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'Prisoners commit suicide in our jails'

someone killed themselves in jail, and this is news why/????

Because unlawfully detained prisoners Israel holds are human beings too with human rights and legal rights being violated, even when they do not happen to be Jewish! News is not news only when Jews are victims! Get over yourself!
Have you managed to take a few moments away from bashing Israel and the Jews all over the Internet to sign the petition for that Christian woman being held in a Pakistani jail, or would that be too much to ask of you? It is obvious that you don't care about the Christian pastors who have been held in Iranian jails; but I would think that as a woman yourself (especially one with so much time on her hands) would at least be concerned for another women who is a Christian as you claim to be.
A Call for Mercy - The Voice of the Martyrs
There is no doubt the Gestapo trained the Juden zionists very well during WWII

And now the Zionists use the inhuman torture techniques they learned from the Germans on the Palestinian prisoners.
Reading the nonsense of Sunni Man, we can see why the Mufti was one of Hitler's best friends who had convinced Hitler that once all the Jews in Europe were killed the Jews in the Middle East should then be killed also. Are your fellow Muslims wanting to finish the job of Hitler, Sunni Man? Meanwhile, of course, the good Muslim convert Sunni Man overlooks all the torture which goes on in Muslim jails. When the Muslims torture the prisoners, it is A-OK with him because they are just doing their jobs.

Torture and abuse rampant in Turkish prisons

Syria: Torture Centers Revealed | Human Rights Watch
The zionist juden owe the Waffen SS a huge Thank You for their nation.

Without their mentoring the state of Israel wouldn't exist......... :cool:
No doubt Sunni Man would have gladly joined up with the Muslim S.S. troops if only he had been born earlier. He would have joined in their orgy of murdering innocent people. I wonder if Sunni Man can tell us who is mentoring the Muslims since they seem to be having a grand old time murdering innocent people all over the Muslim world. I also wonder how many American Muslims who converted are signing up as mentors to help them out for the glory of Islam.
Oh yeah sure Zionists aren't required to hate Muslims....sure....yeah....

Just like you're attacking Muslims right now, you know nothing of his personal life and keep it at that.

I don't care for your group or Zionist club thingy.
Why not give it a rest since it is quite obvious that many Muslims hate those who are non Muslims -- hate them enough to murder them in many places of the Muslim world. And let us not forget how the Muslims even hate other Muslims of different sects.
Oh yeah sure Zionists aren't required to hate Muslims....sure....yeah....

Just like you're attacking Muslims right now, you know nothing of his personal life and keep it at that.

I don't care for your group or Zionist club thingy.

Nothing to do with being Muslim or not. this poster is using the same kind of language skinheads used and still do.
Zionists like to claim that people who are against zionism are anti-semitic.

When in fact Zionism is a political ideology and has nothing to do with being a Jew.......... :cool:
Zionists like to claim that people who are against zionism are anti-semitic.

When in fact Zionism is a political ideology and has nothing to do with being a Jew.......... :cool:

She just came out the closest on another thread and admitted in Hebrew 'War through deception' ....which means she's sending a message her country makes war through deception, and you never know if the Mossad was behind 9/11. I wonder if she will come out the closet more and admit several other things that they believe against the Palestinians.
I never remember you using language like that Marg, you used to be polite and into debating, now you seem to just vent off inner anger at everybody.

I'm still polite with most people. I just get weary of the constant slanders spewed by a few here.... In case you hadn't noticed, Sunniboy likes to bring up his admiration for the Nazis and says the things he does about them as a kind of threat, I think. He seems to be certain that the only way to be a Muslim is to insult and offend Jews at every opportunity....

***Is Jew-hatred a requirement of Islam? Because Muslim hatred is certainly NOT a requirement of Judaism - OR of Z ionism. ****

Marge,,, the answer is YES I learned about islam from muslims MOSTLY
from places where there are no jews or so few it does not matter and quite
some time ago (even before 1967) Another intriguing factoid is that
muslims seem to believe that jews also hate muslims----in fact are working
incessantly to "destroy islam" "destroy islam" is actually a phrase
spoken in mosques which I heard long before the "war on terror"

the muslims from whom I got my information were educated---even the
kid with whom I was acquainted when I was a kid was not from an uniformed
background----his father was a pakistani diplomat. Muslims are into
conspiracy theories regarding jews----the kind you find in the nazi literature
but more directed at the idea that the agenda is "WORLD CONTROL"
and the "destroy islam" thing The stuff I heard from highly educated
muslims would astound the most virulently anti semitic unlettered polish
peasant grandmother
The Protocols of Zion lays out the secular Zionist agenda for the worlds goyim.

