
What a vaccine can and does do is reduce the symptoms ONLY.

You either are lying or extremely ignorant.
400,000 have died of Covid- 19.

Yes, but WHY did they die?
The answer is that we prevented covid from dying out from herd immunity in March, by "flattening the curve".
It only kills the same as any flu, 30k/month, unless you prevent herd immunity and force it to stay around forever. That 400k is accumulative, and is entirely due to "flattening the curve" out over a year.
I hope all the people who are actively trying to hurt America’s ability to get over Covid get it and die. America doesn’t need any more people working against her. We already have Trump’s Russian infiltration and his surrender to the Chinese.
And your idiot felon president
I hope all the people who are actively trying to hurt America’s ability to get over Covid get it and die. America doesn’t need any more people working against her. We already have Trump’s Russian infiltration and his surrender to the Chinese.
How are people like this born? My goodness. What a snowflake.
I hope all the people who are actively trying to hurt America’s ability to get over Covid get it and die. America doesn’t need any more people working against her. We already have Trump’s Russian infiltration and his surrender to the Chinese.
So you "hope people die" because they don't buy your line of clothing Very Unifying, very communistic of you!
No, because they will kill innocent people due to their ignorance and/or malevolence.
Do you have anything to show that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission?
No. Because I'm not a virologist. I'll trust the experts, thanks.
I've heard a couple of experts say that they don't know whether or not the "vaccine" will prevent infection or transmission. That's why I'd like to know if you are aware of anything to support your claim other than the mentioning of experts.

Your idea of an "expert" is Stella Immanuel, Dr Phil, Dr Oz, Scott Atlas or the MyPillow Guy. :laugh:
Let me tell you what you're doing here. You are here to act as a rodeo clown, using your pointless insults to steer me away from the question of how the FDA resolved the issue of the "vaccine" not preventing infection or transmission, and the unknown long term side effects.

The numbers are available if you're into reading hundreds of pages detailing the manufacturer studies as well as the conclusions of the FDA and our top doctors and scientists in appropriate disciplines. I don't need to trouble myself with that. You may if it blows your skirt up, but don't expect anyone with half a brain to believe your conclusions.
Yes, and I'm asking you--or anyone--to explain how the FDA resolved the issue of the "vaccine" not preventing infection or transmission, and the unknown long term side effects.

Obviously in an "emergency use" approval situation, long-term side affects have not been measured. But with millions having taken the vaccine, we know that about half experience mild flu like symptoms and injection point soreness for a day or so and that's been it.

However the infection prevention has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Start reading .. It'll take you a day or two to get through.

That is a lie.
There have been over 100 deaths from the vaccine so far.
Maybe many more unrecorded.

And no, the vaccine has NEVER prevented a single infection.
No vaccine can EVER do that.
What a vaccine can and does do is reduce the symptoms ONLY.

You either are lying or extremely ignorant.
400,000 have died of Covid- 19.
View attachment 448862

With over 20,000 of those happening on Sleepy Joe's watch.

Where's his COVID miracle???

There'll be more dead from this in his first two months than the whole of last year.

Oh that's right he didn't have a plan.



Trump had more than a year. Biden has been in office 6 days now.

I do not like Trump, but that is stupid.
Obviously it was Trump who make the vaccines, not Biden.

Fauci is saying double mask
Merck is cancelling their vaccine
Hospitals are cancelling patients for any vaccine
Travel Bans are back
Prices are JUMPING at walmart this week.

Bought a highchair for the grandbaby last week for $ it is $81.
Ordered a throw away phone tonight for $39---got to Walmart and they tried to charge me $71 after not being able to find it in the on-line bin.
Just like the flu..... In fact it is less deadlier than the flu and the flu has a new vaccine every year and it stil has not gone away
Hello, i give this information from France medical view.

