Private Clinton Emails Included Two 'Top Secret' Messages

Is there anything anyone could do, short of televising her being burned at the stake on the North or South lawn, to shut the nut jobs up about that damn email server and Benghazi?

Justice has the server and she's going to testify in October, what happens when they tell you she's not being charged with any crimes? Will the right finally stfu about it or are you just going to continue with this same nonsense?

If she is criminally liable, she should be held accountable, but the majority of the people crowing about this aren't looking for justice, they want a witch hunt and couldn't give a damn about the truth. Nothing short of burning her at the stake will do. This SSDD routine, mostly coming from the right, is tired.

Nothing you can do. She's a crook and got caught.

Her candidacy is over, which sucks because I was counting on her to bring the whole filthy DNC down with her.
At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?

Like using an unsecure server, knowing that her job required her to handle classified information?????

At best, that would be a security violation

Far, far from criminal misconduct.......but hey....You guys impeached over a blowjob
So you can't see a problem with using an unsecure server, knowing that any email had the potential to be classified?????

And then the Libs try to say it's OK, because Hillary was too damn stupid to recognize something that should be classified Top Secret when she saw it????

Anything in life has a potential to be classified
That includes what is printed in my local paper

Let me give you some scope

If Hillary knowingly released classified information to someone she knew was not authorized to receive would have a criminal case

Hillary stored State Department emails an a personal server....NOTHING was released to unauthorized personnel
The fact that she was using a personal server was known to her agency. At best, you have a security violation and that would be on her agency for allowing it
the fact is,
I hate her becuase
she is a socialist lying piece of shit anti American whore.
dont know were you get that I hate women from that, but I do hate that one because of her ignorant self important above the law whorish attitude.
can I make it any clearer for you without drawing pictures in crayon?

admit it, you dont like her either, but you hate men even more.

No, I don't hate her. I don't particularly care for her or her husband, but I do not hate her.

As for men, you're wrong again, but because I don't go around kissing ass, asking if you'd like a sammich, and dare to speak my mind you automatically assume I must be some carpet munching militant feminist who hopes to eradicate your entire gender when in reality the only thing I wish we could eradicate is stupidity and intolerance for another person's point of view. Unfortunately for you, I don't believe in fairy tales so I have to settle with just shaking my head and hoping the idiots stop breeding.
You're not disturbed that she took bribes in office or mishandled classified information? Never mind it is virtually certain that her email server was hacked by foreign powers and whatever was on there is no longer secret.

There is an element of the democrats who view taking bribes and engaging in treason as kitschy, cool and clever.
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?

Like using an unsecure server, knowing that her job required her to handle classified information?????

At best, that would be a security violation

Far, far from criminal misconduct.......but hey....You guys impeached over a blowjob
So you can't see a problem with using an unsecure server, knowing that any email had the potential to be classified?????

And then the Libs try to say it's OK, because Hillary was too damn stupid to recognize something that should be classified Top Secret when she saw it????

Anything in life has a potential to be classified
That includes what is printed in my local paper

Let me give you some scope

If Hillary knowingly released classified information to someone she knew was not authorized to receive would have a criminal case

Hillary stored State Department emails an a personal server....NOTHING was released to unauthorized personnel
The fact that she was using a personal server was known to her agency. At best, you have a security violation and that would be on her agency for allowing it
And who exactly was the head of her agency at that time?
I've had written notes retroactively classified when I was in the military. Notes I had written myself. I was not allowed to keep my own notes and had to turn them in when I changed commands. How weird is that shit?

Like I said, this is a very common thing.

Hillary publicly acknowledged that she deleted thousands of her e-mails. That is not a common thing according to you and I agree with you.
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?
It isnt hard.
Did she violate State Department rules as well as federal law in maintaining an unsecure personal server?
Did she know, or should have known, that her server would be subject to hacking attacks by foreign powers?
Did she maintain the server anyway?
Ergo, criminal negligence.

In essence, the Security violation was on the part of the State Department.
They are responsible for setting rules and enforcing them.
Hillary did not set up a clandestine email server. The fact that she was using a private server was known by her agency. They could have stopped it at any time by declaring it a security violation...they didn't

She was the freaking boss of the State Dept!!!

