Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

It was a bad law, and Americans reject it.




"Pro-Choice" Americans at Record-Low 41%

How can you really expect to learn anything from a Poll that so over simplifies the Question? I support Limited Access to Abortions, I know there will always been cases where it is the Best Option, But I do not support it's use as Belated Birth Control on Mass to the Tune of 2 Million a year last I heard. At the Very Least I would like to see some kind of Limit to the Number of Times you can get Pregnant and abort the Baby. For Gods sake my sister In law knows some girl who just had her 3rd Abortion at 24. Simply Disgusting if you ask me.

So how am I suppose to answer? Yes I support the Right to an Abortion in some Cases, But want to see it Limited in some ways. so you can't really call me Pro Choice, or Anti Abortion now can you.

You're pro-choice.

You don't have to support abortion under any circumstances to be pro-choice any more than you have to support the right to own a gun under any circumstance in order to be pro-2nd amendment.

Problem is the Left wing Extremist will count me as Pro Choice and throw that number Around to Demonstrate support For Abortions in Situations I would not support it in.
No, it doesn't. It goes to prove that sex ed doesn't work, and in fact, makes things worse.

Your call for abstinence has been a colossal failure
Jesus failed, the bible failed, trying to shame young people has failed

Young people want to have sex. That is what god intended. It is part of being human. Denying that is not a solution to the problem

Thank you, Mr. Kinsey.

Sexualizing children is at the root of the whole abortion movement.

Kinsey had nothing to do with it

God sexualized children. It was part of his plan for survival of the species. Denying that all people want to have sex is not an answer. It never has been

You want to ban abortions? You will fail

You want to reduce abortions? Then you better damn be there to provide prevention and support women who find themselves pregnant
No, it doesn't. It goes to prove that sex ed doesn't work, and in fact, makes things worse.

Your call for abstinence has been a colossal failure
Jesus failed, the bible failed, trying to shame young people has failed

Young people want to have sex. That is what god intended. It is part of being human. Denying that is not a solution to the problem

Thank you, Mr. Kinsey.

Sexualizing children is at the root of the whole abortion movement.

Negged for being COMPLETELY unhinged, and out of your cute little white jacket with the long, long sleeves.
Your call for abstinence has been a colossal failure
Jesus failed, the bible failed, trying to shame young people has failed

Young people want to have sex. That is what god intended. It is part of being human. Denying that is not a solution to the problem

Thank you, Mr. Kinsey.

Sexualizing children is at the root of the whole abortion movement.

Kinsey had nothing to do with it

God sexualized children. It was part of his plan for survival of the species. Denying that all people want to have sex is not an answer. It never has been

You want to ban abortions? You will fail

You want to reduce abortions? Then you better damn be there to provide prevention and support women who find themselves pregnant

Children having sex is necessary for the survival of the species?

You do know that's exactly what Kinsey wanted people to believe, right? And you do know why, right?

Of course you do.
Thank you, Mr. Kinsey.

Sexualizing children is at the root of the whole abortion movement.

Kinsey had nothing to do with it

God sexualized children. It was part of his plan for survival of the species. Denying that all people want to have sex is not an answer. It never has been

You want to ban abortions? You will fail

You want to reduce abortions? Then you better damn be there to provide prevention and support women who find themselves pregnant

Children having sex is necessary for the survival of the species?

You do know that's exactly what Kinsey wanted people to believe, right? And you do know why, right?

Of course you do.

You have a problem with Mr. Kinsey. We get that. Take it up with him.
Don't feel too bad about shay Koshergirl calls you...she and people like her are the American Taliban. They know what's best for you....according to their interpretation of God's put on your Burka.....or you will be stoned....and not in a good way.

That's why I suggested she'd be happier if she moved to Saudia Arabia.
Sad to see the number drop. While many people do abuse the system in place, it is there for a reason. Abortion shouldn't be the go to answer for an unwanted pregnancy, but it should be legal, if for nothing else safety.
Most people outgrow the simplistic, dogmatic world view that dominates a toddler's world. Those who do not simply hurt the causes they claim to support. They drive people away from their point of view with their tantrums and vitrol.

And a lot of people call rationalization of evil and going along to get along "maturing".

Some people, however, prefer truth over "feeling like a nice guy".

That's crap. Being able to see the other point of view and acknowledge the validity in both sides of the argument does not mean you aren't able to also stick to your convictions.

nodoginnafight's discussion of the subject has been mature and non-accusatory.

It's you and KG who need to learn a thing or two about "maturing".

Go ahead and join the movement to amend the Constitution to prohibit abortion. See how far that gets you. They tried to prohibit booze once. That didn't work out so well.
If BDBoop is all of that....I suppose you are a faux-zealot who wants to dictate your decision for everyone. Which I think goes against how a free society is supposed to work. However...I would actually be OK with abortion being gave a fuck about them after they were born. But when all I see is claims of leeches, tide on the ass of society...and the general "let them eat cake" philosophy of the right.....I think your claims of moral superiority falls on deaf ears....except for the rest of your "Marie Antoinette" brethren.

Directed to "not so" Koshergirl ....of course.

Brilliant. Pro-abortionists got what they wanted through judicial fiat, and you have the gall to accuse US of "dictating our decision for everyone"? How much of the majority of the voting population did it take you guys to get abortion on demand legalized? 7 people, wasn't it? They just happened to be wearing black robes, so fuck bothering to find out what the general population wanted. But let the pro-life side dare to change the law by changing people's minds and votes, and it's a goddamned dictatorship.

You have exactly the right avatar for the hypocritical vomit you're spewing, I'll give you that much.
And you have the perfect avatar for the hypocrite that you are. Talking morality for others while indulging in your dominatrix fantasies. But then that's the real agenda of conservatives....domination at the crack of a whip.
What a lovely set of loons pro-abortionists are. Happily spouting Kinsey nonsense about the undeniable sexuality of children, while blatantly lying about the necessity of assembly-line baby-killing to keep people "safe" and "healthy"...despite the fact that it is demonstrably and hideously apparent that abortion has brought nothing but an increase in death and disease for the very people they claim must have it.
What a lovely set of loons pro-abortionists are. Happily spouting Kinsey nonsense about the undeniable sexuality of children, while blatantly lying about the necessity of assembly-line baby-killing to keep people "safe" and "healthy"...despite the fact that it is demonstrably and hideously apparent that abortion has brought nothing but an increase in death and disease for the very people they claim must have it.

Hideously apparent??? When do you think life begins? When a clump of cells form that have not yet distinguished between brain matter and skin?

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