Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Someone wrote "Hail Satan" on the crash register at Home Depot in black marker. What a scary trend. I took my own marker and blotted it out.
Someone wrote "Hail Satan" on the crash register at Home Depot in black marker. What a scary trend. I took my own marker and blotted it out.

So you defaced Home Depot property.

We'll be sending that along to corporate, with CCs to local LE and the FBI. Better hunker down.

Poster bumps own thread, chants "hail dead thread" in response to world not giving shit about his wacko fearmongering

Film at 11
Someone wrote "Hail Satan" on the crash register at Home Depot in black marker. What a scary trend. I took my own marker and blotted it out.

So you defaced Home Depot property.

We'll be sending that along to corporate, with CCs to local LE and the FBI. Better hunker down.

Poster bumps own thread, chants "hail dead thread" in response to world not giving shit about his wacko fearmongering

Film at 11

So you don't think that the person who originally wrote "Hail Satan" and "unbreakable" on the cash register was defacing the property? Nice double standard. If anything, I did Home Depot a favor blotting that out from view to the general public.
Someone wrote "Hail Satan" on the crash register at Home Depot in black marker. What a scary trend. I took my own marker and blotted it out.

So you defaced Home Depot property.

We'll be sending that along to corporate, with CCs to local LE and the FBI. Better hunker down.

Poster bumps own thread, chants "hail dead thread" in response to world not giving shit about his wacko fearmongering

Film at 11

So you don't think that the person who originally wrote "Hail Satan" and "unbreakable" on the cash register was defacing the property? Nice double standard.

Where the fuck did I even refer to the the other person? Nice strawman.
All I have is your confession. The other guy wasn't stoopid enough to admit to it on the internets.

If anything, I did Home Depot a favor blotting that out from view to the general public.

Yuh huh. So you decide that on their behalf, do ya?
And what scurrilous scourge did your brave Sharpie Steed save the poor fragile public mind from?

Gonna bowdlerize books at the library tomorrow?
I also think poor people should be sterilized so they can't bear more poor people.


And what if they eventually become successful? How do you undo the damage you've done?

Why is that that poor people today can't bear more children, but they could in every past century and millenia of mankind who lived on Stone Age tools? It's probably because Government steals all of their resources since it needs to endlessly expand to sustain itself.

How do you even classify poor? Amish people live without electricity in most cases, are dirt poor, and their families of 10+ do just fine.

How dare you even think that you have the authority to declare HOW people should live, and then threaten to sterilize those people (or perhaps you'll even say kill them) for not living up to your artificially imposed standards.

Also, what if a man has lots of money, but generally lives poor (he saves most of his money). Should he be sterilized?

Progressive hatred and contempt exemplified in its rawest form.
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Satan is their god...I hope these leftist abort to their hearts content. We don't want them reproducing!
Can someone help me understand why we want leftist to reproduce? I want them to abort and remove their defective genes from the gene pool.
Personally I think abortions should be illegal except in cases of genetic defect, including the genetic defect of having the gay gene.

There is no singular gay gene. It's a combination of several defects, none of which all have to exist simultaneously. That's why there are all different types of gay people. It's analogous to the common cold in its complexity.

Also, you sound like a Ruth Bader Ginsburg/Margret Sanger eugenicist. Super Race Aryans of Nazi Germany would be proud of you.

I also think poor people should be sterilized so they can't bear more poor people.
That's ridiculous. Many poor people have become successful and wealthy while many wealthy people have lost everything and have become poor.
Now we have sexually degenerate pro-death USMB liberals calling to decriminalize bestiality like the Progressives just did in Denmark.

Leviticus 20:15 --- and that lies with beast shall be put to death, and the beast shall be slain.
Now we have sexually degenerate pro-death USMB liberals calling to decriminalize bestiality like the Progressives just did in Denmark.

Leviticus 20:15 --- and that lies with beast shall be put to death, and the beast shall be slain.

That's quite a claim. You got a link?
Now we have sexually degenerate pro-death USMB liberals calling to decriminalize bestiality like the Progressives just did in Denmark.

Leviticus 20:15 --- and that lies with beast shall be put to death, and the beast shall be slain.

That's quite a claim. You got a link?


Perfect example of right wingers taking everything and twisting it. Your claim of calling to decriminalize bestiality is a lie. I know you read posts #13 and #14 on that same thread, but you chose to lie instead. You have no shame. I hope you teach your kids differently.
Now we have sexually degenerate pro-death USMB liberals calling to decriminalize bestiality like the Progressives just did in Denmark.

Leviticus 20:15 --- and that lies with beast shall be put to death, and the beast shall be slain.

That's quite a claim. You got a link?


Perfect example of right wingers taking everything and twisting it. Your claim of calling to decriminalize bestiality is a lie. I know you read posts #13 and #14 on that same thread, but you chose to lie instead. You have no shame. I hope you teach your kids differently.

So you're claiming that having sex with animals is illegal in Denmark?

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