She set the rules and told State Dept staff they could not use private e-mail to conduct business. Christ fucking obtuse are you?

Doesn't matter when it comes to classification and security enforcement

Any agency head must still comply

And Hillary did not comply with her agreement with Obama, with the Federal Records Act, or with State Dept Policies she set herself.

Btw...several news sources are saying the FBI has had Hillary's sever for over a week.

Looks like she might have lied again. Imagine that. :lol: might want to jump of the Joe Biden bandwagon real soon. :D
I've had written notes retroactively classified when I was in the military. Notes I had written myself. I was not allowed to keep my own notes and had to turn them in when I changed commands. How weird is that shit?

Like I said, this is a very common thing.

Hillary publicly acknowledged that she deleted thousands of her e-mails. That is not a common thing according to you and I agree with you.
Clinton aides have maintained that nothing on her server was classified at the time she saw it, suggesting that classified messages were given the label after the fact.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said that was the case with two emails, adding that it remained unclear "whether, in fact, this material is actually classified."
"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."
So you're saying Hillary and her staff didn't have enough sense to know if something needed to be classified??????

It is not the receivers responsibility to classify information

A changing global situation may have turned unclassified information into classified
It was the State Department (under Hillary) that was responsible for classifying the information.... Again, was she too stupid to follow the guidelines and recognize material that should be classified?????
Are you really so stupid as to think this is the first time this has ever happened? Do you think it is possible for any government official to know which classification all the thousands of documents they read should have with absolute perfection? Really?

You were in the military and should know that ALL documents have some level of classification.
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?

Like using an unsecure server, knowing that her job required her to handle classified information?????

At best, that would be a security violation

Far, far from criminal misconduct.......but hey....You guys impeached over a blowjob
So you can't see a problem with using an unsecure server, knowing that any email had the potential to be classified?????

And then the Libs try to say it's OK, because Hillary was too damn stupid to recognize something that should be classified Top Secret when she saw it????

Anything in life has a potential to be classified
That includes what is printed in my local paper

Let me give you some scope

If Hillary knowingly released classified information to someone she knew was not authorized to receive would have a criminal case

Hillary stored State Department emails an a personal server....NOTHING was released to unauthorized personnel
The fact that she was using a personal server was known to her agency. At best, you have a security violation and that would be on her agency for allowing it
You mean like handing classified info to her lawyer?????
Classified info on Clinton server thumb drive violation of law national security lawyer says Fox News

Classified emails on Hillary Clinton's personal server, and a back-up copy on a thumb drive held by her lawyer David Kendall, appear to be a violation of the U.S. code governing the unlawful removal and storage of classified information, according to a leading national security lawyer.
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?

Like using an unsecure server, knowing that her job required her to handle classified information?????

At best, that would be a security violation

Far, far from criminal misconduct.......but hey....You guys impeached over a blowjob
So you can't see a problem with using an unsecure server, knowing that any email had the potential to be classified?????

And then the Libs try to say it's OK, because Hillary was too damn stupid to recognize something that should be classified Top Secret when she saw it????

Anything in life has a potential to be classified
That includes what is printed in my local paper

Let me give you some scope

If Hillary knowingly released classified information to someone she knew was not authorized to receive would have a criminal case

Hillary stored State Department emails an a personal server....NOTHING was released to unauthorized personnel
The fact that she was using a personal server was known to her agency. At best, you have a security violation and that would be on her agency for allowing it

Wrong. Top Secret classification legally requires handling in a different manner than classified.

No top secret information can be on a private server. Ever. That is a felony for each count. Dude....give it up....the Hildabeast is done.
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)


It was reported on the radio by CBS at lunch time. I will do some digging to get the actual story. It may be developing...the only thing I could find is where the DOJ refused to order a criminal inquiry against Clinton as recently as 24 July:,d.dmo
Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?

Like using an unsecure server, knowing that her job required her to handle classified information?????

At best, that would be a security violation

Far, far from criminal misconduct.......but hey....You guys impeached over a blowjob
So you can't see a problem with using an unsecure server, knowing that any email had the potential to be classified?????

And then the Libs try to say it's OK, because Hillary was too damn stupid to recognize something that should be classified Top Secret when she saw it????

