Private Clinton Emails Included Two 'Top Secret' Messages

This very well could be a criminal offense. But i don't think much is gonna come of it. The Clintons are incredibly well-connected. They have the most powerful of the Globalist Elites supporting them. Her damn husband's a serial pervert rapist for God's sake. Anything ever come of that? They have the money and power behind em. Does anyone doubt that?

At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?
It isnt hard.
Did she violate State Department rules as well as federal law in maintaining an unsecure personal server?
Did she know, or should have known, that her server would be subject to hacking attacks by foreign powers?
Did she maintain the server anyway?
Ergo, criminal negligence.

In essence, the Security violation was on the part of the State Department.
They are responsible for setting rules and enforcing them.
Hillary did not set up a clandestine email server. The fact that she was using a private server was known by her agency. They could have stopped it at any time by declaring it a security violation...they didn't

She was the freaking boss of the State Dept!!!

She set the rules and told State Dept staff they could not use private e-mail to conduct business. Christ fucking obtuse are you?
This very well could be a criminal offense. But i don't think much is gonna come of it. The Clintons are incredibly well-connected. They have the most powerful of the Globalist Elites supporting them. Her damn husband's a serial pervert rapist for God's sake. Anything ever come of that? They have the money and power behind em. Does anyone doubt that?

At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?

Like using an unsecure server, knowing that her job required her to handle classified information?????

At best, that would be a security violation

Far, far from criminal misconduct.......but hey....You guys impeached over a blowjob

That was jealousy. If they aren't getting blowjobs, no one gets blowjobs, damn it!
the same losers that insisted hillary was saying the truth when she said flat out NO CLASSIFIED information crossed her server are now blindly accepting her newest version of the "truth"; that it wasnt classified TOP SECRET at the time

can you think of a scenario where information that was deemed routine later became TOP SECRET AFTER THE FACT?

Libs are losers who lie to themselves
the same losers that insisted hillary was saying the truth when she said flat out NO CLASSIFIED information crossed her server are now blindly accepting her newest version of the "truth"; that it wasnt classified TOP SECRET at the time

can you think of a scenario where information that was deemed routine later became TOP SECRET AFTER THE FACT?

Libs are losers who lie to themselves

To be fair....Hillary has told so many lies it's easy to get confused. :D
the same idiots believing serial-liar hillary and asking for proof are the same idiots saying bush "lied to go to war" without a shred of truth and 12 years to prove lies were told

idiots and hypocrites
the same losers that insisted hillary was saying the truth when she said flat out NO CLASSIFIED information crossed her server are now blindly accepting her newest version of the "truth"; that it wasnt classified TOP SECRET at the time

can you think of a scenario where information that was deemed routine later became TOP SECRET AFTER THE FACT?

Libs are losers who lie to themselves

That's what I said in my post.

How the hell can something not be classified and then all of a sudden its classified??

Doesn't make any sense to me. Usually classified is classified and its classified from the time sent by one person and arrives where its been sent. Classified is Classified.
What is it about the socialist whore that makes you think she should not be treated the same.

Your misogyny just proved the point I was making. You're not interested in truth or facts or justice, just condemning the "socialist whore" regardless of whether or not she actually committed a crime.
the same idiots believing serial-liar hillary and asking for proof are the same idiots saying bush "lied to go to war" without a shred of truth and 12 years to prove lies were told

idiots and hypocrites

All the Dims have at this point are lies. They lie about "the war on women," they lie about issues of race. They lie about Planned Parenthood and abortion. They lie about Iran. They lie about Muslim terrorist.

Bottom Line: All they know how to do is lie.
This very well could be a criminal offense. But i don't think much is gonna come of it. The Clintons are incredibly well-connected. They have the most powerful of the Globalist Elites supporting them. Her damn husband's a serial pervert rapist for God's sake. Anything ever come of that? They have the money and power behind em. Does anyone doubt that?

At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?

Like using an unsecure server, knowing that her job required her to handle classified information?????

At best, that would be a security violation

Far, far from criminal misconduct.......but hey....You guys impeached over a blowjob
So you can't see a problem with using an unsecure server, knowing that any email had the potential to be classified?????

And then the Libs try to say it's OK, because Hillary was too damn stupid to recognize something that should be classified Top Secret when she saw it????
How the hell can something not be classified and then all of a sudden its classified??

As has been proven, this happens all the time.

You never heard of this practice before. Then one day, the name "Hillary" was mentioned connected to the practice, and OHMYGODREDALERTBOMSHELLBREAKINGFUCKMEINTHEASSAGAIN!
What is it about the socialist whore that makes you think she should not be treated the same.

