Pride in parading out these celebrities as your supporters ??

. Do you support gang culture being lifted up to high levels in American society ??
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influences. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
No you don't understand how the Democratic party sucked most blacks into their cult. And yes many were white back in the day, but as those who kept warning the blacks to step out of the Dem. party they were called Uncle Toms.

Margaret Sanger set out to get rid of blacks, yet the indoctrination won the brainwashing with planned parenthood most often put in black neighborhoods.

Then you have this twit who said :
ALLEN WEST: LBJ, “I’ll Have Those N*ggers Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years”
ALLEN WEST: LBJ, “I’ll Have Those N*ggers Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years”

Then take a look at all the neighborhoods like Chicago etc run by Democrats who did what kept the city in the slums and did nothing.

Can't blame just the whites. It is the brainwashing allowed to occur just like what is being done now ... It starts with the NWO.
. Yep, and why did LBJ figure that to be true ????? Was it because he would buy them by a precise use of the government Treasury, and do it by way of entitlements, that once you get hooked on them, then you think there is no other way to make it without them ???

How on earth did the taxpayers allow this to get so out of control, and to get so bad I wonder ??? I know a single white women that was hooked on welfare and food stamps in her life, and yep she actually had not one but two abortions also. She is a very liberal woman, and rather she was sucked into the system just like so many other liberals like her were. Well one day the law came to her home and arrested her for foodstamp fraud, and did it right in front of her children. Well she went to jail, and then she had to pay back the money. She got through it, got a job, and never looked back. I know her scars are deep, but forgiveness by the Good Lord is unending, and I pray she will be ok with her soul. Her's is only one soul out there, and there are millions like her who have been sucked into the rabbit hole with her, and it is a shame. Wake up America.
I swear, Fox news having all these negative folks on against Trump, just makes you think Hmmm. I wonder if they take offense at the way Trump bashes the media as being dishonest and no good ? He use to love Fox, but after Megan Kelly I think he got a sour taste in his mouth about it. I mean there are some on the network that are great, and they have their priorities in line, but others act like they are closet democrats trying to help Hillary get elected. Amazing. You won't see the other networks promoting a Republican no matter what. Why are so called conservatives so crazy to allow the democrats to rule them and their children ?? I mean especially with all that they have seen in the past with what has gone on against them.
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influences. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
No you don't understand how the Democratic party sucked most blacks into their cult. And yes many were white back in the day, but as those who kept warning the blacks to step out of the Dem. party they were called Uncle Toms.

Margaret Sanger set out to get rid of blacks, yet the indoctrination won the brainwashing with planned parenthood most often put in black neighborhoods.

Then you have this twit who said :
ALLEN WEST: LBJ, “I’ll Have Those N*ggers Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years”
ALLEN WEST: LBJ, “I’ll Have Those N*ggers Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years”

Then take a look at all the neighborhoods like Chicago etc run by Democrats who did what kept the city in the slums and did nothing.

Can't blame just the whites. It is the brainwashing allowed to occur just like what is being done now ... It starts with the NWO.
. Yep, and why did LBJ figure that to be true ????? Was it because he would buy them by a precise use of the government Treasury, and do it by way of entitlements, that once you get hooked on them, then you think there is no other way to make it without them ???

How on earth did the taxpayers allow this to get so out of control, and to get so bad I wonder ??? I know a single white women that was hooked on welfare and food stamps in her life, and yep she actually had not one but two abortions also. She is a very liberal woman, and rather she was sucked into the system just like so many other liberals like her were. Well one day the law came to her home and arrested her for foodstamp fraud, and did it right in front of her children. Well she went to jail, and then she had to pay back the money. She got through it, got a job, and never looked back. I know her scars are deep, but forgiveness by the Good Lord is unending, and I pray she will be ok with her soul. Her's is only one soul out there, and there are millions like her who have been sucked into the rabbit hole with her, and it is a shame. Wake up America.

See? Just more blaming and no responsibility.

Those oppressed by and in any eurocentric based societal construction must invariably be programmed, indoctrinated and socialized to envision those with less as defective hominids and devoid of humanity, “capitalism” depends upon it. Western expansionism has always been predicated upon it.
Get your moral compass fixed, because it's broken.

If you're voting Trump - and I have no idea or not - but if you are, please don't lecture others about a moral compass....
. If your voting Hillary, then please don't come in here running your mouth about morals, because you have zilch, zero, none.

Oh come the fuck on, america was never about any kind of morality at all, look at your founding.
I swear, Fox news having all these negative folks on against Trump, just makes you think Hmmm. I wonder if they take offense at the way Trump bashes the media as being dishonest and no good ? He use to love Fox, but after Megan Kelly I think he got a sour taste in his mouth about it. I mean there are some on the network that are great, and they have their priorities in line, but others act like they are closet democrats trying to help Hillary get elected. Amazing. You won't see the other networks promoting a Republican no matter what. Why are so called conservatives so crazy to allow the democrats to rule them and their children ?? I mean especially with all that they have seen in the past with what has gone on against them.

