Pride in parading out these celebrities as your supporters ??

Celebs endorsing or appearing with a candidate is an instant turnoff for me. I don't care what celebs think, they aren't paid for their opinions or brains, they are paid to act, sing, play sports. That goes for either party.
Celebs endorsing or appearing with a candidate is an instant turnoff for me. I don't care what celebs think, they aren't paid for their opinions or brains, they are paid to act, sing, play sports. That goes for either party.
It depends. Certain celebrities are known for more than just what they do for a living. Some are known as knowledgeable, articulate, and intelligent humans.
Hillary using these so called pop culture icons to try and get out the vote for her, and to get out the black vote by way of this strategy, uhh is again pure desperation on their part... It is so sad in respect to the black people, and how they are looked at by these disgusting democrats.

So now since all Trump could muster up was Chachi and Wayne Newton now they are pretending that people who are willing to stand on stage and endorse you is a bad thing.

Trump couldnt even get most of people from the Republican party to stand within arms length of him. But now thats a bonus.

Up is down. Left is Right.
How anyone can forget Joe Biden using the super incendiary divisive language that he used many times or Obama taking up for a thug who tried to take a cops gun, and got shot for it or Hillary & Bill's usage of highly divisive language to suggest that racism is still found in a majority of Americans in which is a lie or the Obama apology tour around the world or the attack on the coal industry, the riots where people aren't held accountable for their lawlessness or the take over of the healthcare industry with lies, and the creation of more monopolies. The attacks on Benghazi lies, the fast & furious failure & lies, the fort hood lies, activist judges destroying people's lives, the lies about transparency, the lies about lobbyist, the premature evacuation of Iraq allowing Isis to form, going and dealing with dictators as if they are more friends then your fellow Americans are, cultural rot, the constant attacks on Christians, the race hustling, excetra, excetra, is simply remarkable when one looks back on it all really. How the Americans have been demoralized to just lay down on this stuff is amazing. Is it that most Americans are in a position that if it doesn't rock my little boat, then I'm not getting involved ??? When the crap finally comes to your doorstep it will be to late, so get ready folks for a lawless nation where polarization is going to be the norm. It's amazing how effective the brainwashing has been in this nation. This includes the brainwashing of Hollywood as well, where as the celebrities have sunk so low, that they will do just about anything anymore.
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Hillary using these so called pop culture icons to try and get out the vote for her, and to get out the black vote by way of this strategy, uhh is again pure desperation on their part... It is so sad in respect to the black people, and how they are looked at by these disgusting democrats.

When will black people get enough of this bull crap, and begin to seperate themselves from this idiocy ?? Has anyone reviewed the kind of music and culture these celebrities/music artist represent ???? Now Trump curses when he gets angry, but these people curse just to be cursing as if it is cool in front of our children who are being sucked into this cultural devastation. They have all sorts of gang related influencing in their music, and sexual innuendo directed at young people, as if it is cool to lift up a gang culture that has been engaged in murder and mayhem in this nation to the inth degree, and is engaged in all sorts of other bad trends in this country as well.

I don't want to hear no dam complaining by anyone when they empower this crap to even get bigger and bigger than it already is in this country. Then we have the blacks who are against this bull crap, because they have lived through it, experienced the devastation from it, and have seen their kids killed, end up in poverty forever, and had their future and hopes destroyed by this craziness. They are called uncle Tom's when they try to seperate themselves and their families from these devil's, but the devil's through their rehtoric and lies bring them right back with this idea that if you seperate from us, then you will bring back slavery upon us, so you have to stay no matter how bad it is. How sick is that ?? Hillary is the queen of the devil's, because she surrounds herself with those who are actually reeking havoc on the black communities.

It would seem to be a sensible thing. The US is obsessed with celebs, and so you tap into the mentality of the voters. It works.
. The mentality of the voters... Now think about that one for a minute or two.
Hillary using these so called pop culture icons to try and get out the vote for her, and to get out the black vote by way of this strategy, uhh is again pure desperation on their part... It is so sad in respect to the black people, and how they are looked at by these disgusting democrats.

