Prince William and Harry are half-brothers


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Not really a secret ........

Which of the 2 was the son of Charles and Diana?
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I don't believe it. All brits look alike anyway, so the claim that he must be somebody else's because he resembles him won't wash. He looks exactly like Princess Diana's side of the family...the Spencer side.

And the Windsors certainly don't give the story any credence. I think I'll go with them.

He is a cute kid, who'd'a thunk he'd be the handsome one?
Diana slept around ..........with this air force guy - and this unsavory Dodi Fayed character......

guess she went back to her roots
Here in the colonies it's pretty hard to get a handle on the reverence for the monarchy that the Brits seem to hold dear to their hearts. Diana was nothing but pretty trailer trash with a title. She abandoned her family and took up with a jerk on the mainland and got killed in a car crash. What's the big deal? The Brit taxpayers have supported royal antics for a thousand years. When are they going to smarten up?
Here in the colonies it's pretty hard to get a handle on the reverence for the monarchy that the Brits seem to hold dear to their hearts. Diana was nothing but pretty trailer trash with a title. She abandoned her family and took up with a jerk on the mainland and got killed in a car crash. What's the big deal? The Brit taxpayers have supported royal antics for a thousand years. When are they going to smarten up?
HOW DARE YOU im british born
she was from a good upper middle class family something americans only dream about by some of the trash you have as leaders

now you have a mulotto with questionable citzenship running the show .
you had a drunk carter .
a liar /cheater clinton
a bootleggers son kennedy .another cheater

not much in solid human stock to shout about there
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Here in the colonies it's pretty hard to get a handle on the reverence for the monarchy that the Brits seem to hold dear to their hearts. Diana was nothing but pretty trailer trash with a title. She abandoned her family and took up with a jerk on the mainland and got killed in a car crash. What's the big deal? The Brit taxpayers have supported royal antics for a thousand years. When are they going to smarten up?
HOW DARE YOU im british born
she was from a good upper middle class family something americans only dream about by some of the trash you have as leaders

now you have a mulotto with questionable citzenship running the show .
you had a drunk carter .
a liar /cheater clinton
a bootleggers son kennedy .another cheater

not much in solid human stock to shout about there
Go jump off a bridge, you inbred queen worshiping shithead.
I hate murkin govt., but I hate Inglatierra and Royal Lovers the most of all.
You fuckers are 100% non productive, snaggle toofed morons.
Go have a tea, MATE ( use Vaseline)
Here in the colonies it's pretty hard to get a handle on the reverence for the monarchy that the Brits seem to hold dear to their hearts. Diana was nothing but pretty trailer trash with a title. She abandoned her family and took up with a jerk on the mainland and got killed in a car crash. What's the big deal? The Brit taxpayers have supported royal antics for a thousand years. When are they going to smarten up?
HOW DARE YOU im british born
she was from a good upper middle class family something americans only dream about by some of the trash you have as leaders

now you have a mulotto with questionable citzenship running the show .
you had a drunk carter .
a liar /cheater clinton
a bootleggers son kennedy .another cheater

not much in solid human stock to shout about there

Di's blood was bluer than Charles'.
Here in the colonies it's pretty hard to get a handle on the reverence for the monarchy that the Brits seem to hold dear to their hearts. Diana was nothing but pretty trailer trash with a title. She abandoned her family and took up with a jerk on the mainland and got killed in a car crash. What's the big deal? The Brit taxpayers have supported royal antics for a thousand years. When are they going to smarten up?
HOW DARE YOU im british born
she was from a good upper middle class family something americans only dream about by some of the trash you have as leaders

now you have a mulotto with questionable citzenship running the show .
you had a drunk carter .
a liar /cheater clinton
a bootleggers son kennedy .another cheater

not much in solid human stock to shout about there
Go jump off a bridge, you inbred queen worshiping shithead.
I hate murkin govt., but I hate Inglatierra and Royal Lovers the most of all.
You fuckers are 100% non productive, snaggle toofed morons.
Go have a tea, MATE ( use Vaseline)

Exactly my point .
you act and post like the trailer trash , low bred , half witted fool you are any retard can use insults and words like you just did .
answer my post with some substance if you can .
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HOW DARE YOU im british born
she was from a good upper middle class family something americans only dream about by some of the trash you have as leaders

now you have a mulotto with questionable citzenship running the show .
you had a drunk carter .
a liar /cheater clinton
a bootleggers son kennedy .another cheater

not much in solid human stock to shout about there
Go jump off a bridge, you inbred queen worshiping shithead.
I hate murkin govt., but I hate Inglatierra and Royal Lovers the most of all.
You fuckers are 100% non productive, snaggle toofed morons.
Go have a tea, MATE ( use Vaseline)

Exactly my point .
you act and post like the trailer trash , low bred , half witted fool you are any retard can use insults and words like you just did .
answer my post with some substance if you can .
Where are you getting "drunk Carter" from? And is it proper to blame JFK for his father's actions?
william is charles son.....harry is not

Will and Harry may not look alike, but that doesn't mean they don't have the same father.

Harry looks like Diana's brother, The Earl of Spencer:


Harry got the latent redhead gene's in Di's family, methinks.
I always saw the Spencer side and also his grandfather, Prince Phillip, in Harry.

William is the spitting image of Diana. I miss her.
I think William looks more like dad than mom as he gets older. When he was very young he was definitely her child.

The Spencers traditionally are red headed....Di stood out as a blood among them.

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