Pride in parading out these celebrities as your supporters ??

The Beyonce and Jay Zee concert was an ineffective tool for Hillary's rally effort. It demonstrated how low she'll go for people attending a Democratic rally. The language was terrible and concert goers left after the concert. again leaving Hillary a smaller group than Trump gets on his own merits.

I agree and really. Who the hell cares what celebrities think? I sure don't.
. But, but, but, but, their celeeeebrrrritiesssss, don't you get it ???? LOL
It would be good to get a list of celebs who went out on the road to endorse Clinton.

I want to know, so I can make sure and avoid them at the box office, concerts, etc.
. I'm already boycotting a few that I thought were ok, and the others I never liked anyway...
The Beyonce and Jay Zee concert was an ineffective tool for Hillary's rally effort. It demonstrated how low she'll go for people attending a Democratic rally. The language was terrible and concert goers left after the concert. again leaving Hillary a smaller group than Trump gets on his own merits.

I agree and really. Who the hell cares what celebrities think? I sure don't.
. But, but, but, but, their celeeeebrrrritiesssss, don't you get it ???? LOL
You guys have been bashing Clinton for days about putting celebrity endorsements into her campaign and on stage. So, your brilliant leader put Ted Nugent on his stage with an endorsement. Nugent is one of the most reviled rock and roll performers in the rock and roll world. That is saying a lot. A truly despicable and deplorable man with a resume of avoiding the draft, by his own admission, of shitting in his pants for days before going to his draft physical, accused of teaching a 12-year-old (or younger) prepubescent little girl how to perform oral sex (the accuser maintains the allegation to this day), legally adopting his teenage girlfriend so they could live together without him being charged with child molestation (technically incest) and that is the performer your leader snagged to join him on stage.
The Beyonce and Jay Zee concert was an ineffective tool for Hillary's rally effort. It demonstrated how low she'll go for people attending a Democratic rally. The language was terrible and concert goers left after the concert. again leaving Hillary a smaller group than Trump gets on his own merits.

I agree and really. Who the hell cares what celebrities think? I sure don't.
. But, but, but, but, their celeeeebrrrritiesssss, don't you get it ???? LOL
You guys have been bashing Clinton for days about putting celebrity endorsements into her campaign and on stage. So, your brilliant leader put Ted Nugent on his stage with an endorsement. Nugent is one of the most reviled rock and roll performers in the rock and roll world. That is saying a lot. A truly despicable and deplorable man with a resume of avoiding the draft, by his own admission, of shitting in his pants for days before going to his draft physical, accused of teaching a 12-year-old (or younger) prepubescent little girl how to perform oral sex (the accuser maintains the allegation to this day), legally adopting his teenage girlfriend so they could live together without him being charged with child molestation (technically incest) and that is the performer your leader snagged to join him on stage.
. Didn't know he had any celebs on stage with him, but thanks for chiming in on that. I scratch my head why anyone of these candidates are so in awe of these celebs. Hollywood is the most deplorable place on earth near abouts these days, so why allow their minions to perform on stage for you ?? Didn't know about the other things you talked about either, because I mostly (when listening to music) will trash the CD if an artist openly curses or does deplorable things in their performances. Now what you are suggesting is that the artist may have broken the law, but why not any convictions or news about such things ?? I may be out of the loop.
The Beyonce and Jay Zee concert was an ineffective tool for Hillary's rally effort. It demonstrated how low she'll go for people attending a Democratic rally. The language was terrible and concert goers left after the concert. again leaving Hillary a smaller group than Trump gets on his own merits.

I agree and really. Who the hell cares what celebrities think? I sure don't.
Millions of people care. Why do people that are professionals in marketing use them for endorsements?
It would be good to get a list of celebs who went out on the road to endorse Clinton.

I want to know, so I can make sure and avoid them at the box office, concerts, etc.
You were already avoiding them because you stay broke in your trailer park.
. It's ok for your racist ass to talk your trash, but whitey best not say a dam thing right ???? Yep I'm cursing, because you idiots make me curse.
The Beyonce and Jay Zee concert was an ineffective tool for Hillary's rally effort. It demonstrated how low she'll go for people attending a Democratic rally. The language was terrible and concert goers left after the concert. again leaving Hillary a smaller group than Trump gets on his own merits.

I agree and really. Who the hell cares what celebrities think? I sure don't.
Millions of people care. Why do people that are professionals in marketing use them for endorsements?
. Because they dropped their moral compass after shaking in their dam boots for having one.
It would be good to get a list of celebs who went out on the road to endorse Clinton.

I want to know, so I can make sure and avoid them at the box office, concerts, etc.
You were already avoiding them because you stay broke in your trailer park.
. It's ok for your racist ass to talk your trash, but whitey best not say a dam thing right ???? Yep I'm cursing, because you idiots make me curse.
Whitey can say what he wants to. It doesnt move me either way.
The Beyonce and Jay Zee concert was an ineffective tool for Hillary's rally effort. It demonstrated how low she'll go for people attending a Democratic rally. The language was terrible and concert goers left after the concert. again leaving Hillary a smaller group than Trump gets on his own merits.

I agree and really. Who the hell cares what celebrities think? I sure don't.
Millions of people care. Why do people that are professionals in marketing use them for endorsements?
. Because they dropped their moral compass after shaking in their dam boots for having one.
Why would they go through all of that if people didnt care what celebrities think? You sound silly.
The Beyonce and Jay Zee concert was an ineffective tool for Hillary's rally effort. It demonstrated how low she'll go for people attending a Democratic rally. The language was terrible and concert goers left after the concert. again leaving Hillary a smaller group than Trump gets on his own merits.

