Prince Dead at 57

James browns another great


but not even close to Prince.

Prince wins it all!:thup:
Can't think of anyone greater. But I'd love to hear who people say is greater. Like some might say Aretha Franklin Stevey wonder or pearl jam.
I was listening to an interview with Wonder who was so influenced "Influenced by Prince's over-the-top guitar skills, Wonder discovered a new musical instrument about three years ago that allows him to create similar sounds.

In a beautiful tribute to his friend, Wonder played the harpeji, singing Prince's iconic song, "Purple Rain."

Stevie Wonder shares favorite memories of Prince, love for humankind and equality
I still think the guy , Prince, was stupid. At least for trying to control his own media. I think that artists and groups who allow freedom of speech on the internet are only helping their fame. Unless it's a breakdown or drunken tirade. But the way Prince has effectively stopped postings of his songs and live performances doesn't make him into anything but an artist with a socialistic view in my opinion. So to the musical obscurity bin he goes.
Prince who?

he wrote, produced, played many if not most of the instruments on his albums and had enough financial success where he wasn't interested in record companies telling him he was releasing too much product from a commercial perspective.

not quite sure how that's "stupid"
He was so into control he wouldn't let people take pictures or cell phone videos of his performances. Why? What was he afraid of? I have said nothing in any way about his talent. Just his control issues.
Prince had issues with letting his music go without paying royalties. I cannot blame him who wants to work for nothing.
Money...yup figures.
Do you work for nothing?
I have yet to record a CD. And have not asked for money when I have been given the opportunity to play my guitar. But of most of the so called musical artists I have met they are insultive egotistical lame brains who think they are above others. Yes they are paid lots of money. Yes they usually donate some to their favorite causes. But at the days end or life they will be remembered by those who have experienced what they have of that persons existence and whether that makes them feel good or whatever is for them. Like my father told me. "You can't take it with you".
he wrote, produced, played many if not most of the instruments on his albums and had enough financial success where he wasn't interested in record companies telling him he was releasing too much product from a commercial perspective.

not quite sure how that's "stupid"
He was so into control he wouldn't let people take pictures or cell phone videos of his performances. Why? What was he afraid of? I have said nothing in any way about his talent. Just his control issues.
Prince had issues with letting his music go without paying royalties. I cannot blame him who wants to work for nothing.
Money...yup figures.
Do you work for nothing?
I have yet to record a CD. And have not asked for money when I have been given the opportunity to play my guitar. But of most of the so called musical artists I have met they are insultive egotistical lame brains who think they are above others. Yes they are paid lots of money. Yes they usually donate some to their favorite causes. But at the days end or life they will be remembered by those who have experienced what they have of that persons existence and whether that makes them feel good or whatever is for them. Like my father told me. "You can't take it with you".
This was the man's livelihood not his avocation or hobby. I do believe it is over the top to ask anyone to perform their craft gratis
If I understand you correctly, you're saying Elvis had more vocal range? I agree with most the rest of your post, except this. Prince did have much more range than any you mentioned.
Here, listen & see for yourself....He can hit the high notes as well as the deep and all in between

Nope... he goes into falsetto when he goes high. Elvis had better natural range and more control. Prince is good.. one of the best... just not in the same category with the greatest vocalists.
He was so into control he wouldn't let people take pictures or cell phone videos of his performances. Why? What was he afraid of? I have said nothing in any way about his talent. Just his control issues. I saw his 2013 performance on Jimmy Fallon with Third Eye Girl and he smoked that gig. But because of NBC and his strange over the top copyright infringement control issues one cannot see tha performance on the internet no more for free. Too bad tuff luck. I had a so so recording on a VHS tape I accidently erased. I wish I hadn't. I'm just saying if he doesn't want anybody to see him perform or to be able to upload a performance of his to you trube without having it removed, then he can disappear and only those who are enraptured by the guy can go on feeling that way.

Again... you are retarded. He's not "afraid" of any damn thing, he doesn't like being ripped off. Try to imagine, (if you do anything for a living), whatever you do, there are a bunch of people who think you are supposed to do it for them free of charge. Whenever your off day rolls around, here are these people expecting you to give them your services free and if you don't, they think you are being mean and strange... greedy and not wanting to share. What would you say to them? I've got two letters for you... F and O.