Fux News, boo hoo hoo.
. Do you support gang culture being lifted up to high levels in American society ??
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.

we don't let our children run the country......or invite these vile people to represent our country....
You just let those vile white people destroy your children.
. And whose fault is that ???? The democrats that's who.
No its your fault. Handle your responsibilities.
. Do you support gang culture being lifted up to high levels in American society ??
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.

we don't let our children run the country......or invite these vile people to represent our country....
You just let those vile white people destroy your children.
. And whose fault is that ???? The democrats that's who.
No its your fault. Handle your responsibilities.

Americans have been socialized to assign guilt, sin, and blame, never to accept repsonsibility.
. Do you support gang culture being lifted up to high levels in American society ??
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influences. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.

So you are the authority on how to raise a child properly? It is just your opinion, nothing more, not saying you are right or wrong but I have seen children raised properly and go astray and kids by all rights should have been messed up and turned out fine.
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influences. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.

So you are the authority on how to raise a child properly? It is just your opinion, nothing more, not saying you are right or wrong but I have seen children raised properly and go astray and kids by all rights should have been messed up and turned out fine.

"So you are the authority on how to raise a child properly? It is just your opinion, nothing more, ...."

Tell that to every poster on the thread.
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influences. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.

So you are the authority on how to raise a child properly? It is just your opinion, nothing more, not saying you are right or wrong but I have seen children raised properly and go astray and kids by all rights should have been messed up and turned out fine.
Thats what it looks like. I must be doing something right. All 3 of my children get or got straight A's in high school. Of the 2 that are still in high school one is all state in her sport. The other is the regional president of the BSU. Both are amazing leaders. The one that is grown is working on her PHD in wild life sciences and also very active in community building. When all your kids turn out as accomplished and strong as my kids have and you have other parents coming to you for advice that pretty much makes you an expert.

Also I have been asked to take on the responisibility of raising a white child. My god daughter has come to live with me since her mom cant handle her and dead beat dad wants nothing to do with her since she kissed a Black guy way back in 5th grade.
....I have seen children raised properly and go astray and kids by all rights should have been messed up and turned out fine.

I have learned that there is always more than what you see going on. Kids truly raised properly dont go astray. Something was done wrong in raising them that caused them to make a bad decision. Kids that go astray after dealing with trails and tribulations and come back always can point to someone that turned on the light for them where their parents failed.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influences. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.

So you are the authority on how to raise a child properly? It is just your opinion, nothing more, not saying you are right or wrong but I have seen children raised properly and go astray and kids by all rights should have been messed up and turned out fine.
Thats what it looks like. I must be doing something right. All 3 of my children get or got straight A's in high school. Of the 2 that are still in high school one is all state in her sport. The other is the regional president of the BSU. Both are amazing leaders. The one that is grown is working on her PHD in wild life sciences and also very active in community building. When all your kids turn out as accomplished and strong as my kids have and you have other parents coming to you for advice that pretty much makes you an expert.

Also I have been asked to take on the responisibility of raising a white child. My god daughter has come to live with me since her mom cant handle her and dead beat dad wants nothing to do with her since she kissed a Black guy way back in 5th grade.

I think you did a great job, congrats. However my life experience says you can do everything right and still the children turned out bad. Not as cut and dry, in my opinion, which that and $5 will get you a mocha at Starbucks.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influences. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.

So you are the authority on how to raise a child properly? It is just your opinion, nothing more, not saying you are right or wrong but I have seen children raised properly and go astray and kids by all rights should have been messed up and turned out fine.

"So you are the authority on how to raise a child properly? It is just your opinion, nothing more, ...."

Tell that to every poster on the thread.

Ok, so you are an authority on how to raise a child properly?
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.

So you are the authority on how to raise a child properly? It is just your opinion, nothing more, not saying you are right or wrong but I have seen children raised properly and go astray and kids by all rights should have been messed up and turned out fine.
Thats what it looks like. I must be doing something right. All 3 of my children get or got straight A's in high school. Of the 2 that are still in high school one is all state in her sport. The other is the regional president of the BSU. Both are amazing leaders. The one that is grown is working on her PHD in wild life sciences and also very active in community building. When all your kids turn out as accomplished and strong as my kids have and you have other parents coming to you for advice that pretty much makes you an expert.

Also I have been asked to take on the responisibility of raising a white child. My god daughter has come to live with me since her mom cant handle her and dead beat dad wants nothing to do with her since she kissed a Black guy way back in 5th grade.

I think you did a great job, congrats. However my life experience says you can do everything right and still the children turned out bad. Not as cut and dry, in my opinion, which that and $5 will get you a mocha at Starbucks.
Very few people and probably no one does a perfect job. By all rights my oldest daughter should have been a wreck but my wife and I got her straight. I think what happens is most people miss the basics and thats what effects the child later in life. It really has no bearing on the parents unless they purposely did a shitty job or ignored problems that were pointed out. If you dont know you dont know. Its all in the philosophy of how you teach your kids. I think thats what me and my wife got right and the reason so many of my daughters friends say we are like an extra set of parents.
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Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.

So you are the authority on how to raise a child properly? It is just your opinion, nothing more, not saying you are right or wrong but I have seen children raised properly and go astray and kids by all rights should have been messed up and turned out fine.

