Prince/Warlock: Girl4 Demon Exorcism (Ann Landers)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Will 'media passion' (e.g., Ann Landers) change the way we define counselling?



A little prince named Ali loved audio cassettes and compared them to beautiful women. He wrote poems about this spiritual link and it caught the attention of a certain kind of woman, a woman who preferred courtesies, compliments, care, and conscience. Ali was pleased with his group of potential love-partners and arrayed their visages using symbolic magazine cut-outs.

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All the girls in Ali's 'square' represented a love of patriotism and community values and were either sea-nymphs, society sophisticates, schoolteachers, or aristocratic women. Ali's girls were considered the crème of society and were even referred to as 'vanity holograms.' Therefore, Ali's 'square' was one of civics, and he wondered if he should look for some kind of adventure (like a spy game or something). He decided to ask Ann Landers who suggested he was demonically-possessed, since the girls in his 'square' were simply perfectly reflective of his unique gentle consciousness.


A dangerous Los Angeles warlock named Ethan Nash was a nightclub owner and something of an underworld 'goblin' who had ties to powerful networks and Cossack cults. Nash was a warlock in every way that Ali was a prince. Nash wanted women who were diabolical, world-trained, fashion-savvy, and/or incredibly resourceful. Nash likewise decided to look for love-partners and narrowed his search down to a 'square' of 4 women. Nash then smoked a Marlboro...

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All the girls in Nash's 'square' represented intrigue, conspiracy, cultural panache in nightlife, fashion sensibilities, and general society savvy. Since Nash himself was a warlock, one of his bachelorette-contenders was a narcotics ring executive operating out of Amsterdam and Berlin. Nash was the dark side of Ali, and Nash's 'square' of women contrasted the social virtue and mainstream appeal of the girls in Ali's 'square.' Nash decided to ask Ann Landers if he should try to date a more subdued and culturally-assimilated or even aristocratic woman or perhaps a librarian, and Landers suggested to Nash that he was demonically-possessed, since the women Nash pursued nicely-reflected his own sense of individual liberty and daring experimentation with spiritualism. Nash agreed and realized he'd never be a person like the little prince Ali.


As Ali and Nash formed a parallax-universe 'axis' and the women in their 'squares' likewise symbolized polar ends of the geometric space, the contentious multi-headed dragon Tiamat rose from the dark side of the underworld and wanted to add spice and intrigue to this 'Ali-Nash dualism.' Tiamat contacted Ann Landers while she slept and told her in a dream, "Each of my uniquely-colored heads represents some totem or vice, and Ali and Nash must be ascribed to each (along with their women-friends) appropriately for this vain society chatter to gain any spiritual value!" Landers awoke and realized she had a revelation and stated in her column, "The Ali-Nash axis (or dualism) tells us something very special about nature --- bifurcation is a quality of war (which is symbolic for our modern age of schizophrenic media --- e.g., BBC/MTV)."


Ali would take us down the garden-path of Utopian values and enlightened dialogue about friendship, teamwork, and shared heroism. Ali would talk about JFK, Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, and Thomas Edison. Nash meanwhile would show us the seedy intrigue of the real underbelly of civilization --- the crime-world. Nash would show us why we humans are so hypnotized by courage-daring films such as Alien: Covenant, The Five Deadly Venoms, Escape from New York, and A Nightmare on Elm Street. Who would 'win' such a contest --- Ali or Nash?

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GOD: I like Ali...
SATAN: I like Nash!
GOD: The girls in Ali's 'square' are all wholesome.
SATAN: The girls in Nash's 'square' are all clever.
GOD: Ali is the prince of idealism.
SATAN: Nash is the diplomat of evil intelligence...
GOD: There's no reason to resort to stereotypes!
SATAN: You gotta admit, Ali and Nash are like good cop and bad cop.
GOD: They're alter-egos of each other...
SATAN: I wonder if they swapped love-partners/wives, would chaos ensue?
GOD: It's all relative; and Ali and Nash are stubborn, so they'd not change.
SATAN: It would be 'a tale of two cities.'
GOD: It's cool how much exposure Ann Landers got out of all this...
SATAN: This is the age of 'social counselling.'
GOD: Media caters to 'portraits of folly' and 'frailty.'
SATAN: I'm a big fan of the films Celebrity, Scandal, and Traffic.
GOD: I'm a fan of James Bond espionage films --- Goldfinger, Moonraker, Octopussy.
SATAN: Maybe journalism will reorient our perspective on customs (e.g., Fisher-Buttafuoco).




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