Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Pro-Trollist chants "DIG ME!" in Response to Dearth of Interest in his Failed Troll Thread
Pro-Trollist chants "DIG ME!" in Response to Dearth of Interest in his Failed Troll Thread

Seeing that it has 98 pages, I would hardly say that the OP failed to deliver his/her thread.

Face it, this is an eternal stain on USMB Progressives and Pro-Murderers everywhere. Especially when combined with the burning of fetuses of fuel thread. Also, how's that Pepsi.
Pro-Trollist chants "DIG ME!" in Response to Dearth of Interest in his Failed Troll Thread

Seeing that it has 98 pages, I would hardly say that the OP failed to deliver his/her thread.

Face it, this is an eternal stain on USMB Progressives and Pro-Murderers everywhere. Especially when combined with the burning of fetuses of fuel thread. Also, how's that Pepsi.

Horseshit. You've bumped this bullshit thread about six hundred times now. Let it go already. It was stupid when it was first built and it gets stupider with every bump.
Pro-Trollist chants "DIG ME!" in Response to Dearth of Interest in his Failed Troll Thread

Seeing that it has 98 pages, I would hardly say that the OP failed to deliver his/her thread.

Face it, this is an eternal stain on USMB Progressives and Pro-Murderers everywhere. Especially when combined with the burning of fetuses of fuel thread. Also, how's that Pepsi.

Horseshit. You've bumped this bullshit thread about six hundred times now. Let it go already. It was stupid when it was first built and it gets stupider with every bump.

I'll let it go when millions are aborted every tear by Satan worshippers.

People need to be reminded what you are and what you represent.

Never forget. Never Again.
Pro-Trollist chants "DIG ME!" in Response to Dearth of Interest in his Failed Troll Thread

Seeing that it has 98 pages, I would hardly say that the OP failed to deliver his/her thread.

Face it, this is an eternal stain on USMB Progressives and Pro-Murderers everywhere. Especially when combined with the burning of fetuses of fuel thread. Also, how's that Pepsi.

Horseshit. You've bumped this bullshit thread about six hundred times now. Let it go already. It was stupid when it was first built and it gets stupider with every bump.

I'll let it go when millions are aborted every tear by Satan worshippers.

People need to be reminded what you are and what you represent.

Never forget. Never Again.

Trust me, I've never forgotten you're a hapless attention whore who dregs his own failed threads up over and over and over and over and over. You ensure nobody forgets that.

But as long as you've done it yet again, why don't you go ahead and elaborate on just what the fuck you mean by "what I am and what I represent".

That's your cue to run away for another two months, coward.
Trust me, I've never forgotten you're a hapless attention whore who dregs his own failed threads up over and over and over and over and over. You ensure nobody forgets that.

But as long as you've done it yet again, why don't you go ahead and elaborate on just what the fuck you mean by "what I am and what I represent".

That's your cue to run away for another two months, coward.

You represent Satan.

u b m4d brah
Trust me, I've never forgotten you're a hapless attention whore who dregs his own failed threads up over and over and over and over and over. You ensure nobody forgets that.

But as long as you've done it yet again, why don't you go ahead and elaborate on just what the fuck you mean by "what I am and what I represent".

That's your cue to run away for another two months, coward.

You represent Satan.

u b m4d brah

There's no such thing. And I said that from the beginning. Post 106, well over a year ago. First line.

Some "representative".
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

I am an abortion supporter.

I would not sing "Hail Satan" since I am an atheist.

But if by Satan they mean a tyrant within the meaning of Hitler or the Christian Crusades then I fully understand their frustration.



Communism, from its outset, begins with Atheism --- Karl Marx.

The atheists Stalin and Mao killed hundreds of millions more than Hitler or the Crusades. Not that a leader claiming to be Christian, Muslim or Atheist is significant, they'll twist the words (or non-words) of any religion (or non-religion).

That being said though, Atheism has killed more in the past hundred years than Christianity under the far-left dictators. Bear in mind that Hitler was Pagan, who worshiped Odin, and eventually had plans to remove the "jewish invention of Christianity" from Germany as well.
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

I am an abortion supporter.

I would not sing "Hail Satan" since I am an atheist.

But if by Satan they mean a tyrant within the meaning of Hitler or the Christian Crusades then I fully understand their frustration.

Communism, from its outset, begins with Atheism --- Karl Marx.

Bullshit. I can point you to communists living right now, here, who are devout Christians. The Book of Acts is a lot older than Karl Marx.

The atheists Stalin and Mao killed hundreds of millions more than Hitler or the Crusades. Not that a leader claiming to be Christian, Muslim or Atheist is significant, they'll twist the words (or non-words) of any religion (or non-religion).

That being said though, Atheism has killed more in the past hundred years than Christianity under the far-left dictators. Bear in mind that Hitler was Pagan, who worshiped Odin, and eventually had plans to remove the "jewish invention of Christianity" from Germany as well.

Post hoc fallacies. And more bullshit: Hitler was Catholic, albeit not demonstrably devoutly so, though most of all he was an opportunist who never missed a chance to milk any emotive tool, including religion.

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. --- Adolf Hitler (speech, 1922)​

Not really necessary to point this out, since you undermined your own point in the same post:

"Not that a leader claiming to be Christian, Muslim or Atheist is significant, they'll twist the words (or non-words) of any religion (or non-religion)."

Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

I am an abortion supporter.

I would not sing "Hail Satan" since I am an atheist.

But if by Satan they mean a tyrant within the meaning of Hitler or the Christian Crusades then I fully understand their frustration.



Communism, from its outset, begins with Atheism --- Karl Marx.

Never heard that before. But if true, Karl Marx was, as usual, wrong. Tyranny can be imposed in the name of a god. Ask any theocrat.

Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

I am an abortion supporter.

I would not sing "Hail Satan" since I am an atheist.

But if by Satan they mean a tyrant within the meaning of Hitler or the Christian Crusades then I fully understand their frustration.


You are proud to support the killing of innocent babies huh?

Bullshit. I can point you to communists living right now, here, who are devout Christians.

So can I, but they are conflicted. It's not impossible for persons to harbor conflicting ideologies. The Father of Communism himself, Karl Marx, claims that "communism from the outset begins with atheism."

This does not mean that atheists are communists. Most are not. However, be be a true MARXist, one must be an atheist. Communism is a subset of Marxism, and Marxism is a subset of Atheism; just as squares are subsets of rectangles, and rectangles are subsets of quadrilaterals.

A Christian Communist is like a mathematician who claims infinity doesn't exist, but also claims that limits are the solution to Xeno's Paradox. Such a mathematician harbors contradictory beliefs about the fundamentals of mathematics. Eventually he will choose that neither infinity exists and there is no solution to Xeno's Paradox, or that infinity must exist, and therefore there is a solution to Xeno's paradox.
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Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

I am an abortion supporter.

I would not sing "Hail Satan" since I am an atheist.

But if by Satan they mean a tyrant within the meaning of Hitler or the Christian Crusades then I fully understand their frustration.



Communism, from its outset, begins with Atheism --- Karl Marx.

Never heard that before. But if true, Karl Marx was, as usual, wrong. Tyranny can be imposed in the name of a god. Ask any theocrat.


More information:
“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion” (Karl Marx)

“I wish to avenge myself against the One who rules above.” (Karl Marx)

“The hellish vapors rise and fill the brain, till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed. See this sword? The prince of darkness sold it to me.” (Karl Marx)

“With disdain I will throw my gauntlet full in the fact of the world and see the collapse of this pygmy giant. Then will I wander god-like and victorious through the ruins of the world. And giving my words an active force, I will feel equal to the Creator.” (Karl Marx)

“Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism.” (attributed to Vladimir I. Lenin)

“Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism.” (V.I. Lenin)

“There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.” (V.I. Lenin)

“We do not fight against believers and not even clergymen. WE FIGHT AGAINST GOD to snatch believers from Him.” (Vechernaia Moskva, a Soviet newspaper)

“Let us drive out the Capitalists from the earth, and God from Heaven!” (early Soviet slogan)

The official journal of the Soviet Academy of Pedagogical Sciences published a government directive Atheistic Education in the School as a resource on how to separate God from human society. The opening paragraph is revealing: “The Soviet school, as an instrument for the Communist education of the rising generation, can, as a matter of principle, take up no other attitude towards religion than one of irreconcilable opposition; for Communist education has as its philosophical basis Marxism, and Marxism is irreconcilably hostile to religion. ‘Marxism is materialism,’ says V. I. Lenin; ‘as such, it is as relentlessly hostile to religion as the materialism of the Encyclopedaists of the eighteenth century or the materialism of Feuerbach.’” Another excerpt reads: “‘Religion’,” Marx said, “is nourished not on heaven but on earth, and with the annihilation of that perverted reality, of which capitalism is the theory, religion will perish of its own accord.’”

“The World has never before known a godlessness as organized, militarized and tenaciously malevolent as that preached by Marxism. Within the philosophical system of Marx and Lenin and at the heart of their psychology, HATRED OF GOD is the principle driving force, more fundamental than all their political and economic pretensions. Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. To achieve its diabolical ends, Communism needs to control a population devoid of religious and national feeling, and this entails a destruction of faith and nationhood. Communists proclaim both of these objectives openly, and just as openly put them into practice.” (Alexander Solzhenitsyn)

Was Stalin an atheist - FreeThoughtPedia
Bullshit. I can point you to communists living right now, here, who are devout Christians.

So can I, but they are conflicted. It's not impossible for persons to harbor conflicting ideologies. The Father of Communism himself, Karl Marx, claims that "communism from the outset begins with atheism."

Again, bullshit. Karl Marx isn't by any stretch "the father of communism". Karl Marx is the author (with Engels) of The Communist Manifesto. The principles preceded them by eons.

This does not mean that atheists are communists. Most are not. However, be be a true MARXist, one must be an atheist. Communism is a subset of Marxism, and Marxism is a subset of Atheism; just as squares are subsets of rectangles, and rectangles are subsets of quadrilaterals.

How inconvenient for you that "communism" didn't work, so now you have to shift to "Marxism".


"They are conflicted" is your answer to being proved erroneous? Your premise fails utterly; you've been reduced to the little boy who gives up a home run to the other team and then protests "that didn't count!"

"Communism is a subset of Marxism"??

A Christian Communist is like a mathematician who claims infinity doesn't exist, but also claims that limits are the solution to Xeno's Paradox. Such a mathematician harbors contradictory beliefs about the fundamentals of mathematics. Eventually he will choose that neither infinity exists and there is no solution to Xeno's Paradox, or that infinity must exist, and therefore there is a solution to Xeno's paradox.

Infinity is at least related to mathematics. Christianism and communism have nothing to do with each other. One's a religion, the other is a socio-economic structure. You don't need either one for the presence or absence of the other. They have no relationship. Apples and kumquats. False equivalence. Unless of course you take Acts very seriously, so that Christianism actually leads to communism, but that kinda shoots your false equivalence even further in the foot.

And it's also offtopic, not that that's a bad thing in a thread where the topic is bullshit in the first place.
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If you don't think that Communism is a subset of Marxism, you're entirely lost.

And Acts doesn't preach to surrender your property to false prophets that promise miracles to others.

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