Private Clinton Emails Included Two 'Top Secret' Messages

If the GOP sticks their necks out on this, they'd better be damn sure this time.

They'd be smart to keep their mouths shut while the investigators do their job.

Is anyone holding their breath on that?


Hillary could be caught on video ordering the hit on the Benghazi Embassy and the Dems and RINOs would still support her
If the GOP sticks their necks out on this, they'd better be damn sure this time.

They'd be smart to keep their mouths shut while the investigators do their job.

Is anyone holding their breath on that?


The GOP doesn't need to do anything. The damage is done, Hillary is cooked. She'll get slaughtered in the general, and even the democrats (the ones running the, not the mindless sycophants here) are well aware of it.

She will quietly withdraw in the next month.

If the GOP sticks their necks out on this, they'd better be damn sure this time.

They'd be smart to keep their mouths shut while the investigators do their job.

Is anyone holding their breath on that?


Hillary could be caught on video ordering the hit on the Benghazi Embassy and the Dems and RINOs would still support her

When I have to choose between unregulated capitalism that treats most of this country like dog shit or a corrupt president that believes in social-democracy...What one do you think I am going to defend? Choices! We have one party that supports infrastructure, science, education and the safety net. I'll choose my economic beliefs.

IT may even stink doing so...Politics in this country suck.
Hillary Clinton: "I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material. I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material"

She lied. There was classified information.

Hillary Clinton: "Any released emails deemed classified by the administration have been done so after the fact, and not at the time they were transmitted."

She lied. The emails were classified at the time they were generated.

A joint statement in July from IGs at the State Department and the Director of National Intelligence indicates otherwise.

"[The four classified] emails were not retroactively classified by the State Department," the statement says. "Rather these emails contained classified information when they were generated and, according to IC classification officials, that information remains classified today. This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system.

Everything Hillary said about her private server has been a lie.

But it's just a vast right wing conspiracy?

The parts you edited out....

....The four emails, which have not been released through the State FOIA process, did not contain classification markings and/or dissemination controls

..........An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral––it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials.
The part you conveniently forgot about:

Hillary: "I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material"

She LIED or she's incredibly stupid. Take your pick, either makes her unfit to serve.

She really had a chance to win, but her secrets and lack of transparency are bringing her down. I feel that all of the canidates on both sides should know we want the scams, robot rehearsed speeches, and lying to stop. At least on the democrated side~

Unbelievable that Cruz is so far ahead in the polls, the bullshit is coming out of his his ears.
All he had to do was make a commercial of himself and his family praying and these people think it is true.

Come on , watch the documented steps the $$$ pay to get their puppets ready. every one in all parties.
Game Change film - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ted Cruz cannot win the election--neither can Scott Walker--Rand Paul--Rick Perry--Bobby Jindal--and of course Huckabee. They even had Marco Rubio committing political suicide on his previous exceptions to abortion.They are all too far right on abortion issues.
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News

They tend to forget that more than 1/2 of this nation are women voters--that don't appreciate being told by men, whom have never experienced rape, incest, was the object of a pre-natal exam, or have given birth. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they are not going to be treated like they have no brains or disrespected and treated like they are nothing more than baby factories.

Women's lives matter: Did any of you abortion brains ever consider a mother who has two children at home she needs to raise, being told by the Republican Party that she can't have an abortion, even though she has been advised by her doctor that she has to have one, because she is at risk? Did any of you abortion brains ever consider what her husband might say to you. Did any of you ever consider a 10 year old girl being raped by her uncle, who is not capable of giving birth. Did any of you ever consider a Husband who doesn't want his wife to carry a rape baby to full term? No you have never considered any of this, and you keep supporting idiots that can't see past their noses either.

For the life of me, I do not know why these politicians can be so STUPID.


She really had a chance to win, but her secrets and lack of transparency are bringing her down. I feel that all of the canidates on both sides should know we want the scams, robot rehearsed speeches, and lying to stop. At least on the democrated side~

Unbelievable that Cruz is so far ahead in the polls, the bullshit is coming out of his his ears.
All he had to do was make a commercial of himself and his family praying and these people think it is true.