When will black people get enough of this bull crap, and begin to seperate themselves from this idiocy ?? Has anyone reviewed the kind of music and culture these celebrities/music artist represent ???? Now Trump curses when he gets angry, but these people curse just to be cursing as if it is cool in front of our children who are being sucked into this cultural devastation. They have all sorts of gang related influencing in their music, and sexual innuendo directed at young people, as if it is cool to lift up a gang culture that has been engaged in murder and mayhem in this nation to the inth degree, and is engaged in all sorts of other bad trends in this country as well.

I don't want to hear no dam complaining by anyone when they empower this crap to even get bigger and bigger than it already is in this country. Then we have the blacks who are against this bull crap, because they have lived through it, experienced the devastation from it, and have seen their kids killed, end up in poverty forever, and had their future and hopes destroyed by this craziness. They are called uncle Tom's when they try to seperate themselves and their families from these devil's, but the devil's through their rehtoric and lies bring them right back with this idea that if you seperate from us, then you will bring back slavery upon us, so you have to stay no matter how bad it is. How sick is that ?? Hillary is the queen of the devil's, because she surrounds herself with those who are actually reeking havoc on the black communities.

It would seem to be a sensible thing. The US is obsessed with celebs, and so you tap into the mentality of the voters. It works.
. The mentality of the voters... Now think about that one for a minute or two.
Do you vote?
Hillary using these so called pop culture icons to try and get out the vote for her, and to get out the black vote by way of this strategy, uhh is again pure desperation on their part... It is so sad in respect to the black people, and how they are looked at by these disgusting democrats.

When will black people get enough of this bull crap, and begin to seperate themselves from this idiocy ?? Has anyone reviewed the kind of music and culture these celebrities/music artist represent ???? Now Trump curses when he gets angry, but these people curse just to be cursing as if it is cool in front of our children who are being sucked into this cultural devastation. They have all sorts of gang related influencing in their music, and sexual innuendo directed at young people, as if it is cool to lift up a gang culture that has been engaged in murder and mayhem in this nation to the inth degree, and is engaged in all sorts of other bad trends in this country as well.

I don't want to hear no dam complaining by anyone when they empower this crap to even get bigger and bigger than it already is in this country. Then we have the blacks who are against this bull crap, because they have lived through it, experienced the devastation from it, and have seen their kids killed, end up in poverty forever, and had their future and hopes destroyed by this craziness. They are called uncle Tom's when they try to seperate themselves and their families from these devil's, but the devil's through their rehtoric and lies bring them right back with this idea that if you seperate from us, then you will bring back slavery upon us, so you have to stay no matter how bad it is. How sick is that ?? Hillary is the queen of the devil's, because she surrounds herself with those who are actually reeking havoc on the black communities.

It would seem to be a sensible thing. The US is obsessed with celebs, and so you tap into the mentality of the voters. It works.
. The mentality of the voters... Now think about that one for a minute or two.
Do you vote?
. Already have if you must know. Do you ???
Hillary using these so called pop culture icons to try and get out the vote for her, and to get out the black vote by way of this strategy, uhh is again pure desperation on their part... It is so sad in respect to the black people, and how they are looked at by these disgusting democrats.

When will black people get enough of this bull crap, and begin to seperate themselves from this idiocy ?? Has anyone reviewed the kind of music and culture these celebrities/music artist represent ???? Now Trump curses when he gets angry, but these people curse just to be cursing as if it is cool in front of our children who are being sucked into this cultural devastation. They have all sorts of gang related influencing in their music, and sexual innuendo directed at young people, as if it is cool to lift up a gang culture that has been engaged in murder and mayhem in this nation to the inth degree, and is engaged in all sorts of other bad trends in this country as well.

