Pride in parading out these celebrities as your supporters ??

I love how Beyonce has become gangsta rap now. :laugh:
She performed at the Country Music Awards just a few days or maybe a week ago.
. Yep, and how disgusting was she in that setting ??? I felt sorry for her and her choice for dress during the event. I mean good grief she was almost naked. Hide your eyes grand kids or it was more like turn the channel quick. Reminds me of Janet Jackson and her clothing malfunction during the super bowl... yeah right..
And now Janet "nipples" Jackson is married to a muzz and wears a hijan.

There is a karma.
Great term. "Seed wealth"

Americans have been programed to have no real connection to the past, even their own past, or the future; everyting is connected. We can see manipulation on television, the other guy's of course, but not in our own educational systems and history books. Bacon's Rebellion is lost on all, and it behooves the power strucure and status quo to have the masses constantly at odds with one another, again, because our is an authoritarian system. It's not about power, it's about authority, and authority is always on shaky ground.
What an interesting post. You had me looking up Bacon's Rebellion and I found it fascinating! I did get a different outcome in my mind, that the slaves and servants worked together to fight Berkley. I don't think all authority is on shaky ground. I feel our constitution helped in the manner.

But again, please, just think about this. A constitution that protected the interests of the colonial aristocracy from the British aristocracy, nothing more. Protected the rights of white male land holders alone. Slavery was very fluid and dynamic in the beginning in north America. Post Bacon’s rebellion the color line hardened, the colonial aristocracy was vastly outnumbered, the peasantry had to be divided from their common interests. Same as it ever was, and the institutional indoctrination continues to this very day, based largely on the American approach to “capitalism”; no one ever wants to pay for labor. What was to become the economic engine of the world was founded upon “found” land and “free” labor. And all whites were not included, just the substantial people.
. Again keep it current or can you ??? Corruption can be as recent as the last concert our children went to or the most recent murders in Chicago by gang violence or the most recent findings of racism among the people etc. You don't have to muddy the waters by trying what is always tried by going way back in order to reveal our current situations in society now, but instead take the newest members of society, and the newest issues, and work together to solve them. That ain't what you want though, because you are an agitator.

Corruption can be as recent as the last concert our children went to? You poor thing, you can't even raise your own children? Sweet Jesus, how current was this concert?
. Another Agitator response. When you decide to act like you got some dam sense, then maybe you will get some feedback or a response, but as long as you are just here to agitate, then no response will come from this point foward.
. Do you support gang culture being lifted up to high levels in American society ??
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.
They warned us what would happen if they showed Elvis dancing from the waste down.
. Good one, but seriously that actually is a part of it. The cross cultures colliding, and then causing this more and more disenfranchisement of citizens who had an idea of what America represented for it's Christian communities, and this in the ways of morals, standards and decency, ((((where it began allowing or promoting these very bad created trends going on now))), makes them see that this nation has begun this great slide into the abyss or oblivion now for them and their families.
There are also plenty of secularist who also adopted many standards that the Christians lived by, even though they aren't as strict as the Christian's are at towing the lines, but even they are taken back by everything they see now, and that is going on.
What % of Americans are Christian? Now what % of America is OK with gay marriage? Seems like we are winning you over
. Doesn't make it right.
. No I actually like Christian Rap, and some rap that is done in a clean manor, but the celebrities Hill-liar paraded out don't represent such a thing. One represents thug life and the other glamorizes sex in a very suggestive manor. These can cause so much destruction in society, but do you think they care as long as the millions keep rolling in ?? Nope. They are the real sell out's.
Whats wrong with sex? Like most religious extremists you must learn your religion doesnt determine what other people should think.

Jay-z grew up a thug but turned his life around. He is about making money and stopping Black on Black violence. White guys like you hate when Black people start helping their own.
. Obama came up through Jeremiahs racist church, and it shows just like JZ hasn't been able to shake his brainwashing over the years also.

And you would prefer a white racist church?
I never felt any church was racist until Jeremiah Wright and that damned Baptist church that antagonizes military and blacks. I guess I was naive.
How did you miss all the churches preaching to their white parishioners to hate and kill Blacks.?