It's not "control issues" any more than you having "control issues" for not leaving your key in your car so the whole neighborhood can use it when they want to. Turns out, a whole helluva LOT of people are "enraptured" by the guy... enough so to actually BUY millions of dollars worth of his records! How many records have YOU sold?
He was so into control he wouldn't let people take pictures or cell phone videos of his performances. Why? What was he afraid of? I have said nothing in any way about his talent. Just his control issues. I saw his 2013 performance on Jimmy Fallon with Third Eye Girl and he smoked that gig. But because of NBC and his strange over the top copyright infringement control issues one cannot see tha performance on the internet no more for free. Too bad tuff luck. I had a so so recording on a VHS tape I accidently erased. I wish I hadn't. I'm just saying if he doesn't want anybody to see him perform or to be able to upload a performance of his to you trube without having it removed, then he can disappear and only those who are enraptured by the guy can go on feeling that way.

Again... you are retarded. He's not "afraid" of any damn thing, he doesn't like being ripped off. Try to imagine, (if you do anything for a living), whatever you do, there are a bunch of people who think you are supposed to do it for them free of charge. Whenever your off day rolls around, here are these people expecting you to give them your services free and if you don't, they think you are being mean and strange... greedy and not wanting to share. What would you say to them? I've got two letters for you... F and O.

It's not "control issues" any more than you having "control issues" for not leaving your key in your car so the whole neighborhood can use it when they want to. Turns out, a whole helluva LOT of people are "enraptured" by the guy... enough so to actually BUY millions of dollars worth of his records! How many records have YOU sold?
LOL...woopty doo.
I think I will wait to hear about the autopsy report before jumping to any conclusions about his death. Why participate in the spread of rumors, especially regarding someone's death?

And for some of you, haven't you ever heard the expression that if you don't have anything nice to say, keep your big giant pie hole shut? ;)

Simply stating facts.

Let's see here...he's a reclusive pop star who lives alone in a massive compound. There were no indications of any foul play and no suicide attempt. The week before his plane made an emergency landing due to a passenger being unresponsive. Prince was given an injection to cleanse a person's system of narcotics.

Less than a week later, he is found dead, with no apparent cause. Gee...what could it be, what could it be?

A lot of different things. BTW, that part about the hospital is just a rumor reported by TMZ. Your hero, Elvis was known to do his share of drugs too.
I just can't get into anything pop culture. Who cares? It's like movies. I mention a movie I liked, and people go "on the one with so-and-so?"... and I sit there.. I have no idea.... It was a good flick. I couldn't care less who was in it. I don't pay attention to these people. Who has time to follow the entire life story of every idiot on stage? Who has time for that? Don't you have families or something? Kids? Job? Things to do with your wife or something?
It is not so much everyone but those who truly influence an industry or a genre. The fascination is in the growth of the person and their art and talent. If you are not into this sort of stuff not a big deal. If a person is then it is a wonderland.

I suppose. I guess my problem is that I never considered that what people in Hollywood did was of any real value. Real value being something that was true significant benefits for society or people. Like reading about the life of Henry Ford, John Adams, I'm reading a bio of Calvin Coolidge right now. These are people that faced real dangers, that saved lives, that improved the lives of millions of people. People that improved the standard of living around the world.

For me it's difficult to see what Prince (or anyone in Hollywood) did that was as significant.

What great things did he do in his life, that benefited the world? Not to minimize entertainment, but I can have a great time playing UNO with some friends.

I understand where you are coming from as I am a musician and someone who loves music and musical theory I see how essential he was and still is to the growth of music and society just as we both can understand how Ford, Adams and Coolidge were influential and relevant in their own spheres of endeavour. When I read someone with your perspective I wish I could give them some of what I find so interesting and essential so you can see how something like music is interwoven with the skein of humanity, not to change you, but to give you a small glimpse of how magical and interlaced music is with all of mankind.
I don't know who's bigger than Prince other than Michael. He's not my favorite artist but even I know there's no one bigger than Prince.

Rolling Stone's 100 Greatest Artists has Michael #35 and Prince #27.
57 isn't really all that "young." Lots of people die in their 50s, from all kinds of things. Heart attacks, strokes, other diseases, etc.
One of the silliest posts ever. People die at every age for many reasons. "young", "old", "elderly", "baby" in their 20s are all subjective qualifiers. I was talking to a woman who will be celebrating her 84th birthday soon and asked her is she was elderly, she responded "no, ask me when I am in my 90s" I also see people in their teens sitting on the internet claiming they feel old and out of shape. Depends on what a person does with their life they can sit and waste it or have a fulfilling and wondrous existence.