Whether the work is fiction or non fiction makes no difference.

The Talmud basically says the same things but in religious terms......... :cool:
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There is no doubt the Gestapo trained the Juden zionists very well during WWII

And now the Zionists use the inhuman torture techniques they learned from the Germans on the Palestinian prisoners.

vulgar islamo nazi slut that she is---sherri endorsed the filth of the pimp above---

she is not alone----sluts like sherri dance and ULULATE and thrust
their stinking asses about when their brothers murder infants

the mocking use of the term "JUDEN" is typical
usage----very similar to the penchant isa-respecting
women have for JOYFUL obscene mutilation of their victims
and the victims of their brothers---- is anyone surprised
actually advised that muslim men RAPE AND SEXUALLY
abuse non-isa respecters? I am not-----I know sherri
clones very well
The Protocols of Zion lays out the secular Zionist agenda for the worlds goyim.

Whether the word is fiction or non fiction makes no difference.

The Talmud basically says the same things but in religious terms......... :cool:

I am surprised that sherri did not endorse the post
of the above shit licker. Poor sherri----Jesus---
according to his biographers---quoted the talmud
incessantly----in fact the few laudable statements
that appear in the pile of shit called KHARAHAN
are actually lifted from the talmud. The rest of
the kharahan describes how wonderfully adept
al nabi al kanzeer is at rape and murder. A very
interesting factoid is that whenever an embarassed
meccaist ass licker wants to point out something good
in the kharahan-----he ends up citing some line that
was actually lifted from the talmud
someone killed themselves in jail, and this is news why/????

That's not why it's news, it's because he was being held on a false identity and no one in Israel knew of these jails or these inmates, they didn't have rights to trial, court, etc.. So it got leaked today that an Australian national known as prisoner 'X' committed suicide, later his name was leaked, and this is secret detention. It's not democracy. So Israeli news sites published the article and Netanyahu requested them to remove it because its embarrassing for a government.


Why was he in jail?

I doubt they would toss him in for kicks.

Most people arrested and not given trials are spies or terrorist. Plain ol' tourist that lost their visa aren't carted away.

I'm thinking this is people making mountains out of mole hills.
----Jesus---according to his biographers---quoted the talmud
The Talmud wasn't compiled until 500 CE.....centuries after Jesus death......so no, Jesus didn't quote that hate book........ :cool:

wrong again sunni-boy-----the particular talmudist that jesus quotes mostly is
HILLEL---the consumate pharisee Hillel was born and may have died ---decades
before Jesus was born. Try sticking to the little you know----and do not parrot
the crap you lick from the masjid floor Jesus was DEFINITELY a Hillel man.
Hillel's stuff was very popular at the time Jesus was on his speaking tour

In fact it is still popular----it is easy for anyone who knows even a little about
the time to discern HILLEL influence MOST of the writings of the talmud
predate Jesus
----Jesus---according to his biographers---quoted the talmud
The Talmud wasn't compiled until 500 CE.....centuries after Jesus death......so no, Jesus didn't quote that hate book........ :cool:

wrong again sunni-boy-----the particular talmudist that jesus quotes mostly is
HILLEL---the consumate pharisee Hillel was born and may have died ---decades
before Jesus was born. Try sticking to the little you know----and do not parrot
the crap you lick from the masjid floor Jesus was DEFINITELY a Hillel man.
Hillel's stuff was very popular at the time Jesus was on his speaking tour

In fact it is still popular----it is easy for anyone who knows even a little about
the time to discern HILLEL influence MOST of the writings of the talmud
predate Jesus
Incorrect again irose.

Jesus only quoted from the Torah and nothing else.

His beef with the Sadducees and the Pharisees was they were putting the Oral Law (man's law) above the Torah Law (G-d's law).

