Principal: child MUST shave off military-style haircut...

Looks like the school thought he had a Mohawk, which are against school rules. New rule coming to coddle overly sensitive military types :thup:
whoa.....what happen to the voices saying uniform is good...uniform looks and kids should wear this and that.....slippery slope and now you see where it has gone...blame yourselves not you stood by and cheered this type of thing when you thought it would be a grand awaking for kids....

Looks like the school thought he had a Mohawk, which are against school rules. New rule coming to coddle overly sensitive military types :thup:

That looks like a Mohawk to you? Lol! Love your excuses.
“We were told that we had to either cut his hair or he could not return to school,” she said.

Amy tried to explain to the principal that her son’s haircut was meant to emulate his older brother [a soldier in the U.S. Army]. But her explanation was dismissed and the principal demanded that the boy’s hair be “in compliance with our rules.”​
So the mother complied, but not before bringing the matter to the attention of the local press. The article forced a response from the Warren County School District...

“Neither Bobby Ray Memorial Elementary, nor any school in Warren County School District, prohibits military haircuts,” the statement declares.

Well, someone at the district office might want to clue in the principal -- because according to her email – military style haircuts are clearly against the rules.

It’s a pretty sad state of affairs in McMinnville – especially when you take into account that Bobby Ray Memorial Elementary School is named after a local war hero [Medal of Honor receipient Navy Corpsman David Robert “Bobby” Ray].

Correct me if I'm wrong but our 1st Amendment guarantees freedom of expression, including hair styles.
As we all just saw with the SAE fraternity story, if a school receives government funds it's a defacto extension of the government and may NOT suppress 1st Amendment freedoms.

If this school was private and receives no funds from the government it would have greater leeway in dress codes and personal grooming standards. But if it's a public school, and the hair was short (as opposed to very long, longer than a girl's say) then it may not force conformity.

Supreme Court (wrong imo) said in a 1972 case long hair was not protected under the 1st Amendment. But while I can kinda see how long hair could be disruptive or even a safety issue (in shop class say and getting it caught up in machinery and the like,) for short hair that sensibility wouldn't apply.
“We were told that we had to either cut his hair or he could not return to school,” she said.

Amy tried to explain to the principal that her son’s haircut was meant to emulate his older brother [a soldier in the U.S. Army]. But her explanation was dismissed and the principal demanded that the boy’s hair be “in compliance with our rules.”​
So the mother complied, but not before bringing the matter to the attention of the local press. The article forced a response from the Warren County School District...
“Neither Bobby Ray Memorial Elementary, nor any school in Warren County School District, prohibits military haircuts,” the statement declares.

Well, someone at the district office might want to clue in the principal -- because according to her email – military style haircuts are clearly against the rules.

It’s a pretty sad state of affairs in McMinnville – especially when you take into account that Bobby Ray Memorial Elementary School is named after a local war hero [Medal of Honor receipient Navy Corpsman David Robert “Bobby” Ray].
Progressive Liberal pukes running and teaching in educational institutions in America need to be shuffled out the door and go teach in Russia.

If Russian porn's any indication they actually love short 'military' hair styles :)
Boys can wear dresses and use the girls restroom but a freaking haircut offends the administration? Surely we are in the end times.
Man no kidding, it's ridiculous. I hate progressives.

If it weren't for progressives America would be like Kansas or Mississipi.

Instead we have McMinnville, Tennessee. Great progress.
Funny thing is, in the '60s, as we wanted longer hair, both parents and principals often demanded the "buzz cut".

In fact, the assistant principal at my HS was known to take a kid to the barber without even consulting parents.

Ain't progress wonderful?
Boys can wear dresses and use the girls restroom but a freaking haircut offends the administration? Surely we are in the end times.
Man no kidding, it's ridiculous. I hate progressives.

If it weren't for progressives America would be like Kansas or Mississipi.

Instead we have Nazi Germany. Pat yourself on the back.
I'd take Nazi Germany over this Kafkaesque Sovietism we are headed to.
Boys can wear dresses and use the girls restroom but a freaking haircut offends the administration? Surely we are in the end times.
Man no kidding, it's ridiculous. I hate progressives.

If it weren't for progressives America would be like Kansas or Mississipi.

Instead we have Nazi Germany. Pat yourself on the back.
I'd take Nazi Germany over this Kafkaesque Sovietism we are headed to.

Given the crazy nature of this statement it's worth asking if you know the Nazis sent crazy people to the concentration camps along with Jews, Romanis, homosexuals, intellectuals, etc. right?
whoa.....what happen to the voices saying uniform is good...uniform looks and kids should wear this and that.....slippery slope and now you see where it has gone...blame yourselves not you stood by and cheered this type of thing when you thought it would be a grand awaking for kids....

My district went to uniforms, but they were not "uniform".

Two or three kinds of shirts were acceptable, and two types of pants.

I hated it in principals, but love it in practice; to serve as an example, I have six pairs of pants and six shirts, and it made laundry so easy.