What is striking to many is that Prince seemed vibrant, energetic and healthy such a condition is reminiscent of being young in spirit and mind if not in body.
I just can't get into anything pop culture. Who cares? It's like movies. I mention a movie I liked, and people go "on the one with so-and-so?"... and I sit there.. I have no idea.... It was a good flick. I couldn't care less who was in it. I don't pay attention to these people. Who has time to follow the entire life story of every idiot on stage? Who has time for that? Don't you have families or something? Kids? Job? Things to do with your wife or something?
It is not so much everyone but those who truly influence an industry or a genre. The fascination is in the growth of the person and their art and talent. If you are not into this sort of stuff not a big deal. If a person is then it is a wonderland.

I suppose. I guess my problem is that I never considered that what people in Hollywood did was of any real value. Real value being something that was true significant benefits for society or people. Like reading about the life of Henry Ford, John Adams, I'm reading a bio of Calvin Coolidge right now. These are people that faced real dangers, that saved lives, that improved the lives of millions of people. People that improved the standard of living around the world.

For me it's difficult to see what Prince (or anyone in Hollywood) did that was as significant.

What great things did he do in his life, that benefited the world? Not to minimize entertainment, but I can have a great time playing UNO with some friends.

I understand where you are coming from as I am a musician and someone who loves music and musical theory I see how essential he was and still is to the growth of music and society just as we both can understand how Ford, Adams and Coolidge were influential and relevant in their own spheres of endeavour. When I read someone with your perspective I wish I could give them some of what I find so interesting and essential so you can see how something like music is interwoven with the skein of humanity, not to change you, but to give you a small glimpse of how magical and interlaced music is with all of mankind.
I don't know who's bigger than Prince other than Michael. He's not my favorite artist but even I know there's no one bigger than Prince.

Rolling Stone's 100 Greatest Artists has Michael #35 and Prince #27.

Thank you for the information. I'm old so there were no surprises. Number 1, Aretha Franklin, 2, Ray Charles, 3, Elvis.
If I understand you correctly, you're saying Elvis had more vocal range? I agree with most the rest of your post, except this. Prince did have much more range than any you mentioned.
Here, listen & see for yourself....He can hit the high notes as well as the deep and all in between

Nope... he goes into falsetto when he goes high. Elvis had better natural range and more control. Prince is good.. one of the best... just not in the same category with the greatest vocalists.
Mariah Carey is one of the greatest vocalists. Does that mean she's bigger/better/more famous than Prince? Hell no.
My belated condolences to Prince's friends and family due to personal matters. He's another guy with a huge catalog like David Bowie. People are buying Prince's albums now but it's tough to get the whole set. Who knows what he or his people still have stashed away? I'll settle for his top albums and a greatest hit list to listen to.
If I understand you correctly, you're saying Elvis had more vocal range? I agree with most the rest of your post, except this. Prince did have much more range than any you mentioned.
Here, listen & see for yourself....He can hit the high notes as well as the deep and all in between

Nope... he goes into falsetto when he goes high. Elvis had better natural range and more control. Prince is good.. one of the best... just not in the same category with the greatest vocalists.
Mariah Carey is one of the greatest vocalists. Does that mean she's bigger/better/more famous than Prince? Hell no.

Well I think we're all getting into comparing apples and oranges with bananas and grapes. What IS "famous" or "bigger/better/more famous" in terms we can actually measure comparatively? Elvis had an impressive string of gold and platinum records spanning many decades. They don't call him The King for nothing. Elvis has the motion picture equivalent to about five Purple Rains at least. Not very many people in the country can just go meet with the president because you want to.

I was simply stating my opinion. Prince has good range but he is mostly known for his style. Few people have ever been exceptionally great at his style... James Brown... that's the short list. It's not because of vocal performance. Celine Dion has a freaking awesome voice, and she sells a lot of fucking records man.... She is nowhere close to Elvis.

My observation is, Elvis is the better vocalist between he and Prince. That's all. His voice was what made him famous. If you listen to his old music you know this well. He could go from deep baritones to high and in full vocal control but he could also make you feel what he was singing. I think that Prince also has this quality, which is ironically what made him famous and draws the two together in this argument. But Prince is more about style and he did that well.