The virus is much smarter and more diabolical than we thought" by Prof. Delfraissy Chairman of the Scientific Council

Prof. Delfraissy Chairman of the Scientific Council

After "The Vaccine: The Scientific Blur" of Professor Fischer and Mr. Vaccine named on 3 December
Professor Levy, former boss of INSERM: "The SARS COV2 virus could circulate for years", in other words, to escape vaccines, thus circulating endemically.
Professor Fischer and other "scientists" and policy makers tell us today "Vaccine deaths are due to comorbidities and deaths of Covid-19 before vaccination are not due to comorbidity"
Let's get things right
Coronaviruses have mutated for 3 million years by adapting to their hosts in their Darwinian development, so without being "intelligent", this virus will be no exception to the rule and all one can hope for is that there is at least partial cross immunity. This would explain healthy carriers or some of the benign forms.
The "coronagrippe" will persist endemically and one can only hope for a decrease in its virulence.
I hope all the people who are actively trying to hurt America’s ability to get over Covid get it and die. America doesn’t need any more people working against her. We already have Trump’s Russian infiltration and his surrender to the Chinese.
So you "hope people die" because they don't buy your line of clothing Very Unifying, very communistic of you!
No, because they will kill innocent people due to their ignorance and/or malevolence.
Do you have anything to show that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission?
No. Because I'm not a virologist. I'll trust the experts, thanks.
I've heard a couple of experts say that they don't know whether or not the "vaccine" will prevent infection or transmission. That's why I'd like to know if you are aware of anything to support your claim other than the mentioning of experts.

Your idea of an "expert" is Stella Immanuel, Dr Phil, Dr Oz, Scott Atlas or the MyPillow Guy. :laugh:
Let me tell you what you're doing here. You are here to act as a rodeo clown, using your pointless insults to steer me away from the question of how the FDA resolved the issue of the "vaccine" not preventing infection or transmission, and the unknown long term side effects.

The numbers are available if you're into reading hundreds of pages detailing the manufacturer studies as well as the conclusions of the FDA and our top doctors and scientists in appropriate disciplines. I don't need to trouble myself with that. You may if it blows your skirt up, but don't expect anyone with half a brain to believe your conclusions.
Yes, and I'm asking you--or anyone--to explain how the FDA resolved the issue of the "vaccine" not preventing infection or transmission, and the unknown long term side effects.

Obviously in an "emergency use" approval situation, long-term side affects have not been measured. But with millions having taken the vaccine, we know that about half experience mild flu like symptoms and injection point soreness for a day or so and that's been it.

However the infection prevention has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Start reading .. It'll take you a day or two to get through.

That is a lie.
There have been over 100 deaths from the vaccine so far.
Maybe many more unrecorded.

And no, the vaccine has NEVER prevented a single infection.
No vaccine can EVER do that.
What a vaccine can and does do is reduce the symptoms ONLY.

You either are lying or extremely ignorant.
400,000 have died of Covid- 19.

Yes, but WHY did they die?
The answer is that we prevented covid from dying out from herd immunity in March, by "flattening the curve".
It only kills the same as any flu, 30k/month, unless you prevent herd immunity and force it to stay around forever. That 400k is accumulative, and is entirely due to "flattening the curve" out over a year.
I agree. Let it run its course. Survival of the fittest. I had it back in March. I help others by donating plasma but what the hell, it has been almost a year. Enough of these stupid and ineffective lockdowns. If we never locked down, COVID would be mostly gone now.
I hope all the people who are actively trying to hurt America’s ability to get over Covid get it and die. America doesn’t need any more people working against her. We already have Trump’s Russian infiltration and his surrender to the Chinese.
So you "hope people die" because they don't buy your line of clothing Very Unifying, very communistic of you!
No, because they will kill innocent people due to their ignorance and/or malevolence.
Do you have anything to show that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission?
No. Because I'm not a virologist. I'll trust the experts, thanks.
I've heard a couple of experts say that they don't know whether or not the "vaccine" will prevent infection or transmission. That's why I'd like to know if you are aware of anything to support your claim other than the mentioning of experts.

Your idea of an "expert" is Stella Immanuel, Dr Phil, Dr Oz, Scott Atlas or the MyPillow Guy. :laugh:
Let me tell you what you're doing here. You are here to act as a rodeo clown, using your pointless insults to steer me away from the question of how the FDA resolved the issue of the "vaccine" not preventing infection or transmission, and the unknown long term side effects.

The numbers are available if you're into reading hundreds of pages detailing the manufacturer studies as well as the conclusions of the FDA and our top doctors and scientists in appropriate disciplines. I don't need to trouble myself with that. You may if it blows your skirt up, but don't expect anyone with half a brain to believe your conclusions.
Yes, and I'm asking you--or anyone--to explain how the FDA resolved the issue of the "vaccine" not preventing infection or transmission, and the unknown long term side effects.

