Priceless hypocrisy:Elizabeth Warren accused of making a fortune from flipping foreclosed homes

Trump's was dealing with business real estate. NOT foreclosures on poor families. They probably ended up living in cars while she bought them dirt cheap and made a killing on the miseries of poor people.
She bought 1 (ONE) foreclosure in an UP market. The fact that the Right has to lie and exaggerate proves just how desperate these lying scum are!!!!

Read the article. 12 with the involvement of her family.

Think of the children ed; think of the children who are now probably grown having had to endure the house they loved, the back yard with the swings that they loved snatched up by Liz the Leech Warren and her family.

I can only hope and pray that every family managed to make it after the foreclosures and not to many of them had to live in their cars. I know, I know it's not Liz the Leech's fault that the families got foreclosed on.

I just think of the children.
She bought only 2 houses and only 1 (ONE) was a foreclosure, the rest were bought by family members and NONE of them have been reported to be foreclosures!!!! So children being displaces exists only in the lying fantasies of the hateful Right.

So how many majestic animals did Trump murder with the involvement of his family?????
Meanwhile back at the ranch she and her family made out like bandits on foreclosed homes. Hypocrisy thy name is liberal.
Again, only 1 (ONE) house was a foreclosure, and it was bought as the market was rising.
Worthless lying scum thy name is CON$ervative.
Its wrong now, Trump says so.

How? IDK

Was it wrong when Fauxcahontas said so?

What did she say? Please use a quote and refrain from your translations.

“Donald Trump was drooling over the idea of a housing meltdown because it meant he could buy up a bunch more property on the cheap,” said Ms. Warren, a Democrat from Massachusetts. "What kind of a man roots for people to get thrown out of their houses? What kind of a man roots for people to get thrown out of their jobs? To root for people to lose their pensions?" Warren asked.

"I'll tell you exactly what kind of a man does that," she continued. "It is a man who cares about no one but himself. A small, insecure, money-grubber who doesn't care who gets hurt, so long as he makes a profit off it."

Oh, are you saying hoping for a market crash is the same as buying a foreclosed property? Lmao, please tell me you're just kidding and don't think that.

For a business man, hoping for a crash is no different than a farmer praying for rain. He has no control over such events, but he knows he will benefit if they occur. On the other hand, a politician has control over what happens, so it's not the same thing if they pray for a crash. Sleazy Lizzy is trying to equate the behavior of a business man with the behavior of politicians. Meanwhile, she is a politician who profited off the misfortune of others.

She's the world's biggest hypocrite.

LMAO!!! So she didn't wish for the bubble to burst like Trump but she's a hypocrit? For not doing the same thing?

She didn't equate any behavior. She said his wishes were sleazy and self serving on the backs of others suffering. Just like a businessman does.

That's not an excuse either. You can be a businessman without wishing Ill on others.
A hypocritical, corrupt, fake 'woowoo' liberal.

The only amazing thing is that anyone is actually surprised by this.

I'm surprised you guys have such nothing burger that you're pretending her and Trump are doing the same thing.
A Herald review has found that the Democratic U.S. Senate candidate rapidly bought and sold homes herself, loaned money at high interest rates to relatives and purchased foreclosed properties at bargain prices.
The Herald found no such thing, that is the OPINION of the freepers!

The Herald found only 1 (ONE) foreclosure in an UP market of the only 2 (TWO) houses she bought, and no foreclosures among the houses she helped her family buy at the prevailing interest rate of the middle 1990s for a fixed rate mortgage.
Trump's was dealing with business real estate. NOT foreclosures on poor families. They probably ended up living in cars while she bought them dirt cheap and made a killing on the miseries of poor people.
She bought 1 (ONE) foreclosure in an UP market. The fact that the Right has to lie and exaggerate proves just how desperate these lying scum are!!!!

Read the article. 12 with the involvement of her family.

Think of the children ed; think of the children who are now probably grown having had to endure the house they loved, the back yard with the swings that they loved snatched up by Liz the Leech Warren and her family.

I can only hope and pray that every family managed to make it after the foreclosures and not to many of them had to live in their cars. I know, I know it's not Liz the Leech's fault that the families got foreclosed on.

I just think of the children.
She bought only 2 houses and only 1 (ONE) was a foreclosure, the rest were bought by family members and NONE of them have been reported to be foreclosures!!!! So children being displaces exists only in the lying fantasies of the hateful Right.

So how many majestic animals did Trump murder with the involvement of his family?????

Nice red herring there ed.

Now I'm reading plural for foreclosed properties at this link. More than one. I wonder if she took that course I keep hearing about where you learn to flip properties and you drive up the market.

"But the college professor was herself an active player in the real estate market in the 19990s, buying and selling properties at steep mark-ups across her home city of Oklahoma, land records show.

She loaned money to relatives at high interest rates and paid bargain prices for foreclosed properties.

Elizabeth Warren bought a foreclosed house for $61,000 in June 1993 and sold it in December 1994 for $95,000, a 56 per cent mark-up.

She paid $30,000 for a property in August 1993 and sold five months later for £145,000, a 383 per cent gain.