In my "most influential artists" list, I am not talking about "fame" or popularity but influence. That's a different criteria. People can be very gifted singers and not lend much influence to music. They contribute, some people are inspired by their talents, but they don't really influence others or have an influence on culture of the times. That's why my list didn't include bands, it's about the artist and their individual influence as an artist. That's an overall thing... not just voice or record sales.
If I understand you correctly, you're saying Elvis had more vocal range? I agree with most the rest of your post, except this. Prince did have much more range than any you mentioned.
Here, listen & see for yourself....He can hit the high notes as well as the deep and all in between

Nope... he goes into falsetto when he goes high. Elvis had better natural range and more control. Prince is good.. one of the best... just not in the same category with the greatest vocalists.
Mariah Carey is one of the greatest vocalists. Does that mean she's bigger/better/more famous than Prince? Hell no.

Well I think we're all getting into comparing apples and oranges with bananas and grapes. What IS "famous" or "bigger/better/more famous" in terms we can actually measure comparatively? Elvis had an impressive string of gold and platinum records spanning many decades. They don't call him The King for nothing. Elvis has the motion picture equivalent to about five Purple Rains at least. Not very many people in the country can just go meet with the president because you want to.

I was simply stating my opinion. Prince has good range but he is mostly known for his style. Few people have ever been exceptionally great at his style... James Brown... that's the short list. It's not because of vocal performance. Celine Dion has a freaking awesome voice, and she sells a lot of fucking records man.... She is nowhere close to Elvis.

My observation is, Elvis is the better vocalist between he and Prince. That's all. His voice was what made him famous. If you listen to his old music you know this well. He could go from deep baritones to high and in full vocal control but he could also make you feel what he was singing. I think that Prince also has this quality, which is ironically what made him famous and draws the two together in this argument. But Prince is more about style and he did that well.

In my "most influential artists" list, I am not talking about "fame" or popularity but influence. That's a different criteria. People can be very gifted singers and not lend much influence to music. They contribute, some people are inspired by their talents, but they don't really influence others or have an influence on culture of the times. That's why my list didn't include bands, it's about the artist and their individual influence as an artist. That's an overall thing... not just voice or record sales.
Pharrell & kanye have a lot of influence and have been behind a lot of hits. Missy Elliott too.

I know Elvis was great I just think his stuff is out dated. It doesn't stand the test of time. Kids don't love Elvis like they do Michael.

But you make some great arguements why Elvis is at the top of a short list. Not number one to me but I can see how he could be #1
Not many younger people are listening to Elvis tunes. He is pretty irrelevant nowadays.
That's what I'm saying. May as well put Louis Armstrong Benny Goodman or Lawrence welk on the list. They may have been huge in their day but are they still? The king is dead
I just can't get into anything pop culture. Who cares? It's like movies. I mention a movie I liked, and people go "on the one with so-and-so?"... and I sit there.. I have no idea.... It was a good flick. I couldn't care less who was in it. I don't pay attention to these people. Who has time to follow the entire life story of every idiot on stage? Who has time for that? Don't you have families or something? Kids? Job? Things to do with your wife or something?

Let me get this straight, you Elvis loving don't have time to give a shit, but you come here and vent your who cares rant? Clearly you have some free time on your hands.....and the wife and kids are secondary at this point, eh?
Elvis is over rated. He is very dated and doesn't really hold up today. I'll show my kids hound dog and a few other good songs but Elvis is no Prince or Michael Jackson.

Elvis, Prince, M Jackson....they all have their very deserved place in musical history! :clap2:
Elvis was a hero to most but he never meant shit to me straight up racist that sucker was simple and plain fuck him and John Wayne. -public enemy

Awesome tune! :D

Not many younger people are listening to Elvis tunes. He is pretty irrelevant nowadays.
That's what I'm saying. May as well put Louis Armstrong Benny Goodman or Lawrence welk on the list. They may have been huge in their day but are they still? The king is dead
When a discussing a musician such as Prince it is very difficult not to include those who came before, music does not exist in a vacuum it is a continuum where musician are influenced by each other and those who came before just as Prince has influenced those who came after him

For example, Prince played for "Grand Central who later changed its name to Champagne and started playing original music influenced by Sly and the Family Stone, James Brown, Earth, Wind & Fire, Miles Davis, George Clinton and Parliament-Funkadelic, Carlos Santana, Jimi Hendrix, and Todd Rundgren". Who influenced those musicians and the musicians before them.

Prince (musician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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