Private Clinton Emails Included Two 'Top Secret' Messages

The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender
Again, Hillary handed classified info over to her lawyer... Why do you keep ignoring that fact????
Classified info on Clinton server thumb drive violation of law national security lawyer says Fox News
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender

Hillary knowingly gave top secret information to a person with zero Government security clearance. That is a felony.

Petraeus' girlfriend had security clearance, and the documents were not top secret. His crime was having the documents in his home.

Hillary had at least 4 classified documents in her home...and estimates are she actually had hundreds.

Which is worse? :lol:
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender
Hillary left her emails on a server in her house that billy bob could get into. Im pretty sure he does not supposed to be looking at these documents now that he is a has been.
Hillary left all the documents open for any half ass hacker to get into.
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender
Hillary left her emails on a server in her house that billy bob could get into. Im pretty sure he does not supposed to be looking at these documents now that he is a has been.
Hillary left all the documents open for any half ass hacker to get into.

The fact she had at least 4 classified documents in her home on an unsecured and unencrypted server means she committed multiple felonies. That cannot be argued.

The Hildabeast is done.
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender
Hillary left her emails on a server in her house that billy bob could get into. Im pretty sure he does not supposed to be looking at these documents now that he is a has been.
Hillary left all the documents open for any half ass hacker to get into.
Don't forget about the IT techs maintaining the server.
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender
Hillary left her emails on a server in her house that billy bob could get into. Im pretty sure he does not supposed to be looking at these documents now that he is a has been.
Hillary left all the documents open for any half ass hacker to get into.
Don't forget about the IT techs maintaining the server.
seriously, at least in the Genearls case he was able to show who saw the documents.
hillary has no clue, like everything else in her life.
The DOJ will cover this up, and even if she is found guilty as she should be, the boy in the whitehouse will give her a pardon.
Still waiting for people to start dying to reduce the threat of a leak.
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender

Hillary KNOWINGLY passed TOP SECRET/NOFORN information to NUMEROUS people, has lied about doing so (which proves she knew she did it), HID e-mails (like the ones Blumenthal produced that she refused to turn over - which means she KNEW), wiped her hard drives clean just IN CASE they would be seized (which doesn't help - they can be recovered, and proves she knew), deleted e-mails regarding Benghazi (which can now be recovered off of her hard drive - also proving she knew)...

She is guilting of mis-handling classified, improper storage of classified material, failing to comply with rules and regulations regarding the handling and storage of classified material, refusing to report the mishandling and improper storage of classified material... if it is found she destroyed classified documents (on her hard drives) she can be charged with improper destruction and reporting of classified material...then add in perjury, impeding a federal investigation, attempting to defraud / mislead the government...

If she was not a Clinton and the government so chose to do so, they could BURY her arse!
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender

Hillary knowingly gave top secret information to a person with zero Government security clearance. That is a felony.

Petraeus' girlfriend had security clearance, and the documents were not top secret. His crime was having the documents in his home.

Hillary had at least 4 classified documents in her home...and estimates are she actually had hundreds.

Which is worse? :lol:

You have proof? or more conspiracy theories?
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender

Hillary KNOWINGLY passed TOP SECRET/NOFORN information to NUMEROUS people, has lied about doing so (which proves she knew she did it), HID e-mails (like the ones Blumenthal produced that she refused to turn over - which means she KNEW), wiped her hard drives clean just IN CASE they would be seized (which doesn't help - they can be recovered, and proves she knew), deleted e-mails regarding Benghazi (which can now be recovered off of her hard drive - also proving she knew)...

She is guilting of mis-handling classified, improper storage of classified material, failing to comply with rules and regulations regarding the handling and storage of classified material, refusing to report the mishandling and improper storage of classified material... if it is found she destroyed classified documents (on her hard drives) she can be charged with improper destruction and reporting of classified material...then add in perjury, impeding a federal investigation, attempting to defraud / mislead the government...

If she was not a Clinton and the government so chose to do so, they could BURY her arse!

