Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

What a lovely set of loons pro-abortionists are. Happily spouting Kinsey nonsense about the undeniable sexuality of children, while blatantly lying about the necessity of assembly-line baby-killing to keep people "safe" and "healthy"...despite the fact that it is demonstrably and hideously apparent that abortion has brought nothing but an increase in death and disease for the very people they claim must have it.

When you spout such hyperbole on a daily basis....I'm curious why you seem think that people should listen to you?

Because she's always correct. Dammit, Bod; have you been paying NO attention?
The primary justifications for assembly line baby killing are the health of women and children, to reduce child abuse/neglect inflicted upon "unwanted" children, to reduce the number of teen pregnancies, and to decrease illegitimate births (recognized as a major contributing factor in poverty & criminality).

Unfortunately, in the 50 years since RvW, none of those things have come to pass. In fact, just the opposite.

I also appreciate the pretense that an increase in education and access to contraception and abortion on demand will result in reduced teen pregnancy, disease, and abortion. Sex ed has been taught in the schools since 1968 (thank you Kinsey!) and contraceptives have been increasingly available to women and girls since the they are available in schools, at welfare offices, and of course at all health departments and family planning clinics, for free. So why has the teen birth rate, abortion rate, and unplanned pregnancy rate all continued to climb (with occasional, small blips every now and then)?

I attribute the increase to the changing culture. I mean there is a TV show called Teen Mom's out there, completely legitimizing teen pregnancy.

I would continue but my brain function is decreasing, it's about 1 am here, and I have classes to study for. But from what I am getting form this "discussion" is that we think the factors people seem to have for legalization of abortion are different.

But yeah, I think you can sttributed a lot of the problems with media and culture, not just abortion. I doubt a significant decrease in these things would occur if abortion were made illegal.

The culture has changed because we are teaching children that they are expected to have sex, because we have de-criminalized rape and other sex offenses, and we have encouraged promiscuity and no-fault divorce...all based on Kinsey's fake research. Try again.

Really, and what planet does this occur on?
Rape is still a crimminal offense here in the USA, don't think so try doing it to someone.
I attribute the increase to the changing culture. I mean there is a TV show called Teen Mom's out there, completely legitimizing teen pregnancy.

I would continue but my brain function is decreasing, it's about 1 am here, and I have classes to study for. But from what I am getting form this "discussion" is that we think the factors people seem to have for legalization of abortion are different.

But yeah, I think you can sttributed a lot of the problems with media and culture, not just abortion. I doubt a significant decrease in these things would occur if abortion were made illegal.

The culture has changed because we are teaching children that they are expected to have sex, because we have de-criminalized rape and other sex offenses, and we have encouraged promiscuity and no-fault divorce...all based on Kinsey's fake research. Try again.

Really, and what planet does this occur on?
Rape is still a crimminal offense here in the USA, don't think so try doing it to someone.

It used to be a capital offense, genius. Kinsey pushed (and succeeded in instigating) for change in the criminal code because he was A-OK with sex crimes. And committed quite a few himself.
The culture has changed because we are teaching children that they are expected to have sex, because we have de-criminalized rape and other sex offenses, and we have encouraged promiscuity and no-fault divorce...all based on Kinsey's fake research. Try again.

Really, and what planet does this occur on?
Rape is still a crimminal offense here in the USA, don't think so try doing it to someone.

It used to be a capital offense, genius. Kinsey pushed (and succeeded in instigating) for change in the criminal code because he was A-OK with sex crimes. And committed quite a few himself.

When was the last time someone was executed for rape?
No, it doesn't. It goes to prove that sex ed doesn't work, and in fact, makes things worse.

Your call for abstinence has been a colossal failure
Jesus failed, the bible failed, trying to shame young people has failed

Young people want to have sex. That is what god intended. It is part of being human. Denying that is not a solution to the problem

Thank you, Mr. Kinsey.

Sexualizing children is at the root of the whole abortion movement.

The Pilgrims and Puritans of 18th century New England were pro-choice on abortion. They weren't exactly in the child sexualization business.
The culture has changed because we are teaching children that they are expected to have sex, because we have de-criminalized rape and other sex offenses, and we have encouraged promiscuity and no-fault divorce...all based on Kinsey's fake research. Try again.

Really, and what planet does this occur on?
Rape is still a crimminal offense here in the USA, don't think so try doing it to someone.

It used to be a capital offense, genius. Kinsey pushed (and succeeded in instigating) for change in the criminal code because he was A-OK with sex crimes. And committed quite a few himself.

Getting an abortion in France was a capital offense until the 1940's. That's the proper treatment of child murder, isn't it?
What's the appropriate criminal sentence for a baby killer?

Oh, I'd be out by now.

By the way, Planned Parenthood rocks.

True I go for the free milk and cookies, plus the vulnerable women.;)

Seriously though this thing kosher likes to do with her not answering direct questions and circular logic is quite annoying. I never understood why anyone would want to debate like that and not engage anyone ever.

Beats the shit out of me. I wish I knew who her pdoc was, so I could ask him to adjust her meds. The Kinsey shit grows well past old.
People have a right to kill their own children?

Please restate, in English this time please.

It's not about the murdering of children to the progressives, Kosher. For them it's the continued entitlement mentality. They truly don't believe that they should have to be inconvenienced EVER, even if it means killing their own innocent babies in the process. The truly messed up part about it is that the moment a child enters the world they will defend it's "right" for cradle to grave care. 5 seconds before they're more than willing to snuff out it's life.

So, you have that mentality or you have the conservative alternative. Protect life, liberty, and the pursuit (not the guarantee) of happiness.

Who in their right mind would choose the first option over the second? Self-absorbed losers, that's who.
True I go for the free milk and cookies, plus the vulnerable women.;)

Seriously though this thing kosher likes to do with her not answering direct questions and circular logic is quite annoying. I never understood why anyone would want to debate like that and not engage anyone ever.

Beats the shit out of me. I wish I knew who her pdoc was, so I could ask him to adjust her meds. The Kinsey shit grows well past old.

I think she just has a crush on him,borderline stalking if you ask me.I wouldn't let her near a playground.

I hear that.

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