Warren lent her brother $25,000 for a property in 1994 that was sold at a mark-up of 68 per cent for $42,000 in 1998.

She gave her sister-in-law a mortgage for a $31,000 home in 1996 which she made 45 per cent on, selling it three years later for $45,000.

In 1997 she provided him with the funding to buy a $90,000 house which sold for $106,000 two years later and another costing $26,000 which he sold after nine years for $45,000.

She gave him money to buy a $35,000 home in August 2000. He sold it after 75 days for $35,000, a 10 per cent gain.

One such property she bought for $30,000, then sold for $145,000 five months later, a 383 per cent mark-up.

Warren typically gained between 10 and 73 per cent on her sales, netting hefty profit."

Elizabeth Warren accused of making a fortune from flipping foreclosed homes
A Herald review has found that the Democratic U.S. Senate candidate rapidly bought and sold homes herself, loaned money at high interest rates to relatives and purchased foreclosed properties at bargain prices.
The Herald found no such thing, that is the OPINION of the freepers!

The Herald found only 1 (ONE) foreclosure in an UP market of the only 2 (TWO) houses she bought, and no foreclosures among the houses she helped her family buy at the prevailing interest rate of the middle 1990s for a fixed rate mortgage.

Did she BUY 12 homes at an underpriced rate, and FLIP them for as much as 350% PROFIT in less than a the article states!
Warren made a "fortune"? People are so freaking ignorant. She was involved in a total of 12 flips 25 years ago, all involving either flipping or lending money to relatives who actually lived in the homes then sold them, using her Nephew as a contractor. There was no fortune. Many of us flip homes. If we don't, someone else will. You crazies all act like she caused the foreclosures, or like Trump, wished for the foreclosures.
She lent them all the money so the whole family of leeches could make out like bandits off the misery of poor families who lost their houses. DM lists 12 properties she and her husband and family grabbed at rock bottom prices and profited.
Again, NONE of the properties her relatives bought were indicated to be foreclosures, and only 1 (ONE) house she bought was a foreclosure and that was owned by HUD and not a family.

The lying scum Right just can't stop lying.
A Herald review has found that the Democratic U.S. Senate candidate rapidly bought and sold homes herself, loaned money at high interest rates to relatives and purchased foreclosed properties at bargain prices.
The Herald found no such thing, that is the OPINION of the freepers!

The Herald found only 1 (ONE) foreclosure in an UP market of the only 2 (TWO) houses she bought, and no foreclosures among the houses she helped her family buy at the prevailing interest rate of the middle 1990s for a fixed rate mortgage.

Did she BUY 12 homes at an underpriced rate, and FLIP them for as much as 350% PROFIT in less than a the article states!
The article actually states she only bought 2 (TWO) houses, the other houses were bought by relatives. They were bought in an UP market so they were not "underpriced" at the time of purchase.
A Herald review has found that the Democratic U.S. Senate candidate rapidly bought and sold homes herself, loaned money at high interest rates to relatives and purchased foreclosed properties at bargain prices.
The Herald found no such thing, that is the OPINION of the freepers!

The Herald found only 1 (ONE) foreclosure in an UP market of the only 2 (TWO) houses she bought, and no foreclosures among the houses she helped her family buy at the prevailing interest rate of the middle 1990s for a fixed rate mortgage.

Did she BUY 12 homes at an underpriced rate, and FLIP them for as much as 350% PROFIT in less than a the article states!
The article actually states she only bought 2 (TWO) houses, the other houses were bought by relatives. They were bought in an UP market so they were not "underpriced" at the time of purchase.


Why is this hard for your tiny brain?
Warren made a "fortune"? People are so freaking ignorant. She was involved in a total of 12 flips 25 years ago, all involving either flipping or lending money to relatives who actually lived in the homes then sold them, using her Nephew as a contractor. There was no fortune. Many of us flip homes. If we don't, someone else will. You crazies all act like she caused the foreclosures, or like Trump, wished for the foreclosures.
Exactly, and the dishonest lying scum Right credit her with the ENTIRE profit from the sale where she only lent money at the current interest rate, and not just the interest from the period of the loans!!!!!
The article DIDN'T state if ALL those properties were foreclosed or not!
Right, the article only stated 1 (ONE) property was a foreclosure, the worthless lying scum Right exaggerated that into ALL the properties were foreclosures.
Because she trashed Trump for doing same thing w/o diclosing to her exact same thing.
Where exactly did she say she hoped the housing market would crash, which is what she trashed the POS Trump for?

She bought in 1993 while the housing market was growing, which started in 1991. She sold in 1994 when there was a slight dip before the market went back up in 1995.

You idiotic parrots are really desperate.

She bought a foreclosed property. In other words, she profited off the misery of others.
No, the property was already vacant, she bought it from HUD, and she did not wish the family that owned it before HUD would lose it.
The article DIDN'T state if ALL those properties were foreclosed or not!
Right, the article only stated 1 (ONE) property was a foreclosure, the worthless lying scum Right exaggerated that into ALL the properties were foreclosures.

