Private Clinton Emails Included Two 'Top Secret' Messages

So you're saying Hillary and her staff didn't have enough sense to know if something needed to be classified??????

It is not the receivers responsibility to classify information

A changing global situation may have turned unclassified information into classified
She was SecState. It was her responsibility.

No, afraid it is not

Information is classified before it is released. At the time it was released, it was unclassified information

you'll swallow anything leftard......

OK...prove it was classified information
Missed the OP, eh?
This very well could be a criminal offense. But i don't think much is gonna come of it. The Clintons are incredibly well-connected. They have the most powerful of the Globalist Elites supporting them. Her damn husband's a serial pervert rapist for God's sake. Anything ever come of that? They have the money and power behind em. Does anyone doubt that?

At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?
If a person spent ten seconds thinking, they could imagine a few scenarios where information would not be classified at first, but would later need to be classified due to subsequent events.
Like absolute incompetence????
It is not the receivers responsibility to classify information

A changing global situation may have turned unclassified information into classified
She was SecState. It was her responsibility.

No, afraid it is not

Information is classified before it is released. At the time it was released, it was unclassified information

you'll swallow anything leftard......

OK...prove it was classified information
Missed the OP, eh?

The OP said it was not classified at the time...I know you are trying Rabbi.....but try to keep up
Clinton aides have maintained that nothing on her server was classified at the time she saw it, suggesting that classified messages were given the label after the fact.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said that was the case with two emails, adding that it remained unclear "whether, in fact, this material is actually classified."
"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."
"I did not have contractual relations with that server!" -Hillary.
"I am not a crook!" -R.Nixon

And we get the Clinton machine revving up:
There'snothing to see here
It's old news
Everyone does it
It's just a vast right wing conspiracy

The unbridled false disgust is very hard to take considering:
Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
This is nothing like Bush's White House. Your false equivalence has been rejected.

Your right, Bush's one was way worse:

Use by senior White House staff[edit]
According to a former White House official, Karl Rove used RNC-hosted addresses for roughly "95 percent" of his email.[17] Rove provided email from his [email protected] address in exhibits to the United States House Committee on the Judiciary.[18]

White House deputy Jennifer Farley told Jack Abramoff not to use the official White House system "because it might actually limit what they can do to help us, especially since there could be lawsuits, etc."[7] Abramoff responded, "Dammit. It was sent to Susan on her RNC pager and was not supposed to go into the WH system."
If a person spent ten seconds thinking, they could imagine a few scenarios where information would not be classified at first, but would later need to be classified due to subsequent events.
Like absolute incompetence????
I take it you don't have the intellectual capacity to think of such a situation. This is obvious.

I'll give you ten minutes instead of ten seconds, if that will help, but I doubt it.
This very well could be a criminal offense. But i don't think much is gonna come of it. The Clintons are incredibly well-connected. They have the most powerful of the Globalist Elites supporting them. Her damn husband's a serial pervert rapist for God's sake. Anything ever come of that? They have the money and power behind em. Does anyone doubt that?

At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?
It isnt hard.
Did she violate State Department rules as well as federal law in maintaining an unsecure personal server?
Did she know, or should have known, that her server would be subject to hacking attacks by foreign powers?
Did she maintain the server anyway?
Ergo, criminal negligence.
This very well could be a criminal offense. But i don't think much is gonna come of it. The Clintons are incredibly well-connected. They have the most powerful of the Globalist Elites supporting them. Her damn husband's a serial pervert rapist for God's sake. Anything ever come of that? They have the money and power behind em. Does anyone doubt that?

At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?

Like using an unsecure server, knowing that her job required her to handle classified information?????
They were not classified until AFTER the fact. They were not classified at the time they were sent to her.

"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."

How can something start out unclassified and then after the fact be given the top most security classification? How inept is this bunch? Sorry, it doesn't add up.

I agree. How can something be not classified and then later is??

If its classified then its classified from the minute its sent out. Not later after its been sent out.
Clinton aides have maintained that nothing on her server was classified at the time she saw it, suggesting that classified messages were given the label after the fact.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said that was the case with two emails, adding that it remained unclear "whether, in fact, this material is actually classified."
"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."
"I did not have contractual relations with that server!" -Hillary.
"I am not a crook!" -R.Nixon

And we get the Clinton machine revving up:
There'snothing to see here
It's old news
Everyone does it
It's just a vast right wing conspiracy

The unbridled false disgust is very hard to take considering:
Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
This is nothing like Bush's White House. Your false equivalence has been rejected.

Your right, Bush's one was way worse:

Use by senior White House staff[edit]
According to a former White House official, Karl Rove used RNC-hosted addresses for roughly "95 percent" of his email.[17] Rove provided email from his [email protected] address in exhibits to the United States House Committee on the Judiciary.[18]

White House deputy Jennifer Farley told Jack Abramoff not to use the official White House system "because it might actually limit what they can do to help us, especially since there could be lawsuits, etc."[7] Abramoff responded, "Dammit. It was sent to Susan on her RNC pager and was not supposed to go into the WH system."
When was Rove Secstate? Right. Never. Your false equivalence is rejected. Again.
Republicans be like:

This very well could be a criminal offense. But i don't think much is gonna come of it. The Clintons are incredibly well-connected. They have the most powerful of the Globalist Elites supporting them. Her damn husband's a serial pervert rapist for God's sake. Anything ever come of that? They have the money and power behind em. Does anyone doubt that?

At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?
It isnt hard.
Did she violate State Department rules as well as federal law in maintaining an unsecure personal server?
Did she know, or should have known, that her server would be subject to hacking attacks by foreign powers?
Did she maintain the server anyway?
Ergo, criminal negligence.

In essence, the Security violation was on the part of the State Department.
They are responsible for setting rules and enforcing them.
Hillary did not set up a clandestine email server. The fact that she was using a private server was known by her agency. They could have stopped it at any time by declaring it a security violation...they didn't
This very well could be a criminal offense. But i don't think much is gonna come of it. The Clintons are incredibly well-connected. They have the most powerful of the Globalist Elites supporting them. Her damn husband's a serial pervert rapist for God's sake. Anything ever come of that? They have the money and power behind em. Does anyone doubt that?

At best, it would be a security violation. The information was not compromised

It is not criminal unless you knowingly forward information to someone who is uncleared
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?

Like using an unsecure server, knowing that her job required her to handle classified information?????

At best, that would be a security violation

Far, far from criminal misconduct.......but hey....You guys impeached over a blowjob
Is there anything anyone could do, short of televising her being burned at the stake on the North or South lawn, to shut the nut jobs up about that damn email server and Benghazi?

Justice has the server and she's going to testify in October, what happens when they tell you she's not being charged with any crimes? Will the right finally stfu about it or are you just going to continue with this same nonsense?

If she is criminally liable, she should be held accountable, but the majority of the people crowing about this aren't looking for justice, they want a witch hunt and couldn't give a damn about the truth. Nothing short of burning her at the stake will do. This SSDD routine, mostly coming from the right, is tired.
Department of Justice is owned by the white house, there is no fair justice there, everything they do is to cover up this administrations wrong doings.
Put her in front of a non-biased American court and see how far she gets
General Petraeus sure did get nailed by this admin for less of a security breach, What is it about the socialist whore that makes you think she should not be treated the same.

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