Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

Try to confine yourself to the topic at hand. Which isn't "when does life begin" but "how dishonest do you have to be to pretend that abortion solves any of the problems abortionists say it solves?"
Try to confine yourself to the topic at hand. Which isn't "when does life begin" but "how dishonest do you have to be to pretend that abortion solves any of the problems abortionists say it solves?"

It doesn't solve problems. But legalizing it does.
It's been legal for 5 decades.

STDs, abortion rates, teen pregnancy, illegitimate births and crime have all increased.

What has been *solved* so far?
It's been legal for 5 decades.

STDs, abortion rates, teen pregnancy, illegitimate births and crime have all increased.

What has been *solved* so far?
It's been legal for 5 decades.

STDs, abortion rates, teen pregnancy, illegitimate births and crime have all increased.

What has been *solved* so far?

so many issues with that statement.

1. STIs have never had anything to do with why abortions are legal. Yes some people get them so as not to pass on an incurable STI onto a child, but all the same, no one has ever claimed that abortions would put an end to STIs. Only safe sex and abstinence can do that.
2. Abortion rates increase has everything to do with legalization. Never claimed it didn't. But it was never presented as a problem at the time. That doesn't mean I say it's a good thing. Just that there should be more regulation of circumstances when women do get abortions.
3. Teen pregnancy is not a problem of abortion legalization is is a problem of poor education. I don't care if you believe in teaching someone about safe sex and/or abstinence, if a teen is getting pregnant I would question the parenting that teen has received.
4. Illegitimate births... What? Are you under the assumption that a man and woman have to be married in order for a child to be legitimate?
5. Crime. I seriously see why those two things have anything to do with each other.

What it does solve is the fact that women used to go to "shady" places to get abortions and many died as a result of doing so.

Also it's been legal for 4 decades not 5. Roe V Wade was passed on 1973
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The primary justifications for assembly line baby killing are the health of women and children, to reduce child abuse/neglect inflicted upon "unwanted" children, to reduce the number of teen pregnancies, and to decrease illegitimate births (recognized as a major contributing factor in poverty & criminality).

Unfortunately, in the 50 years since RvW, none of those things have come to pass. In fact, just the opposite.

I also appreciate the pretense that an increase in education and access to contraception and abortion on demand will result in reduced teen pregnancy, disease, and abortion. Sex ed has been taught in the schools since 1968 (thank you Kinsey!) and contraceptives have been increasingly available to women and girls since the they are available in schools, at welfare offices, and of course at all health departments and family planning clinics, for free. So why has the teen birth rate, abortion rate, and unplanned pregnancy rate all continued to climb (with occasional, small blips every now and then)?
The primary justifications for assembly line baby killing are the health of women and children, to reduce child abuse/neglect inflicted upon "unwanted" children, to reduce the number of teen pregnancies, and to decrease illegitimate births (recognized as a major contributing factor in poverty & criminality).

Unfortunately, in the 50 years since RvW, none of those things have come to pass. In fact, just the opposite.

I also appreciate the pretense that an increase in education and access to contraception and abortion on demand will result in reduced teen pregnancy, disease, and abortion. Sex ed has been taught in the schools since 1968 (thank you Kinsey!) and contraceptives have been increasingly available to women and girls since the they are available in schools, at welfare offices, and of course at all health departments and family planning clinics, for free. So why has the teen birth rate, abortion rate, and unplanned pregnancy rate all continued to climb (with occasional, small blips every now and then)?

I attribute the increase to the changing culture. I mean there is a TV show called Teen Mom's out there, completely legitimizing teen pregnancy.

I would continue but my brain function is decreasing, it's about 1 am here, and I have classes to study for. But from what I am getting form this "discussion" is that we think the factors people seem to have for legalization of abortion are different.

But yeah, I think you can sttributed a lot of the problems with media and culture, not just abortion. I doubt a significant decrease in these things would occur if abortion were made illegal.
If enough people vote against it - it's gone.

you can't vote away a constitutional right.

so long as roe v wade stands, they can't touch it.

if desegregation were voted on in certain places, that would lose, too.

that's why the court is there....

the people can amend the constitution by a 2/3 majority vote.
the court is there to aplly constitutional standards. If there is a constitutional amendment banning abortions then legal abortions are over.

We are nowhere near that threshold and so there is no threat to abortion rights at present. But if enough Americans vote against it ... they can outlaw the practice.

it isn't that simple... the constitution isn't generally used to RESTRICT rights and hasn't been used that way other than prohibition. and women make up more than half of the population. do you think men should be able to divest us of our rights?

in any event: the actual process:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

National Constitution Center: Interactive Constitution
Thank you, Mr. Kinsey.

Sexualizing children is at the root of the whole abortion movement.

Kinsey had nothing to do with it

God sexualized children. It was part of his plan for survival of the species. Denying that all people want to have sex is not an answer. It never has been

You want to ban abortions? You will fail

You want to reduce abortions? Then you better damn be there to provide prevention and support women who find themselves pregnant

Children having sex is necessary for the survival of the species?

You do know that's exactly what Kinsey wanted people to believe, right? And you do know why, right?

Of course you do.

Don't blame Kinsey, It was god who decided to start puberty in pre-teens. Kinsey was just the messenger.