Your misogyny just proved the point I was making. You're not interested in truth or facts or justice, just condemning the "socialist whore" regardless of whether or not she actually committed a crime.
You did not answer why she should not be held to the same standards and punishment as others
At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?
It isnt hard.
Did she violate State Department rules as well as federal law in maintaining an unsecure personal server?
Did she know, or should have known, that her server would be subject to hacking attacks by foreign powers?
Did she maintain the server anyway?
Ergo, criminal negligence.

In essence, the Security violation was on the part of the State Department.
They are responsible for setting rules and enforcing them.
Hillary did not set up a clandestine email server. The fact that she was using a private server was known by her agency. They could have stopped it at any time by declaring it a security violation...they didn't

She was the freaking boss of the State Dept!!!

She set the rules and told State Dept staff they could not use private e-mail to conduct business. Christ fucking obtuse are you?

Bush's fault
What is it about the socialist whore that makes you think she should not be treated the same.

Your misogyny just proved the point I was making. You're not interested in truth or facts or justice, just condemning the "socialist whore" regardless of whether or not she actually committed a crime.
You did not answer why she should not be held to the same standards and punishment as others

Okay...slowly now.....

No one has said she shouldn't.

Did you get that or shall I repeat it again?

Not one of you ever bothered answering my question, you seem to think you're the only ones entitled to answers.

The fact of the matter is that you hate her because you want to hate her and no amount of justice, short of burning her on a goddamn stake in the middle of the North Lawn will satisfy you rabid mongrels. It's guilty until proven innocent and to hell with evidence and fact with you people.
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)
They were not classified until AFTER the fact. They were not classified at the time they were sent to her.

"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."

I had a Top Secret Clearance when I was in the Air Force and it was explained to me that ALL government documents are classified. There were three levels, Classified, Secret and Top Secret. Many times they were not marked as such, but ALL documents were to be treated as Top Secret until their level was verified and were not to be disclosed to anyone that did not have the proper clearance as well as the need to know
I am reasonably sure Hillary and her co-workers were briefed on the protocol, but chose to ignore the rules that the rest of us have to go by.
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

What is it about the socialist whore that makes you think she should not be treated the same.

Your misogyny just proved the point I was making. You're not interested in truth or facts or justice, just condemning the "socialist whore" regardless of whether or not she actually committed a crime.
You did not answer why she should not be held to the same standards and punishment as others

Okay...slowly now.....

No one has said she shouldn't.

Did you get that or shall I repeat it again?

Not one of you ever bothered answering my question, you seem to think you're the only ones entitled to answers.

The fact of the matter is that you hate her because you want to hate her and no amount of justice, short of burning her on a goddamn stake in the middle of the North Lawn will satisfy you rabid mongrels. It's guilty until proven innocent and to hell with evidence and fact with you people.
the fact is,
I hate her becuase
she is a socialist lying piece of shit anti American whore.
dont know were you get that I hate women from that, but I do hate that one because of her ignorant self important above the law whorish attitude.
can I make it any clearer for you without drawing pictures in crayon?

admit it, you dont like her either, but you hate men even more.
At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?
It isnt hard.
Did she violate State Department rules as well as federal law in maintaining an unsecure personal server?
Did she know, or should have known, that her server would be subject to hacking attacks by foreign powers?
Did she maintain the server anyway?
Ergo, criminal negligence.

In essence, the Security violation was on the part of the State Department.
They are responsible for setting rules and enforcing them.
Hillary did not set up a clandestine email server. The fact that she was using a private server was known by her agency. They could have stopped it at any time by declaring it a security violation...they didn't

She was the freaking boss of the State Dept!!!

She set the rules and told State Dept staff they could not use private e-mail to conduct business. Christ fucking obtuse are you?

Doesn't matter when it comes to classification and security enforcement

Any agency head must still comply
What is it about the socialist whore that makes you think she should not be treated the same.

Your misogyny just proved the point I was making. You're not interested in truth or facts or justice, just condemning the "socialist whore" regardless of whether or not she actually committed a crime.
You did not answer why she should not be held to the same standards and punishment as others

Okay...slowly now.....

No one has said she shouldn't.

Did you get that or shall I repeat it again?

Not one of you ever bothered answering my question, you seem to think you're the only ones entitled to answers.

The fact of the matter is that you hate her because you want to hate her and no amount of justice, short of burning her on a goddamn stake in the middle of the North Lawn will satisfy you rabid mongrels. It's guilty until proven innocent and to hell with evidence and fact with you people.

Guilty until proven innocent in a court of law. The preponderance of the evidence is good enough to be found guilty in the court of public opinion.

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