Provide your proof

That is usually required in a court of law
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender

Hillary KNOWINGLY passed TOP SECRET/NOFORN information to NUMEROUS people, has lied about doing so (which proves she knew she did it), HID e-mails (like the ones Blumenthal produced that she refused to turn over - which means she KNEW), wiped her hard drives clean just IN CASE they would be seized (which doesn't help - they can be recovered, and proves she knew), deleted e-mails regarding Benghazi (which can now be recovered off of her hard drive - also proving she knew)...

She is guilting of mis-handling classified, improper storage of classified material, failing to comply with rules and regulations regarding the handling and storage of classified material, refusing to report the mishandling and improper storage of classified material... if it is found she destroyed classified documents (on her hard drives) she can be charged with improper destruction and reporting of classified material...then add in perjury, impeding a federal investigation, attempting to defraud / mislead the government...

If she was not a Clinton and the government so chose to do so, they could BURY her arse!

Provide your proof

That is usually required in a court of law
You need to expand your news sources. Huffington post is not enough.
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender

Hillary KNOWINGLY passed TOP SECRET/NOFORN information to NUMEROUS people, has lied about doing so (which proves she knew she did it), HID e-mails (like the ones Blumenthal produced that she refused to turn over - which means she KNEW), wiped her hard drives clean just IN CASE they would be seized (which doesn't help - they can be recovered, and proves she knew), deleted e-mails regarding Benghazi (which can now be recovered off of her hard drive - also proving she knew)...

She is guilting of mis-handling classified, improper storage of classified material, failing to comply with rules and regulations regarding the handling and storage of classified material, refusing to report the mishandling and improper storage of classified material... if it is found she destroyed classified documents (on her hard drives) she can be charged with improper destruction and reporting of classified material...then add in perjury, impeding a federal investigation, attempting to defraud / mislead the government...

If she was not a Clinton and the government so chose to do so, they could BURY her arse!

Provide your proof

That is usually required in a court of law
You need to expand your news sources. Huffington post is not enough.

Got Brietbart?
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender

Hillary KNOWINGLY passed TOP SECRET/NOFORN information to NUMEROUS people, has lied about doing so (which proves she knew she did it), HID e-mails (like the ones Blumenthal produced that she refused to turn over - which means she KNEW), wiped her hard drives clean just IN CASE they would be seized (which doesn't help - they can be recovered, and proves she knew), deleted e-mails regarding Benghazi (which can now be recovered off of her hard drive - also proving she knew)...

She is guilting of mis-handling classified, improper storage of classified material, failing to comply with rules and regulations regarding the handling and storage of classified material, refusing to report the mishandling and improper storage of classified material... if it is found she destroyed classified documents (on her hard drives) she can be charged with improper destruction and reporting of classified material...then add in perjury, impeding a federal investigation, attempting to defraud / mislead the government...

If she was not a Clinton and the government so chose to do so, they could BURY her arse!

Provide your proof

That is usually required in a court of law
You need to expand your news sources. Huffington post is not enough.

Got Brietbart?
I like to look at all the outlets then try to figure out who is lying.
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender

Hillary KNOWINGLY passed TOP SECRET/NOFORN information to NUMEROUS people, has lied about doing so (which proves she knew she did it), HID e-mails (like the ones Blumenthal produced that she refused to turn over - which means she KNEW), wiped her hard drives clean just IN CASE they would be seized (which doesn't help - they can be recovered, and proves she knew), deleted e-mails regarding Benghazi (which can now be recovered off of her hard drive - also proving she knew)...

She is guilting of mis-handling classified, improper storage of classified material, failing to comply with rules and regulations regarding the handling and storage of classified material, refusing to report the mishandling and improper storage of classified material... if it is found she destroyed classified documents (on her hard drives) she can be charged with improper destruction and reporting of classified material...then add in perjury, impeding a federal investigation, attempting to defraud / mislead the government...

If she was not a Clinton and the government so chose to do so, they could BURY her arse!

Provide your proof

That is usually required in a court of law
You need to expand your news sources. Huffington post is not enough.

Got Brietbart?
Why do you keep ignoring the fact that if Hillary gave thumb drives containing Top Secret info to her lawyer, who doesn't have a security clearance, she broke the law??? In order for him to hand the thumb drives over, he had to have gotten them from Hillary!!!!!

