Private Sector Companies Added 497,000 Jobs In June, More Than Double Expectations


Over Biden's booming economic data.

Lets not forget how strong the PMIs came in this morning ! 54.4 ! Boom !

I truly truly love how you and all the other MAGA trash hate Biden's booming economy and booming labor market. Biden has out performed Trump by a lot and you don't like it at all.

You rooted for the economy to fail, it is booming, because the data says it is booming !

I'M triggered???
I made one, short, factual statement: "job numbers is not the economy".
And you respond with your usual lies and Biden dick-sucking hyperbole.
You are demented.
Which is exactly what I meant by "job numbers is not the economy".
But thanks, this has been fun.
I agree.
It is just your way of dodging a discussion, by saying "the Economy"

You are avoiding the 'jobs numbers' discussion because why?
You tell us why you are avoiding the discussion on jobs numbers.
I agree.
It is just your way of dodging a discussion, by saying "the Economy"

You are avoiding the 'jobs numbers' discussion because why?
You tell us why you are avoiding the discussion on jobs numbers.
You and the Banker should get together. You would make a cute couple.
You both come up with a whole lot of bullshit about my 6 word statement of fact.
inflation has dumped, and the data prove this

Sorry, but GW Bush failed miserably. Trump failed Miserably. Biden is winning and giving us the best labor market ever and a booming economy. Obviously you hate it !!!

How come all the Republican presidents fail, and all the dem presidents win ??
banker if biden is so wonderful how come he has such low approval ratings?...should he not be in the high 40;s or low 50's?....
banker if biden is so wonderful how come he has such low approval ratings?...should he not be in the high 40;s or low 50's?....
who gives a fuck about approval ratings. The fake conservative media distorts the truth.

Get back to me when one of your believed republicans can put somebody in the White House who doesn't crash the economy and have a recession, because every republican has had a recession for the past 100 years.

Biden has outperformed both Bush and Trump thus far.
Thank you Biden. I guess you avoided that recession Republicans said was coming.

Also thanks for fixing inflation. You are a great President.
While the stock market drops over 350 points, yep, how are you food and fuel prices again?

USD▼ -367.05 (-1.07%) today
July 6, 3:56 PM EDT · Market Open

Maybe it is because when they go to the gas station or grocery stored they say, "Fuck, back 4 years ago, my dollar went a much longer way".

What the Marxists/Demofascists do is marginalize the pain the people are suffering, by saying, "Hey, look, it could be much worse in other places", then call you all racists because this country is full of racists. Yes, Joe Biden voters really are that stupid.
While the stock market drops over 350 points, yep, how are you food and fuel prices again?

USD▼ -367.05 (-1.07%) today
July 6, 3:56 PM EDT · Market Open

Yep, the jobs report was too good and they fear more interest rate hikes
Hey, remember the 90's? They rocked. Clinton ruled. No reason to complain or change directions. Same for now. Biden is doing a great job. What more do you want?

Are you only happy if Trump wins? I'm just happy because Trump lost.
Thanks to the contract with America, because it sucked along with Monika before the Congress in 40 years went to the Republican.
Over 13 million jobs have been created since January 2021.

"Doze are all burger flipperZ!"
13 million jobs there were lost because of Joe Biden, working with China who released the Kung Flu so the Marxists/Demofascists could steal the 2020 election.

This is Bidenomics. It's Joes world and you're just living in it.

Seriously though, good numbers and a healthy economy. I am really sorry for you right wingers that the economy isnt in the tank like you want.
Notice how the fucker doesnt feel sorry for those who were on fixed incomes, now that Bidenflation has ruined it for them....
While the stock market drops over 350 points, yep, how are you food and fuel prices again?

USD▼ -367.05 (-1.07%) today
July 6, 3:56 PM EDT · Market Open

Don't worry Mike we are fixing that too. But you have to understand that Russia is fucking up our stocks.

Also, are you going to give Biden credit when the stock market goes up? Then with all due respect, shut the fuck up Mike.

Travelers can look forward to saving money at the gas pump. AAA says the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded fuel is $3.55 which is $1.32 less than the price for a gallon during the last year's Fourth of July weekend.

So gas is $1.32 less than it was last year. You're welcome Mike.
No kitten, merely commenting that job numbers are not "the economy".
And how is a laughing emoji indicative of being "upsetting"?
Nevermind, I'm confident that any response from you would be equally stupid.
Jobs number means opening , but it doesnt mean there are qualified drug users to fill those jobs.....Bidenflation hurts everyone.
Notice how the fucker doesnt feel sorry for those who were on fixed incomes, now that Bidenflation has ruined it for them....
My dad got a big COLA increase. He also got stimulus money. Why did seniors on social security get stimulus money? Nothing changed for them when the economy shut down. They didn't lose their jobs. Inflation hadn't occurred yet.

Was that just Trump trying to buy their votes?

BTW, when Trump gave EVERYONE a tax break, that cause inflation too. Remember that Mike? You can't give everyone in America a raise and not expect inflation. Wake up dummy
Don't worry Mike we are fixing that too. But you have to understand that Russia is fucking up our stocks.

Also, are you going to give Biden credit when the stock market goes up? Then with all due respect, shut the fuck up Mike.

Travelers can look forward to saving money at the gas pump. AAA says the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded fuel is $3.55 which is $1.32 less than the price for a gallon during the last year's Fourth of July weekend.

So gas is $1.32 less than it was last year. You're welcome Mike.
Russia? Bwaaaahhhhaaahhhaaaaa....

Under the brown turd Obammy he forced gasoline prices to necessarily soar up to almost 5 dollars a gallon, then when the turd saw his poll numbers go down, he let drilling on private land, which brought the prices down around $3.75 and the left just went crazy how great he was.

Here is the price before the African Muslim took over.

Gasoline Prices Under Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump
In January 2009 -- just a couple of weeks before Barack Obama's inauguration -- gasoline prices had fallen by nearly half from the previous year. That price, $1.74/gallon, is the lowest on the graph.
Still want to play dumbass?
Thanks to the contract with America, because it sucked along with Monika before the Congress in 40 years went to the Republican.
Who knows why Clinton, Obama and Biden were great. Was it the Republicans they worked with?

And who knows why Bush Bush and Trump sucked. Was it Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's fault?

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