Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

Most people outgrow the simplistic, dogmatic world view that dominates a toddler's world. Those who do not simply hurt the causes they claim to support. They drive people away from their point of view with their tantrums and vitrol.

And a lot of people call rationalization of evil and going along to get along "maturing".

Some people, however, prefer truth over "feeling like a nice guy".
"You have a religious conviction that life begins at conception, and while it may, that does not mean that it is cognizant life. Until it is, it is not killing a human being; it's just preventing it from becoming one. Since we have a separation of Church and State, your religious views on when life begins cannot be used as a register as to when life begins.

Now, if you want to argue against late term abortion, when even the scientific community would agree that we are talking about killing a cognizant life that might even be able to make it with a little help outside of the womb, now you have a real argument."

Personally, I have a legal conviction that a fetus is a human being who has a right to protection under our legal system. If you are pretending that there is a consensus of opinion among the scientific community as to when life begins - you are fooling yourself. SCOTUS established a legal definition of when life begins and that legal definition can (and imho should) be modified.
"Cognizant" has no bearing at all. koshergrl certainly doesn't fit that description, but it would STILL be wrong to kill him or her.

You have an idiot's conviction that the definition of "human being" has something to do with compexity of thought. This is not science, and it's not maturity. It's rationalization of evil, because you're too lazy and scared to take a stand for what's right and maybe have to deal with some people not liking you or calling you names. The science abandoned pro-abortionists on every other front, so they abandoned science and replaced it with meaningless, unprovable pseudo-science. "Fetuses aren't smart enough for my standards, so it doesn't matter if they're alive." Yeah, well, liberals and mushy moderates aren't smart enough for my standards, but somehow, I think you want me to respect your basic aliveness anyway.

If you are pretending there's NOT a "consensus" among the scientific community about the beginning of life, that's just more lying to yourself so you don't have to take scary, unpopular stands. I dare you to find me any medical doctor who will tell you, seriously and with a straight face, that a healthy, normally-developing embryo/fetus is not alive.
They may add some of your bullshit temporizing afterward, but there's no biological question whatsoever about life itself.


adj \(ˈ)prō-ə-ˈbȯr-shən\

Definition of PROABORTION

: favoring the legalization of abortion

—pro·abor·tion·ist \-sh(ə-)nəst\ noun

Proabortion - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Webster
Well I would say that.....

A: Webster got it should mean what it says....approves of the act of aborting a pregnancy.

B. It says pro-abortion....not is allowing people to chose for themselves whether to abort a pregnancy.

I your ridiculously narrow point of view....they are synonymous....but here in the real world....people don't easily fit into your one way or the other simplistic world view.

Gotta love it! "The dictionary doesn't define it the way I want, so the dictionary is wrong, and I'm right!"

Yeah, no arrogance and hubris about liberals. :lol:
Not quite......

If the Supreme Court rules it unconstitutional, it's gone.

What are the chances of that happening?

If enough people vote against it - it's gone.

you can't vote away a constitutional right.

so long as roe v wade stands, they can't touch it.

if desegregation were voted on in certain places, that would lose, too.

that's why the court is there....

Tell us, oh legal expert, how you stop a Constitutional Amendment from having force of law?

Brilliant input, though. "So long as Roe v. Wade stands, you can't get rid of Roe v. Wade." Way to say nothing at all . . . as usual.

But yes, that IS why the liberals think the court exists: to make the laws when the people are too stupid to agree with the elitists.
If enough people vote against it - it's gone.

you can't vote away a constitutional right.

so long as roe v wade stands, they can't touch it.

if desegregation were voted on in certain places, that would lose, too.

that's why the court is there....

Tell us, oh legal expert, how you stop a Constitutional Amendment from having force of law?

Brilliant input, though. "So long as Roe v. Wade stands, you can't get rid of Roe v. Wade." Way to say nothing at all . . . as usual.

But yes, that IS why the liberals think the court exists: to make the laws when the people are too stupid to agree with the elitists.

I wonder why then, if what jilly billy says is true,, why oh why the left obbsess over it so much. If it cannot be touched why accuse Republicans of "touching it?
Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

Conservative ignorance of, and contempt for, the Republic, the rule of law, and the Constitution is troubling, not surprising, but troubling.

It was a bad law, and Americans reject it.

Conservative ignorance of the law is no excuse, not surprising, but not an excuse. It wasn’t a ‘law,’ it was a Supreme Court ruling invalidating laws that violated citizens’ right to privacy.

It merely means those who wish to end the practice of abortion need find another solution, such as education programs and the development of more effective contraceptive therapies.

If those opposed to abortion had spent the same time, money, and effort attempting to violate Americans’ privacy rights on education and research instead, abortion would have been eradicated years ago.
After 40 years, Abortion is here to stay

Much like gun control, abolition of abortion is not going to happen

The best alternative is to support programs that reduce the need for abortion. Sex education, planned parenthood, birth control, low cost prenatal care and births, low cost child care

All of which are opposed by those who oppose abortion


Keep abortion safe, legal and RARE.