It did not do one thing it was supposed to do; shoe snobbery replaced clothes snobbery, and violence was not reduced on iota.

Twenty years later, the schools are still at the bottom even for Louisiana.

My GF lives around the corner from a nationally acclaimed HS in NC, and they let their kids where whatever they want.

Sometimes I think those kids dress like slobs, but, they come out prepared for college or job training.

Can't say the same for most of the kids here.
Boys can wear dresses and use the girls restroom but a freaking haircut offends the administration? Surely we are in the end times.
Man no kidding, it's ridiculous. I hate progressives.

If it weren't for progressives America would be like Kansas or Mississipi.

Instead we have Nazi Germany. Pat yourself on the back.
I'd take Nazi Germany over this Kafkaesque Sovietism we are headed to.

Given the crazy nature of this statement it's worth asking if you know the Nazis sent crazy people to the concentration camps along with Jews, Romanis, homosexuals, intellectuals, etc. right?
Given your statement, have you read the Gulag Archipelago or any good biography of Stalin or of Mao?

Which system killed the most people, Nazism or communism?

I see your point though, as I am not a Jew.
High and Tight. Its how I wear My hair.....In fact, I've been absent a barber for 2 months now and I'm thinking of putting on some rose glasses, tied dye, and hemp sandles as it almost touches My ears!

Hippy ki-ya Muthaf**ker....hehe
Man no kidding, it's ridiculous. I hate progressives.

If it weren't for progressives America would be like Kansas or Mississipi.

Instead we have Nazi Germany. Pat yourself on the back.
I'd take Nazi Germany over this Kafkaesque Sovietism we are headed to.

Given the crazy nature of this statement it's worth asking if you know the Nazis sent crazy people to the concentration camps along with Jews, Romanis, homosexuals, intellectuals, etc. right?
Given your statement, have you read the Gulag Archipelago or any good biography of Stalin or of Mao?

Which system killed the most people, Nazism or communism?

I see your point though, as I am not a Jew.
Secular Humanism has killed the most people in history.
If it weren't for progressives America would be like Kansas or Mississipi.

Instead we have Nazi Germany. Pat yourself on the back.
I'd take Nazi Germany over this Kafkaesque Sovietism we are headed to.

Given the crazy nature of this statement it's worth asking if you know the Nazis sent crazy people to the concentration camps along with Jews, Romanis, homosexuals, intellectuals, etc. right?
Given your statement, have you read the Gulag Archipelago or any good biography of Stalin or of Mao?

Which system killed the most people, Nazism or communism?

I see your point though, as I am not a Jew.
Secular Humanism has killed the most people in history.
Well, it has created more walking dead but not as many corpses, yet.
If it weren't for progressives America would be like Kansas or Mississipi.

Instead we have Nazi Germany. Pat yourself on the back.
I'd take Nazi Germany over this Kafkaesque Sovietism we are headed to.

Given the crazy nature of this statement it's worth asking if you know the Nazis sent crazy people to the concentration camps along with Jews, Romanis, homosexuals, intellectuals, etc. right?
Given your statement, have you read the Gulag Archipelago or any good biography of Stalin or of Mao?

Which system killed the most people, Nazism or communism?

I see your point though, as I am not a Jew.
Secular Humanism has killed the most people in history.

Got a link proving this or are ya just some ignorant religious type wishing to deflect?
Instead we have Nazi Germany. Pat yourself on the back.
I'd take Nazi Germany over this Kafkaesque Sovietism we are headed to.

Given the crazy nature of this statement it's worth asking if you know the Nazis sent crazy people to the concentration camps along with Jews, Romanis, homosexuals, intellectuals, etc. right?
Given your statement, have you read the Gulag Archipelago or any good biography of Stalin or of Mao?

Which system killed the most people, Nazism or communism?

I see your point though, as I am not a Jew.
Secular Humanism has killed the most people in history.
Well, it has created more walking dead but not as many corpses, yet.
Naw...Secular humanism, or human secularism (they're interchangeable) has been responsible for over 100 million lives in just the last century alone.
Instead we have Nazi Germany. Pat yourself on the back.
I'd take Nazi Germany over this Kafkaesque Sovietism we are headed to.

Given the crazy nature of this statement it's worth asking if you know the Nazis sent crazy people to the concentration camps along with Jews, Romanis, homosexuals, intellectuals, etc. right?
Given your statement, have you read the Gulag Archipelago or any good biography of Stalin or of Mao?

Which system killed the most people, Nazism or communism?

I see your point though, as I am not a Jew.
Secular Humanism has killed the most people in history.

Got a link proving this or are ya just some ignorant religious type wishing to deflect?
Wow, is your google broken or something?

Take a look at the mass deaths in just the last 100 years.....start with Russia and move on down to south east Asia and the like. While you're at it, take a look at just what the Fascists did.....
I`d say the principal was waaay out of line. If a parent chooses to send their kid to school looking like an idiot that`s their business.

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