Pride in parading out these celebrities as your supporters ??

Liberals have pride. Gay Pride parades of naked gay men March in the street.
. Ok, so your supposed moral compass just points in a different direction then... it's all good.

Of course it is. I don't go around stiffing sub contractors. I don't go around grabbing women's pussies. I don't diss the parents of fallen soldiers. I don't diss disabled persons. That's my moral compass. Obviously it's not yours. Good to know..
But you are open to Pay to Play, donations from Middle East Vipers, Lying your way through life?
. Obama came up through Jeremiahs racist church, and it shows just like JZ hasn't been able to shake his brainwashing over the years also.

And you would prefer a white racist church?
I never felt any church was racist until Jeremiah Wright and that damned Baptist church that antagonizes military and blacks. I guess I was naive.
How did you miss all the churches preaching to their white parishioners to hate and kill Blacks.?

Christian Identity - Wikipedia
What % of southerners considered themselves Christians during slavery? Just about 100%. Christianity was cool with slavery, the Holocaust and genocide of Indians. The KKK burn a cross for a reason.
. Come back to the light, say around 2016... You people and your going back to drag up the demons of the past, and you do this to mask your evil crap being done today is so transparent. Hope people aren't this dam stupid anymore.
Just like the religious right are uncomfortably voting for trump. Back then Christians knew it wasn't right to own another human being but money always trumps God in the gop
Get your moral compass fixed, because it's broken.

If you're voting Trump - and I have no idea or not - but if you are, please don't lecture others about a moral compass....
. If your voting Hillary, then please don't come in here running your mouth about morals, because you have zilch, zero, none.
And you voting for trump is different now?

I want more liberals on the supreme Court. I don't like conservative morals
And you would prefer a white racist church?
I never felt any church was racist until Jeremiah Wright and that damned Baptist church that antagonizes military and blacks. I guess I was naive.
How did you miss all the churches preaching to their white parishioners to hate and kill Blacks.?

Christian Identity - Wikipedia
What % of southerners considered themselves Christians during slavery? Just about 100%. Christianity was cool with slavery, the Holocaust and genocide of Indians. The KKK burn a cross for a reason.
. Come back to the light, say around 2016... You people and your going back to drag up the demons of the past, and you do this to mask your evil crap being done today is so transparent. Hope people aren't this dam stupid anymore.
Just like the religious right are uncomfortably voting for trump. Back then Christians knew it wasn't right to own another human being but money always trumps God in the gop
. Do you even know what your talking about ?? LOL
Get your moral compass fixed, because it's broken.

If you're voting Trump - and I have no idea or not - but if you are, please don't lecture others about a moral compass....
. If your voting Hillary, then please don't come in here running your mouth about morals, because you have zilch, zero, none.
And you voting for trump is different now?

I want more liberals on the supreme Court. I don't like conservative morals
. Do tell...
The grabbing •√π׶, I will give to you, but he apologized for his words, but you aren't willing to forgive him for that are you ??? Megan Kelly ?? She attacked Trump first.

Oh, that makes it okay then. Even though he has a history of it.
Kelly attacked him? She asked him a question...“You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.” He shouldn't have to answer those types of questions? They are above him?
And you would prefer a white racist church?
I never felt any church was racist until Jeremiah Wright and that damned Baptist church that antagonizes military and blacks. I guess I was naive.
How did you miss all the churches preaching to their white parishioners to hate and kill Blacks.?

Christian Identity - Wikipedia
What % of southerners considered themselves Christians during slavery? Just about 100%. Christianity was cool with slavery, the Holocaust and genocide of Indians. The KKK burn a cross for a reason.
. Come back to the light, say around 2016... You people and your going back to drag up the demons of the past, and you do this to mask your evil crap being done today is so transparent. Hope people aren't this dam stupid anymore.
Just like the religious right are uncomfortably voting for trump. Back then Christians knew it wasn't right to own another human being but money always trumps God in the gop
I am a Christian and I cannot imagine voting for Corrupt Hillary...How can you? Are your values so low? Your patriotism is in question.
But you are open to Pay to Play, donations from Middle East Vipers, Lying your way through life?

Prove it. And what do you think those lobby groups are doing? You know, the ones who fought so hard against Citizens United. Being benevolent as they throw millions of dollars in politicians campaigns....?
I am a Christian and I cannot imagine voting for Corrupt Hillary...How can you? Are your values so low? Your patriotism is in question.

Because she is not corrupt. Well, hasn't been proven anyway. Like a lot of Christians you appear to suffer the affliction of hypocrisy. You voting for Trumpie? If so, please don't question anybody else's value. You give up that right if you tick that Charlatan's box on Tuesday.
The grabbing •√π׶, I will give to you, but he apologized for his words, but you aren't willing to forgive him for that are you ??? Megan Kelly ?? She attacked Trump first.