Or do you think he just pulled them out of his ass?????
seriously, at least in the Genearls case he was able to show who saw the documents.
hillary has no clue, like everything else in her life.
The DOJ will cover this up, and even if she is found guilty as she should be, the boy in the whitehouse will give her a pardon.
Still waiting for people to start dying to reduce the threat of a leak.

Even so, her presidential aspirations are out the window.

Her run for the White House is over.

We feared a Clinton - Bush contest, now neither of them will be running. Oh well.

Maybe the dims will run Sanders and the GOP Trump, a contest of the most insane....
Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender

Hillary KNOWINGLY passed TOP SECRET/NOFORN information to NUMEROUS people, has lied about doing so (which proves she knew she did it), HID e-mails (like the ones Blumenthal produced that she refused to turn over - which means she KNEW), wiped her hard drives clean just IN CASE they would be seized (which doesn't help - they can be recovered, and proves she knew), deleted e-mails regarding Benghazi (which can now be recovered off of her hard drive - also proving she knew)...

She is guilting of mis-handling classified, improper storage of classified material, failing to comply with rules and regulations regarding the handling and storage of classified material, refusing to report the mishandling and improper storage of classified material... if it is found she destroyed classified documents (on her hard drives) she can be charged with improper destruction and reporting of classified material...then add in perjury, impeding a federal investigation, attempting to defraud / mislead the government...

If she was not a Clinton and the government so chose to do so, they could BURY her arse!

Provide your proof

That is usually required in a court of law
You need to expand your news sources. Huffington post is not enough.

Got Brietbart?
Why do you keep ignoring the fact that if Hillary gave thumb drives containing Top Secret info to her lawyer, who doesn't have a security clearance, she broke the law??? In order for him to hand the thumb drives over, he had to have gotten them from Hillary!!!!!

Or do you think he just pulled them out of his ass?????

Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner. lol
I like to look at all the outlets then try to figure out who is lying.

An easy trick is to check KOS. First off, you'll know what RW and the rest of the USMB LWNJ's are thinking. And then you can check other sites, if they agree or echo KOS, they're lying, if not they are probably trust worthy.
Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender

Hillary KNOWINGLY passed TOP SECRET/NOFORN information to NUMEROUS people, has lied about doing so (which proves she knew she did it), HID e-mails (like the ones Blumenthal produced that she refused to turn over - which means she KNEW), wiped her hard drives clean just IN CASE they would be seized (which doesn't help - they can be recovered, and proves she knew), deleted e-mails regarding Benghazi (which can now be recovered off of her hard drive - also proving she knew)...

She is guilting of mis-handling classified, improper storage of classified material, failing to comply with rules and regulations regarding the handling and storage of classified material, refusing to report the mishandling and improper storage of classified material... if it is found she destroyed classified documents (on her hard drives) she can be charged with improper destruction and reporting of classified material...then add in perjury, impeding a federal investigation, attempting to defraud / mislead the government...

If she was not a Clinton and the government so chose to do so, they could BURY her arse!

Provide your proof

That is usually required in a court of law
You need to expand your news sources. Huffington post is not enough.

Got Brietbart?
Why do you keep ignoring the fact that if Hillary gave thumb drives containing Top Secret info to her lawyer, who doesn't have a security clearance, she broke the law??? In order for him to hand the thumb drives over, he had to have gotten them from Hillary!!!!!

Or do you think he just pulled them out of his ass?????

I call Bullshit

I doubt if either Hillary or her lawyer are that stupid
seriously, at least in the Genearls case he was able to show who saw the documents.
hillary has no clue, like everything else in her life.
The DOJ will cover this up, and even if she is found guilty as she should be, the boy in the whitehouse will give her a pardon.
Still waiting for people to start dying to reduce the threat of a leak.

Even so, her presidential aspirations are out the window.

Her run for the White House is over.

We feared a Clinton - Bush contest, now neither of them will be running. Oh well.

Maybe the dims will run Sanders and the GOP Trump, a contest of the most insane....

You can't be serious

You made tha same claims about your bogus Benghazi nonsense

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