Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Personally I think abortions should be illegal except in cases of genetic defect, including the genetic defect of having the gay gene.

There is no singular gay gene. It's a combination of several defects, none of which all have to exist simultaneously. That's why there are all different types of gay people. It's analogous to the common cold in its complexity.

Also, you sound like a Ruth Bader Ginsburg/Margret Sanger eugenicist. Super Race Aryans of Nazi Germany would be proud of you.

I also think poor people should be sterilized so they can't bear more poor people.

You first. I'll donate a set of bolt cutters!

Or would a mini-scalpel be more appropriate...
There is no singular gay gene. It's a combination of several defects, none of which all have to exist simultaneously. That's why there are all different types of gay people. It's analogous to the common cold in its complexity.

Also, you sound like a Ruth Bader Ginsburg/Margret Sanger eugenicist. Super Race Aryans of Nazi Germany would be proud of you.

I also think poor people should be sterilized so they can't bear more poor people.

And what if they eventually become successful? How do you undo the damage you've done?

Why is that that poor people today can't bear more children, but they could in every past century and millenia of mankind who lived on Stone Age tools? It's probably because Government steals all of their resources since it needs to endlessly expand to sustain itself.

How do you even classify poor? Amish people live without electricity in most cases, are dirt poor, and their families of 10+ do just fine.

How dare you even think that you have the authority to declare HOW people should live, and then threaten to sterilize those people (or perhaps you'll even say kill them) for not living up to your artificially imposed standards.

Also, what if a man has lots of money, but generally lives poor (he saves most of his money). Should he be sterilized?

Should I do a USMB Roll Call on this one for the screen shot? I think I've used it too many times this month. @thanatos
Go right ahead

Google searches point to this site a lot. I have at times done a search to support a thesis, only to be linked back to my own post here.

Wonder why that would be... :rolleyes:

Does the thought of dead babies get you hard?


What in the wide world of fuck is that supposed to mean?

To many words for you?


Can't answer?

Are you just too stupid? Is that it?
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What in the wide world of fuck is that supposed to mean?

To many words for you?


Can't answer?

Are you just too stupid? Is that it?

Pogo how do you feel to know that you identify with people that support sterilizing the poor? Others who should support drive-by abortion clinics, and others who defend burning babies for fuel?

Oh yeah, and people that chant Hail Satan.
To many words for you?


Can't answer?

Are you just too stupid? Is that it?

Pogo how do you feel to know that you identify with people that support sterilizing the poor? Others who should support drive-by abortion clinics, and others who defend burning babies for fuel?

Oh yeah, and people that chant Hail Satan.

And where do you see that?

The comment was at Pothead's noting that when he goes to Google to find a basis for his crackpot theses, it directs back to himself as the sui generis concoctor thereof. So I said "wonder why that is".

Now what in the blue FUCK does that have to do with sterilizing, with the poor, with drive-by anything, with abortion, with clinics, with babies, or with fuel?

Feel free to hazard a guess, since TheNutHouse doesn't have a clue what his own post means.

Oh yeah, or with "Satan"?

Just so you're not disappointed, there may not be an answer here. You may be as moronically illiterate as he is. That wouldn't be a good sign considering the source.
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Can't answer?

Are you just too stupid? Is that it?

Pogo how do you feel to know that you identify with people that support sterilizing the poor? Others who should support drive-by abortion clinics, and others who defend burning babies for fuel?

Oh yeah, and people that chant Hail Satan.

And where do you see that?

The comment was at Pothead's noting that when he goes to Google to find a basis for his crackpot theses, it directs back to himself as the sui generis concoctor thereof. So I said "wonder why that is".

How in the blue FUCK does that have anything to do with sterilizing, with the poor, with drive-by anything, with abortion, with clinics, with babies, or with fuel?

Feel free to hazard a guess, since TheNutHouse doesn't have a clue what his own post means.

Oh yeah, or with "Satan"?