Obviously in an "emergency use" approval situation, long-term side affects have not been measured. But with millions having taken the vaccine, we know that about half experience mild flu like symptoms and injection point soreness for a day or so and that's been it.

However the infection prevention has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Start reading .. It'll take you a day or two to get through.

That is a lie.
There have been over 100 deaths from the vaccine so far.
Maybe many more unrecorded.

And no, the vaccine has NEVER prevented a single infection.
No vaccine can EVER do that.
What a vaccine can and does do is reduce the symptoms ONLY.

You either are lying or extremely ignorant.
400,000 have died of Covid- 19.
View attachment 448862

With over 20,000 of those happening on Sleepy Joe's watch.

Where's his COVID miracle???

There'll be more dead from this in his first two months than the whole of last year.

Oh that's right he didn't have a plan.



Trump had more than a year. Biden has been in office 6 days now.

I do not like Trump, but that is stupid.
Obviously it was Trump who make the vaccines, not Biden.

I agree. Rigby is not a Trump guy. We went at it several times over that.
There'll be a new vaccine every year. Possibly mixed into the annual "new" batch.

This year the existing vaccine is free.

Next year it'll be free, too. But only if you have earned enough Social Credits.

Except that since covid is only endemic to bats and not humans, it can't come back unless someone helps reintroduce it.
Its never going to go away........Mercks Ceo was out saying that they think it will be around for well FOREVER...come back year after year with new strains...hence they are not pursuing a vaccine anymore because even if the vacs would work----new strains would require new vacs.
You say that is we went back to herd immunity that humans would go extinct, that obviously has to be totally false because vaccines did not exist at all until around 1800, and we did not go extinct before then.

You claim these epidemics would burn through the population like a forest fire, and that is easily proven false because they never did.

They sure did -- all of them --- when faced with a virgin population. Namely, the whole population of North and South America after Columbus. Killed out some 90% of Indians. That would be us, I realized, if we couldn't keep vaccinating.

No, Rigby, Europeans did not go extinct, because disease epidemics came one or two at a time and there were survivors, and most were not as lethal as smallpox or plague or the English Sweat (now disappeared). So people either died or became immune and some had time to have children before the next iteration appeared, often of the same disease as last time: the plague lasted off and on for 300 years, the lethal English Sweat for at least 50.

I am saying we are right now in the same position as the Indians of North America: we have NO-NO-NO natural immunity to anything except some colds and flu. Hit with a new disease --- well, you see what has happened. Hit with everything at once on a population unvaccinated for 50 years? Extinction event.

The worst in all history was Bubonic plague, and that did not kill any more than 30% of the population, and was still ended by herd immunity.
And that was with 100% infection rates, because they did not realize it was hosted by rodents and spread by fleas. which were ubiquitous.

No, it did not have 100% infection; that's measles. It missed some whole areas and a lot of towns. The best way to survive plague was not to catch it. I can't believe you give it 30% mortality! You are making that up; it was way worse. Next I suppose you'll say Ebola is only 30% lethal. Not a good idea to underestimate the bad diseases' potential for killing. Smallpox would pretty much kill the world if released now: it DID kill up to 90% of all the natives of North and South America after that Spanish slave brought it in. Because they didn't have "herd immunity." And when they got it, there weren't many left. So Europeans easily conquered the continent.

Nor doe going back to herd immunity mean not using vaccines.
It just means that vaccines take too long when an epidemic like covid-19 starts.

If we had ended it with herd immunity in March, then we would have saved over 250,000 lives.
My point is just that "flattening the curve" does not at all work, since all that does is give the epidemic more time to entrench more widely and impossible to end.
Okay, I see what you are saying -- you are saying we should have just let it rip in March 2020, and let people alone to decide what to do themselves. I am inclined to agree with you. A lot more would have died at that point, presumably, but people are dying anyway now and you are contending the population immunity would have built up fast. As I say, I agree with that. I think the government took a wildly wrong turn and made the problem much worse.

There nothing wrong with quick things that work, like quarantine with contact tracing.

Yeah, great stuff if it works, like it did with SARS and earlier, eventually, with leprosy.

Obviously quarantine and contact tracing were total failures with COVID. Because it had already gotten free of the bottle, so to speak, and no one could stuff it back in.
Its never going to go away........Mercks Ceo was out saying that they think it will be around for well FOREVER...come back year after year with new strains...hence they are not pursuing a vaccine anymore because even if the vacs would work----new strains would require new vacs.
He says he thinks it's like influenza? Good heavens, I hope not. We don't have decent vaccinations AT ALL with flu --- what a gyp that has been, and a lot of why there is so much vaccine skepticism.
Bubonic plague is still sort of common in New Mexico, it is only herd immunity that ends it, not any lock down or flattening the curve.

