Previous Bush administration should be receiving credit for Osama termination.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

Wow. No.
Perhaps were are too involved in credit and blame. Let's take things as they happen. There's even controversy as exactly how much credit should be given Obama or the the Defense Generals and Secretary of State. Then the intelligence from previous administrations.

So why bother with any of it all all?

Let us be grateful the deed is done. And thank the real heroes. The service men and women.
You god damned fools can't get it through your head that getting Bin Laden was a ten year feat that required due diligence by TWO Presidents and their respective support personnel?
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

You know, I wanted to give Bush credit. But it turns out, he just isn't interested. How do I know? He told us many times and disbanded the CIA unit that was supposed to get Bin Laden.

If Bush refused to accept any credit, shouldn't you follow his wishes? Unless you are calling him a "liar". Why give credit to a "liar"?
They were given the credit they were due by the people who aren't partisan enough to ignore that alot of the Previous administrations policies led up to this. President Obama gets the credit he deserves for his part. As does everyone else down to the intelligence agents and the Seals.

It's an American victory. No point making it another partisan bickerfest. I think that may be why Obama has already started to lose the bump.
You god damned fools can't get it through your head that getting Bin Laden was a ten year feat that required due diligence by TWO Presidents and their respective support personnel?

Let's leave God out of it, shall we?
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

That's not going to fly, unless you count a bowling ball being thrown out of 50 story building flying as it plunges down to the ground.

In 2005, Bush had planned a daring snatch and grab raid of al-Zawahiri and others in North Waziristan. But at the last minute, Rumsfeld aborted the raid, in part, because Bush didn't want to ruffle feathers in Islamabad.
George W. Bush is who the Al Quida Terrorist fear, not President Barack Saddam Hussein Obama.
George W. Bush is who the Al Quida Terrorist fear, not President Barack Saddam Hussein Obama.

And how did it benefit Osama Bin Laden not to fear Obama?

nonpartisan effort. victory for our nation and our troops.
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

one day the government will take your threats on the president seriously .
but on the lighter side , who is president ? who gave the order to get him ?

you piss ants talk like Obama should have grabbed a 16 and gone there to shoot him , what a ass hole you are

and screw the truth you have you fantasies , Bush congratulates, president Obama , Chaney congratulated the president ,
your the only putts out there bitching
You god damned fools can't get it through your head that getting Bin Laden was a ten year feat that required due diligence by TWO Presidents and their respective support personnel?

because only bushbots believe that.
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

one day the government will take your threats on the president seriously .
but on the lighter side , who is president ? who gave the order to get him ?

you piss ants talk like Obama should have grabbed a 16 and gone there to shoot him , what a ass hole you are

and screw the truth you have you fantasies , Bush congratulates, president Obama , Chaney congratulated the president ,
your the only putts out there bitching

Do you even know what a threat is?

And no, the media is acting like Obama grabbed a 16 and went their an shot Osama himself. And the constant exageration is likely why his poll bump is already gone.

Obama invited Bush to join with them. It's clearly a victory for both of their leadership. I can't figure out you extreme partisans. Party loyalty has a place to a point. But the truth is non-partisan.
You god damned fools can't get it through your head that getting Bin Laden was a ten year feat that required due diligence by TWO Presidents and their respective support personnel?

Took a whole decade, fancy that. (Ooops, better late than never!)
Whoopee, welcome to the late great United States!
The greatest generation (WW II, that is), would have done it in less then half the time.
Pats on the back, all around! :clap2:
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!
If you know that is not true but you are saying it because you are a right-winger and you feel obliged to deny the political reality you are an ambitious partisan propagandist. As such I regret to inform you that your effort is impotent.

If you don't know it is not true and you believe it because exposure to such effective right-wing propagandists as Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, et al, has gradually and methodically imbedded the glaring fallacy in your mind, then you've been effectively indoctrinated. (Brainwashed.)

If you have not been brainwashed but have worked that utterly spurious reasoning out in your mind, please understand that I don't wish to offend you but you are delusional.
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I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!

one day the government will take your threats on the president seriously .
but on the lighter side , who is president ? who gave the order to get him ?

you piss ants talk like Obama should have grabbed a 16 and gone there to shoot him , what a ass hole you are

and screw the truth you have you fantasies , Bush congratulates, president Obama , Chaney congratulated the president ,
your the only putts out there bitching

Yea, right. Cheney, "Thank you Obama for doing what you did using the tools we put in place because you were only able to do it because you listened to smart people like us". Is that about right?

Palin couldn't even say Obama's name. Palin was like, "Uh thanks to the president and PRESIDENT George Bush for getting Bin Laden".
I can not belive that President Barack Obama can go on national TV, and appear to be
boasting about the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden,and acting as he should be given credit for Bin Ladens death, when he is the President that
wants to close Guantanamo Bay, and he wants enhanced interrogation techniques abolished.

These were things that the previous Bush administration initiated. And this is what led to the capture and termination of Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush , and his administration is the reason why Osama Bin Laden was captured and eventually killed. Not Barack Obama.!!
If you know that is not true but you are saying it because you are a right-winger and you feel obliged to deny the political reality you are an ambitious partisan propagandist. As such I regret to inform you that your effort is impotent.

If you don't know it is not true but you believe it because exposure to such effective right-wing propagandists as Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, et al, has gradually and methodically imbedded the glaring fallacy in your mind, then you've been effectively indoctrinated. (Brainwashed.)

If you have not been brainwashed but have worked that utterly spurious reasoning out in your mind, please understand that I don't wish to offend you but you are delusional.

It's difficult not to try to take at least a tiny bit of credit after 10 years of failure.
You god damned fools can't get it through your head that getting Bin Laden was a ten year feat that required due diligence by TWO Presidents and their respective support personnel?

Took a whole decade, fancy that. (Ooops, better late than never!)
Whoopee, welcome to the late great United States!
The greatest generation (WW II, that is), would have done it in less then half the time.
Pats on the back, all around! :clap2:

We don't disagree.
Of course Bush deserve a share of the Credit, with Obama, and People that are not so partisan they can't think straight understand that.

However the real truth is the people who deserve the most credit are the Men and Women of our Military, Special Forces and Intel Community that found the fucker and killed him.

Hats off to them.

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