We have yet to see you disavow any of these people chanting Hail Satan; however, furthermore, since you have yet to disagree with any of the posters in this thread who STAND with the Hail Satan chanters, it is assumed, and assumed safely, that you also endorse their statements, unless you declare otherwise.

Do you stand by those other posters? Or will you disassociate yourself from these sociopaths, on the grounds that the axiopisty that serves as the foundation of your argument is disjoint from the axioms that guide their reasoning, even though you both arrive at conclusions that are opposed to the Pro-Life movement.
Pogo how do you feel to know that you identify with people that support sterilizing the poor? Others who should support drive-by abortion clinics, and others who defend burning babies for fuel?

Oh yeah, and people that chant Hail Satan.

And where do you see that?

The comment was at Pothead's noting that when he goes to Google to find a basis for his crackpot theses, it directs back to himself as the sui generis concoctor thereof. So I said "wonder why that is".

How in the blue FUCK does that have anything to do with sterilizing, with the poor, with drive-by anything, with abortion, with clinics, with babies, or with fuel?

Feel free to hazard a guess, since TheNutHouse doesn't have a clue what his own post means.

Oh yeah, or with "Satan"?

We have yet to see you disavow any of these people chanting Hail Satan; however, furthermore, since you have yet to disagree with any of the posters in this thread who STAND with the Hail Satan chanters, it is assumed, and assumed safely, that you also endorse their statements, unless you declare otherwise.

Do you stand by those other posters? Or will you disassociate yourself from these sociopaths, on the grounds that the axiopisty that serves as the foundation of your argument is disjoint from the axioms that guide their reasoning, even though you both arrive at conclusions that are opposed to the Pro-Life movement.

"Disavow"?? "Disassociate"??

Well aren't we suddenly infused with a massive shot of self-importance. Who the fuck do you think YOU are?

I wasn't there; I'm not "associated" with anyone in this video and I don't need to "disavow" jack shit. And this just in: I'm not required to comment on every post. If you think you are, well that's your ball and chain. I pass over a LOT of shit as worthless of commentary involvement. What the fuck planet do you live on where the world works that way?

On the other hand I do understand sarcasm as in this mindless OP, which was explained, analyzed, overanalyzed, dissected and beaten do death OVER A FUCKING YEAR AGO when this thread died its deserved death, only to be pulled out of the dead by your failure to get enough attention from mommy.

I owe you NOTHING on other people's posts. If that's the soup you swim in, go fuck yourself. Now if you want to actually bring up any of these mindless "topics" of yours, well you go find me a post that I made ON that topic and we'll take it from there. But these juvenile child games, Junior, you can cram them straight back up the ass you spooned them out of.

Now we're going to run this again, one at a time:

What in the blue FUCK does a quick quip to Uncensored have to do with sterilizing anyone?

What in the blue FUCK does a quick quip to Uncensored have to do with the poor?

What in the blue FUCK does a quick quip to Uncensored have to do with drive-by anything?

.. with abortion? with clinics?

... with babies, with fuel?

... with "Satan"?

Pick any one of those and see if you can come up with an honest answer for the first time in your life.

Oh yeah...

"Disavow" this, asswipe. :fu:
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We have yet to see you disavow any of these people chanting Hail Satan; however, furthermore, since you have yet to disagree with any of the posters in this thread who STAND with the Hail Satan chanters, it is assumed, and assumed safely, that you also endorse their statements, unless you declare otherwise.

Do you stand by those other posters? Or will you disassociate yourself from these sociopaths, on the grounds that the axiopisty that serves as the foundation of your argument is disjoint from the axioms that guide their reasoning, even though you both arrive at conclusions that are opposed to the Pro-Life movement.

"Disavow"?? "Disassociate"??

Well aren't we suddenly infused with a massive shot of self-importance. Who the fuck do you think YOU are?

I wasn't there; I'm not "associated" with anyone in this video and I don't need to "disavow" jack shit. And this just in: I'm not required to comment on every post. If you think you are, well that's your ball and chain. I pass over a LOT of shit as worthless of commentary involvement. What the fuck planet do you live on where the world works that way?

