Pro-Abortionists Want To Murder Abortion Survivors - One Asks, 'What About What I Want?'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Abortion survivor Melissa Ohden asked Pro-Abortionists who want and celebrated the new law allowing Abortion Survivors to be murdered, 'What about what I - a living, breathing baby lying there after having survived a failed abortion - want?'

"Ohden survived a saline infusion abortion in 1977 when she was at approximately 7 months gestation, despite fears that her health would be damaged by the attempt to end her life. She has thrived since then.

In response to Virginia Democratic Del. Kathy Tran and Virginia Gov. Northam promoting late-term abortions and even flirting with infanticide, Ohden speaks to the value of her own life and the life of every child."

'Terminating the life' of a living, breathing human being outside of the womb is MURDER. Liberals who voted for this, who support this, criminally selfishly have no respect for human life and are only concerned with not being 'inconvenienced' by the human life for which they are responsible.

Abortion Survivor Asks Virginia Democrats: ‘What About My Choice?’

For far too long many conservatives and Republicans have turned a deaf ear to the pro-life movement. Now, maybe you can see that our efforts to get your attention were not in vain. Abortion is not just about abortion, it is about respecting ALL human life. If we do not stop the Death Culture, here, now, there will be no end to it. We will see mass killings in our mental hospitals, our hospices, our homes for the mentally and physically handicapped. Please keep in mind that all of this happened before, and keep in mind where it led.
I am Pro-Choice, I can say I've listened to arguments, in particular about when life begins. We all have our opinions on this.

I do believe, the offensive murderous comments by Northam are going to resonate with people, and they will look more closely at this issue. He said it so callously, that one has to think "some will do and say ANYTHING for money they receive from Interest Groups". The average person isn't getting big donations from Planned Parenthood or other stakeholders, , they are concerned with right and wrong, with defending the law and sanctity of life, not appeasing donors.

I think there will be a concerted effort by the LEFT to destroy this guy, because his comments threaten some who use the morbid for their profits. He messed up, and the mob doesn't like when you screw up.

Due to his comments and the Bill that failed, these disgusting activities might soon have a bright light shined on them, and it will not be good for their "business". This is why even CNN attacked him, the are taking their marching orders and they see a long run of attack ads against the Dems by the GOP, using this guys own words caught on video.
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They also want to murder birth survivors. Post-birth abortion is the newest rage.

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