Private Clinton Emails Included Two 'Top Secret' Messages

They were not classified until AFTER the fact. They were not classified at the time they were sent to her.

"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."

How can something start out unclassified and then after the fact be given the top most security classification? How inept is this bunch? Sorry, it doesn't add up.
Just because you have never heard of this kind of thing happening before doesn't mean this is the first time it has ever happened.

Your ignorance is not evidence of ineptness on someone's else's part. It is evidence you have no idea what you are talking about.
Usually when it happens people go to prison.

Nope. You, too, are speaking out of your ass. You can't go to prison for possessing unclassified information that was later upgraded to classified. You just have to give it back. If you don't, THEN you can be prosecuted.

So she was right to delete them?
Clinton aides have maintained that nothing on her server was classified at the time she saw it, suggesting that classified messages were given the label after the fact.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said that was the case with two emails, adding that it remained unclear "whether, in fact, this material is actually classified."
"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."
So you're saying Hillary and her staff didn't have enough sense to know if something needed to be classified??????

It is not the receivers responsibility to classify information

A changing global situation may have turned unclassified information into classified
She was SecState. It was her responsibility.

No, afraid it is not

Information is classified before it is released. At the time it was released, it was unclassified information
Slap on the wrist and she'll be on her way. Just like her pervert serial rapist husband. Don't expect much accountability on this one folks. Probably not gonna happen.
Clinton aides have maintained that nothing on her server was classified at the time she saw it, suggesting that classified messages were given the label after the fact.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said that was the case with two emails, adding that it remained unclear "whether, in fact, this material is actually classified."
"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."
So you're saying Hillary and her staff didn't have enough sense to know if something needed to be classified??????

It is not the receivers responsibility to classify information

A changing global situation may have turned unclassified information into classified
It was the State Department (under Hillary) that was responsible for classifying the information.... Again, was she too stupid to follow the guidelines and recognize material that should be classified?????
Are you really so stupid as to think this is the first time this has ever happened? Do you think it is possible for any government official to know which classification all the thousands of documents they read should have with absolute perfection? Really?
So you are saying "What difference does it make at this point"
This very well could be a criminal offense. But i don't think much is gonna come of it. The Clintons are incredibly well-connected. They have the most powerful of the Globalist Elites supporting them. Her damn husband's a serial pervert rapist for God's sake. Anything ever come of that? They have the money and power behind em. Does anyone doubt that?

At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
Clinton aides have maintained that nothing on her server was classified at the time she saw it, suggesting that classified messages were given the label after the fact.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said that was the case with two emails, adding that it remained unclear "whether, in fact, this material is actually classified."
"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."
So you're saying Hillary and her staff didn't have enough sense to know if something needed to be classified??????

It is not the receivers responsibility to classify information

A changing global situation may have turned unclassified information into classified
She was SecState. It was her responsibility.

No, afraid it is not

Information is classified before it is released. At the time it was released, it was unclassified information

you'll swallow anything leftard......
They were not classified until AFTER the fact. They were not classified at the time they were sent to her.

How can something start out unclassified and then after the fact be given the top most security classification? How inept is this bunch? Sorry, it doesn't add up.
Just because you have never heard of this kind of thing happening before doesn't mean this is the first time it has ever happened.

Your ignorance is not evidence of ineptness on someone's else's part. It is evidence you have no idea what you are talking about.
Usually when it happens people go to prison.

Nope. You, too, are speaking out of your ass. You can't go to prison for possessing unclassified information that was later upgraded to classified. You just have to give it back. If you don't, THEN you can be prosecuted.

