Pro choice people unite

What is wrong with you? Were you dropped on your head one too many times as a baby? Why are you such a drama queen?

Starting a thread demanding women who have had an abortion post about it so you can spit on them is one of the most pathetic calls for attention I've ever seen.

You wouldn't be able to write such a post if you'd been aborted.

Misty, you wouldn't be able to write any of your posts if your parents hadn't had sex when they did.

Exactly, I'm special, I'm unique, I'm one of a kind, and so
Is every life.
i am so sorry to hear that mhunterb....i hope you were able to have kids after that.....

losing a child is never easy

You literally make me sick with your fake hypocrisy. I tried but you're an idiot.

misty you are one judge fucking mental little fuck arent you?

fake hypocrisy? really misty ...and on what do you make that judgement?
It seems to me that pro choicers want abortions, but they can't live with the shame.

"Pro Choice" is a term of blanketed disguise. It's meant to separate reality in order to assuage the psyche. Sort of like compensating shame, or guilt.

Nowhere else in nature does the female of a species selectively elect to cause the knowledgable cessation of its offspring.

But then, neither birds nor bees have a government to validate their conveniecnes.

Educate yourself:

But that’s not all. Eila Roberts from the University of Michigan has found that the new male’s arrival triggers a wave of spontaneous abortions. Within weeks, the vast majority of the local females terminate their pregnancies. It’s the first time that this strategy has been observed in the wild.

The trend of aborting babies in the face of strange males is known as the Bruce effect. That’s not a slight against men of that name; the effect is named after the scientist who discovered it – Hilda Margaret Bruce. In 1959, she noticed that pregnant mice will abort if they’re exposed to unfamiliar males. Since then, scientists have found the same effect among other laboratory rodents, and domestic horses.

But the Bruce effect has always remained a quirk of captivity. No one really knew if wild animals do the same thing. There have been anecdotes involving various monkeys (including geladas), but no solid records or experimental evidence. Two studies with wild rodents failed to find any evidence for the Bruce effect.

But Roberts has changed that. She has spent five years studying geladas in Ethopia’s Simien Mountains National Park, including 110 females from 21 groups. She found that groups where a male had taken over had a very different schedule of births than groups whose lead males stayed in change. In the six months before a takeover, all the groups were very similar. In the six months after, the groups with a new male gave birth to significantly fewer babies – just 2, compared to 36 in other groups.

The Bruce effect

Not to mention that birds sometimes destroy their eggs and fruit trees often shed fruit if they are over-burdened.

Grafting morals onto biology is pretty silly.
Don't placate me. Fuck you.

I am not placating you. I am actually glad your child is doing well. If that somehow insults you, so be it.

What insults me is your advocacy of the legislated convenience of choice to infanticide.

And tell me if you will, I could have well posted that we chose to terminate pregnancy based upon the doctor's advice of Down's syndrome. Would you have summarily granted congratulations?

Let me clarify- my wife and I were convinced, based upon the doctor's advice- that she would give birth to a child with Down's Syndrome. Did we cut and run out of convenience? "Cut and run" out of convenience. This is precisely what "Choice" is all about. The womb is cut, the parents run.

So there we were- face to face. In the coffee shop. Me, the conservative Republican... my wife the Liberal feminist.

You know what she said to me? She said "we take life as it's dealt".

And that's how we lived the ensuing months.

Christ almighty your kind are so fucking pathetic. Choose me. Above my progeny.
I pitty you.
And yet you still went to the coffee shop to decide.

My goodness, the sanctimony is outstanding.
When so called pro life people put their money where their mouth is and support life, I'll take them serious, till then the abortion debate remains the moral hypocrites crutch as nothing is expected or acted on by the person except an empty stance of pretend concern.