I don't want to hear no dam complaining by anyone when they empower this crap to even get bigger and bigger than it already is in this country. Then we have the blacks who are against this bull crap, because they have lived through it, experienced the devastation from it, and have seen their kids killed, end up in poverty forever, and had their future and hopes destroyed by this craziness. They are called uncle Tom's when they try to seperate themselves and their families from these devil's, but the devil's through their rehtoric and lies bring them right back with this idea that if you seperate from us, then you will bring back slavery upon us, so you have to stay no matter how bad it is. How sick is that ?? Hillary is the queen of the devil's, because she surrounds herself with those who are actually reeking havoc on the black communities.
You mean like Charlton Heston and Clint Eastwood?
Hillary using these so called pop culture icons to try and get out the vote for her, and to get out the black vote by way of this strategy, uhh is again pure desperation on their part... It is so sad in respect to the black people, and how they are looked at by these disgusting democrats.

When will black people get enough of this bull crap, and begin to seperate themselves from this idiocy ?? Has anyone reviewed the kind of music and culture these celebrities/music artist represent ???? Now Trump curses when he gets angry, but these people curse just to be cursing as if it is cool in front of our children who are being sucked into this cultural devastation. They have all sorts of gang related influencing in their music, and sexual innuendo directed at young people, as if it is cool to lift up a gang culture that has been engaged in murder and mayhem in this nation to the inth degree, and is engaged in all sorts of other bad trends in this country as well.

I don't want to hear no dam complaining by anyone when they empower this crap to even get bigger and bigger than it already is in this country. Then we have the blacks who are against this bull crap, because they have lived through it, experienced the devastation from it, and have seen their kids killed, end up in poverty forever, and had their future and hopes destroyed by this craziness. They are called uncle Tom's when they try to seperate themselves and their families from these devil's, but the devil's through their rehtoric and lies bring them right back with this idea that if you seperate from us, then you will bring back slavery upon us, so you have to stay no matter how bad it is. How sick is that ?? Hillary is the queen of the devil's, because she surrounds herself with those who are actually reeking havoc on the black communities.
You mean like Charlton Heston and Clint Eastwood?
. Your late..
Hillary using these so called pop culture icons to try and get out the vote for her, and to get out the black vote by way of this strategy, uhh is again pure desperation on their part... It is so sad in respect to the black people, and how they are looked at by these disgusting democrats.

When will black people get enough of this bull crap, and begin to seperate themselves from this idiocy ?? Has anyone reviewed the kind of music and culture these celebrities/music artist represent ???? Now Trump curses when he gets angry, but these people curse just to be cursing as if it is cool in front of our children who are being sucked into this cultural devastation. They have all sorts of gang related influencing in their music, and sexual innuendo directed at young people, as if it is cool to lift up a gang culture that has been engaged in murder and mayhem in this nation to the inth degree, and is engaged in all sorts of other bad trends in this country as well.

I don't want to hear no dam complaining by anyone when they empower this crap to even get bigger and bigger than it already is in this country. Then we have the blacks who are against this bull crap, because they have lived through it, experienced the devastation from it, and have seen their kids killed, end up in poverty forever, and had their future and hopes destroyed by this craziness. They are called uncle Tom's when they try to seperate themselves and their families from these devil's, but the devil's through their rehtoric and lies bring them right back with this idea that if you seperate from us, then you will bring back slavery upon us, so you have to stay no matter how bad it is. How sick is that ?? Hillary is the queen of the devil's, because she surrounds herself with those who are actually reeking havoc on the black communities.

It would seem to be a sensible thing. The US is obsessed with celebs, and so you tap into the mentality of the voters. It works.
. The mentality of the voters... Now think about that one for a minute or two.
Do you vote?
. Already have if you must know. Do you ???
What was your mentality?
Celebs endorsing or appearing with a candidate is an instant turnoff for me. I don't care what celebs think, they aren't paid for their opinions or brains, they are paid to act, sing, play sports. That goes for either party.
It depends. Certain celebrities are known for more than just what they do for a living. Some are known as knowledgeable, articulate, and intelligent humans.