On the other hand I do understand sarcasm as in this mindless OP, which was explained, analyzed, overanalyzed, dissected and beaten do death OVER A FUCKING YEAR AGO when this thread died its deserved death, only to be pulled out of the dead by your failure to get enough attention from mommy.

I owe you NOTHING on other people's posts. If that's the soup you swim in, go fuck yourself. Now if you want to actually bring up any of these mindless "topics" of yours, well you go find me a post that I made ON that topic and we'll take it from there. But these juvenile child games, Junior, you can cram them straight back up the ass you spooned them out of.

Now we're going to run this again, one at a time:

What in the blue FUCK does a quick quip to Uncensored have to do with sterilizing anyone?

What in the blue FUCK does a quick quip to Uncensored have to do with the poor?

What in the blue FUCK does a quick quip to Uncensored have to do with drive-by anything?

.. with abortion? with clinics?

... with babies, with fuel?

... with "Satan"?

Pick any one of those and see if you can come up with an honest answer for the first time in your life.

Oh yeah...

"Disavow" this, asswipe. :fu:

In other words, you agree entirely with the Hail Satan crowd. When you enter a thread and post, you posts are in a mathematical Union with all the other posts in the thread, as each post influences every other post in logical succession, even if individual poster derives their response from a different set of axiomatic thought.

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Pogo said:
Hi, you have received -14507 reputation points from Pogo.
Reputation was given for this post.

Go drink yourself, o bucket of diarrhea.


Note: This is an automated message.
I must have hit the mark
And where do you see that?

The comment was at Pothead's noting that when he goes to Google to find a basis for his crackpot theses, it directs back to himself as the sui generis concoctor thereof. So I said "wonder why that is".

How in the blue FUCK does that have anything to do with sterilizing, with the poor, with drive-by anything, with abortion, with clinics, with babies, or with fuel?

Feel free to hazard a guess, since TheNutHouse doesn't have a clue what his own post means.

Oh yeah, or with "Satan"?

We have yet to see you disavow any of these people chanting Hail Satan; however, furthermore, since you have yet to disagree with any of the posters in this thread who STAND with the Hail Satan chanters, it is assumed, and assumed safely, that you also endorse their statements, unless you declare otherwise.

Do you stand by those other posters? Or will you disassociate yourself from these sociopaths, on the grounds that the axiopisty that serves as the foundation of your argument is disjoint from the axioms that guide their reasoning, even though you both arrive at conclusions that are opposed to the Pro-Life movement.

"Disavow"?? "Disassociate"??

Well aren't we suddenly infused with a massive shot of self-importance. Who the fuck do you think YOU are?

I wasn't there; I'm not "associated" with anyone in this video and I don't need to "disavow" jack shit. And this just in: I'm not required to comment on every post. If you think you are, well that's your ball and chain. I pass over a LOT of shit as worthless of commentary involvement. What the fuck planet do you live on where the world works that way?

On the other hand I do understand sarcasm as in this mindless OP, which was explained, analyzed, overanalyzed, dissected and beaten do death OVER A FUCKING YEAR AGO when this thread died its deserved death, only to be pulled out of the dead by your failure to get enough attention from mommy.

I owe you NOTHING on other people's posts. If that's the soup you swim in, go fuck yourself. Now if you want to actually bring up any of these mindless "topics" of yours, well you go find me a post that I made ON that topic and we'll take it from there. But these juvenile child games, Junior, you can cram them straight back up the ass you spooned them out of.

Now we're going to run this again, one at a time:

What in the blue FUCK does a quick quip to Uncensored have to do with sterilizing anyone?

What in the blue FUCK does a quick quip to Uncensored have to do with the poor?

What in the blue FUCK does a quick quip to Uncensored have to do with drive-by anything?

.. with abortion? with clinics?

... with babies, with fuel?

... with "Satan"?

Pick any one of those and see if you can come up with an honest answer for the first time in your life.