Not among people, it isn't common. If it were, don't you think we'd have heard? Very dramatic disease, bubonic plague. It's endemic now in ground squirrels since the Chinese brought it in, desert creatures that people don't interact with much. I suspect "herd immunity" doesn't mean what you think it means. Most people think it means that a disease can't spread well because most people have immunity because they already caught it. Trust me, if most people had caught Bubonic Plague, there wouldn't BE "most people." They'd be nearly all dead.
Quarantines did NOT end SARS, MERS, or anything else.

Yeah, it did. MERS was easy. (I mean, camels??) But SARS --- I followed that closely and was amazed they succeeded in quarantining that one out of existence. When it got to Canada into those nursing homes, I thought People 0, Bug 1. But they held the line somehow. SARS: every epidemiologist's favorite disease, I've read.
With leprosy, it is not very contageious, and it easily treated with antibiotics.
There are no leprosy epidemics.

Wow, there sure used to be. "Unclean, Unclean!!" Leprosy took out beaucoup kings in the middle ages, like smallpox took out many kings as well. There used to be a huge problem with leprosy, but the quarantines worked. (That's what the forced segregation was, and the modern leper colonies: quarantine. My sister worked in a leper colony in Africa for a time. She was terrified she would catch it. She'd seen what it did. Can't be described.)

Well written, but still lots of misconceptions.

Bubonic plague is quite common in NM.
I live there, and we do hear about it, and Hanta virus, all the time.
Significant number of cases every single year.
Just no big deal because Bubonic Plague responds well to antibiotics, since it is not a virus.

And herd immunity does NOT mean what you think it means, which is that once most people have it, it stops.
What herd immunity means is that once the infection rate goes below 1, then it is soon going to die out.
It does not matter if the weather is killing it, the local available hosts run out, the population is inherently immune, etc. Quarantine is ALSO a valid means of helping to implement herd immunity.

But in the case of covid in March, then variolation of young volunteers would have been ideal, to quickly end it and save the most lives.
Flattening the curve was the worst possible strategy, because it prevented herd immunity from ending it, and cause it to go on, essentially FOREVER.

Going back to Bubonic Plague, do you realize that everyone in Europe was infected by Bubonic Plague? Since hosted by rodents and spread by fleas, it was ubiquitous. So then why only a 30% death rate? Obviously that means 70% of the population was already inherently immune. That is true with ALL pathogens because we have been evolving along with the pathogens, for hundreds of millions of years.

And no leprosy was never an epidemic. It never killed kings. And in fact, can't be an epidemic since it requires a 20 year incubation period between infection and being infectious to others. It rarely spreads.
Leprosy can be cured. In the last 2 decades, 16 million people with leprosy have been cured. The World Health Organization provides free treatment for all people with leprosy.
Obviously the way herd immunity ends epidemics is by the early spike using up enough of the local hosts so that it can't propagate and dies out.
We could have accelerated herd immunity in March, by variolation, (deliberate infection), of young and healthy volunteers who would essentially have been at no risk.
This would have ended it in March, with fewer than 40,000 dead, instead of 10 times that number of dead we have now.

Gracious, Rigby. :oops:

I think I like what the government did do better than getting herded into cattle pens and forcibly and deliberately infected (can't variolate: that's a skin disease thing, smallpox. COVID is respiratory, and air-borne. Have to pump virus into people forced into shower rooms, like in the concentration camps). And I REALLY don't like what the government did, so I like the idea of forcibly infecting people a thousand times less.

And that should be obvious to anyone, because covid is not particularly lethal or infectious.

Well, not unless you catch it, or die from it. Then it is.
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Going back to Bubonic Plague, do you realize that everyone in Europe was infected by Bubonic Plague? Since hosted by rodents and spread by fleas, it was ubiquitous. So then why only a 30% death rate? Obviously that means 70% of the population was already inherently immune. That is true with ALL pathogens because we have been evolving along with the pathogens, for hundreds of millions of years.

