Private Clinton Emails Included Two 'Top Secret' Messages

Hillary KNOWINGLY passed TOP SECRET/NOFORN information to NUMEROUS people, has lied about doing so (which proves she knew she did it), HID e-mails (like the ones Blumenthal produced that she refused to turn over - which means she KNEW), wiped her hard drives clean just IN CASE they would be seized (which doesn't help - they can be recovered, and proves she knew), deleted e-mails regarding Benghazi (which can now be recovered off of her hard drive - also proving she knew)...

She is guilting of mis-handling classified, improper storage of classified material, failing to comply with rules and regulations regarding the handling and storage of classified material, refusing to report the mishandling and improper storage of classified material... if it is found she destroyed classified documents (on her hard drives) she can be charged with improper destruction and reporting of classified material...then add in perjury, impeding a federal investigation, attempting to defraud / mislead the government...

If she was not a Clinton and the government so chose to do so, they could BURY her arse!

Provide your proof

That is usually required in a court of law
You need to expand your news sources. Huffington post is not enough.

Got Brietbart?
Why do you keep ignoring the fact that if Hillary gave thumb drives containing Top Secret info to her lawyer, who doesn't have a security clearance, she broke the law??? In order for him to hand the thumb drives over, he had to have gotten them from Hillary!!!!!

Or do you think he just pulled them out of his ass?????

I call Bullshit

I doubt if either Hillary or her lawyer are that stupid
Trust me.... If she is too stupid to recognize Top Secret material when she sees it, she takes stupid to a whole new level.
...and yet the bottom line of this thread is that, after lying about having turned over all of her e-mails, lying about never having possessed a classified document / info on her server/ hard drive, and lying about never having sent classified through her un-classified account, the FBI has announced that potentially extremely damaging to Natl Security TOP SECRET NOFORN data-containing e-mails have been found. Umm, BUSTED!
Nothing to see here. The inevitable is still inevitable. Never mind that she is losing to a crackpot in New Hampshire. Never mind that the public view her as "untrustworthy". Never mind that a review of just 40 e-mails has resulted in 5 classified e-mails being found. Never mind that she lied about the reason for using a secret server that would insulate her from FOIA requests. Never mind that she is a serial liar. Never mind that she works for "we the people".

It's all a vast right wing conspiracy!
...and yet the bottom line of this thread is that, after lying about having turned over all of her e-mails, lying about never having possessed a classified document / info on her server/ hard drive, and lying about never having sent classified through her un-classified account, the FBI has announced that potentially extremely damaging to Natl Security TOP SECRET NOFORN data-containing e-mails have been found. Umm, BUSTED!

Yeah, this is a huge problem for her.... I mean the moonbat brigade will defend her no matter what, but serious people will not.. you can't... she's a crook. This is worse than Watergate... Nixon didn't have anything to do with the break in.. it was the lying and covering up that undid him. Hillary actually is involved in the actual act and the lying and covering up.
FM: SecState
TO: Dominics Pizza

Look you fucking mook, I ordered a margarita pizza, mar-gar-ita, that means basil and you fucking illegal illiterates sent me pepperoni. Where in fucking Meh-he-coh does basil resemble pepperoni? Get your fucking shit together or I'll send the fucking INS after you
You can't be serious

You made tha same claims about your bogus Benghazi nonsense

Reality remains, even if you throw a tantrum.

Hillary is over - whether you grasp it or not is irrelevant.

Sanders? Biden? The fake Indian?

Liz Warren is sending out smoke signals that she's interested in filling in for Hillary and she supposedly has a vagina too
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Hillary Clinton: "I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material. I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material"

She lied. There was classified information.

Hillary Clinton: "Any released emails deemed classified by the administration have been done so after the fact, and not at the time they were transmitted."

She lied. The emails were classified at the time they were generated.

A joint statement in July from IGs at the State Department and the Director of National Intelligence indicates otherwise.

"[The four classified] emails were not retroactively classified by the State Department," the statement says. "Rather these emails contained classified information when they were generated and, according to IC classification officials, that information remains classified today. This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system.

Everything Hillary said about her private server has been a lie.

But it's just a vast right wing conspiracy?
Hillary Clinton: "I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material. I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material"

She lied. There was classified information.

Hillary Clinton: "Any released emails deemed classified by the administration have been done so after the fact, and not at the time they were transmitted."

She lied. The emails were classified at the time they were generated.

A joint statement in July from IGs at the State Department and the Director of National Intelligence indicates otherwise.

"[The four classified] emails were not retroactively classified by the State Department," the statement says. "Rather these emails contained classified information when they were generated and, according to IC classification officials, that information remains classified today. This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system.

Everything Hillary said about her private server has been a lie.

But it's just a vast right wing conspiracy?

Apparently the truth to lefties is a conspiracy... tells where they reside.. in lalaland. They're all nutz I tell ya.
You can't be serious

You made tha same claims about your bogus Benghazi nonsense

Reality remains, even if you throw a tantrum.

Hillary is over - whether you grasp it or not is irrelevant.

Sanders? Biden? The fake Indian?

Just like all your other Hillary "crimes", this one will be laughed off

Don't you realize the public no longer pays attention to Conservatives crying wolf?
Hillary Clinton: "I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material. I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material"

She lied. There was classified information.

Hillary Clinton: "Any released emails deemed classified by the administration have been done so after the fact, and not at the time they were transmitted."

She lied. The emails were classified at the time they were generated.

A joint statement in July from IGs at the State Department and the Director of National Intelligence indicates otherwise.

"[The four classified] emails were not retroactively classified by the State Department," the statement says. "Rather these emails contained classified information when they were generated and, according to IC classification officials, that information remains classified today. This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system.

Everything Hillary said about her private server has been a lie.

But it's just a vast right wing conspiracy?

The parts you edited out....

....The four emails, which have not been released through the State FOIA process, did not contain classification markings and/or dissemination controls

..........An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral––it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials.
Just like all your other Hillary "crimes", this one will be laughed off

Don't you realize the public no longer pays attention to Conservatives crying wolf?

I'd rather Hillary be the dim nominee: Walter Palmer could beat her in the general, wearing Cecil's hide - but I stick to reality.

You? Not so much...
Makes you wonder what the Progressives ever had against Nixon, compared to the Clinton Crime Family, Nixon could have been Pope
If the GOP sticks their necks out on this, they'd better be damn sure this time.

They'd be smart to keep their mouths shut while the investigators do their job.

Is anyone holding their breath on that?


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