Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

The primary justifications for assembly line baby killing are the health of women and children, to reduce child abuse/neglect inflicted upon "unwanted" children, to reduce the number of teen pregnancies, and to decrease illegitimate births (recognized as a major contributing factor in poverty & criminality).

Unfortunately, in the 50 years since RvW, none of those things have come to pass. In fact, just the opposite.

I also appreciate the pretense that an increase in education and access to contraception and abortion on demand will result in reduced teen pregnancy, disease, and abortion. Sex ed has been taught in the schools since 1968 (thank you Kinsey!) and contraceptives have been increasingly available to women and girls since the they are available in schools, at welfare offices, and of course at all health departments and family planning clinics, for free. So why has the teen birth rate, abortion rate, and unplanned pregnancy rate all continued to climb (with occasional, small blips every now and then)?

I attribute the increase to the changing culture. I mean there is a TV show called Teen Mom's out there, completely legitimizing teen pregnancy.

I would continue but my brain function is decreasing, it's about 1 am here, and I have classes to study for. But from what I am getting form this "discussion" is that we think the factors people seem to have for legalization of abortion are different.

But yeah, I think you can sttributed a lot of the problems with media and culture, not just abortion. I doubt a significant decrease in these things would occur if abortion were made illegal.

The culture has changed because we are teaching children that they are expected to have sex, because we have de-criminalized rape and other sex offenses, and we have encouraged promiscuity and no-fault divorce...all based on Kinsey's fake research. Try again.

How have we decriminalized rape? Do I think that the US laws regarding rapists and pedophiles are too relaxed? Yeah. I'll give you that culture has encouraged promiscuity, but that's no reason not to be responsible. If you want to have sex do it safely. If your idiotic school and/or parents didn't teach you that, then raise issue with them. And encouragement of no fault divorce? Encouraged by the exact same people who discourage abortion.... So...
"(human biology) Baby in the early developmental stage, after the zygote phase (at fertilization) to week eight from the time of fertilization (note: week eight from the time of fertilization is equivalent to 10 weeks gestational age)"

Embryo - definition from

Yup, like I said. Just a bunch of cells.

As all humans are.

We have brains.

Correction: I have a brain. You? I can see your point.
I attribute the increase to the changing culture. I mean there is a TV show called Teen Mom's out there, completely legitimizing teen pregnancy.

I would continue but my brain function is decreasing, it's about 1 am here, and I have classes to study for. But from what I am getting form this "discussion" is that we think the factors people seem to have for legalization of abortion are different.

But yeah, I think you can sttributed a lot of the problems with media and culture, not just abortion. I doubt a significant decrease in these things would occur if abortion were made illegal.

The culture has changed because we are teaching children that they are expected to have sex, because we have de-criminalized rape and other sex offenses, and we have encouraged promiscuity and no-fault divorce...all based on Kinsey's fake research. Try again.

How have we decriminalized rape? Do I think that the US laws regarding rapists and pedophiles are too relaxed? Yeah. I'll give you that culture has encouraged promiscuity, but that's no reason not to be responsible. If you want to have sex do it safely. If your idiotic school and/or parents didn't teach you that, then raise issue with them. And encouragement of no fault divorce? Encouraged by the exact same people who discourage abortion.... So...

The penal code was drastically changed, and Kinsey was the primary source cited when it was done. Kinsey is the reason rapists and child molesters get ridiculously light sentences, when they used to face the death penalty in many states, and life in prison in the rest.
I attribute the increase to the changing culture. I mean there is a TV show called Teen Mom's out there, completely legitimizing teen pregnancy.

I would continue but my brain function is decreasing, it's about 1 am here, and I have classes to study for. But from what I am getting form this "discussion" is that we think the factors people seem to have for legalization of abortion are different.

But yeah, I think you can sttributed a lot of the problems with media and culture, not just abortion. I doubt a significant decrease in these things would occur if abortion were made illegal.

