Private Sector Companies Added 497,000 Jobs In June, More Than Double Expectations

My dad got a big COLA increase. He also got stimulus money. Why did seniors on social security get stimulus money? Nothing changed for them when the economy shut down. They didn't lose their jobs. Inflation hadn't occurred yet.

Was that just Trump trying to buy their votes?

BTW, when Trump gave EVERYONE a tax break, that cause inflation too. Remember that Mike? You can't give everyone in America a raise and not expect inflation. Wake up dummy
Tax breaks dont cause inflation, because that money was already earned by the person who is getting that money back, unlike welfare which has no backing of domestic product. Go fucking learn about economics before you start harping your bullshit here.

Every fucking year, welfare fucks vote for Marxists/Demofascists who then cause major inflation.
Who knows why Clinton, Obama and Biden were great. Was it the Republicans they worked with?

And who knows why Bush Bush and Trump sucked. Was it Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's fault?
Russia? Bwaaaahhhhaaahhhaaaaa....

Under the brown turd Obammy he forced gasoline prices to necessarily soar up to almost 5 dollars a gallon, then when the turd saw his poll numbers go down, he let drilling on private land, which brought the prices down around $3.75 and the left just went crazy how great he was.

Here is the price before the African Muslim took over.

Gasoline Prices Under Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump Still want to play dumbass?

You seem to forget skyrocketing gas prices started on Bush's watch Moron.

Weekly gas prices peaked at $4.11 during President George W. Bush’s time in office.

Statistics from the U.S. Energy Information Administration back up the claim about prices. During the past 20 years, the highest gas prices occurred in July 2008, during the Bush administration.
Tax breaks dont cause inflation, because that money was already earned by the person who is getting that money back, unlike welfare which has no backing of domestic product. Go fucking learn about economics before you start harping your bullshit here.

Every fucking year, welfare fucks vote for Marxists/Demofascists who then cause major inflation.
Boy are you a stupid fucker Mike. And you have the nerve to tell me to go learn about economics. Do you have a business degree from an accredited college? I do Mikey.

For the last few years, the government has put off cutting taxes because of their inflationary impact.

The common view is that tax cuts are inflationary as they increase the demand for products.

To me it's common sense but clearly you didn't know. Probably because you are an uneducated Republican.

You seem to forget skyrocketing gas prices started on Bush's watch Moron.

Weekly gas prices peaked at $4.11 during President George W. Bush’s time in office.

Statistics from the U.S. Energy Information Administration back up the claim about prices. During the past 20 years, the highest gas prices occurred in July 2008, during the Bush administration.
Yeah, it did than fell like a rock to $1.75. It was OPEC that was shorting the production of Oil, again. So since Joe the Shitter stopped all of President Trump's policies on domestic drilling and the Keystone Pipeline, that would have employed thousands of high paying union jobs, not only did energy prices go up again, but all those residual jobs went with the oil.

Boy are you a stupid fucker Mike. And you have the nerve to tell me to go learn about economics. Do you have a business degree from an accredited college? I do Mikey.

For the last few years, the government has put off cutting taxes because of their inflationary impact.

The common view is that tax cuts are inflationary as they increase the demand for products.

To me it's common sense but clearly you didn't know. Probably because you are an uneducated Republican.

Tell me how people who have already earned that money by either working for the money or providing a product, is inflationary, but the fuckers who sit on their lazy liberal asses all day, smoking dope and providing nothing for that dollar, isnt? When Joe Biden did the 3 trillion dollar debacle of giving money away freely with nothing backing it, of fucking course the dollar is going to shrink, but the real problem with inflation is all the millions of diseased illegals coming into this country buying shit with our free dollars driving up prices even more. Stop giving our FREE shit and soon people would be working, kick the illegals back to their country, and the economy would settle.

I bet your got your degree at Sears and Robuck.

who gives a fuck about approval ratings. The fake conservative media distorts the truth.

Get back to me when one of your believed republicans can put somebody in the White House who doesn't crash the economy and have a recession, because every republican has had a recession for the past 100 years.

Biden has outperformed both Bush and Trump thus far.
lol....what an answer......oh wait.....are you allowed to take questions about the shit you throw up?...
My dad got a big COLA increase. He also got stimulus money. Why did seniors on social security get stimulus money? Nothing changed for them when the economy shut down. They didn't lose their jobs. Inflation hadn't occurred yet.

Was that just Trump trying to buy their votes?

BTW, when Trump gave EVERYONE a tax break, that cause inflation too. Remember that Mike? You can't give everyone in America a raise and not expect inflation. Wake up dummy
I remember now, why President Trump raised the cost of living allowance for retired folks. During Obammy's reign of terror upon the US by his fundamental transformation into a 3rd world nation, Janet Yellow, his Federal Reserve Banking choice started printing money in the 10s of billions every month then buying that money back so they could lower interest rates which kept inflation artificially down, while enriching the likes of Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates who could access that free money then buy back their stock at a discount rate. So during that time, the retirees didnt get a raise for almost 7 years, as food and gasoline prices went up almost doubling in price.

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Holy moley! What great news! This will cause a lot of Trumptard butts to burn.

Ordinarily, when there is great jobs growth when a D is in the White House, the tard herd invariably whines, "B-b-b-b-b-but LFPR!"