Oh, that makes it okay then. Even though he has a history of it.
Kelly attacked him? She asked him a question...“You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.” He shouldn't have to answer those types of questions? They are above him?
. The questions were unfair, because she should have stated what took place in the entire exchange between Trump and his opponents that were attacking him... That should have been given by her first, and then she should have said what he said in response to the attack, and then she could have asked did he think it appropriate upon his response given in the heat of an argument ?? She was out to get Trump by the way it went down, and Trump realized it quickly.
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I never felt any church was racist until Jeremiah Wright and that damned Baptist church that antagonizes military and blacks. I guess I was naive.
How did you miss all the churches preaching to their white parishioners to hate and kill Blacks.?

Christian Identity - Wikipedia
What % of southerners considered themselves Christians during slavery? Just about 100%. Christianity was cool with slavery, the Holocaust and genocide of Indians. The KKK burn a cross for a reason.
. Come back to the light, say around 2016... You people and your going back to drag up the demons of the past, and you do this to mask your evil crap being done today is so transparent. Hope people aren't this dam stupid anymore.
Just like the religious right are uncomfortably voting for trump. Back then Christians knew it wasn't right to own another human being but money always trumps God in the gop
I am a Christian and I cannot imagine voting for Corrupt Hillary...How can you? Are your values so low? Your patriotism is in question.
I don't like Republicans just like the rest of the world. Literally the rest of the world is praying trump doesn't win.

Nothing unpatriotic about not liking cons and repubs.
The questions were unfair, because she should have stated what took place in the entire exchange between Trump and his opponents that were attacking him should have been given by her first, and then she should have said what he said in response to the attack, and then she could have asked did he think it appropriate upon his response given in the heat of an argument ?? She was out to get Trump by the way it went down, and Trump realized it quickly.

They were not unfair. They were pretty standard...and fair. He doesn't have the temperament to lead a company let alone a country.
I never felt any church was racist until Jeremiah Wright and that damned Baptist church that antagonizes military and blacks. I guess I was naive.
How did you miss all the churches preaching to their white parishioners to hate and kill Blacks.?

Christian Identity - Wikipedia
What % of southerners considered themselves Christians during slavery? Just about 100%. Christianity was cool with slavery, the Holocaust and genocide of Indians. The KKK burn a cross for a reason.
. Come back to the light, say around 2016... You people and your going back to drag up the demons of the past, and you do this to mask your evil crap being done today is so transparent. Hope people aren't this dam stupid anymore.
Just like the religious right are uncomfortably voting for trump. Back then Christians knew it wasn't right to own another human being but money always trumps God in the gop
I am a Christian and I cannot imagine voting for Corrupt Hillary...How can you? Are your values so low? Your patriotism is in question.
Is it because she's a satan worshipper who drinks human blood or is there another reason?
I am a Christian and I cannot imagine voting for Corrupt Hillary...How can you? Are your values so low? Your patriotism is in question.

Because she is not corrupt. Well, hasn't been proven anyway. Like a lot of Christians you appear to suffer the affliction of hypocrisy. You voting for Trumpie? If so, please don't question anybody else's value. You give up that right if you tick that Charlatan's box on Tuesday.
. Don't get on your high horse in here, and start telling people anything about who they are voting for, and that they are crazy or not. You sit there lying your ass off by saying Clinton isn't corrupt, and then you have the nerve to take the high road ??? Give us a break. We got bad going on in all directions, but it just comes down to the perspective held by each individual. Now go vote for your queen, that's your right, and everyone else will take what they have learned, and vote their conscience as well.
Don't get on your high horse in here, and start telling people anything about who they are voting for, and that they are crazy or not. You sit there lying your ass off by saying Clinton isn't corrupt, and then you have the nerve to take the high road.. Give us a break. We got bad going on in all directions, but it just comes down to the perspective held by each individual. Now go vote for your queen, that's your right, and everyone else will take what they have learned, and vote their conscience as well.

I'm not saying she isn't corrupt. Repeating lies and talking points by wonks like Jones and Hannity or whoever doesn't make it fact. Don't get me wrong, I just assumed she was corrupt because so much was being said about it. Then I did my own digging and found that it's all based on innuendo and BS. She is one of the most investigated persons in US history. And nada. I guess those investigators dug deep and found nothing, too..