I agree and really. Who the hell cares what celebrities think? I sure don't.
Millions of people care. Why do people that are professionals in marketing use them for endorsements?[/QUOTE

Simple is as simple does.
Hillary talking about a choice for either division or unity ???????? Kidding me right ?????? This woman and her rehtoric is nothing but divisive. How anyone can't see this is simply amazing. Her talking about a vote for Trump will ruin everything ???... Ruin what Mrs. Corruption???? Do tell.
Hillary talking about a choice for either division or unity ???????? Kidding me right ?????? This woman and her rehtoric is nothing but divisive. How anyone can't see this is simply amazing. Her talking about a vote for Trump will ruin everything ???... Ruin what Mrs. Corruption???? Do tell.
Drumpf would ruin the country. Thats what.
The Beyonce and Jay Zee concert was an ineffective tool for Hillary's rally effort. It demonstrated how low she'll go for people attending a Democratic rally. The language was terrible and concert goers left after the concert. again leaving Hillary a smaller group than Trump gets on his own merits.

I agree and really. Who the hell cares what celebrities think? I sure don't.
Millions of people care. Why do people that are professionals in marketing use them for endorsements?
. Because they dropped their moral compass after shaking in their dam boots for having one.
Why would they go through all of that if people didnt care what celebrities think? You sound silly.

Speaking of silly.

Anyone who lets their likine for a celebrity dictate how they vote sure isn't to smart.
The Beyonce and Jay Zee concert was an ineffective tool for Hillary's rally effort. It demonstrated how low she'll go for people attending a Democratic rally. The language was terrible and concert goers left after the concert. again leaving Hillary a smaller group than Trump gets on his own merits.

I agree and really. Who the hell cares what celebrities think? I sure don't.
Millions of people care. Why do people that are professionals in marketing use them for endorsements?
. Because they dropped their moral compass after shaking in their dam boots for having one.
Why would they go through all of that if people didnt care what celebrities think? You sound silly.

Speaking of silly.

Anyone who lets their likine for a celebrity dictate how they vote sure isn't to smart.
That doesnt change the fact that you are wrong. Since time immortal those that are held in high regard have been able to sway the masses. Look at how white people believe everything cops say because the narrative is to hold cops in high esteem.
On the e-mail scandal, Comey says she mis-handled the e-mails, and classified information, but she didn't have the INTENT ???? The dam server was the intent.
The Beyonce and Jay Zee concert was an ineffective tool for Hillary's rally effort. It demonstrated how low she'll go for people attending a Democratic rally. The language was terrible and concert goers left after the concert. again leaving Hillary a smaller group than Trump gets on his own merits.
Politians, especially those running for president, have used celebrities to boost their campaigns for decades. Remember Clint Eastwood coming out for Bush? Or have you conveniently forgotten? LOL

Trump doesn't have any celebrities coming out for him beause no one wants to. LOL
The Beyonce and Jay Zee concert was an ineffective tool for Hillary's rally effort. It demonstrated how low she'll go for people attending a Democratic rally. The language was terrible and concert goers left after the concert. again leaving Hillary a smaller group than Trump gets on his own merits.
Politians, especially those running for president, have used celebrities to boost their campaign. Remember Clint Eastwood coming out for Bush? Or have you conveniently forgotten? LOL

Trump doesn't have any celebrities coming out for him beause no one wants to. LOL
I think senile Clint was trying to see if he could make a run for the white house. That was awkward watching him talk to the empty chair. He has since realized what a fool he looked like and regrets it.
The Beyonce and Jay Zee concert was an ineffective tool for Hillary's rally effort. It demonstrated how low she'll go for people attending a Democratic rally. The language was terrible and concert goers left after the concert. again leaving Hillary a smaller group than Trump gets on his own merits.
Politians, especially those running for president, have used celebrities to boost their campaign. Remember Clint Eastwood coming out for Bush? Or have you conveniently forgotten? LOL

Trump doesn't have any celebrities coming out for him beause no one wants to. LOL
. Well they are Americans to, but the choice in who you associate with speaks volumes of your character in life, but then again alot of this stuff is set up by surrogates for whom think you are ok with such characters, but afterwards even they realize it was a mistake to go along with it.
Hillary using these so called pop culture icons to try and get out the vote for her, and to get out the black vote by way of this strategy, uhh is again pure desperation on their part... It is so sad in respect to the black people, and how they are looked at by these disgusting democrats.

When will black people get enough of this bull crap, and begin to seperate themselves from this idiocy ?? Has anyone reviewed the kind of music and culture these celebrities/music artist represent ???? Now Trump curses when he gets angry, but these people curse just to be cursing as if it is cool in front of our children who are being sucked into this cultural devastation. They have all sorts of gang related influencing in their music, and sexual innuendo directed at young people, as if it is cool to lift up a gang culture that has been engaged in murder and mayhem in this nation to the inth degree, and is engaged in all sorts of other bad trends in this country as well.

I don't want to hear no dam complaining by anyone when they empower this crap to even get bigger and bigger than it already is in this country. Then we have the blacks who are against this bull crap, because they have lived through it, experienced the devastation from it, and have seen their kids killed, end up in poverty forever, and had their future and hopes destroyed by this craziness. They are called uncle Tom's when they try to seperate themselves and their families from these devil's, but the devil's through their rehtoric and lies bring them right back with this idea that if you seperate from us, then you will bring back slavery upon us, so you have to stay no matter how bad it is. How sick is that ?? Hillary is the queen of the devil's, because she surrounds herself with those who are actually reeking havoc on the black communities.

It would seem to be a sensible thing. The US is obsessed with celebs, and so you tap into the mentality of the voters. It works.

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