Oh yeah...

"Disavow" this, asswipe. :fu:


Very good use of pejoratives. Ending is a blast. 5 stars
We have yet to see you disavow any of these people chanting Hail Satan; however, furthermore, since you have yet to disagree with any of the posters in this thread who STAND with the Hail Satan chanters, it is assumed, and assumed safely, that you also endorse their statements, unless you declare otherwise.

Do you stand by those other posters? Or will you disassociate yourself from these sociopaths, on the grounds that the axiopisty that serves as the foundation of your argument is disjoint from the axioms that guide their reasoning, even though you both arrive at conclusions that are opposed to the Pro-Life movement.

"Disavow"?? "Disassociate"??

Well aren't we suddenly infused with a massive shot of self-importance. Who the fuck do you think YOU are?

I wasn't there; I'm not "associated" with anyone in this video and I don't need to "disavow" jack shit. And this just in: I'm not required to comment on every post. If you think you are, well that's your ball and chain. I pass over a LOT of shit as worthless of commentary involvement. What the fuck planet do you live on where the world works that way?

On the other hand I do understand sarcasm as in this mindless OP, which was explained, analyzed, overanalyzed, dissected and beaten do death OVER A FUCKING YEAR AGO when this thread died its deserved death, only to be pulled out of the dead by your failure to get enough attention from mommy.

I owe you NOTHING on other people's posts. If that's the soup you swim in, go fuck yourself. Now if you want to actually bring up any of these mindless "topics" of yours, well you go find me a post that I made ON that topic and we'll take it from there. But these juvenile child games, Junior, you can cram them straight back up the ass you spooned them out of.

Now we're going to run this again, one at a time:

What in the blue FUCK does a quick quip to Uncensored have to do with sterilizing anyone?

What in the blue FUCK does a quick quip to Uncensored have to do with the poor?

What in the blue FUCK does a quick quip to Uncensored have to do with drive-by anything?

.. with abortion? with clinics?

... with babies, with fuel?

... with "Satan"?

Pick any one of those and see if you can come up with an honest answer for the first time in your life.

Oh yeah...

"Disavow" this, asswipe. :fu:

In other words, you agree entirely with the Hail Satan crowd. When you enter a thread and post, you posts are in a mathematical Union with all the other posts in the thread, as each post influences every other post in logical succession, even if individual poster derives their response from a different set of axiomatic thought.

In other words you can't defend your own claim so you bury yourself in bullshit fallacies.


This thread should be locked. Not to terminate any discussion since there clearly isn't any, but just because pissant losers like you will keep regurgitating it after it lies dead another year. You're like the USMB anti-plumber, intentionally clogging the rhetorical toilet.
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This thread should be locked. Not to terminate any discussion

No it shouldn't because you want to terminate discussion. This thread displays the hatred, vileness and rancor of the "loving and tolerant" left. You're dangerous, you're the party of death and destruction, the party of Mao, the party of Stalin, the party of Pagan and Satan worshiping Nazis that sought to eliminate Judaism and Christianity. You're the party of Castro, and Pol Pot, you're the party of genocide.
This thread should be locked. Not to terminate any discussion

No it shouldn't because you want to terminate discussion. This thread displays the hatred, vileness and rancor of the "loving and tolerant" left. You're dangerous, you're the party of death and destruction, the party of Mao, the party of Stalin, the party of Pagan and Satan worshiping Nazis that sought to eliminate Judaism and Christianity. You're the party of Castro, and Pol Pot, you're the party of genocide.

I don't even have a "party", dood and there's no such thing as "Satan". Destruction? You're the one who comes in here whining that your bank won't let you bring in firearms, so go forth and fuck thyself. With vigor.

What you have here is a troll thread that nobody takes seriously about an imaginary demon from the land of juvenile mythology. Why can't you just face the fact that it's a stupid thread and let it die the slow simpering ignominious death it deserves?
And now the Progressives are expressing their KKK White Supremacist roots chanting for the destruction of Jews in Israel.

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