Note to beagle: Right wing hacks and 'journalists' spouting shit on innuendo and speculation is just that. Innuendo and speculation. Just because something is repeated ad nauseum doesn't make it true.
Don't get on your high horse in here, and start telling people anything about who they are voting for, and that they are crazy or not. You sit there lying your ass off by saying Clinton isn't corrupt, and then you have the nerve to take the high road.. Give us a break. We got bad going on in all directions, but it just comes down to the perspective held by each individual. Now go vote for your queen, that's your right, and everyone else will take what they have learned, and vote their conscience as well.

I'm not saying she isn't corrupt. Repeating lies and talking points by wonks like Jones and Hannity or whoever doesn't make it fact. Don't get me wrong, I just assumed she was corrupt because so much was being said about it. Then I did my own digging and found that it's all based on innuendo and BS. She is one of the most investigated persons in US history. And nada. I guess those investigators dug deep and found nothing, too..

Note to beagle: Right wing hacks and 'journalists' spouting shit on innuendo and speculation is just that. Innuendo and speculation. Just because something is repeated ad nauseum doesn't make it true.
. You are as blind as a bat. You will see once the investigation is complete or this nation turns into one of the most corrupt empires of all time if she walks. We won't be able to make any judgements concerning world affairs, because there will be no respect after this. Our military will be toast, our morals and standards will be shot, and any nation not willing to sell it's soul will be poised to try us now. Congrats if you get your way, and we are toast soon. More terrorism, more excuses, more anti-Americansim, more excuses, more moral decay, more excuses, more reverse racism, more excuses, more corruption, more excuses, and on and on it goes.
Don't get on your high horse in here, and start telling people anything about who they are voting for, and that they are crazy or not. You sit there lying your ass off by saying Clinton isn't corrupt, and then you have the nerve to take the high road.. Give us a break. We got bad going on in all directions, but it just comes down to the perspective held by each individual. Now go vote for your queen, that's your right, and everyone else will take what they have learned, and vote their conscience as well.

I'm not saying she isn't corrupt. Repeating lies and talking points by wonks like Jones and Hannity or whoever doesn't make it fact. Don't get me wrong, I just assumed she was corrupt because so much was being said about it. Then I did my own digging and found that it's all based on innuendo and BS. She is one of the most investigated persons in US history. And nada. I guess those investigators dug deep and found nothing, too..

Note to beagle: Right wing hacks and 'journalists' spouting shit on innuendo and speculation is just that. Innuendo and speculation. Just because something is repeated ad nauseum doesn't make it true.
. Back peddler..
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influences. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

HAHAHAHA a black trying to tell whites how to raise children? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Right, we have Trump, looka that raising.
He has bright, caring children.

That couldn't figure out how to register to vote for their old man......

Bright? Yeah...okay.
. Do you support gang culture being lifted up to high levels in American society ??
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.
. Yep your right, and that just shows how dam corrosive the cultural influencing has become. If blacks were ok with this type of gang influenced cultural rotting of the mind through this corrupt pop culture, then that is very sad, but they weren't ok with it as parents of black children. They were just expected to fall in line because they were black. Thank God many blacks have broken these chains, and are moving in a new direction. Now we as white people need to make a stand against this rot without being labeled as racist because of such a stand. Our public schools have become breeding grounds for this rotting of the cultures, and it needs to stop or be pushed back... If you think I am being a racist for this speak, then you are an idiot is what you are. As much abortion that has taking place in this nation over the years is another aspect to the rotting culture that has been grabbed onto now. The explosion of births among teens is another example of this rotting cultural influences. Poverty is another direct result of it as well.
Dont blame Black culture. Blame your white music labels for creating a fake Black culture. Without them white kids would have never created the market for gangsta rap. Yes you white people need to check your kids and develop some intellect on how to parent instead of letting your Beckys become the local white ho for Black guys to run trains on. Of course you are a racist because you try to put the blame on Blacks instead of the whites that created the market and maintain this culture.

You don't understand, many whites in america learned to never take any responsibility for anything at all.
No you don't understand how the Democratic party sucked most blacks into their cult. And yes many were white back in the day, but as those who kept warning the blacks to step out of the Dem. party they were called Uncle Toms.

Margaret Sanger set out to get rid of blacks, yet the indoctrination won the brainwashing with planned parenthood most often put in black neighborhoods.

Then you have this twit who said :
ALLEN WEST: LBJ, “I’ll Have Those N*ggers Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years”
ALLEN WEST: LBJ, “I’ll Have Those N*ggers Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years”

Then take a look at all the neighborhoods like Chicago etc run by Democrats who did what kept the city in the slums and did nothing.

Can't blame just the whites. It is the brainwashing allowed to occur just like what is being done now ... It starts with the NWO.

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