"In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions a year were performed in the U.S., and over a thousand women died each year as a result. Women who were victims of botched or unsanitary abortions came in desperation to hospital emergency wards, where some died of widespread abdominal infections. Many women who recovered from such infections found themselves sterile or chronically and painfully ill. The enormous emotional stress often lasted a long time." HISTORY OF ABORTION

"Another error is the moment-of-conception fallacy. The joining of a human egg and sperm defines a new and unique human genotype. It does not produce any human hopes and fears and memories or anything else of moral importance implied by the term human. The newly fertilized egg may have the potential for a fully human existence, but that potential was there even before fertilization. The same can be said of all the fertilizations that might have been. The penetration of that egg by one sperm meant an early death for millions of competing sperm. It destroyed all hope for those millions of other unique human genotypes.

The moment-of-conception fallacy implies that fertilization is a simple process with never a doubt as to whether it has or has not happened. In reality, the "moment" is a matter of some hours of complex activity. There are elaborate biochemical interactions between the sperm and various layers of the egg membrane. The sperm gradually breaks up, and only its nucleus is established in the egg. Then both egg and sperm nuclei initiate radical changes before the fusion of the two nuclei. Many of the developmental events following this fusion were predetermined during the production of the egg. Genes provided by the sperm do not have discernible effects until embryonic development is well under way. A strictly biological definition of humanity would have to specify some point in this elaborate program at which the egg and sperm have suddenly been endowed with a single human life." From The Pony Fish's Glow and Other Clues to Plan and Purpose in Nature, by George C. William.
Why would anyone be proud of getting an abortion?

I only know one woman that got an abortion. She talked about it like it was some tedious chore, like having to stop and buy groceries.

I felt ill, and repulsed.
I am not placating you. I am actually glad your child is doing well. If that somehow insults you, so be it.

What insults me is your advocacy of the legislated convenience of choice to infanticide.

And tell me if you will, I could have well posted that we chose to terminate pregnancy based upon the doctor's advice of Down's syndrome. Would you have summarily granted congratulations?

Let me clarify- my wife and I were convinced, based upon the doctor's advice- that she would give birth to a child with Down's Syndrome. Did we cut and run out of convenience? "Cut and run" out of convenience. This is precisely what "Choice" is all about. The womb is cut, the parents run.

So there we were- face to face. In the coffee shop. Me, the conservative Republican... my wife the Liberal feminist.

You know what she said to me? She said "we take life as it's dealt".

And that's how we lived the ensuing months.

Christ almighty your kind are so fucking pathetic. Choose me. Above my progeny.
I pitty you.
And yet you still went to the coffee shop to decide.

My goodness, the sanctimony is outstanding.

Two adults sat down to have an important conversation, a life or death, conversation.
What insults me is your advocacy of the legislated convenience of choice to infanticide.

And tell me if you will, I could have well posted that we chose to terminate pregnancy based upon the doctor's advice of Down's syndrome. Would you have summarily granted congratulations?

Let me clarify- my wife and I were convinced, based upon the doctor's advice- that she would give birth to a child with Down's Syndrome. Did we cut and run out of convenience? "Cut and run" out of convenience. This is precisely what "Choice" is all about. The womb is cut, the parents run.

So there we were- face to face. In the coffee shop. Me, the conservative Republican... my wife the Liberal feminist.

You know what she said to me? She said "we take life as it's dealt".

And that's how we lived the ensuing months.

Christ almighty your kind are so fucking pathetic. Choose me. Above my progeny.
I pitty you.
And yet you still went to the coffee shop to decide.

My goodness, the sanctimony is outstanding.

Two adults sat down to have an important conversation, a life or death, conversation.

And the board ***** have to ridicule it.
I didn't see you ridiculing it. In fact, I didn't see anyone ridiculing his decision, only his sanctimony.
Misty, I'm glad you're not ashamed to have had an abortion. It's a very personal choice, and I don't think anyone who makes it should be ashamed of their decision.

Fuck you. I would never kill a baby. You whore
If she's the whore, what's the purpose of your avatar?

To show your supposed Christianity on your coat sleeve.....????
Misty, I'm glad you're not ashamed to have had an abortion. It's a very personal choice, and I don't think anyone who makes it should be ashamed of their decision.

Fuck you. I would never kill a baby. You whore
If she's the whore, what's the purpose of your avatar?

To show your supposed Christianity on your coat sleeve.....????

She's advertising someone else's goods, does that make her the madam?

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