For me, I want them to do what they are supposed to do, entertain. I don't pay to go to sporting events, concerts, watch TV, watch plays or movies to hear celebs espouse their beliefs. Appearing with a candidate is nothing to me, they have opinions, nothing more or less and I am not swayed by their political positions. Who they support or vote for has no bearing me caring what they think. They are just people, like everyone else. Not sure why I need to listen to entertainers.
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Celebs endorsing or appearing with a candidate is an instant turnoff for me. I don't care what celebs think, they aren't paid for their opinions or brains, they are paid to act, sing, play sports. That goes for either party.
It depends. Certain celebrities are known for more than just what they do for a living. Some are known as knowledgeable, articulate, and intelligent humans.

For me, I want them to do what they are supposed to do, entertain. I don't pay to go to sporting events, concerts, watch TV, watch plays or movies to hear celebs espouse their beliefs. Appearing with a candidate is nothing to me, they have opinions, nothing more or less and I am not swayed by their political positions. Who they support or vote for has no bearing me caring what they think. They are just people, like everyone else. Not sure why I need to listen to entertainers.
I have yet to see any of them do anything while they were doing their jobs. Never have I seen Lebron James break out in a speech regarding BLM or Kap do a point by point rebuttal of the national anthem. You dont need to listen to anyone. I was just pointing out that not only do people smarter than you understand how to utilze celebrities and the effect they have on people, but that a lot of them are smarter than you even if they have day jobs that include providing entertainment.
Celebs endorsing or appearing with a candidate is an instant turnoff for me. I don't care what celebs think, they aren't paid for their opinions or brains, they are paid to act, sing, play sports. That goes for either party.
It depends. Certain celebrities are known for more than just what they do for a living. Some are known as knowledgeable, articulate, and intelligent humans.

For me, I want them to do what they are supposed to do, entertain. I don't pay to go to sporting events, concerts, watch TV, watch plays or movies to hear celebs espouse their beliefs. Appearing with a candidate is nothing to me, they have opinions, nothing more or less and I am not swayed by their political positions. Who they support or vote for has no bearing me caring what they think. They are just people, like everyone else. Not sure why I need to listen to entertainers.
I have yet to see any of them do anything while they were doing their jobs. Never have I seen Lebron James break out in a speech regarding BLM or Kap do a point by point rebuttal of the national anthem. You dont need to listen to anyone. I was just pointing out that not only do people smarter than you understand how to utilze celebrities and the effect they have on people, but that a lot of them are smarter than you even if they have day jobs that include providing entertainment.

Plenty of people smarter than me and you. I know lots of smart people, I don't need to listen to entertainers. If you need to go right ahead.
Celebs endorsing or appearing with a candidate is an instant turnoff for me. I don't care what celebs think, they aren't paid for their opinions or brains, they are paid to act, sing, play sports. That goes for either party.
It depends. Certain celebrities are known for more than just what they do for a living. Some are known as knowledgeable, articulate, and intelligent humans.

For me, I want them to do what they are supposed to do, entertain. I don't pay to go to sporting events, concerts, watch TV, watch plays or movies to hear celebs espouse their beliefs. Appearing with a candidate is nothing to me, they have opinions, nothing more or less and I am not swayed by their political positions. Who they support or vote for has no bearing me caring what they think. They are just people, like everyone else. Not sure why I need to listen to entertainers.
I have yet to see any of them do anything while they were doing their jobs. Never have I seen Lebron James break out in a speech regarding BLM or Kap do a point by point rebuttal of the national anthem. You dont need to listen to anyone. I was just pointing out that not only do people smarter than you understand how to utilze celebrities and the effect they have on people, but that a lot of them are smarter than you even if they have day jobs that include providing entertainment.

Plenty of people smarter than me and you. I know lots of smart people, I don't need to listen to entertainers. If you need to go right ahead.
Not smarter than me. Knowing lots of smart people doesnt make you smart. I already said you dont have to listen to entertainers. Youre getting defensive about it. i said the reason celebrities are used is because those people smarter than you understand their endorsements work.
Celebs endorsing or appearing with a candidate is an instant turnoff for me. I don't care what celebs think, they aren't paid for their opinions or brains, they are paid to act, sing, play sports. That goes for either party.
It depends. Certain celebrities are known for more than just what they do for a living. Some are known as knowledgeable, articulate, and intelligent humans.