God gave humans sexuality........Kinsey just reported on it
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What a lovely set of loons pro-abortionists are. Happily spouting Kinsey nonsense about the undeniable sexuality of children, while blatantly lying about the necessity of assembly-line baby-killing to keep people "safe" and "healthy"...despite the fact that it is demonstrably and hideously apparent that abortion has brought nothing but an increase in death and disease for the very people they claim must have it.

When you spout such hyperbole on a daily basis....I'm curious why you seem think that people should listen to you?
Kinsey had nothing to do with it

God sexualized children. It was part of his plan for survival of the species. Denying that all people want to have sex is not an answer. It never has been

You want to ban abortions? You will fail

You want to reduce abortions? Then you better damn be there to provide prevention and support women who find themselves pregnant

Children having sex is necessary for the survival of the species?

You do know that's exactly what Kinsey wanted people to believe, right? And you do know why, right?

Of course you do.

Don't blame Kinsey, It was god who decided to start puberty in pre-teens. Kinsey was just the messenger.

God gave humans sexuality........Kinsey just reported on it

No, Kinsey didn't. He staged fake research, sexually abused children and mis-reported the findings as "sexuality".
The primary justifications for assembly line baby killing are the health of women and children, to reduce child abuse/neglect inflicted upon "unwanted" children, to reduce the number of teen pregnancies, and to decrease illegitimate births (recognized as a major contributing factor in poverty & criminality).

Unfortunately, in the 50 years since RvW, none of those things have come to pass. In fact, just the opposite.

I also appreciate the pretense that an increase in education and access to contraception and abortion on demand will result in reduced teen pregnancy, disease, and abortion. Sex ed has been taught in the schools since 1968 (thank you Kinsey!) and contraceptives have been increasingly available to women and girls since the they are available in schools, at welfare offices, and of course at all health departments and family planning clinics, for free. So why has the teen birth rate, abortion rate, and unplanned pregnancy rate all continued to climb (with occasional, small blips every now and then)?

I attribute the increase to the changing culture. I mean there is a TV show called Teen Mom's out there, completely legitimizing teen pregnancy.

I would continue but my brain function is decreasing, it's about 1 am here, and I have classes to study for. But from what I am getting form this "discussion" is that we think the factors people seem to have for legalization of abortion are different.

But yeah, I think you can sttributed a lot of the problems with media and culture, not just abortion. I doubt a significant decrease in these things would occur if abortion were made illegal.

The culture has changed because we are teaching children that they are expected to have sex, because we have de-criminalized rape and other sex offenses, and we have encouraged promiscuity and no-fault divorce...all based on Kinsey's fake research. Try again.
What a lovely set of loons pro-abortionists are. Happily spouting Kinsey nonsense about the undeniable sexuality of children, while blatantly lying about the necessity of assembly-line baby-killing to keep people "safe" and "healthy"...despite the fact that it is demonstrably and hideously apparent that abortion has brought nothing but an increase in death and disease for the very people they claim must have it.

When you spout such hyperbole on a daily basis....I'm curious why you seem think that people should listen to you?

Fuck off, troll. When was the last time you contributed anything, except trolling, to a thread?

Oh, that's right. Never.
Children having sex is necessary for the survival of the species?

You do know that's exactly what Kinsey wanted people to believe, right? And you do know why, right?

Of course you do.

Don't blame Kinsey, It was god who decided to start puberty in pre-teens. Kinsey was just the messenger.

God gave humans sexuality........Kinsey just reported on it

No, Kinsey didn't. He staged fake research, sexually abused children and mis-reported the findings as "sexuality".

Kinsey conducted groundbreaking research. He opened up discussion of human sexuality and formerly taboo subjects

Can you imagine that people could actually discuss sex?
Don't feel too bad about shay Koshergirl calls you...she and people like her are the American Taliban. They know what's best for you....according to their interpretation of God's put on your Burka.....or you will be stoned....and not in a good way.

That's why I suggested she'd be happier if she moved to Saudia Arabia.

Oh, she absolutely would. And by the way.

Your call for abstinence has been a colossal failure
Jesus failed, the bible failed, trying to shame young people has failed

Young people want to have sex. That is what god intended. It is part of being human. Denying that is not a solution to the problem

Thank you, Mr. Kinsey.

Sexualizing children is at the root of the whole abortion movement.

you are a retard...A full blown retard...

Actually, retards are generally happy and loving.
Don't blame Kinsey, It was god who decided to start puberty in pre-teens. Kinsey was just the messenger.

God gave humans sexuality........Kinsey just reported on it

No, Kinsey didn't. He staged fake research, sexually abused children and mis-reported the findings as "sexuality".

Kinsey conducted groundbreaking research. He opened up discussion of human sexuality and formerly taboo subjects

Can you imagine that people could actually discuss sex?

Kinsey hired a panel of 9 *experts* to rape infants strapped to boards, and reported the *findings* as evidence that children are sexual.

He also polled convicts, pimps, prostitutes, and child molesters and presented the findings as evidence of *normal* sexuality. Then he worked with Nazi propagandists to insert that garbage into our schools, while busily working at changing the law to de-criminalize sex crimes (including rape and sex abuse of children). That's your hero.

No surprise.
He required his *assistants* to participate in porn vids shot in his attic, also, btw...and ended up in the hospital for a prolonged period of time near the end of his life for SELF MUTILATION of his own GENITALIA.

The guy was a pervert and a hack.

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