Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

Not too worry, Unkotare, I will correct you as you continue to screw up.

Do you mean you will continue to lie and misrepresent, douchebag? You should spend less time lying and more time trying to learn English, idiot.
You mean you will try to pass your own fabrications off on others, you dishonest douchebag? Your little ego is still smarting, I see.
"False comparisons" you fabricated, douchebag? It's a shame you lack the character to even try to be honest.
You called FDR a "dictator". You compared the internment camps to concentration camps.

You did it, but you won't accept responsibility. Very childish on your part.
You compared the internment camps to concentration camps.

I pointed out - correctly - that they were both examples of concentration camps. Nothing more. You didn't know what the term "concentration camp" really meant, and when you realized what a fool you had made of yourself your little ego got all bruised so you were reduced to dishonestly fabricating a position for me to which you could then respond.

You couldn't even continue your string of lies on the thread in question since you had been so thoroughly exposed there as the ignorant liar that you are. So here you are on a completely unrelated thread trying to slip in a few more lies as if that will somehow heal your wounded ego. Neither that nor the endless PMs you keep sending will change the fact that you are a liar who has humiliated himself.

You need to spend more time studying English and less time making shit up. You might also want to see your shrink about your abnormally fragile ego. Oh, and stop drinking so early in the day.
You compared them as somehow equitable in the negative sense. That is immoral and inaccurate.
You can't repeat your lies on the thread in question, so you will spam every other thread with your dishonest fabricaitons, douchebag?
I have repeated them to you but you keep saying you did not do what you did.
I've got about 100 PMs from the psycho this morning alone that suggest he has trouble letting go. There is at least one other unrelated thread he is spamming in similar fashion.
I've got about 100 PMs from the psycho this morning alone that suggest he has trouble letting go. There is at least one other unrelated thread he is spamming in similar fashion.

He appears to have come undone.

I know you would probably rather not, but if he is abusing the PM system, you may be better off reporting him.
Technically, Jake doesn't really spam, at least not in this instance.

He trolls.

It's what he does, it defines him.

If you object to his PMs all you have to do is tell him to stop, and if he doesn't, report him.

But if you tell him to stop, don't pm him two minutes later, lol.

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