For me, I want them to do what they are supposed to do, entertain. I don't pay to go to sporting events, concerts, watch TV, watch plays or movies to hear celebs espouse their beliefs. Appearing with a candidate is nothing to me, they have opinions, nothing more or less and I am not swayed by their political positions. Who they support or vote for has no bearing me caring what they think. They are just people, like everyone else. Not sure why I need to listen to entertainers.
I have yet to see any of them do anything while they were doing their jobs. Never have I seen Lebron James break out in a speech regarding BLM or Kap do a point by point rebuttal of the national anthem. You dont need to listen to anyone. I was just pointing out that not only do people smarter than you understand how to utilze celebrities and the effect they have on people, but that a lot of them are smarter than you even if they have day jobs that include providing entertainment.

Plenty of people smarter than me and you. I know lots of smart people, I don't need to listen to entertainers. If you need to go right ahead.
Not smarter than me. Knowing lots of smart people doesnt make you smart. I already said you dont have to listen to entertainers. Youre getting defensive about it. i said the reason celebrities are used is because those people smarter than you understand their endorsements work.
. Knowing smart people does make one smart, because if one is dumb, then that person who is dumb wouldn't be able to tell who it is that is smart, because the person would be to dumb to know it. Your welcome.
It depends. Certain celebrities are known for more than just what they do for a living. Some are known as knowledgeable, articulate, and intelligent humans.

For me, I want them to do what they are supposed to do, entertain. I don't pay to go to sporting events, concerts, watch TV, watch plays or movies to hear celebs espouse their beliefs. Appearing with a candidate is nothing to me, they have opinions, nothing more or less and I am not swayed by their political positions. Who they support or vote for has no bearing me caring what they think. They are just people, like everyone else. Not sure why I need to listen to entertainers.
I have yet to see any of them do anything while they were doing their jobs. Never have I seen Lebron James break out in a speech regarding BLM or Kap do a point by point rebuttal of the national anthem. You dont need to listen to anyone. I was just pointing out that not only do people smarter than you understand how to utilze celebrities and the effect they have on people, but that a lot of them are smarter than you even if they have day jobs that include providing entertainment.

Plenty of people smarter than me and you. I know lots of smart people, I don't need to listen to entertainers. If you need to go right ahead.
Not smarter than me. Knowing lots of smart people doesnt make you smart. I already said you dont have to listen to entertainers. Youre getting defensive about it. i said the reason celebrities are used is because those people smarter than you understand their endorsements work.
. Knowing smart people does make one smart, because if one is dumb, then the person won't be able to tell who it is that is smart, because the person would be to dumb to know it. Your welcome.
Your comment proves you must be dumb. You couldn't spell "too" correctly and you spelled "you are" as "your".

Not to mention your logic was like the rambling logic of a drunk chicken.
For me, I want them to do what they are supposed to do, entertain. I don't pay to go to sporting events, concerts, watch TV, watch plays or movies to hear celebs espouse their beliefs. Appearing with a candidate is nothing to me, they have opinions, nothing more or less and I am not swayed by their political positions. Who they support or vote for has no bearing me caring what they think. They are just people, like everyone else. Not sure why I need to listen to entertainers.
I have yet to see any of them do anything while they were doing their jobs. Never have I seen Lebron James break out in a speech regarding BLM or Kap do a point by point rebuttal of the national anthem. You dont need to listen to anyone. I was just pointing out that not only do people smarter than you understand how to utilze celebrities and the effect they have on people, but that a lot of them are smarter than you even if they have day jobs that include providing entertainment.

Plenty of people smarter than me and you. I know lots of smart people, I don't need to listen to entertainers. If you need to go right ahead.
Not smarter than me. Knowing lots of smart people doesnt make you smart. I already said you dont have to listen to entertainers. Youre getting defensive about it. i said the reason celebrities are used is because those people smarter than you understand their endorsements work.
. Knowing smart people does make one smart, because if one is dumb, then the person won't be able to tell who it is that is smart, because the person would be to dumb to know it. Your welcome.
Your comment proves you must be dumb. You couldn't spell "too" correctly and you spelled "you are" as "your".