So she was right to delete them?
If she still possesses the server on which they were stored, she should turn it over to ensure the classified material is properly deleted.
Clinton aides have maintained that nothing on her server was classified at the time she saw it, suggesting that classified messages were given the label after the fact.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said that was the case with two emails, adding that it remained unclear "whether, in fact, this material is actually classified."
"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."
"I did not have contractual relations with that server!" -Hillary.
"I am not a crook!" -R.Nixon

And we get the Clinton machine revving up:
There'snothing to see here
It's old news
Everyone does it
It's just a vast right wing conspiracy

The unbridled false disgust is very hard to take considering:
Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
This is nothing like Bush's White House. Your false equivalence has been rejected.
Clinton aides have maintained that nothing on her server was classified at the time she saw it, suggesting that classified messages were given the label after the fact.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said that was the case with two emails, adding that it remained unclear "whether, in fact, this material is actually classified."
"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."
So you're saying Hillary and her staff didn't have enough sense to know if something needed to be classified??????

It is not the receivers responsibility to classify information

A changing global situation may have turned unclassified information into classified
She was SecState. It was her responsibility.

No, afraid it is not

Information is classified before it is released. At the time it was released, it was unclassified information
Face it.... In her role as Secretary of State, it was guaranteed that some of the information she would deal with would be classified, and she chose to use an unsecured server for all of her communications.....

Very dumb.... That guaranteed this mess would happen.
Clinton aides have maintained that nothing on her server was classified at the time she saw it, suggesting that classified messages were given the label after the fact.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said that was the case with two emails, adding that it remained unclear "whether, in fact, this material is actually classified."
"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."
So you're saying Hillary and her staff didn't have enough sense to know if something needed to be classified??????

It is not the receivers responsibility to classify information

A changing global situation may have turned unclassified information into classified
She was SecState. It was her responsibility.

No, afraid it is not

Information is classified before it is released. At the time it was released, it was unclassified information
It was her responsibility as SecState. Which part of that do you not get?
But this is exactly why the rules say you cannot use a private email server. But rules are for little people, not Hillary.
I've had written notes retroactively classified when I was in the military. Notes I had written myself. I was not allowed to keep my own notes and had to turn them in when I changed commands. How weird is that shit?

Like I said, this is a very common thing.

Pretty weird considering you just said this:

If you possess documents which were given to you as unclassified, that's fine. If they are later retroactively classified, you can't be punished for possessing them when they were unclassified.

If you can't keep them, how can you not be punished for possessing them?

Talk abut talking out one's ass...

You are seriously confused.

1) You receive an unclassified document and keep it in your possession. No laws are broken.

2) The unclassified document is retroactively classified. You are now no longer authorized to possess the classified material if you no longer have need to know access.

3) At this point, you have to return the now-classified material or be prosecuted. You are not prosecuted for possessing them while they were unclassified. You are prosecuted for possessing them after they were classified and not turning them over.

Get it now, dipshit?
This very well could be a criminal offense. But i don't think much is gonna come of it. The Clintons are incredibly well-connected. They have the most powerful of the Globalist Elites supporting them. Her damn husband's a serial pervert rapist for God's sake. Anything ever come of that? They have the money and power behind em. Does anyone doubt that?

At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.
I've had written notes retroactively classified when I was in the military. Notes I had written myself. I was not allowed to keep my own notes and had to turn them in when I changed commands. How weird is that shit?

Like I said, this is a very common thing.

Pretty weird considering you just said this:

If you possess documents which were given to you as unclassified, that's fine. If they are later retroactively classified, you can't be punished for possessing them when they were unclassified.

If you can't keep them, how can you not be punished for possessing them?

Talk abut talking out one's ass...

You are seriously confused.

1) You receive an unclassified document and keep it in your possession. No laws are broken.

2) The unclassified document is retroactively classified. You are now no longer authorized to possess the classified material if you no longer have need to know access.

3) At this point, you have to return the now-classified material or be prosecuted.

Get it now, dipshit?
Which she didnt do.
Get it now, dipshit?
Clinton aides have maintained that nothing on her server was classified at the time she saw it, suggesting that classified messages were given the label after the fact.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said that was the case with two emails, adding that it remained unclear "whether, in fact, this material is actually classified."
"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."
So you're saying Hillary and her staff didn't have enough sense to know if something needed to be classified??????