Christian Identity - Wikipedia
What % of southerners considered themselves Christians during slavery? Just about 100%. Christianity was cool with slavery, the Holocaust and genocide of Indians. The KKK burn a cross for a reason.
. Do you support gang culture being lifted up to high levels in American society ??
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.
They warned us what would happen if they showed Elvis dancing from the waste down.
. Good one, but seriously that actually is a part of it. The cross cultures colliding, and then causing this more and more disenfranchisement of citizens who had an idea of what America represented for it's Christian communities, and this in the ways of morals, standards and decency, ((((where it began allowing or promoting these very bad created trends going on now))), makes them see that this nation has begun this great slide into the abyss or oblivion now for them and their families.
There are also plenty of secularist who also adopted many standards that the Christians lived by, even though they aren't as strict as the Christian's are at towing the lines, but even they are taken back by everything they see now, and that is going on.
What % of Americans are Christian? Now what % of America is OK with gay marriage? Seems like we are winning you over
. Doesn't make it right.
Or wrong
I'm sure hiLIARy totally approves or else she was so drunk and/or spaced out on her Parkinsons that she wasn't aware of the vulgarity.

The rapper repeatedly used the n-word and dropped the f-bomb as he performed “F—WithMeYouKnowIGotIt” and his hit “Dirt off Your Shoulder” song at a Cleveland rally.

"You're tuned into the motherf----- greatest," a voice said as Jay Z appeared onstage.

“If you feelin’ like a pimp n----, go and brush your shoulders off,” Jay Z rapped. “Ladies is pimps too, go and brush your shoulders off. N----- is crazy baby, don’t forget that boy told you. Get that dirt off your shoulders."

Jay Z also performed the song "Jigga My N----," in which he boasted that he was "Jay-Z, motherf-------!"...

Jay Z repeatedly drops n-word, f-bomb during concert for Hillary Clinton
. And we are supposed to be A-ok with our kids being exposed to this vile bull crap ?? People have lost it, and it just goes to show that Hillary will do and say anything for power. How could she even be on the stage with such pure disgusting vile human beings as this ?? Crazy question that was... lol
Your white children support it. They are the largest demographic that buys the gangsta rap music so thats what the record labels keep pushing.
They warned us what would happen if they showed Elvis dancing from the waste down.
. Good one, but seriously that actually is a part of it. The cross cultures colliding, and then causing this more and more disenfranchisement of citizens who had an idea of what America represented for it's Christian communities, and this in the ways of morals, standards and decency, ((((where it began allowing or promoting these very bad created trends going on now))), makes them see that this nation has begun this great slide into the abyss or oblivion now for them and their families.
There are also plenty of secularist who also adopted many standards that the Christians lived by, even though they aren't as strict as the Christian's are at towing the lines, but even they are taken back by everything they see now, and that is going on.
What % of Americans are Christian? Now what % of America is OK with gay marriage? Seems like we are winning you over
. Doesn't make it right.
Or wrong
. Get your moral compass fixed, because it's broken.
I love how Beyonce has become gangsta rap now. :laugh:
She performed at the Country Music Awards just a few days or maybe a week ago.
. Yep, and how disgusting was she in that setting ??? I felt sorry for her and her choice for dress during the event. I mean good grief she was almost naked. Hide your eyes grand kids or it was more like turn the channel quick. Reminds me of Janet Jackson and her clothing malfunction during the super bowl... yeah right..

Turn it off, let the markets decide, right?
. Yep... Boycott... yep
I love how Beyonce has become gangsta rap now. :laugh:
She performed at the Country Music Awards just a few days or maybe a week ago.
. Yep, and how disgusting was she in that setting ??? I felt sorry for her and her choice for dress during the event. I mean good grief she was almost naked. Hide your eyes grand kids or it was more like turn the channel quick. Reminds me of Janet Jackson and her clothing malfunction during the super bowl... yeah right..
And Melania Trump gave a public speech wearing a tight top that outlined her tits to leave nothing to the imagination. Nice dress, nice tits, but not appropriate for a for a lady applying for the job of the First Lady.
. Link !!
Are you to retarded to find a video of her giving her last speech. Well, maybe that is a dumb question.
. Not doing your work for you.... You made the statement, now back it up.
I'm sure hiLIARy totally approves or else she was so drunk and/or spaced out on her Parkinsons that she wasn't aware of the vulgarity.

The rapper repeatedly used the n-word and dropped the f-bomb as he performed “F—WithMeYouKnowIGotIt” and his hit “Dirt off Your Shoulder” song at a Cleveland rally.

"You're tuned into the motherf----- greatest," a voice said as Jay Z appeared onstage.

“If you feelin’ like a pimp n----, go and brush your shoulders off,” Jay Z rapped. “Ladies is pimps too, go and brush your shoulders off. N----- is crazy baby, don’t forget that boy told you. Get that dirt off your shoulders."

Jay Z also performed the song "Jigga My N----," in which he boasted that he was "Jay-Z, motherf-------!"...