Not to mention your logic was like the rambling logic of a drunk chicken.
. Smart somewhat, but not perfect, so excuse me If you are perfect, and please forgive all of us little drunk chickens out here dat are jussa flappin our wings and running our little chicken lips out here in dis here yard masssa Clinton (it's the way him and you will be viewing us all right ?). The ebonics any better ?
Celebs endorsing or appearing with a candidate is an instant turnoff for me. I don't care what celebs think, they aren't paid for their opinions or brains, they are paid to act, sing, play sports. That goes for either party.
It depends. Certain celebrities are known for more than just what they do for a living. Some are known as knowledgeable, articulate, and intelligent humans.

For me, I want them to do what they are supposed to do, entertain. I don't pay to go to sporting events, concerts, watch TV, watch plays or movies to hear celebs espouse their beliefs. Appearing with a candidate is nothing to me, they have opinions, nothing more or less and I am not swayed by their political positions. Who they support or vote for has no bearing me caring what they think. They are just people, like everyone else. Not sure why I need to listen to entertainers.
I have yet to see any of them do anything while they were doing their jobs. Never have I seen Lebron James break out in a speech regarding BLM or Kap do a point by point rebuttal of the national anthem. You dont need to listen to anyone. I was just pointing out that not only do people smarter than you understand how to utilze celebrities and the effect they have on people, but that a lot of them are smarter than you even if they have day jobs that include providing entertainment.

Plenty of people smarter than me and you. I know lots of smart people, I don't need to listen to entertainers. If you need to go right ahead.
Not smarter than me. Knowing lots of smart people doesnt make you smart. I already said you dont have to listen to entertainers. Youre getting defensive about it. i said the reason celebrities are used is because those people smarter than you understand their endorsements work.

I don't care what they think, nor did I claim I was smart for not listening to them, nor are people smarter for listening to them. I also know how endorsements work, they work on those impressed by stardom, which I am not. And your posts have revealed there are people smarter than you but you are entitled to your opinion.
Hillary using these so called pop culture icons to try and get out the vote for her, and to get out the black vote by way of this strategy, uhh is again pure desperation on their part... It is so sad in respect to the black people, and how they are looked at by these disgusting democrats.

When will black people get enough of this bull crap, and begin to seperate themselves from this idiocy ?? Has anyone reviewed the kind of music and culture these celebrities/music artist represent ???? Now Trump curses when he gets angry, but these people curse just to be cursing as if it is cool in front of our children who are being sucked into this cultural devastation. They have all sorts of gang related influencing in their music, and sexual innuendo directed at young people, as if it is cool to lift up a gang culture that has been engaged in murder and mayhem in this nation to the inth degree, and is engaged in all sorts of other bad trends in this country as well.

I don't want to hear no dam complaining by anyone when they empower this crap to even get bigger and bigger than it already is in this country. Then we have the blacks who are against this bull crap, because they have lived through it, experienced the devastation from it, and have seen their kids killed, end up in poverty forever, and had their future and hopes destroyed by this craziness. They are called uncle Tom's when they try to seperate themselves and their families from these devil's, but the devil's through their rehtoric and lies bring them right back with this idea that if you seperate from us, then you will bring back slavery upon us, so you have to stay no matter how bad it is. How sick is that ?? Hillary is the queen of the devil's, because she surrounds herself with those who are actually reeking havoc on the black communities.

It would seem to be a sensible thing. The US is obsessed with celebs, and so you tap into the mentality of the voters. It works.
. The mentality of the voters... Now think about that one for a minute or two.

Yes, the mentality of the voters sucks... what are you going to do about it? I mean you have some on the right demanding the govt (and thereby education) should not tell them anything at all, ever. That it should all come from their parents, regardless of how little their parents actually know.

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