The culture has changed because we are teaching children that they are expected to have sex, because we have de-criminalized rape and other sex offenses, and we have encouraged promiscuity and no-fault divorce...all based on Kinsey's fake research. Try again.

And encouragement of no fault divorce? Encouraged by the exact same people who discourage abortion.... So...

If I may ask, what connection are you trying to make between no fault divorce and discouraging abortion?
The culture has changed because we are teaching children that they are expected to have sex, because we have de-criminalized rape and other sex offenses, and we have encouraged promiscuity and no-fault divorce...all based on Kinsey's fake research. Try again.

How have we decriminalized rape? Do I think that the US laws regarding rapists and pedophiles are too relaxed? Yeah. I'll give you that culture has encouraged promiscuity, but that's no reason not to be responsible. If you want to have sex do it safely. If your idiotic school and/or parents didn't teach you that, then raise issue with them. And encouragement of no fault divorce? Encouraged by the exact same people who discourage abortion.... So...

The penal code was drastically changed, and Kinsey was the primary source cited when it was done. Kinsey is the reason rapists and child molesters get ridiculously light sentences, when they used to face the death penalty in many states, and life in prison in the rest.

That's the only fault you find in my argument? That I agree with you that the punishment does not currently fit the crime when it comes to rape and molestation? :clap2:
Yup, like I said. Just a bunch of cells.

As all humans are.

We have brains.

Correction: I have a brain. You? I can see your point.

A brain isn't relative, dear. And it isn't required to be a human.

Your baby was developing a brain, and had all the material needed that determined what he would look like, sound like, how tall he'd be, how smart he'd be, when you scraped him.

He was just a person at a different stage of development than you. That doesn't make him any less a human, any more than an old person who is losing his faculties is less human than you, or a child suffering from Down's syndrome is less human than you.

But progressives don't see that way. Their humanity trumps all others.
The culture has changed because we are teaching children that they are expected to have sex, because we have de-criminalized rape and other sex offenses, and we have encouraged promiscuity and no-fault divorce...all based on Kinsey's fake research. Try again.

And encouragement of no fault divorce? Encouraged by the exact same people who discourage abortion.... So...

If I may ask, what connection are you trying to make between no fault divorce and discouraging abortion?

Koser stated that a no fault divorce was one of the reason abortion rates have gone up. That's where I made the connection. That there a a fair number of people out there who discourage abortion while they get married and divorced left and right. I honestly don't see much of a connection between the two. It's tenuous at best. But that was my counter...
Identifying as "pro-life" or "pro choice" doesn't matter, this does.


The question is still too vague. For instance, a pro-life person may believe abortion should be illegal in all cases except incest and rape. That would put them in the "legal only under certain circumstances".

But you could also have a pro-choice person who believes abortion should be legal until the third term. That would also put them in the "legal only under certain circumstances".

Clearly, these two people who fall in that category have significantly different views about abortion. The pro-choice person would not settle for just cases of rape and incest, even though that is invariably the smokescreen that his thrown up every time a public figure says they are pro-life. "What about in cases of rape and incest?"

The pro-choice group will use rape and incest victims as human shields for the million abortions a year which are not caused by rape and incest. Rape and incest make up less than 2 percent of abortions.

A question which results in people who are plainly at odds with each other ending up on the same graph line is worthless. So even that chart you have is of no real use.

I have seen better polls where the split is 50/50 when people are asked if they are "pro-life" or "pro-choice". And yet when they are asked specifics, like whether or not they are okay with second trimester abortions, then 67 percent say they are not okay with second trimester abortions.

This tells me that a significant chunk of people who identify as "pro-choice" are not okay with second trimester abortions, even though second trimester abortions are currently legal under Roe v Wade, but can be regulated by state laws.
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As all humans are.

We have brains.

Correction: I have a brain. You? I can see your point.

A brain isn't relative, dear. And it isn't required to be a human.

Your baby was developing a brain, and had all the material needed that determined what he would look like, sound like, how tall he'd be, how smart he'd be, when you scraped him.