Come on , watch the documented steps the $$$ pay to get their puppets ready. every one in all parties.
Game Change film - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ted Cruz cannot win the election--neither can Scott Walker--Rand Paul--Rick Perry--Bobby Jindal--and of course Huckabee. They even had Marco Rubio committing political suicide on his previous exceptions to abortion.They are all too far right on abortion issues.
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News

They tend to forget that more than 1/2 of this nation are women voters--that don't appreciate being told by men, whom have never experienced rape, incest, was the object of a pre-natal exam, or have given birth. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they are not going to be treated like they have no brains or disrespected and treated like they are nothing more than baby factories.

Women's lives matter: Did any of you abortion brains ever consider a mother who has two children at home she needs to raise, being told by the Republican Party that she can't have an abortion, even though she has been advised by her doctor that she has to have one, because she is at risk? Did any of you abortion brains ever consider what her husband might say to you. Did any of you ever consider a 10 year old girl being raped by her uncle, who is not capable of giving birth. Did any of you ever consider a Husband who doesn't want his wife to carry a rape baby to full term? No you have never considered any of this, and you keep supporting idiots that can't see past their noses either.

For the life of me, I do not know why these politicians can be so STUPID.


Hey, nice rant... but just a little off topic don't you think?

She really had a chance to win, but her secrets and lack of transparency are bringing her down. I feel that all of the canidates on both sides should know we want the scams, robot rehearsed speeches, and lying to stop. At least on the democrated side~

Unbelievable that Cruz is so far ahead in the polls, the bullshit is coming out of his his ears.
All he had to do was make a commercial of himself and his family praying and these people think it is true.

Come on , watch the documented steps the $$$ pay to get their puppets ready. every one in all parties.
Game Change film - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ted Cruz cannot win the election--neither can Scott Walker--Rand Paul--Rick Perry--Bobby Jindal--and of course Huckabee. They even had Marco Rubio committing political suicide on his previous exceptions to abortion.They are all too far right on abortion issues.
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News

They tend to forget that more than 1/2 of this nation are women voters--that don't appreciate being told by men, whom have never experienced rape, incest, was the object of a pre-natal exam, or have given birth. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they are not going to be treated like they have no brains or disrespected and treated like they are nothing more than baby factories.

Women's lives matter: Did any of you abortion brains ever consider a mother who has two children at home she needs to raise, being told by the Republican Party that she can't have an abortion, even though she has been advised by her doctor that she has to have one, because she is at risk? Did any of you abortion brains ever consider what her husband might say to you. Did any of you ever consider a 10 year old girl being raped by her uncle, who is not capable of giving birth. Did any of you ever consider a Husband who doesn't want his wife to carry a rape baby to full term? No you have never considered any of this, and you keep supporting idiots that can't see past their noses either.

For the life of me, I do not know why these politicians can be so STUPID.


Hey, nice rant... but just a little off topic don't you think?

And more than a little stupid....

She really had a chance to win, but her secrets and lack of transparency are bringing her down. I feel that all of the canidates on both sides should know we want the scams, robot rehearsed speeches, and lying to stop. At least on the democrated side~

Unbelievable that Cruz is so far ahead in the polls, the bullshit is coming out of his his ears.
All he had to do was make a commercial of himself and his family praying and these people think it is true.

Come on , watch the documented steps the $$$ pay to get their puppets ready. every one in all parties.
Game Change film - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ted Cruz cannot win the election--neither can Scott Walker--Rand Paul--Rick Perry--Bobby Jindal--and of course Huckabee. They even had Marco Rubio committing political suicide on his previous exceptions to abortion.They are all too far right on abortion issues.
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News

They tend to forget that more than 1/2 of this nation are women voters--that don't appreciate being told by men, whom have never experienced rape, incest, was the object of a pre-natal exam, or have given birth. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they are not going to be treated like they have no brains or disrespected and treated like they are nothing more than baby factories.

Women's lives matter: Did any of you abortion brains ever consider a mother who has two children at home she needs to raise, being told by the Republican Party that she can't have an abortion, even though she has been advised by her doctor that she has to have one, because she is at risk? Did any of you abortion brains ever consider what her husband might say to you. Did any of you ever consider a 10 year old girl being raped by her uncle, who is not capable of giving birth. Did any of you ever consider a Husband who doesn't want his wife to carry a rape baby to full term? No you have never considered any of this, and you keep supporting idiots that can't see past their noses either.

For the life of me, I do not know why these politicians can be so STUPID.


Hey, nice rant... but just a little off topic don't you think?

And more than a little stupid....