So there was no way Jesus would quote anything besides the Torah in his teachings........ :cool:
The Protocols of Zion lays out the secular Zionist agenda for the worlds goyim.

Whether the work is fiction or non fiction makes no difference.

The Talmud basically says the same things but in religious terms......... :cool:
Oh look, Sunni Man thinks he is a Talmud expert, via the hate sites of course. Maybe Sunni Man can tell us what the Koran and the other Islamic supposedly Holy Writings say about the Jews and the Christians. Now that he should be an expert of. By the way, Sunni Man, how are the Muslims coming along with their Caliphate. Are you helping them to make the world Islamic and we all will have to live under Sharia Law?

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The Talmud wasn't compiled until 500 CE.....centuries after Jesus death......so no, Jesus didn't quote that hate book........ :cool:

wrong again sunni-boy-----the particular talmudist that jesus quotes mostly is
HILLEL---the consumate pharisee Hillel was born and may have died ---decades
before Jesus was born. Try sticking to the little you know----and do not parrot
the crap you lick from the masjid floor Jesus was DEFINITELY a Hillel man.
Hillel's stuff was very popular at the time Jesus was on his speaking tour

In fact it is still popular----it is easy for anyone who knows even a little about
the time to discern HILLEL influence MOST of the writings of the talmud
predate Jesus
Incorrect again irose.

Jesus only quoted from the Torah and nothing else.

His beef with the Sadducees and the Pharisees was they were putting the Oral Law (man's law) above the Torah Law (G-d's law).

So there was no way Jesus would quote anything besides the Torah in his teachings........ :cool:

Sunni your account is so confused it is clear you licked it
off the masjid floor I do not know where to begin----with
your silly mess of knotted nonsense. You do not even understand
the words which you are using

that which is translated as "oral law" is not
"man's law" it is more like the understanding of
that which constitutes -----the interpretation of the Torah <<
another word you do not understand.

Jesus----like all pharisees had a big beef with the SADDUCEES
for several reasons -----some based on THEIR interpretations ---
but MOSTLY because they shilled for the romans. The pharisees
did not like the LEEWAY granted the romans by the sadducees
especially their inflitration into TEMPLE AFFAIRS (which is why
Jesus got violent with the money changers who were situated
in the temple courtyard----that is within the walls but outside of
the building ) There are all kinds of DETAILS from description
of the universe to details of ritual upon which pharisees differed from
sadducees ----but none of it would interest you or IMPACTS on world

Hillel is the talmudist that Jesus quotes-----in fact he rarely QUOTES
the torah I cannot think of an instance recorded in the New Testament---
he does some PUBLIC READING -----but there is nothing remarkable
about that ----and it is not even noted which sections he recited.
He does employ the rhetorical STYLE of a few different prophets---
mostly Jeremiah---or at least that is how his biographers represent
what he said------the GOSPELS were written in greek ---I think---
all of them were-----but I am not sure-----lets ask sherri
MKs: Anonymous prisoners commit suicide in Israeli jails - Israel News, Ynetnews

After outgoing Justice Minister Prof. Yaakov Ne'eman discussed his political activity during the 18th Knesset, members of Knesset urged him to address publications of the alleged suicide of an Australian citizen in an Israeli prison.

United Arab List-Ta'al MK Ahmad Tibi told Ne'eman: "It has been published that an Australian prisoner has committed suicide in an Israeli prison. He was apparently admitted to the prison under a false identity."


So much for democracy right? Hold a Australian national under assumed identity, no court, nothing, and he hangs himself in an Israeli jail.

Note this too.....

'MK Dov Khenin also addressed the issue at the Knesset, and asked the outgoing justice minister: "Do Israeli prisons hold people whose incarceration is secret? What are the legal and parliamentary mechanisms to supervise such imprisonments and hushing?"'

So I wonder how many other people, particularly Palestinians are held in secret like this? Hmmm.....

This is embarrassing for Israel which claims to be a democracy. Identity of these peope are not known even when they commit suicide, but this was leaked. And Netanyahu couldn't believe it.

Australian suspected of Mossad links dies in Israeli jail - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Netanyahu told Israeli websites to remove the leak that could embarras their government.

Dude, people commit suicide in jails all over the world.:confused:

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