He was just a person at a different stage of development than you. That doesn't make him any less a human, any more than an old person who is losing his faculties is less human than you, or a child suffering from Down's syndrome is less human than you.

But progressives don't see that way. Their humanity trumps all others.

No brain, no person. Sorry.
And encouragement of no fault divorce? Encouraged by the exact same people who discourage abortion.... So...

If I may ask, what connection are you trying to make between no fault divorce and discouraging abortion?

Koser stated that a no fault divorce was one of the reason abortion rates have gone up. That's where I made the connection. That there a a fair number of people out there who discourage abortion while they get married and divorced left and right. I honestly don't see much of a connection between the two. It's tenuous at best. But that was my counter...

Thanks. I don't see the connection either. I don't condone divorce but I'd rather be a kid who has a chance to experience life in the first place, even if my parents are not together.
The culture has changed because we are teaching children that they are expected to have sex, because we have de-criminalized rape and other sex offenses, and we have encouraged promiscuity and no-fault divorce...all based on Kinsey's fake research. Try again.

And encouragement of no fault divorce? Encouraged by the exact same people who discourage abortion.... So...

If I may ask, what connection are you trying to make between no fault divorce and discouraging abortion?

No fault divorce was pushed upon us, after Kinsey's *studies* went public, as a wonderful cure-all for family dysfunction. It was touted as the answer to unhappy marriages, to unhappy children, and as the answer to the dilemma caused by Kinsey's assertion that we are all sexual from birth, that we are not monogamous, that all sex is good sex. In order to accomodate free for all sex, we were sold no-fault divorce.

And it was a huge mistake, which is no surprise, given the fact that the studies used to justify it were nothing but a bunch of weirdoes documenting their own perversions and sex abuse of infants.

Kinsey's studies started the sexual revolution, are the studies cited for the necessity of relaxing penalities for sex crimes, no fault divorce, and are the framework upon which our public education sex ed programs have been draped since the late 1960s. That's the connection.
If I may ask, what connection are you trying to make between no fault divorce and discouraging abortion?

Koser stated that a no fault divorce was one of the reason abortion rates have gone up. That's where I made the connection. That there a a fair number of people out there who discourage abortion while they get married and divorced left and right. I honestly don't see much of a connection between the two. It's tenuous at best. But that was my counter...

Thanks. I don't see the connection either. I don't condone divorce but I'd rather be a kid who has a chance to experience life in the first place, even if my parents are not together.

Uh, no I didn't state that no fault divorce was a reason abortion rates have gone up.

This is why you people are so easily led. You make shit up, and you believe it. Kinsey and his Nazi friends counted on that..and they were right to.
We have brains.

Correction: I have a brain. You? I can see your point.

A brain isn't relative, dear. And it isn't required to be a human.

Your baby was developing a brain, and had all the material needed that determined what he would look like, sound like, how tall he'd be, how smart he'd be, when you scraped him.

He was just a person at a different stage of development than you. That doesn't make him any less a human, any more than an old person who is losing his faculties is less human than you, or a child suffering from Down's syndrome is less human than you.

But progressives don't see that way. Their humanity trumps all others.

No brain, no person. Sorry.

Good job. Categorically deny your child was alive so you can live with yourself for killing it. It might sound good on a message board but that little, innocent voice you hear at night before you go to sleep will be with you forever. Just don't think about those pangs of guilt.
A brain isn't relative, dear. And it isn't required to be a human.

Your baby was developing a brain, and had all the material needed that determined what he would look like, sound like, how tall he'd be, how smart he'd be, when you scraped him.

He was just a person at a different stage of development than you. That doesn't make him any less a human, any more than an old person who is losing his faculties is less human than you, or a child suffering from Down's syndrome is less human than you.

But progressives don't see that way. Their humanity trumps all others.

No brain, no person. Sorry.

Good job. Categorically deny your child was alive so you can live with yourself for killing it. It might sound good on a message board but that little, innocent voice you hear at night before you go to sleep will be with you forever. Just don't think about those pangs of guilt.

There's nothing to live with.

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