"So you are the authority on how to raise a child properly? It is just your opinion, nothing more, ...."

Tell that to every poster on the thread.

Ok, so you are an authority on how to raise a child properly?

Lord no, I just did the best I could and got lucky, no troubles.
You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.

So you are the authority on how to raise a child properly? It is just your opinion, nothing more, not saying you are right or wrong but I have seen children raised properly and go astray and kids by all rights should have been messed up and turned out fine.
Thats what it looks like. I must be doing something right. All 3 of my children get or got straight A's in high school. Of the 2 that are still in high school one is all state in her sport. The other is the regional president of the BSU. Both are amazing leaders. The one that is grown is working on her PHD in wild life sciences and also very active in community building. When all your kids turn out as accomplished and strong as my kids have and you have other parents coming to you for advice that pretty much makes you an expert.

Also I have been asked to take on the responisibility of raising a white child. My god daughter has come to live with me since her mom cant handle her and dead beat dad wants nothing to do with her since she kissed a Black guy way back in 5th grade.

I think you did a great job, congrats. However my life experience says you can do everything right and still the children turned out bad. Not as cut and dry, in my opinion, which that and $5 will get you a mocha at Starbucks.
Very few people and probably no one does a perfect job. By all rights my oldest daughter should have been a wreck but my wife and I got her straight. I think what happens is most people miss the basics and thats what effects the child later in life. It really has no bearing on the parents unless they purposely did a shitty job or ignored problems that were pointed out. If you dont know you dont know. Its all in the philosophy of how you teach your kids. I think thats what me and my wife got right and the reason so many of my daughters friends say we are like an extra set of parents.

My kids turned out well however I have seen good families, with several kids turning up good and one turned out bad. Everyone has a choice and you can teach them right and yet some make bad decisions.
i agree with that. Out of all my white friends I only know 2 families that raise their children properly. The others just let their children get away with doing anything.

So you are the authority on how to raise a child properly? It is just your opinion, nothing more, not saying you are right or wrong but I have seen children raised properly and go astray and kids by all rights should have been messed up and turned out fine.
Thats what it looks like. I must be doing something right. All 3 of my children get or got straight A's in high school. Of the 2 that are still in high school one is all state in her sport. The other is the regional president of the BSU. Both are amazing leaders. The one that is grown is working on her PHD in wild life sciences and also very active in community building. When all your kids turn out as accomplished and strong as my kids have and you have other parents coming to you for advice that pretty much makes you an expert.

Also I have been asked to take on the responisibility of raising a white child. My god daughter has come to live with me since her mom cant handle her and dead beat dad wants nothing to do with her since she kissed a Black guy way back in 5th grade.

I think you did a great job, congrats. However my life experience says you can do everything right and still the children turned out bad. Not as cut and dry, in my opinion, which that and $5 will get you a mocha at Starbucks.
Very few people and probably no one does a perfect job. By all rights my oldest daughter should have been a wreck but my wife and I got her straight. I think what happens is most people miss the basics and thats what effects the child later in life. It really has no bearing on the parents unless they purposely did a shitty job or ignored problems that were pointed out. If you dont know you dont know. Its all in the philosophy of how you teach your kids. I think thats what me and my wife got right and the reason so many of my daughters friends say we are like an extra set of parents.

My kids turned out well however I have seen good families. With several kids turning up good and one turned out bad. Everyone has a choice and you can teach them right and yet some make bad decisions.
Guranteed the one that turned out bad didnt receive something they needed from their parents. You give your children the basics. Teach them who they are. Work hard. Play hard. Embrace education. Respect family and community. Inside of that you need to tailor your approach on how to give your child what I call "wins" from the beginning. Children have different personalities so it requires you paying attention to your children to find out what sort of "wins" would be best for each child. You praise those wins like there is no tomorrow. You have to give them some "no's" to be realistic but you do your best to limit them. Then you make your children think when they inevitably mess up. You show them how to figure out not where they fell but where they slipped. Thats pretty much all there is to it.
Get your moral compass fixed, because it's broken.

If you're voting Trump - and I have no idea or not - but if you are, please don't lecture others about a moral compass....
. If your voting Hillary, then please don't come in here running your mouth about morals, because you have zilch, zero, none.

Oh come the fuck on, america was never about any kind of morality at all, look at your founding.
. You are an anti-American with your words spoken, and you might actually be someone who should be looked at for your hatred of this nation, and this is because of the way you disrespect this nation and your brethren here. So many enemies here now, and it really is amazing how far down the rabbit hole this nation has gone. So is it war that people like you are waging against this nation ???
The Beyonce and Jay Zee concert was an ineffective tool for Hillary's rally effort. It demonstrated how low she'll go for people attending a Democratic rally. The language was terrible and concert goers left after the concert. again leaving Hillary a smaller group than Trump gets on his own merits.

I agree and really. Who the hell cares what celebrities think? I sure don't.
It would be good to get a list of celebs who went out on the road to endorse Clinton.

I want to know, so I can make sure and avoid them at the box office, concerts, etc.

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