If there's nothing wrong with abortion, why would you want it to be rare?

And if there's something wrong with it such that you want it to be rare, why would you want to keep doing it?
Then you are pro-abortion.

Viva la baby killing!

You don't want to get your OWN hands dirty, of course..nor would you want any of YOUR precious babies killed...

But somebody else's? HELL YEAH!
Of course that's how your Satan infused mind would see it. God himself gave us free want to usurp God's plan...that is the work of Satan.

Just because God gave us free will doesn't mean all choices are good and approved by God. Free will means I can freely choose to gut you like a landed fish, but I'm pretty sure God would not be pleased with that choice.

I can't decide if you're evil, piss-stupid, or both.

Keep abortion safe, legal and RARE.

How's that working out?

It actually works really well when we educate people.


Education DOES work well. People have become so educated about the evil swill you're peddling that they're abandoning it in droves.
Of course that's how your Satan infused mind would see it. God himself gave us free want to usurp God's plan...that is the work of Satan.
Yeah, cuz God's plan is for us to kill babies.

Of course not....but God did give us free will and the grace of his son for when we fuck up...your outrage is nothing more than judgmentalism....something else Christ commanded us not to do. Start worrying about your own sins before you damn others.

"God will forgive our sins, so we might as well commit as many as we like!" = liberal logic.
No, not really. I think it's a direct result of telling women they need to succumb to the urge to have sex willy nilly combined with the sustained attack on the institution of marriage and the constantly sending the message that children are worthless.
really? Is that what happened to you? You blame liberals for your out of wedlock experiences? IIRC, you have one or two of those...don't you?

Nice sense of personal responsibility you got there.

Nice ad hominem there.

Like I said, the left spews hatred and disgust of women...coupled with disdain, and you wonder why the fabric of society is falling apart?

No, they don't wonder. They don't care enough to wonder.
really? Is that what happened to you? You blame liberals for your out of wedlock experiences? IIRC, you have one or two of those...don't you?

Nice sense of personal responsibility you got there.

Nice ad hominem there.

Like I said, the left spews hatred and disgust of women...coupled with disdain, and you wonder why the fabric of society is falling apart?

No, they don't wonder. They don't care enough to wonder.

They aren't smart enough to see what the problem is. Even when it's spelled out for them. If it's not a slogan, they don't get it.

Also amazed at the mind set that leads her to think that Christians should close their eyes to the suffering of children because to be disgusted by it is "judgemental". What a joke.
After 40 years, Abortion is here to stay

Much like gun control, abolition of abortion is not going to happen

The best alternative is to support programs that reduce the need for abortion. Sex education, planned parenthood, birth control, low cost prenatal care and births, low cost child care

All of which are opposed by those who oppose abortion


Keep abortion safe, legal and RARE.

How's that working out?

How is abstinence working out?
How are attempts to ban abortion working out?
Abstinence would work fine if idiots like you didn't go into the schools to tell kids they can't resist their urges, marriage is overrated, and homosexuality is a GOOD thing...
After 40 years, Abortion is here to stay

Much like gun control, abolition of abortion is not going to happen

The best alternative is to support programs that reduce the need for abortion. Sex education, planned parenthood, birth control, low cost prenatal care and births, low cost child care

All of which are opposed by those who oppose abortion


Keep abortion safe, legal and RARE.

If there's nothing wrong with abortion, why would you want it to be rare?

And if there's something wrong with it such that you want it to be rare, why would you want to keep doing it?

I try to look at it from the position of a young woman. Give her a reason NOT to get an abortion. Give her birth control and don't call her a slut for using it. Educate her on how to use it. If she gets pregnant, give her a support structure for having the baby and keeping it

If you are unwilling to do that.....don't bitch if she chooses abortion
Abstinence would work fine if idiots like you didn't go into the schools to tell kids they can't resist their urges, marriage is overrated, and homosexuality is a GOOD thing...

EVERY abortion is because abstinence education has failed
You give her a reason not to get an abortion by removing abortion from the mix.

You tell her that her body and her chastity are valuable and that she should treasure them, not throw them away. You tell her she is strong and in control, and when she's prepared to accept the consequences of sex, and no sooner, she can engage in a sexual relationship.

You tell her that her children will be valuable, not trash to be thrown away, which is why it is important for her to protect them by not having them until she is in a situation where they can be nurtured and protected.

But this is beyond the pay grade of a progressive.
Abstinence would work fine if idiots like you didn't go into the schools to tell kids they can't resist their urges, marriage is overrated, and homosexuality is a GOOD thing...

EVERY abortion is because abstinence education has failed

No, every abortion is because pro-abortion propaganda has succeeded.

You should have a party!

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