Private Sector Companies Added 497,000 Jobs In June, More Than Double Expectations

Trump said obamas good economy was fake because he had to keep interest rates low. He said if the feds raised rates obamas economy would collapse or slow down.

But then trump didn’t want to fuck his economy up by raising interest rates either. And the feds kept them low all four years.

Now the feds are raising rates to fix inflation. It will cause some pain especially for poor people but it’s necessary
During that time, Janet Yellow was having bonds buy back to keep inflation down, even though food and fuel were doubling causing the fixed income elderly to suffer, but the brown turd Obammy didint give a shit, because they were hated by the left and lived past their usefulness. QE forever was a ticking time bomb waiting to happen, but when President Trump took over, he got more people to work, thus increasing the GDP which makes the dollar stronger, so he didnt need the bond buy backs anymore. Yeah, interest rates were still low, and the inflation was low. Once Joe Biteme put in 3 trillion extra dollars without anything backing it, and allowing millions of illegals to cross the border, the supply was a lot less and the demand was a lot more, so prices jumped way up.
I accept your surrender.
Here is your surrender.

i wouldnt go a month? the hell do you know bobo?...
Because you’re not the exception Harry.

And, if you are, why is your rich conservative ass telling us common folks there’s no difference between the parties? Are you just a disallusioned Republican? A tea bagger or libertarian?

18% of American make over $100k. That’s what percent the gop should get in elections. 18%. Make it 36%. The racist, religious and gun nuts make up the other half.
During that time, Janet Yellow was having bonds buy back to keep inflation down, even though food and fuel were doubling causing the fixed income elderly to suffer, but the brown turd Obammy didint give a shit, because they were hated by the left and lived past their usefulness. QE forever was a ticking time bomb waiting to happen, but when President Trump took over, he got more people to work, thus increasing the GDP which makes the dollar stronger, so he didnt need the bond buy backs anymore. Yeah, interest rates were still low, and the inflation was low. Once Joe Biteme put in 3 trillion extra dollars without anything backing it, and allowing millions of illegals to cross the border, the supply was a lot less and the demand was a lot more, so prices jumped way up.
It is true a lot of them vote gop. So fuck em. And they’re costing us a fortune. Baby boomers. A lot died of Covid.

The reason I don’t mind all the spending is because all that unemployment fraud that went on went to the masses. Consider it a tax break to the masses. Compare it to bush 2 who spent just as much only he gave rich people tax breaks and started 2 20 year wars. Now that was wasteful. Biden’s waste got spend. Spun the economy. Yes inflation is a problem but we got this.
It is true a lot of them vote gop. So fuck em. And they’re costing us a fortune. Baby boomers. A lot died of Covid.

The reason I don’t mind all the spending is because all that unemployment fraud that went on went to the masses. Consider it a tax break to the masses. Compare it to bush 2 who spent just as much only he gave rich people tax breaks and started 2 20 year wars. Now that was wasteful. Biden’s waste got spend. Spun the economy. Yes inflation is a problem but we got this.
Ah yes, the baby boomers who contributed into the SS and Medicare all their lives. So why dont you fuckers just go and off them all, that is what you really want isnt it?
You know why you hate student loan forgiveness? You never went to college so you wouldn’t understand.
So dumbass mother fuckers take out a loan to go learn basket weaving, then when they come out they cant find a job, except bartending, then demand that I should pay for their stupidity, while i have done everything right, own a mortgage of $15,000 a month, never missing a payment, which no dumbass basket weaver will every pay for my loan.

Actions has consequences, if you do stupid shit, then you pay for that shit you did.

And i did go to college for one semester, realized that is was a gimmick, got skills on how to fix a F-15, went to Saudi Arabia for 5 1/2 years and made my fortune all tax free. Shame young people fall for the shit the left tries to push, because all it does it funnel money to the teachers unions and colleges while fucking over the students and their families.
You know why you hate student loan forgiveness? You never went to college so you wouldn’t understand.
That's exactly the point. Why should people who never went to college have their tax money used to bail out losers who cry like little bitches that paying their loans back is too hard?
90 percent of the new jobs created went to foreigners. And that number includes illegal aliens.****

Glad some are finally working. But a bunch of hotel jobs dont feed da bulldog..
90 percent of the new jobs created went to foreigners. And that number includes illegal aliens.****

Glad some are finally working. But a bunch of hotel jobs dont feed da bulldog..
It's a good thing till it isn't.....The fed will most diffidently go with two more rate hikes on this news.

Of course that hurts what is left of the middle class....The only ones making bank are the credit card companies as personal debt piles-up.
ya the last 2 months were over estimated by a whopping 100000.
Just lie this month and the sheeply will never know the real numbers
ya the last 2 months were over estimated by a whopping 100000.
Just lie this month and the sheeply will never know the real numbers
156,000,000 people employed give or take 100,000. Seems pretty close to me. Where were you a few months ago when they were revised up?
On Friday morning Heritage Foundation Fellow, E. J. Antoni joined The War Room to discuss the latest jobs numbers.
E. J. pointed out that 90 percent of the new jobs created went to foreigners. And that number includes illegal aliens!

E.J. Antoni: So another key thing that we’re looking at has been the disparity between foreign born workers and native born workers. And in fact, again, some 90% of the jobs we have right now above pre pandemic levels have all gone to foreign born workers. Which is very interesting that this is the first month when native born workers have finally gotten back to pre-pandemic levels. One of the reasons why that’s so interesting is because the BLS, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, has to assign weights to both of these categories and they do that separately. And what that does is it gives you an estimate for how much each of those categories are increasing…

…And another really interesting thing is that the BLS surveys for foreign-born workers do not ask anything about a person’s status. In other words, are you here legally or illegally? And so even on the BLS’s own website, they admit that they are very likely capturing some illegal aliens in these surveys. And you are 100% right that by increasing the ratio of foreign born workers to native born workers, you are basically reducing average wages. And that has helped keep wage growth down.

156,000,000 people employed give or take 100,000. Seems pretty close to me. Where were you a few months ago when they were revised up?
We should be at 85+% job participation but it stuck in the low 60s.

Why? Because a large percentage of those jobs are part time jobs being worked by people who already have other jobs.

30% were .gov grift jobs created by dem spending bills.

What that says is the private sector job market is softening.
We should be at 85+% job participation but it stuck in the low 60s.

Why? Because a large percentage of those jobs are part time jobs being worked by people who already have other jobs.

30% were .gov grift jobs created by dem spending bills.

What that says is the private sector job market is softening.
Private sector is white hot. Softening is inevitable. Stil in great condition.

85% is a moronic goal. Highest ever was 67% and America is aging.

Multiple job holders are down.


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