No, of course not everyone was infected in the plague epidemic, 1348--1349. Scotland missed it entirely, many towns did, northern areas were sometimes pretty lucky. Mountain areas, isolated. Most people who did get it died. We know a LOT about the plague: there are many books. Maybe you should read some --- I bet you'd enjoy it. The most recent thing I read is that people are now thinking the very high infection/death rate may have been because its spread was substantially respiratory -- pneumonic plague -- rather than through the non-human vectors of fleas on rats. I bet that's right, too. The rats were tamer in those days (different species) but still, seems like they must have been living with an awful lot of rats for a third of Europe to die of plague.

And no leprosy was never an epidemic. It never killed kings. And in fact, can't be an epidemic since it requires a 20 year incubation period between infection and being infectious to others. It rarely spreads.
Leprosy can be cured. In the last 2 decades, 16 million people with leprosy have been cured. The World Health Organization provides free treatment for all people with leprosy.
It's nice leprosy can be cured now, Rigby, but I'm not sure that's relevant to how serious a spreading disease it was in medieval Europe. And elsewhere, of course.
Of course it spread --- that's why they had to ring those bells and shout "Unclean, Unclean!" And weren't allowed in towns.

Google is your friend, Rigby. The first names I found of kings who died of leprosy are Henry IV (Bolingbroke) of England, King Baldwin of Jerusalem during the Crusades (a very sad case), and Robert the Bruce of Scotland. I've read biographies of the first two. Yep, leprosy.

Now your turn: look up on Google or Bing which European kings died of smallpox.

I bet you'd love reading books on epidemiology and famous epidemics. I do.

Fauci is saying double mask
Merck is cancelling their vaccine
Hospitals are cancelling patients for any vaccine
Travel Bans are back
Prices are JUMPING at walmart this week.

Bought a highchair for the grandbaby last week for $ it is $81.
Ordered a throw away phone tonight for $39---got to Walmart and they tried to charge me $71 after not being able to find it in the on-line bin.
Just like the flu..... In fact it is less deadlier than the flu and the flu has a new vaccine every year and it stil has not gone away
Hello, i give this information from France medical view.

The virus is much smarter and more diabolical than we thought" by Prof. Delfraissy Chairman of the Scientific Council
View attachment 448904
Prof. Delfraissy Chairman of the Scientific Council

After "The Vaccine: The Scientific Blur" of Professor Fischer and Mr. Vaccine named on 3 December
Professor Levy, former boss of INSERM: "The SARS COV2 virus could circulate for years", in other words, to escape vaccines, thus circulating endemically.
Professor Fischer and other "scientists" and policy makers tell us today "Vaccine deaths are due to comorbidities and deaths of Covid-19 before vaccination are not due to comorbidity"
Let's get things right
Coronaviruses have mutated for 3 million years by adapting to their hosts in their Darwinian development, so without being "intelligent", this virus will be no exception to the rule and all one can hope for is that there is at least partial cross immunity. This would explain healthy carriers or some of the benign forms.
The "coronagrippe" will persist endemically and one can only hope for a decrease in its virulence.

I strongly disagree.
Covid had evolved for hundreds of millions of years, but for bats, not humans.
To believe a zoonotic virus can just instantly cross over and become endemic to humans, is fantastic to the point of delusion. It can only survive in humans for 12 days at most. It is exceedingly fragile, and tries to hide out in external passages like in sinuses and lungs. It can not survive in the blood or anywhere the immune system can detect or eradicate it.
There is ZERO evidence or reason to believe covid will ever return, once we let it die out.
There'll be a new vaccine every year. Possibly mixed into the annual "new" batch.

This year the existing vaccine is free.

Next year it'll be free, too. But only if you have earned enough Social Credits.

Except that since covid is only endemic to bats and not humans, it can't come back unless someone helps reintroduce it.
Its never going to go away........Mercks Ceo was out saying that they think it will be around for well FOREVER...come back year after year with new strains...hence they are not pursuing a vaccine anymore because even if the vacs would work----new strains would require new vacs.

There is a huge difference between saying a virus is endemic to humans, and when a foolish attempt to "flatten the curve" prevents the epidemic from ending.
There is absolutely NO reason at all to assume a virus endmic only to bats, snakes, and pangolins, is ever going to come back.
Nor has covid shown it could produce new strains at any harmful rate.
The only reason it lasted more than a month is because we "flattened the curve" and deliberately kept it around. It is a very weak virus, and is not well suited to humans at all.

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