Jay Z repeatedly drops n-word, f-bomb during concert for Hillary Clinton
. And we are supposed to be A-ok with our kids being exposed to this vile bull crap ?? People have lost it, and it just goes to show that Hillary will do and say anything for power. How could she even be on the stage with such pure disgusting vile human beings as this ?? Crazy question that was... lol

Oh, fo shizzle! Moochelle tells us that Jay-Z's bitch ho wife, who is vulgar in her own right, is the Role Model for her Sidwell Friends educated daughters.
Whats wrong with sex? Like most religious extremists you must learn your religion doesnt determine what other people should think.

Jay-z grew up a thug but turned his life around. He is about making money and stopping Black on Black violence. White guys like you hate when Black people start helping their own.
. Obama came up through Jeremiahs racist church, and it shows just like JZ hasn't been able to shake his brainwashing over the years also.

And you would prefer a white racist church?
I never felt any church was racist until Jeremiah Wright and that damned Baptist church that antagonizes military and blacks. I guess I was naive.
How did you miss all the churches preaching to their white parishioners to hate and kill Blacks.?

Christian Identity - Wikipedia
What % of southerners considered themselves Christians during slavery? Just about 100%. Christianity was cool with slavery, the Holocaust and genocide of Indians. The KKK burn a cross for a reason.
. Come back to the light, say around 2016... You people and your going back to drag up the demons of the past, and you do this to mask your evil crap being done today is so transparent. Hope people aren't this dam stupid anymore.
I'm sure hiLIARy totally approves or else she was so drunk and/or spaced out on her Parkinsons that she wasn't aware of the vulgarity.

The rapper repeatedly used the n-word and dropped the f-bomb as he performed “F—WithMeYouKnowIGotIt” and his hit “Dirt off Your Shoulder” song at a Cleveland rally.

"You're tuned into the motherf----- greatest," a voice said as Jay Z appeared onstage.

“If you feelin’ like a pimp n----, go and brush your shoulders off,” Jay Z rapped. “Ladies is pimps too, go and brush your shoulders off. N----- is crazy baby, don’t forget that boy told you. Get that dirt off your shoulders."

Jay Z also performed the song "Jigga My N----," in which he boasted that he was "Jay-Z, motherf-------!"...

Jay Z repeatedly drops n-word, f-bomb during concert for Hillary Clinton
. And we are supposed to be A-ok with our kids being exposed to this vile bull crap ?? People have lost it, and it just goes to show that Hillary will do and say anything for power. How could she even be on the stage with such pure disgusting vile human beings as this ?? Crazy question that was... lol

Oh, fo shizzle! Moochelle tells us that Jay-Z's bitch ho wife, who is vulgar in her own right, is the Role Model for her Sidwell Friends educated daughters.
. Unbelievable isn't it ??
Hillary using these so called pop culture icons to try and get out the vote for her, and to get out the black vote by way of this strategy, uhh is again pure desperation on their part... It is so sad in respect to the black people, and how they are looked at by these disgusting democrats.

When will black people get enough of this bull crap, and begin to seperate themselves from this idiocy ?? Has anyone reviewed the kind of music and culture these celebrities/music artist represent ???? Now Trump curses when he gets angry, but these people curse just to be cursing as if it is cool in front of our children who are being sucked into this cultural devastation. They have all sorts of gang related influencing in their music, and sexual innuendo directed at young people, as if it is cool to lift up a gang culture that has been engaged in murder and mayhem in this nation to the inth degree, and is engaged in all sorts of other bad trends in this country as well.

I don't want to hear no dam complaining by anyone when they empower this crap to even get bigger and bigger than it already is in this country. Then we have the blacks who are against this bull crap, because they have lived through it, experienced the devastation from it, and have seen their kids killed, end up in poverty forever, and had their future and hopes destroyed by this craziness. They are called uncle Tom's when they try to seperate themselves and their families from these devil's, but the devil's through their rehtoric and lies bring them right back with this idea that if you seperate from us, then you will bring back slavery upon us, so you have to stay no matter how bad it is. How sick is that ?? Hillary is the queen of the devil's, because she surrounds herself with those who are actually reeking havoc on the black communities.

When will this nation cast a vote for their childrens future again, and let me tell you it ain't for Hillary. They want her because she is weak, and that's how they view her, and that's why they want her. They want access to the power through Hillary, and that hopefully won't be what they get. I'm talking about anyone that is living a super devilish life, and want the power of the whitehouse to make their evil deeds seem righteous when we know that it is highly corruptive and corrosive to our society.
Hillary using these so called pop culture icons to try and get out the vote for her, and to get out the black vote by way of this strategy, uhh is again pure desperation on their part... It is so sad in respect to the black people, and how they are looked at by these disgusting democrats.