Sadly for them, the Labor Force Participation Rate is higher than it ever was during the Trump regime.

So it's good news all around, and bad news for those who want to see our country fail.

The U.S. labor market showed no signs of letting up in June, as companies created far more jobs than expected, payroll processing firm ADP reported Thursday.

Private sector jobs surged by 497,000 for the month, well ahead of the downwardly revised 267,000 gain in May and much better than the 220,000 Dow Jones consensus estimate. The increase resulted in the biggest monthly rise since July 2022.

From a sector standpoint, leisure and hospitality led with 232,000 new hires, followed by construction with 97,000, and trade, transportation and utilities at 90,000.

Labor force participation rate for people ages 25 to 54 in May 2023 highest since January 2007

You dumb Moon Bat.

Lies by the Potatohead administration, just like we saw when Obama was president.

Here is the real story:

More Than 105 Million Working Age Americans Do Not Have A Job Right Now

Our long slide toward economic oblivion continues, and survey after survey has shown that most Americans are deeply unsatisfied with the current state of the U.S. economy. Inflation is out of control, most Americans are getting poorer due to the rapidly rising cost of living, the housing bubble has started to burst, and the commercial real estate market is a giant mess. But employment is supposed to be our bright spot.

The Biden administration continues to tell us that the unemployment rate is less than 4 percent and that there are lot of jobs available for those that want them. But is this really true?

To answer that question, it is imperative to understand that our government places unemployed persons into one of two categories…

Jobless people are classified into one of two categories by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)—either unemployed or not in the labor force. To be classified as unemployed in the month they are surveyed, people must be actively looking for work. If they are not actively looking, they are classified as not in the labor force.

Over time, the definition of “officially unemployed” has gotten more restrictive, and today only 6.097 million working age Americans are considered to be in that category. Meanwhile, a staggering 99.800 million working age Americans are considered to be “not in the labor force”.

When you add both categories together, you get a total of 105.897 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now.

Let me try to put that into perspective. During the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009, that number never even got up to 90 million. So that means that the number of working age Americans that are not employed at this moment far surpasses anything that we witnessed during the Great Recession.

Please do not believe the garbage that the federal government is trying to sell you. Unemployment is not low. In fact, John Williams estimates that the real rate of unemployment in this country is somewhere around 25 percent.
lol....what an answer......oh wait.....are you allowed to take questions about the shit you throw up?...
Obviously you hate the strong data that came out this morning.

Your republicans look stupid now.

Enjoy the best labor market in US history, clearly you hate it.
I remember now, why President Trump raised the cost of living allowance for retired folks. During Obammy's reign of terror upon the US by his fundamental transformation into a 3rd world nation, Janet Yellow, his Federal Reserve Banking choice started printing money in the 10s of billions every month then buying that money back so they could lower interest rates which kept inflation artificially down, while enriching the likes of Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates who could access that free money then buy back their stock at a discount rate. So during that time, the retirees didnt get a raise for almost 7 years, as food and gasoline prices went up almost doubling in price.

And your god Trump begged the Fed to do even more of it, even asking them for negative interest rates so he could keep the facade of "the most amazing economy in the history of the world" going for a day longer
Maybe it is because when they go to the gas station or grocery stored they say, "Fuck, back 4 years ago, my dollar went a much longer way".

What the Marxists/Demofascists do is marginalize the pain the people are suffering, by saying, "Hey, look, it could be much worse in other places", then call you all racists because this country is full of racists. Yes, Joe Biden voters really are that stupid.
Your dollar goes further now.. excluding the covid ramp up distortion.

And your god Trump begged the Fed to do even more of it, even asking them for negative interest rates so he could keep the facade of "the most amazing economy in the history of the world" going for a day longer
Here i will let you read it...

Was Trump Right About The Fed And Interest Rates All Along? | Bankrate
“He might’ve been right by accident,” says Tim Duy, an economics professor at the University of Oregon who authors a blog titled “Fed Watch.” “The Fed did have to back off of both policies, they did have to reverse course on interest rates and they did have to reverse on the balance sheet. Trump was not wrong on both of those issues, but how he got there might’ve been wrong.”
Obviously you hate the strong data that came out this morning.

Your republicans look stupid now.

Enjoy the best labor market in US history, clearly you hate it.
and you cant stand the fact that you cant answer the questions asked about why is his approval ratings so low and who gave us the other 75%....
Your dollar goes further now.. excluding the covid ramp up distortion.

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How about the retired people's dollars? Can they buy more gasoline at $3.75 a gallon now, or back when it was $1.89. Can they buy more hamburger at $1.99 a pound or $3.99 a pound now?

I know why you dont give a rats ass about people who live paycheck to paycheck, because you couldnt care less about them.

How about the retired people's dollars? Can they buy more gasoline at $3.75 a gallon now, or back when it was $1.89. Can they buy more hamburger at $1.99 a pound or $3.99 a pound now?

I know why you dont give a rats ass about people who live paycheck to paycheck, because you couldnt care less about them.

View attachment 802140
Meh. You break a few eggs making an omelet. Seriously though most people are better off and SS has had historic cost of living adjustments. Regardless, the pedo republicans arent looking out for your best interests.

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