Anything in life has a potential to be classified
That includes what is printed in my local paper

Let me give you some scope

If Hillary knowingly released classified information to someone she knew was not authorized to receive would have a criminal case

Hillary stored State Department emails an a personal server....NOTHING was released to unauthorized personnel
The fact that she was using a personal server was known to her agency. At best, you have a security violation and that would be on her agency for allowing it
You mean like handing classified info to her lawyer?????
Classified info on Clinton server thumb drive violation of law national security lawyer says Fox News

Classified emails on Hillary Clinton's personal server, and a back-up copy on a thumb drive held by her lawyer David Kendall, appear to be a violation of the U.S. code governing the unlawful removal and storage of classified information, according to a leading national security lawyer.

Correct. Hillary gave her lawyer top secret classified documents. He has zero Government security clearance.

For Hillary to give top secret documents to any unauthorized person is a felony. Period.
No worries, Hillary will be fine. If thi is the be pubs have, then get ready for Madam President.

the fact is,
I hate her becuase
she is a socialist lying piece of shit anti American whore.
dont know were you get that I hate women from that, but I do hate that one because of her ignorant self important above the law whorish attitude.
can I make it any clearer for you without drawing pictures in crayon?

admit it, you dont like her either, but you hate men even more.

No, I don't hate her. I don't particularly care for her or her husband, but I do not hate her.

As for men, you're wrong again, but because I don't go around kissing ass, asking if you'd like a sammich, and dare to speak my mind you automatically assume I must be some carpet munching militant feminist who hopes to eradicate your entire gender when in reality the only thing I wish we could eradicate is stupidity and intolerance for another person's point of view. Unfortunately for you, I don't believe in fairy tales so I have to settle with just shaking my head and hoping the idiots stop breeding.
I see, so I dont like the lying whore so I hate all women ( your words, not mine) Even though enough proof is in to make a clear statement that she is a lying anti American political whore.
you on the other hand are allowed to dislike some men for their opinions, yet still not hate all men.

Do you understand how ignorant you sound?
Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?

Like using an unsecure server, knowing that her job required her to handle classified information?????

At best, that would be a security violation

Far, far from criminal misconduct.......but hey....You guys impeached over a blowjob
So you can't see a problem with using an unsecure server, knowing that any email had the potential to be classified?????

And then the Libs try to say it's OK, because Hillary was too damn stupid to recognize something that should be classified Top Secret when she saw it????

Anything in life has a potential to be classified
That includes what is printed in my local paper

Let me give you some scope

If Hillary knowingly released classified information to someone she knew was not authorized to receive would have a criminal case

Hillary stored State Department emails an a personal server....NOTHING was released to unauthorized personnel
The fact that she was using a personal server was known to her agency. At best, you have a security violation and that would be on her agency for allowing it
And who exactly was the head of her agency at that time?

Doesn't matter

The head of an agency does not get to ignore classification guidelines or security regulations. The security division within the State Department has autonomy on matters related to security. If they approved Clintons use of a personal email account, then it is they who are in violation
Like using an unsecure server, knowing that her job required her to handle classified information?????

At best, that would be a security violation

Far, far from criminal misconduct.......but hey....You guys impeached over a blowjob
So you can't see a problem with using an unsecure server, knowing that any email had the potential to be classified?????

And then the Libs try to say it's OK, because Hillary was too damn stupid to recognize something that should be classified Top Secret when she saw it????

Anything in life has a potential to be classified
That includes what is printed in my local paper

Let me give you some scope

If Hillary knowingly released classified information to someone she knew was not authorized to receive would have a criminal case

Hillary stored State Department emails an a personal server....NOTHING was released to unauthorized personnel
The fact that she was using a personal server was known to her agency. At best, you have a security violation and that would be on her agency for allowing it
And who exactly was the head of her agency at that time?

Doesn't matter

The head of an agency does not get to ignore classification guidelines or security regulations. The security division within the State Department has autonomy on matters related to security. If they approved Clintons use of a personal email account, then it is they who are in violation

Sure...go with that. :lol:
You were in the military and should know that ALL documents have some level of classification.

In fact, legally complaint email servers have no ability to delete email. E-discovery is a legal requirement that Clinton violated - outside of the DOD aspects. She is a complete and utter crook. She belongs in prison.

But I still wish she had waited a year to flame out.
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender

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