If you think Hillary is going down for this then you're a very foolish person.
It is criminal negligence as there is virtually no possibility her server was not hacked.

Ya think you would actually have to prove that to be criminal negligence wouldn't you?
It isnt hard.
Did she violate State Department rules as well as federal law in maintaining an unsecure personal server?
Did she know, or should have known, that her server would be subject to hacking attacks by foreign powers?
Did she maintain the server anyway?
Ergo, criminal negligence.

In essence, the Security violation was on the part of the State Department.
They are responsible for setting rules and enforcing them.
Hillary did not set up a clandestine email server. The fact that she was using a private server was known by her agency. They could have stopped it at any time by declaring it a security violation...they didn't

She was the freaking boss of the State Dept!!!

She set the rules and told State Dept staff they could not use private e-mail to conduct business. Christ fucking obtuse are you?

Doesn't matter when it comes to classification and security enforcement

Any agency head must still comply
She was agency head, dunderhead.
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender

Hillary knowingly gave top secret information to a person with zero Government security clearance. That is a felony.

Petraeus' girlfriend had security clearance, and the documents were not top secret. His crime was having the documents in his home.

Hillary had at least 4 classified documents in her home...and estimates are she actually had hundreds.

Which is worse? :lol:

You have proof? or more conspiracy theories?

The proof is the Federal Government. Unless you think two non-partisan Inspectors General are lying?

Is that what you're saying? If clear. :D
The DOJ reportedly released a statement claiming the documents in Hillary's e-mails were not labeled (properly) as 'Classified' Documents. Legal experts followed suit by explaining thta when they were created the information was marked as 'SECRET' and 'TOP SECRET'. Pasing this information on in e-mails and NOT having the proper markings on them does NOT make them 'Un-Classified'. Doing so is STILL breaking the law, at the least by 'mishandling classified material'.


Again, there has now been FAR MORE evidence of her crimes than there was used to prosecute retired General David Patraeus!

I thought Obama Attorney General Eric Holder being protected from prosecution after he was caught perpetrating 4 FELONY Counts of PERJURY before Congress and being Censured (1st in US History) by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress was the most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...but if Hillary does NOT go to jail, or is not at least found guilty and stripped permanently of her security clearance, THIS will the biggest most heinous, blatantly illegal and corrupt federal government act perpetrated against the American people...I mean besides Obama as President. ;)

Petraeus knowingly passed classified information to his girlfriend.
That is a criminal act

Hillary is, at best, guilty of a security violation. This usually results in a warning to the offender

Hillary knowingly gave top secret information to a person with zero Government security clearance. That is a felony.

Petraeus' girlfriend had security clearance, and the documents were not top secret. His crime was having the documents in his home.

Hillary had at least 4 classified documents in her home...and estimates are she actually had hundreds.

Which is worse? :lol:

You have proof? or more conspiracy theories?

The proof is the Federal Government. Unless you think two non-partisan Inspectors General are lying?

Is that what you're saying? If clear. :D
You're asking rightwinger what he's saying? I seriously doubt even he knows.
Clinton aides have maintained that nothing on her server was classified at the time she saw it, suggesting that classified messages were given the label after the fact.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said that was the case with two emails, adding that it remained unclear "whether, in fact, this material is actually classified."
"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," Kirby said Tuesday. "They were not marked as classified."
It is highly unlikely that with her years as SOS that there wasn't some TOP Secret memos transmitted. No one will believe that.
Top secret
FM: SecState
TO: Huma
RE: True Detective, Season 2

Omfg! I can't believe the fucking beaners killed Frank Seymon! They killed Irina so they didn't leave up to their end of the deal, not a fucking shocker since they're in Vinci illegally, but still. I still don't get Stan, who the fuck was he, what difference did it, I'm repeating myself. I like Colin as Velcoro and I think Bill fucked Rachel McAdams, Vince I just don't know if he was miscast of if the part wasn't really written that well...two weeks, or less. Maybe I didn't expect him to be so tragic. Hey, lets get even with the fucking beaners, I'm going to call the Department of Health to visit Pancho Villa restaurant
It's the same old Benghazi bullshit. NaziCons are still desperately trying to criminalize Hillary over her State Department emails - even though none of the emails were marked classified at the time she sent and/or received them - nor was the use of her private server violating any laws and rules during her State Department tenure.

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