When will black people get enough of this bull crap, and begin to seperate themselves from this idiocy ?? Has anyone reviewed the kind of music and culture these celebrities/music artist represent ???? Now Trump curses when he gets angry, but these people curse just to be cursing as if it is cool in front of our children who are being sucked into this cultural devastation. They have all sorts of gang related influencing in their music, and sexual innuendo directed at young people, as if it is cool to lift up a gang culture that has been engaged in murder and mayhem in this nation to the inth degree, and is engaged in all sorts of other bad trends in this country as well.

I don't want to hear no dam complaining by anyone when they empower this crap to even get bigger and bigger than it already is in this country. Then we have the blacks who are against this bull crap, because they have lived through it, experienced the devastation from it, and have seen their kids killed, end up in poverty forever, and had their future and hopes destroyed by this craziness. They are called uncle Tom's when they try to seperate themselves and their families from these devil's, but the devil's through their rehtoric and lies bring them right back with this idea that if you seperate from us, then you will bring back slavery upon us, so you have to stay no matter how bad it is. How sick is that ?? Hillary is the queen of the devil's, because she surrounds herself with those who are actually reeking havoc on the black communities.

. Ok I give, now tell me all the bad you know about chachi. I liked him in Happy Days, but don't know much about him outside of that role.
I love how Beyonce has become gangsta rap now. :laugh:
She performed at the Country Music Awards just a few days or maybe a week ago.
. Yep, and how disgusting was she in that setting ??? I felt sorry for her and her choice for dress during the event. I mean good grief she was almost naked. Hide your eyes grand kids or it was more like turn the channel quick. Reminds me of Janet Jackson and her clothing malfunction during the super bowl... yeah right..
And Melania Trump gave a public speech wearing a tight top that outlined her tits to leave nothing to the imagination. Nice dress, nice tits, but not appropriate for a for a lady applying for the job of the First Lady.
I love how Beyonce has become gangsta rap now. :laugh:
She performed at the Country Music Awards just a few days or maybe a week ago.
. Yep, and how disgusting was she in that setting ??? I felt sorry for her and her choice for dress during the event. I mean good grief she was almost naked. Hide your eyes grand kids or it was more like turn the channel quick. Reminds me of Janet Jackson and her clothing malfunction during the super bowl... yeah right..
And Melania Trump gave a public speech wearing a tight top that outlined her tits to leave nothing to the imagination. Nice dress, nice tits, but not appropriate for a for a lady applying for the job of the First Lady.
If we wanted dingbat feedback, we would have asked for it.
It's OK, I accept and understand your dislike of me for bitch slapping you so many times for so long. Careful, I'll be tempted to throw your stupid ass some bait and bitch slap you again.
As I said, if I had wanted wanted a dingbat response I would have asked you. While it is true that I dislike you, it is untrue that I have have "bitch-slapped" you.

You are none-the-less a shallow bitch.
I'm sure hiLIARy totally approves or else she was so drunk and/or spaced out on her Parkinsons that she wasn't aware of the vulgarity.

The rapper repeatedly used the n-word and dropped the f-bomb as he performed “F—WithMeYouKnowIGotIt” and his hit “Dirt off Your Shoulder” song at a Cleveland rally.

"You're tuned into the motherf----- greatest," a voice said as Jay Z appeared onstage.

“If you feelin’ like a pimp n----, go and brush your shoulders off,” Jay Z rapped. “Ladies is pimps too, go and brush your shoulders off. N----- is crazy baby, don’t forget that boy told you. Get that dirt off your shoulders."

Jay Z also performed the song "Jigga My N----," in which he boasted that he was "Jay-Z, motherf-------!"...

Jay Z repeatedly drops n-word, f-bomb during concert for Hillary Clinton
Wow, just WOW!
I'm sure hiLIARy totally approves or else she was so drunk and/or spaced out on her Parkinsons that she wasn't aware of the vulgarity.

The rapper repeatedly used the n-word and dropped the f-bomb as he performed “F—WithMeYouKnowIGotIt” and his hit “Dirt off Your Shoulder” song at a Cleveland rally.

"You're tuned into the motherf----- greatest," a voice said as Jay Z appeared onstage.

“If you feelin’ like a pimp n----, go and brush your shoulders off,” Jay Z rapped. “Ladies is pimps too, go and brush your shoulders off. N----- is crazy baby, don’t forget that boy told you. Get that dirt off your shoulders."

Jay Z also performed the song "Jigga My N----," in which he boasted that he was "Jay-Z, motherf-------!"...

Jay Z repeatedly drops n-word, f-bomb during concert for Hillary Clinton
Wow, just WOW!
. Exactly my thoughts, but we are the stupid ones... lol

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