They MAY or MAY NOT have been.... why don't you take off and find out if they were, and report back to us in June?
Trump's was dealing with business real estate. NOT foreclosures on poor families. They probably ended up living in cars while she bought them dirt cheap and made a killing on the miseries of poor people.
She bought 1 (ONE) foreclosure in an UP market. The fact that the Right has to lie and exaggerate proves just how desperate these lying scum are!!!!

Read the article. 12 with the involvement of her family.

Think of the children ed; think of the children who are now probably grown having had to endure the house they loved, the back yard with the swings that they loved snatched up by Liz the Leech Warren and her family.

I can only hope and pray that every family managed to make it after the foreclosures and not to many of them had to live in their cars. I know, I know it's not Liz the Leech's fault that the families got foreclosed on.

I just think of the children.
She bought only 2 houses and only 1 (ONE) was a foreclosure, the rest were bought by family members and NONE of them have been reported to be foreclosures!!!! So children being displaces exists only in the lying fantasies of the hateful Right.

So how many majestic animals did Trump murder with the involvement of his family?????

Nice red herring there ed.

Now I'm reading plural for foreclosed properties at this link. More than one. I wonder if she took that course I keep hearing about where you learn to flip properties and you drive up the market.

"But the college professor was herself an active player in the real estate market in the 19990s, buying and selling properties at steep mark-ups across her home city of Oklahoma, land records show.

She loaned money to relatives at high interest rates and paid bargain prices for foreclosed properties.

Elizabeth Warren bought a foreclosed house for $61,000 in June 1993 and sold it in December 1994 for $95,000, a 56 per cent mark-up.

She paid $30,000 for a property in August 1993 and sold five months later for £145,000, a 383 per cent gain.

Warren lent her brother $25,000 for a property in 1994 that was sold at a mark-up of 68 per cent for $42,000 in 1998.

She gave her sister-in-law a mortgage for a $31,000 home in 1996 which she made 45 per cent on, selling it three years later for $45,000.

In 1997 she provided him with the funding to buy a $90,000 house which sold for $106,000 two years later and another costing $26,000 which he sold after nine years for $45,000.

She gave him money to buy a $35,000 home in August 2000. He sold it after 75 days for $35,000, a 10 per cent gain.

One such property she bought for $30,000, then sold for $145,000 five months later, a 383 per cent mark-up.

Warren typically gained between 10 and 73 per cent on her sales, netting hefty profit."

Elizabeth Warren accused of making a fortune from flipping foreclosed homes
Trump's was dealing with business real estate. NOT foreclosures on poor families. They probably ended up living in cars while she bought them dirt cheap and made a killing on the miseries of poor people.
She bought 1 (ONE) foreclosure in an UP market. The fact that the Right has to lie and exaggerate proves just how desperate these lying scum are!!!!

Read the article. 12 with the involvement of her family.

Think of the children ed; think of the children who are now probably grown having had to endure the house they loved, the back yard with the swings that they loved snatched up by Liz the Leech Warren and her family.

I can only hope and pray that every family managed to make it after the foreclosures and not to many of them had to live in their cars. I know, I know it's not Liz the Leech's fault that the families got foreclosed on.

I just think of the children.
She bought only 2 houses and only 1 (ONE) was a foreclosure, the rest were bought by family members and NONE of them have been reported to be foreclosures!!!! So children being displaces exists only in the lying fantasies of the hateful Right.

So how many majestic animals did Trump murder with the involvement of his family?????

Nice red herring there ed.

Now I'm reading plural for foreclosed properties at this link. More than one. I wonder if she took that course I keep hearing about where you learn to flip properties and you drive up the market.

"But the college professor was herself an active player in the real estate market in the 19990s, buying and selling properties at steep mark-ups across her home city of Oklahoma, land records show.

She loaned money to relatives at high interest rates and paid bargain prices for foreclosed properties.

Elizabeth Warren bought a foreclosed house for $61,000 in June 1993 and sold it in December 1994 for $95,000, a 56 per cent mark-up.

She paid $30,000 for a property in August 1993 and sold five months later for £145,000, a 383 per cent gain.

Warren lent her brother $25,000 for a property in 1994 that was sold at a mark-up of 68 per cent for $42,000 in 1998.

She gave her sister-in-law a mortgage for a $31,000 home in 1996 which she made 45 per cent on, selling it three years later for $45,000.

In 1997 she provided him with the funding to buy a $90,000 house which sold for $106,000 two years later and another costing $26,000 which he sold after nine years for $45,000.

She gave him money to buy a $35,000 home in August 2000. He sold it after 75 days for $35,000, a 10 per cent gain.

One such property she bought for $30,000, then sold for $145,000 five months later, a 383 per cent mark-up.

Warren typically gained between 10 and 73 per cent on her sales, netting hefty profit."

Elizabeth Warren accused of making a fortune from flipping foreclosed homes
Your list indicates only 1 (ONE) house was a foreclosure purchased from HUD, and the Herald also indicates that her relatives LIVED in the houses, for as much as 9 (NINE) YEARS, that their contractor nephew fixed up before they were sold in the middle of a 14 year rising housing market that Bush finally destroyed.

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