It is not the receivers responsibility to classify information

A changing global situation may have turned unclassified information into classified
It was the State Department (under Hillary) that was responsible for classifying the information.... Again, was she too stupid to follow the guidelines and recognize material that should be classified?????
Are you really so stupid as to think this is the first time this has ever happened? Do you think it is possible for any government official to know which classification all the thousands of documents they read should have with absolute perfection? Really?
I would expect them to be able to tell the difference between routine information and information that should be classified Top Secret.
Do you understand the word RETROACTIVE?
So you're saying Hillary and her staff didn't have enough sense to know if something needed to be classified??????

It is not the receivers responsibility to classify information

A changing global situation may have turned unclassified information into classified
It was the State Department (under Hillary) that was responsible for classifying the information.... Again, was she too stupid to follow the guidelines and recognize material that should be classified?????
Are you really so stupid as to think this is the first time this has ever happened? Do you think it is possible for any government official to know which classification all the thousands of documents they read should have with absolute perfection? Really?
I would expect them to be able to tell the difference between routine information and information that should be classified Top Secret.
Do you understand the word RETROACTIVE?
Apparently he does not.
So you're saying Hillary and her staff didn't have enough sense to know if something needed to be classified??????

It is not the receivers responsibility to classify information

A changing global situation may have turned unclassified information into classified
It was the State Department (under Hillary) that was responsible for classifying the information.... Again, was she too stupid to follow the guidelines and recognize material that should be classified?????
Are you really so stupid as to think this is the first time this has ever happened? Do you think it is possible for any government official to know which classification all the thousands of documents they read should have with absolute perfection? Really?
I would expect them to be able to tell the difference between routine information and information that should be classified Top Secret.
Do you understand the word RETROACTIVE?
Do you understand that Hillary should have had sense enough to know if something should be classified Top Secret ( the highest classification)?????
If a person spent ten seconds thinking, they could imagine a few scenarios where information would not be classified at first, but would later need to be classified due to subsequent events.
I've had written notes retroactively classified when I was in the military. Notes I had written myself. I was not allowed to keep my own notes and had to turn them in when I changed commands. How weird is that shit?

Like I said, this is a very common thing.

Pretty weird considering you just said this:

If you possess documents which were given to you as unclassified, that's fine. If they are later retroactively classified, you can't be punished for possessing them when they were unclassified.

If you can't keep them, how can you not be punished for possessing them?

Talk abut talking out one's ass...

You are seriously confused.

1) You receive an unclassified document and keep it in your possession. No laws are broken.

2) The unclassified document is retroactively classified. You are now no longer authorized to possess the classified material if you no longer have need to know access.

3) At this point, you have to return the now-classified material or be prosecuted. You are not prosecuted for possessing them while they were unclassified. You are prosecuted for possessing them after they were classified and not turning them over.

Get it now, dipshit?

You may need to speak slower and use smaller words. Maybe drawing him pictures would help....
Clinton aides have maintained that nothing on her server was classified at the time she saw it, suggesting that classified messages were given the label after the fact.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said that was the case with two emails, adding that it remained unclear "whether, in fact, this material is actually classified."
"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."
So you're saying Hillary and her staff didn't have enough sense to know if something needed to be classified??????

It is not the receivers responsibility to classify information

A changing global situation may have turned unclassified information into classified
She was SecState. It was her responsibility.

No, afraid it is not

Information is classified before it is released. At the time it was released, it was unclassified information

you'll swallow anything leftard......

OK...prove it was classified information
This very well could be a criminal offense. But i don't think much is gonna come of it. The Clintons are incredibly well-connected. They have the most powerful of the Globalist Elites supporting them. Her damn husband's a serial pervert rapist for God's sake. Anything ever come of that? They have the money and power behind em. Does anyone doubt that?

At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

And you have proof of this, right?

Like I said, FACTS and only FACTS.

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